Book 7 Unit 1 Living Well (Period 1-4) 备课资料(新课标版英语高二)


Words and expressions:

1. disability n. (U) 无能,无力 (C)伤残,缺陷 (反) ability n.能力

disabled adj. 伤残的 the disabled : disabled people (反)able adj.能干的,有能力的

2. eyesight n. (U) have good/ bad/poor/ short/ long eyesight 视力好/差/,近视,远视

3. ambition n. (C/U) have great ambitions 胸怀大志/有远大志向

achieve / realize/ fulfill one’s ambitions实现抱负/达到目标/得偿夙愿

ambition to do sth / to be sth …的雄心;野心;抱负

ambitious adj.雄心勃勃的,有志气的 ambitious for one’s children望子成龙

4. beneficial adj. benefit n. 益处,好处 v.受益,得益

benefit from---

get benefit from--- 从---中得益

A benefit B

A be beneficial to B A使B受益;A对B有益

B benefit by / from A B从A中得益;B得益于A

e.g. Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 阳光有益于植物的生长。

Fresh air is beneficial to one’s health. 新鲜的空气有利于人的健康。

5.. in other words : that is to say换句话说,也就是说

Cf: in words用言语(来表达) in a/one word 一句话,简言之 in word 口头上

6. adapt vt./vi. (1) (使)适应 (2)改编,改写 adaptation n. 适应,适应性;改编本

adapt (oneself )to--- : (使)适应新的环境

adapt sth. for sth.: 使---适合用于新的用途,为(电视/舞台等)改编,改写

Soon he adapted (himself) to the new job. 很快他适应了新的工作。

It is hard to adapt this story for TV plays. 很难把这个故事改编成电视剧本。

7.cut out 切去,省略,停止(做某事)

She cut out the photograph from the paper. 她把报纸上的照片剪下来。

You’d better cut out that sentence. 你最好把那个句子删掉。

The doctor advised him to cut out smoking. 医生建议他戒烟。

8.. breath. n. (U) breathe v.

out of/ short of breath 上气不接下气,气喘吁吁 lose one’s breath喘不过气

hold/ catch one’s breath 屏息 take a breath吸口气

9. absence n. (1)--- (+from) 缺席,不在场 absence from class

(2)---(+of) 缺少,缺乏 absence of rain

in the absence of sb./ in one’s absence 在某人不在场的时候

absent adj. --- (+from) (反) present adj. --- (+at)

10. fellow n. (1) 同志/伴,伙伴(常用复数或构成合成词)(2) 家伙,老兄,男人

adj. 同类/伴的fellow students 同学 fellow countrymen 老乡,同胞

11. annoy vt. annoyance n. annoying adj.: 令人烦恼/讨厌的

annoyed adj.: (rather angry )颇为生气的,用法同angry

be annoyed with sb. (for / at / about ---) 因某事生某人的气

be annoyed that---

be annoyed at / by sth 被某事困扰

eg. I was annoyed with him for / at/ about / his not coming. / that he didn’t come. 他没来令我很生气。

I was annoyed by his bad manners. 他的无礼使我恼怒。

12. all in all 总而言之,从各方面来说:

Cf: in all总共 at all根本,丝毫 not at all一点也不 after all到底,终究,毕竟

above all 首要的是,最重要的是

13. sit around/ about / round : 闲坐,无所事事

eg. The old people are over there sitting around and gossiping. 老人们正坐在那里闲聊。 many ways 在许多方面

in a way

in one way 在某种程度上

in some way

15. make fun of :取笑(善意地) laugh at : 取笑,嘲笑(恶意地)

16. encouragement n. 鼓励,奖励 encourage vt. 鼓舞,鼓励 encouraged adj. 受鼓舞的 encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的 courage n. 勇气,胆量

encourage doing--- / sb. to do sth. 鼓励做某事/某人做某事

Language points in Warming up

1). “make / consider/ feel/ think/ find + it + adj./ n. + (for sb. ) + to do sth.”为“及物动词+形宾+ 宾补+真宾”结构

2). overcome the difficulties克服困难

3). They each + 谓(复), each为同位语

Cf.: Each of them+谓(单), each 为主语-

We each like reading novels. 我们每个人都喜欢看小说。

Each of us likes reading novels.

4). She is proud to have taken part in ----

“to have done”为不定式的完成式,表动作发生在谓语前,此作原因状语

e.g. I was sorry to have bothered / troubled you. 麻烦了你,我感到很抱歉。

She seems to have been a teacher. 她似乎当过老师。

She seems to be interested in nothing. 她似乎对什么都不感兴趣。

5). the movies : the cinema电影院 movie n. (US) :film (Bri)

6). play a part/role in--- 在---中扮演角色/起作用

7). to become an actor 作表语

8). take a lesson/ lessons 上课/修课程

give (sb.) a lesson (给某人)上课 teach sb. a lesson 给某人一个教训

Language points in Reading :

Family village

L2. --- the chance to tell--- : the chance of telling-

chance to do sth.= chance of doing sth. 做某事的机会

Marty’s story


1. L4 bump into:撞上,不期而遇

e.g. I saw a taxi bump into an old man on my way home. 我在回家路上看到一辆的士撞到一位老人。

He bumped into his good friend at the airport. 他在机场意外遇到他的好友。

2. L7 at a time: 一次,每次 Cf. : at one time 曾经,一度 at times 有时

at any time 在任何时候 in no time 立刻,很快 in time 及 on time准时

Para 2:

