Unit1 My name’s Gina (period 2) 学案设计(人教版英语七年级)



Subject English Grade Lesson Type Listening and Speaking

Teacher Date School

Content Unit1 My name’s Gina.

(P1,2 SectionA 1a----2c )

Studying aims 1.Remember the new words.

2.Listen and finish 1b,2a,2b.

3.Make new conversations by using the sentence patterns in1a, 1c,2c .

Teaching points Key point:Make new conversations by using the target language.

Difficult point:Listening.

Preparation 1.Remember the new words .

2.Finish 1a.

Teaching aids Recorder Multi-media

Teaching procedures Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Check


(1).Ask students to spell the new words

(2).Ask students to check the answers in 1a and read them. (1).Spell the new words . (2`)

(2).Check the answers in 1a in groups and read them. (3`)

2. Show the studying aims

Show the studying aims.

Look through the studying aims. (1`)

3. Lead-in

---“My name is ---. What’s your name?” Answer the teacher’s questions. (3`)

4. Self-study

Guide the students to finish Self-study guidance 1---5. Then check their answers. Self-study guidance 1: (1a)

Look at 1a ,then read the conversations in 1a in pairs. (5`)

Self-study guidance 2: (1b,1c)

Listen and number the conversations. Then practice the conversations in pairs. -----What’s your name?(5`)

Self-study guidance 3: (2a,2b)

1). Listen and number the pictures you hear in 2a. (4`)

2). Listen again .Circle the names in 2b.(4`)

Self-study guidance 4: ( 2c)

Make new conversations in groups .

------What’s his name?/What’s her name?(5`)

5. Do the


Ask students to do a survey. Do a survey (采访你的同学的家人的名字). (5`)

6.Sum up

Guide students to do a summary. Do a summary.


8.Next preparations 预习课本P4,5 预习课本P4,5

Blackboard design

一.The new words:

二. The sentences patterns:

---What’s your name?

---My name is---

---What’s his name?/What’s her name?

--- His/Her name is---
