九年级第一轮总复习Topic3 Unit5 BookⅠ教案 (仁爱版英语九年级)


A Teaching Plan for Topic3 Unit5 BookⅠ

My school life is very interesting.

Date: Feb.28th,2012 School: 连城县第二中学

Teacher: 赖秋烨

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Knowledge aims:

① Help SS. review the nouns of the week and subjects and talk about subjects that students like and dislike and their reasons.

② Help SS. master the useful phrases and expressions.

---What day is it today?---It’s Wednesday.

---What’s the date today?---It’s Feb.28th

---What class are they having?---They are having a music class.

---How many history lessons do you have every week? ---Only Two.

---Why do you like it? ---Because it’s easy and interesting.

---What do you think of it?---Sometimes it’s difficult and boring, so I don’t like it very much.

My teachers and classmates are very friendly to me.

Thank you for your hard work!

I can learn a lot from it.

Science Today is my favorite subject.

Which subject do you like best?

What is your favorite subject?

2. Ability aims:

① Talk about school life.

② Help SS. talk about daily activities skillfully, using Present Continuous and Present Simple.

3. Moral aims: Enable the SS. be interested in English and like to talk about their school life and daily activities.

Teaching emphasis:

The same mention as the above

Teaching difficulties: 1.Enable students to talk about their own school life.

2. The usage of the words: other, hard, work on, friendly

Teaching Methods : Task-based methods and discussion.

Teaching Aids: multi-media computer and recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Warming-up→Class activity

Step2. Leading

1. ---Do you have a biology class this year?---No, I don’t. We had it last year.

---English is a useful subject. Are we having an English class now.---Yes, we are.

---Do you have an English lesson every weekday?---Yes, we do.

2. Today is Feb.28th. It’s Tuesday today. What lessons do you have on Tuesday?

---We have math﹑English﹑politics﹑chemistry﹑history﹑physics…↓

3.---Of all these subjects, which subject do you like best?

---Why do you like it?

---Because it’s …

4. As we know, Today is Tuesday. What about tomorrow?↓

Ⅲ. Presentation.

1. Showing WenWei’s timetable, answering the following questions and then try to ask and answer more questions in pair,

①.How many lessons does he have every weekday?

②.How many English lessons does he have every week?

③.What lessons does he have on Wednesdays?

④.Does he have a history class on Tuesdays?

⑤.How often does he do outdoor activities?

⑥. It’s 10:20 on Thursday morning now. What class is he having?

2. (课文回顾)Listening, My School Life

3. Retelling the passage My School Life.

3. (中考题型训练)综合填空

Hu Bin is a student of Class 1, Grade 7. At school, his teachers and _________(同学们)are very f________ to him. His school life is very i_________.

Classes b_______ at 8:00 a.m. He_____ (上)four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. He _______(学习) Chinese, _______(地理), _______(政治) and some ______(别的、其他的)subjects. He l______ English best. But he _______ _______ (不太喜欢)math very much. He t______ it’s a little difficult and boring. After school, he often p_____ basketball with his classmates. It’s his ______(特别喜爱的) outdoor activity. Sometimes he s_______ in the swimming pool. Sometimes he d________ pictures with his friends in the park. His favorite day of the week is ________(星期三)because he has a P.E. class on that day.

Ⅳ. Consolidation

1. 词汇积累

①The class begins at 8 o’clock. It is over at a quarter to eleven.

be over=end=come to an end

②How many+可数名词复数+…?常用来询问可数名词的数量

How much+不可数名词+…? 常用来询问不可数名词的数量,还可用来询问价格

③be friendly kind ice to sb.

④like…a little

Like…very mucha lot


Like…best →favorite(n. adj.)


There is a soccer game between Class One and Class Two on the

playground at 5:00 this afternoon

⑥learn…from… learn sth. from sth. 从……中学习

Learn … from sb. 向某人学习……

I can learn English from TV.

I learn a lot from LeiFeng

⑦Thank you for your hard work. Hard work ◆work hard

Thank sb. for sth.doing sth.因某事做某事而感谢某人


⑨Attention, please!=May I have your attention, please.

⑩work onat sth.做体力(或脑力)工作

work on math problems 演算数学题

work on a novel 写小说

work on computers 玩电脑 Play computer games


( )1. Don’t make so much noise. The children ______ an English lesson.

A. have B. are having C. were having

( )2. Mike is from America. He _______ English.

A. spoke B. will speak C. speaks

( )3. ---_____is the population of the city?

---About 180,000

A. What B. How many C. How much

( )4.---_____ is it today?---It’s Thursday.

A. What’s date B. What date C. What day

( )5.The two-year-old is clever. He can count______1______100.

A. between, and B. from, to C. both, and

( )6. How many _____ are there near the river?

A. child B. girl C. children

( )7.Thank you for _____ so well.

A. teach us B. teaching us C. teach we

( )8. He is kind. He thinks much about________, but little about_______.

A. the other; he B. other; him C. others; himself

( )9.(2011湖州市中考)---Is everyone here today?

---No, Tom is at home_______ he has got a bad cold.

A. because B. if C. until

10. Jane always goes to school on foot. (改为否定句 )

Jane _____ _____ to school on foot.

Ⅴ. Project

1. Write a short passages about school life .

2. Revise and master the phrases and expressions we learned today.
