外研社七年级下册Module10 Life History 教案教学设计(外研版英语七年级)


Lesson Plan for reading -Module 10 Life History

Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.

设计教师:胡琴 教学年级:初一下册

课题:Unit 2 He decided to be an actor 教学版本:外研社 授课时间:30minutes

Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

words: actor,writer,play,poem,marry,move,join,company,become,successful,rich

Ability aim:To get information from the reading material about William Shakespeare

Teaching importance:To understand simple biography about a person and develop their reading


Teaching difficulties:To understand the meaning of some words and translate some sentences into Chinese.

Teaching procedure

Predicting –reading

Lead in :Greet!Show some pictures of the play 《Romeo and Juliet》.

T:“This is a book wrote by a famous writer .Its name is 《Romeo and Juliet》.﹙罗密欧和朱丽叶﹚.Did you read the book?”


T:“OK, someone said no .someone said yes .Do you know who wrote it?”


T:“Yes .Very good. How much do you know about him ?”


T:“If you can not express some sentence in English you can express them in Chinese .”

T:Look at this new words .Before we learn the new lesson I will teach you some new words and help you comprehend the article .We know he was a famous writer of plays and poems .So the“writer means 作家”please follow me.→read the new words for two times


T:“OK, now we have learnt some information about William Shakespeare. We will know more about him. Please take out of your book and turn to page 64.

T:“then finish the part 5 ,and then I will choose some students to tell us their

answer .Do you know how to do this task?”

T:“OK,you can do like this ,for example the first →在剧院里看的是什么?”


T:“Yes ,now you can begin doing.”


㈠ Skimming reading:ask students to read the first paragraph quickly answer these questions in part 1.

① When was William Shakespeare?

② When was he born?

③ Where was he born?

Then choose some students to answer it!

Then translate the first two sentences into Chinese and explain the word〈play〉〈Romeo and Juliet〉〈Hamlet〉

㈡ Scanning reading:Ask students to read the text again and check if the sentences are true or false. Teacher designs the questions.

① Though he is successful he is very poor.﹙F∕T﹚

② He is the most famous writer in the world.

③ William Shakespeare failed to be an actor.

④ He married at the age of 18 and had three children.

⑤ We can visit the Globe Theatre in England.

Then ask some students to answer them.

Then explain these difficult words→decide, at the age of+age=when sb be +age= at+age ,famous

㈢ Detail reading:

Ask students to read the text again in detail and fill in the chart using the right form of these words. ﹙Be born, die, finish school, marry, move to, open.﹚

T:“You can begin like this:He was born in England in 1564.Are you clear?”


T:“OK ,you have 2 minutes to read in detail .Have you finished?”


1564 He was born in England in1564





T:“Who can try tell us your answer?Please raise your hands.”

T:Please look at the third paragraph I will explain some words to you.〈move ,Queen Elizabeth ,Globe Theatre ,Rive Thames ,rich ,successful〉

Post –reading:

⑴Retell the text.

T:“OK . Look at these words and try to retell the article using these words .You need not retell it as the same as the text.

﹙writer ,poem ,play ,watching plays ,decided to be an actor , finish school ,marry, have children, move, join, start writing, open, visit, die, most famous writer﹚The I will choose some students to retell the article.

You can begin like this Shakespeare was a famous writer and he wrote many famous plays and poems .He was born… .Do you understand?

⑵Discussion:Talk about your favorite writer with your partner.

T:You must use these new words which we have learnt.〈play ,poem ,decided ,marry ,move ,rich , successful.〉

You can begin like this:A:what is your favorite writer?

B:My favorite writer is Libai .He is a Chinese .He was a famous writer in the world .He wrote many poems ,such as 《静夜思》,《将进酒》 and so on .He is very popular with Chinese people.

T:“Then I will choose some students to tell us some information about their favorite writer .Ok .”

T:“ Today our class is over .Pay attention to your homework!Ok ,bye-bye.”

Homework :①Finish the part 8 on page 126

②Finish a piece of reading about biography of a famous person .