Module 5 Problems全模块教案(外研版八年级英语下册教案教学设计)




一、 教学目标

1、 语言技能目标

(1) 能够听懂对问题的陈述。

(2) 能够复述对问题的描述。

(3) 能够读懂有关描述问题的文章,掌握文章的大意。

(4) 能够结合例文进行对problems 和advice 的写作。

2、 语言知识目标

(1) 能够正确使用下列单词chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, practice, punish, such, exam, truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend, shelf, steal

(2) 能够正确使用下列词组 be able to, all together, at the end of, take off, at least, pocket money, after all, help sb. with sth., hurry up

(3) 能够正确使用含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句

3、 情感态度目标


二、 教学重点与难点

1、 教学重点

(1) 重点词汇:chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, practice, punish, such, exam, truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend, shelf, steal

(2) 重点句型:

If I play well, I’ll play the solo.

If the teacher chooses Kylie, she’ll play the dance music.

If she becomes a star, her parents won’t send her away.

(3) 话题:Problems

2、 教学难点:

(1) if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时态

(2) 问题的描述以及建议的提供

三、 课时安排

第一课时 Unit 1

第二课时 Unit 2 Activities 1,2&3

第三课时 Unit 2 Writing; Unit 3 Activities 6,7,10,11&12

第四课时 Unit 3 Unit3 Activities1,2,3,4,5,8,9,Around the world,& workbook

四、 教学过程设计

Period 1

教学内容:Unit 1 Activities 1,2,3,4,5,6&7

词汇:chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, practice, punish, such, exam


Step 1 Lead-in

Ask: 1) What’s your hobby? 2) Do you like dancing?

3) What do your parents think about it?

4) Would they like you to spend time dancing?

Say: Now let me tell you something about a girl called Lucy. She is a schoolgirl.

She likes dancing very much. Yesterday she had a chance to dance at a big

party but she refused it because her parents had warned her about her

schoolwork. If she spends too much time in dancing, her parents will punish


教师边说边把生词打在屏幕上,用这种方法来导入本课中出现的词汇,可以让学生猜猜这些词汇的意思,然后再在屏幕上打出这些词汇的词性以及中文意思。并引出本课句型If she spends too much time in dancing, her parents will punish her.(板书)

Step 2 Listening (Activities 1&2)

So Lucy has a problem. Do you know what problem she has?

(If she spends too much time in dancing, her parents will punish her.)

1. Tony has a problem, too. Now let’s listen and decide what the problem is. (Play the tape.)

2. Now answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you.

(books open). Then listen again and check.

Step 3 Listen and read (Activities 3,4&5 )

Here is a conversation between Betty and Sally. They’re talking about their friend Kylie. Kylie also has a problem. Listen carefully and try to tell us what problem she has. (books closed)


Look at Page 35. Listen and complete the table. Check the answers.


Look at Page 34. Read the conversation. Then do Activity 5.

Step 4 Language Points and Everyday English

把本单元的language points和Everyday English打在屏幕上,朗读后让同桌学生用其中的三到四个编一小对话,在全班同学前表演。

(Activity 6中的四个句子穿插到Activity 3的对话朗读时进行。)


Write out the problems you have with your parents, friends, schoolwork, sports or hobbies.

Describe the problem and talk about solution.

Eg. My teacher says that if I don’t work harder, I won’t do well in my exams.

Period 2

教学内容:Unit 2 Activities 1,2&3

词汇:truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend


Step 1 Revision

1 Greetings

Did you have a good time yesterday evening?

What did you do yesterday evening?

Have you finished your English homework?

2 A survey

Ask students to make a survey. Talk about the problems they have with their parents, friends, schoolwork, sports or hobbies, etc. Then complete the following questionnaire.

---Do you have a problem with your teacher?

---Yes, I do. My teacher says that if I don’t work harder, I won’t do well in my exams.


Step 2 Pre-reading

Do you work hard at your lessons? Do you like computer games?What do your parents say about computer games?

Ask the students to work in groups of four and discuss these questions.

Step 3 Reading (Activities 1,2&3)

1. Global reading

Students read the letter and the answer. Choose the problem and the advice. They can also discuss with their partners. They must try to give the reasons.


2. Detailed reading

Students read the letter and the answer again and finish Activity 2&3. (First students do them by themselves, then share the answers with their partners.)


3.Problem solving

Students work in groups of four again, try to find difficulties and discuss together. If there are any problems, they may ask the teacher for help. At last share their work with the whole class.


Step 4 Discussion

If the computer game doesn’t leave a virus on the computer, what do you think Steve will do? Do you think he is right?


Step 4 Homework

Finish Workbook Exx10&11

Period 3

教学内容:Unit 2 Writing; Unit 3 Activity 6,7,10,11&12

词汇:hurry up, dishonest, shelf, steal

Step 1 Revision (Activity 4)

Steve has a problem. Do you remember what problem he has?

Now please say: 1) what Steve did and when.

2) what the problem is

3) what happened next

4) what Steve should do

Now write the answers down.

Then share the answers with your partner, correct the mistakes your partner has made.

Ask some students to share their answers with the whole class.

Step 2 Writing (Activities 5&6)

Think of one problem. Write a short letter to Diana describing the problem. Use the stages in Activity 4 to help you.

Work in pairs. Read each other’s problem letters and write a reply, giving your advice.

Step 3 Reading and writing (Unit 3 Activities 6&7)

Work in pairs. Read the problems, and discuss advice for each problem, then give advice.

Step 4 Task

Work in pairs. Think of and write a problem.

Work in groups. Read your problem to the group. Discuss advice for each problem. Decide who is going to write the advice for each problem.



Put the problems and the advice on a poster.


Period 4

教学内容:Unit3 Activities1,2,3,4,5,8,9, Around the world,& workbook

Step 1 Grammar practice

If I play well, I’ll play the solo.

If the teacher chooses Kylie, she’ll play the dance music.

If she becomes a star, her parents won’t send her away.

Activity 1 Students can discuss these three sentences in pairs. Then share them with whole class.

Activities 2&3 Students finish these two activities alone. Check them with their partners.


Step 2 Vocabulary

Activity 4 Students finish it alone. Then act the conversation in pairs in front of the class.

Activity 5 Students finish it alone. Then check it with their partners.


Step 3 Listening


Activities 8&9

Step 4 Workbook

Finish workbook exercises.


Finish workbook Exx 8&9