3. L1 used to climb---

Cf.: used to do-- :过去常常--- (现在没有),注意其否定式及疑问式的构成。可以把used当作助动词来用,也可以使用助动词did。

e.g. Used he to swim in the river? = Did he use to swim in the river?

be used to do sth. 被使用做某事

be/ get/ become used to sth./ doing sth. 习惯于…/ 逐渐习惯于…

4. L2 dream about/ of sth./ doing sth.:梦到,向往,渴望

5. L3 get +比较级+ and +比较级/ get more and more +原级 : 变得越来越---

6. L5 at (the )least : 至少,最少 at (the) most至多,最多

7. L5 in which they cut out--- :为定从,修饰one

cut out : 切出, 开辟出

Cf.: cut down 砍倒/下 cut up剪碎/切碎 cut off 切断(联系)

Para3 :

8. L1 – that I don’t---- people : 为表语从句。

Para 4 :

9. L1 a lot easier--- : a lot 为副词短语,修饰easier,可修饰比较级的常见的还有 a great /good deal, much , far, even, still, rather, no, any等。

10. L4-5 I am happy to have found ---- : 划线部分为不定式的完成式,作原因状语

11. L6 to work for --- : 作表语

12. L10 As well as going to--- : In addition to / Besides going to---

as well as : 不仅---而且, 除了---之外, 和---一样好

as well 也,还,常放句末,前面不用逗号。

e.g. His children as well as his wife were taken to the hospital. 他的妻子和孩子们都被送往医院。

He likes singing and dancing as well. 他也喜欢唱歌和跳舞。

Para 5 :

13. independent adj. : --- (+of sb./ sth. ) 脱离---而独立,不依赖---

(反)dependent adj. independence n. depend v.

e.g. She is independent of her family. 她不依赖于她的家人。

14. L2 live /lead a normal life : live normally 过正常的生活

15. L2 If I had the chance to ---, it would be this. 为虚拟条件句,表与现在事实相反。

16. L5 as rich and full a life ---- 为 “as + adj. +a / an + n.”结构,类似用法还有so, how, too等。

e.g. It’s too heavy a stone for me to lift. 这块石头太重我抬不起来。

Using language

Words and expressions :

1. conduct n. 行为,品行 v. 指挥, 管理,主持 conductor n. 指挥,收票员,列车员

2. politics n. 政治(学) political adj.政治的,政党的 politician n.政治家 policy n.政策.

3. resign vi./vt. resign from--- 辞去

resign oneself to sth. / doing sth. 听从,顺从

be resigned to one’s fate 听天由命

e.g. She resigned from office. 她辞去职务

The team refused to resign themselves to losing the game. 那支队不甘心输掉比赛

4. literature n. (U)

5. assistance [u]n. (较正式用法)

with the assistance of sb.在某人的帮助下

come to one’s assistance帮助某人

give /offer assistance提供援助

assistant n.助手, 助理, 店员

assist v.(正式)帮助, 协助 assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人---

assist (sb.) in doing sth. 在(做)---方面帮助某人

6. congratulate vt. congratulate sb. on sth. / doing sth. 因---祝贺某人

congratulate oneself on /upon sth. / doing sth. 为(自己)庆幸/高兴

congratulations n. 常单独使用或与on连用

congratulations on sth. / doing sth. 恭喜/祝贺---

e.g. I congratulated you on winning the game./ Congratulations on (your) winning the game.


I congratulated myself on having such a good chance. 我庆幸自己能有一个这么好的机会。

7. graduation n. graduate vi. ---- (+from) :从---毕业 n.毕业生 a high school graduate

Book 7 Unit 1 (Period5-6)

Step2. Presentation

Teach the new words and expressions:

1. adequate adj. 足够的,充分的,合乎需要的

be adequate for sth. 足可以------ be adequate to do sth. 足可以做------

2. accessible adj. accessible to sth

access n. 接近或进入某地方的方法;使用某物或接近某人的机会、权利 access to sb / sth

e.g. The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 要到那农舍去唯有穿过田地。

Every student has free access to the library. 每个学生都能自由进入图书馆。

3. meet with 遇到,经历,会晤

meet with sb. 和某人会晤(商讨问题), 相当于 have a meeting with sb.

meet with sth. 遭遇某事,受到某种对待, 相当于experience sth.

Step4. Language points


1. be to do 表示职责,义务,意图,约定,可能或应该要发生的事情。

e.g. All these things are to be answered for. 所有这些事都将有人负责。

She and I are to meet at the airport tomorrow. 明天我和她将在机场见。


2. …for people who have trouble hearing. who引导一个定语从句, 修饰先行词people.

3. This would allow hearing-impaired customers to enjoy …rather than…

allow sb. to do sth允许某人做某事

rather than“而不是……”连接两个对等成分,其前后结构一样。

e.g I like milk rather than tea. 我喜欢牛奶而不是茶。

I would rather to go there in summer rather than in winter. 我宁愿夏天去那里而不是冬天。

I decided to write rather than to telephone. 我决定不打电话而是写信。


4. …so that everyone can see the screen easily. so that 引导一个结果状语从句;

5. … so that people in wheelchairs can sit beside their friends. so that 引导一个结果状语从句.


6. the entrances to …“……的入口/大门”, 用介词to。

7. … a long way from where the movie is showing. where引导一个宾语从句.


8. elderly adj. 过了中年的,稍老的


9. Disabled people should have …as able-bodied people to …

able-bodied 是由“形容词+名词+ ed”构成的复合形容词。

类似的例子有:round-faced 圆脸的,kind-hearted 好心的, short-sighted近视的, cold-blooded 冷血的

10. …as they will make higher profit. as引导一个原因状语从句.