Unit1 My name’s Gina (period1) 学案设计(人教版英语七年级)



Subject English Grade Seven Lesson Type

Teacher Date School

Content Unit1 My name’s Gina.


Studying aims 1. Learn the new words of this Unit.

2. Do some exercises.

3. Make some sentences.

Teaching points Key point:Learn the new words of this Unit.

Difficult point:Do some exercises and make some sentences.


Learn to read and spell the words in this unit.

Teaching aids

Teaching procedures Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Check

preparation Ask students to read and spell the words in this unit . Read and spell the words in this unit(单词大比拼,短语大比拼). (15`)

2. Show the studying aims Show the studying aims.

Look through the studying aims. (2`)

3. Lead-in ---“你学会了哪些新的单词?” Answer the teacher’s questions. (3`)

4. Do exercises Ask students to do exercises. Then check their answers. Do exercises. (10`)

5. Do the

similarexercises Ask students to make some sentences. Then correct their sentences. Make some sentences.(5`)

Correct and share the sentences on the blackboard , then correct in groups. (5`)

6.Sum up

Guide students to do a summary. Do a summary.

7.Homework Ask students to review the words Review the words

8.Next preparations 预习P1,2 预习P1,2

Blackboard design

一. 单词大比拼: 短语大比拼:

我------我的 名字

你------你的 姓氏

他------他的 见到你很高兴

她------她的 电话号码

数数(0---9) 身份证




1. name is Tom. (I)

2. Nice you. (meet)

3. His name is Ming. (one)

4. is a good boy.(her)

5. What her last name? (be)


三.Translate the Chinese into English:

1. 你的名字是什么?

2. 她的名字叫Linda.

3. 他是Tom.

4. 我的身份证号码是532326.

5. 他的电话号码是什么?
