形容词,副词的用法 导学案(新课标版英语九年级)



主备教师 李柳贞 集体备课成员 王勇 学生姓名

备课时间 3月23日 集体研究时间 主管行政

教学内容 形容词、副词的用法 课时安排 共 课时

教学目标 形容词和副词的区别 熟练掌握形容词、副词比较等级的构成和good, well, many, much 等不规则变化。 熟练运用所学句型表示两者和三者或三者以上人或事物的比较  初步掌握用much, a little等副词修饰比较等级的用法 

教学重点 熟练运用所学句型表示两者和三者或三者以上人或事物的比较

教学难点 熟练运用所学句型表示两者和三者或三者以上人或事物的比较

学法指导 讲练结合


1. -Which is ____ season in Beijing?(2003年)-I think it's autumn.

A.good B.better C.best D.the best

2. - Which is__________ , the sun, the moon or the earth?(2004年)

-- Of course, the moon is.

 A.small B.smaller C.smallest D.the smallest

3. The air in Beijing is getting much _____ now than a few years ago.(2005年)

A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest 

4. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are _____ than before.(2005年)

A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest

课堂研讨 一、 形容词和副词有什么区别?

(一) 形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。

1.与系动词be,grow get, becme,feel,seem,look,keep, smell,taste,sound,turn等连用,作表语.如:

____________ ((这些花闻起来很香).

2.作宾语补足语 如:

______________ (这个消息让每个人高兴极了).

3.作定语 一般放在所修饰的名词之前。但表示长,宽,高,及年龄的形容词,应放在相应的名词之后。如:


形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,everything等词时须放在其后。如:I have ____________(一些重要的事情)to tell you.




We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us.


He speaks English well.

3)enough 修饰形容词或副词时要放在其后

The sweater is __________for me to buy.(够便冝)




1.clever cold thick

2. nice brave. wide

3 early easy heavy

4. hot thin fat

5. slowly quietly careful

6. good /well much / many little

bad/ badly/ ill far old









  1>当比较的对象A与 B情况对比相同时,要使用以下结构:

  主语+谓语(系动词)+as+形容词/ 副词原形+as+从句。

  I study English__________my brother. 我同我兄弟一样学习努力。

  2>原级结构中可插入表达倍数的词,表示为"为….若干倍",当与有表示倍数比较的词在一起时候等,他们的位置是,倍数词+as…as…,或倍数词+more… than…即:

  This river is __________ that one. 这条河的长度是那条河的两倍。

  2. 常见比较级五种句型

1> Who / Which + be +比较级 , A or B ?

  Who is___________, Tom or John?(高)

  Which is____________, a bicycle or a computer?(贵)

2> ~ + be + the 比较级 + of the two. (两个之中比较…的那一个,~包含在两个之中)

  Tom is______________(_两个中较高者). = Tom is_________-the other boy.

3> much / a lot / even / far + 比较级

A compute is ____________than a bicycle. 计算机比自行车贵多了。

4> "The+形容词比较级..., the+形容词比较级...", 表示 " 越... 越..."。

 ________you study, _____you know. 你学的越多, 就知道的越多。

5> " 形容词比较级 + and + 形容词比较级 ", 表示 " 越来越... "。

  The computer is ___________________ 计算机越来越便宜。


  1> Who / Which + be +最高级, A, B, or C ?

  Who is____________, Tom, Jack, or David? Tom, Jack与David三个人中谁最高?

  Which is ________________, a bicycle, a motorcycle, or a car? 自行车,摩托车和汽车,哪一个最贵?

  2> ~ + be + one of the +最高级 +复数名词, 表示"最……的……之一"。

  The Yellow River is_______________ in China. 黄河是中国最长的河流之一。

  3> "…+ be +the + 序数词 +最高级 +单数名词 + 范围", 表示"……是…….的第几……"。

  She is _________________ student in our class. 她是我们班第二高的学生。

  4> ~ + be + the 最高级 ~ that 某人 have/ has ever + 过去分词.

That is___________________places I’ve ever heard of. (最迷人的地方)


一、 单项选择

1. It’s said that the bad weather will last as ______ as fifteen days.

A.long B.ongly C.far

2.The kite is flying ______ in the sky. It looks like a small plane.

A.tall B.high C.highly

3.The shoe factory has been _________ for ten years .it can produce thousands of pairs of shoes every dy.

A.open B.opened C..started

4The man didn’t speak _______,so nobody could understand what he said.

A.enough loudly B.enough clear C.clearly enough D.oud enough

5.Which country has the third __________ population in the world?

A.much B.arge C.most D.largest

6. .This match made them _________ at last.

A. happily B.luickly C.slowly D.friendly

7. The more your learn ,the ___________you can get a job.

A.easy B.easier C .easily Dmore easily

8 .Lots of tourists come Shanghai because she is __________ city.

A.so a beautiful B.very a beautiful

Csuch beautiful a Dquite a beautiful

9. .Lesson Ten isn’t so _______ as Lesson Nine. It’s hard to read.

A.easy B. difficult C.easily D.more difficult

10. .Now China has joined WTO ,so we think English is _____useful than before.

A. much too B.much more C. a bit D.even father

11 E-mailing is ________cheaper than long –distance calling.

A.quite B.far C.real D. much more

12. I have to speak to my grandma loudly, because there is _____with her ears.

A.wrong something .Bwrong nothing

C.omething wrong D.nothing wrong

13. My uncle asked me to buy _________ for him.

A.a round –trips ticket B. two round-trips tickets

C.an one-way ticket D.wo one-way tickets

14 “It’s _____you to help us with the apple-picking.” The farmer said to the children. A.nice for B. kind of C. easy of D. easily for

15.The food is ______hot that I can’t eat it.

A.quite B. very C.too D so

16. The flowers smell _________.

A.nice B. nicely C.well D.terribly

17. The wind is blowing __________.

A.hard B.hardly C.very hardly D.much hard

18. The Yangze River is longer than _________in China.

A.All rivers B.any other river C.any river D. any rivers

19. Can you do the work better with _________ money and __________people?

A.little ,few B.a little ,a few C. fewer ,less D. less ,fewer

20. This robot _________ that one .

A.works not as fast as B. does not work as fast as

C.works not faster than D. does not work more faster than


1. John is bright than any other boy in his class.

John is ______ _______ ______ all the boys in his class.

2. Tom has large house than mine.

Tom’s house is ________ ________ mine.

3. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

This book is ________ __________ ______ any other book I have ever read.

4. He is not so stupid as I thought he was.

He is _________ than I thought he was.

5. He ran as fast as he could.

He ran as ________ as _________.

6. If you practice more , you will be able speak English better.

The _________you practice , the _______you will be able to speak English.

7. Your clothes are more expensive than mine.

My clothes are ________ _________ than yours.

8. This parcel is not as heavy as that one.

This parcel is ________ ________ that one.


延伸 思考:形容词与副词用法上的区别, 形容词与副词比较等级的用法上的区别.
