Unit10 The world around us 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一)


Unit10 The world around us (Book 1)

(Reading Period )

Are we endangered?

黄惠新 from Zhoulu Middle School

Teaching Aims:

1. Develop the students’reading ability

2. Enlarge the students’knowledge of wild life issues

Teaching Important Points :

1. Improve the students’reading ability

2. Let the students know the importance of protecting environment.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help the students to understand the text better.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get the general idea of each paragraph and the whole text.

2. Question-and-answer activity to help the students understand the detaile information in

the text .

3. Individual work ,pair work ,and class work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder

2.some pictures of some animals

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greeting and lead-in

Greet the whole class as usual and then show some pictures and talk about the endangered animals .

Ask the students to name the endangered animals they know.Then answer the following questions:

Why are they endangered ?

Then the whole class will discuss the question :Are we endangered ?

Step II Pre-reading

Asking the students to discuss the following questions:

1. How do plants and animas live together?

2. What do human being need to survive?

3. What do plants and animals need to to survive?

Step III Reading

1. Fast reading

First ,make the students read the text quickly and find out the maid idea of each paragraph ,

and then get the main idea of the text.

2. Careful reading

Play the tape and ask the students to listen to it ,and then ask the following questions and

make the students answer them:

1. Why do animals and plants become endangered ?

2. What can we do to protect animals and plants that are being endangered?

Step IV Post-reading

1. Explanatoin

Teacher explains the following language points and use them to make some sentences:

①keep sb./sth. From doing sth.=stop sb./sth. from doing sth.=prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.

e.g.The traffic kept us from arriving there on time.

②die out

e.g. Some plants have died out in the world.

③be use to sth ./doing sth.

e.g.I’m use to getting up early.

be use to do sth

e.g Wood is used to make desk.

used to do sth.

e.g.I used to write letters to my good friends.

④adapt to sth.

You should try your best to adapt to the new environment.

2. Retelling the text

Ask the students to retell the text according to the main idea of each paragraph and

some key words.

Step V Summary and Homework

Summarize what they have learned ,and ask them to review the text and preview the next period.