

一新教材教案 unit9

Period 1

I Lead in

Talk about the first Chinese astronaut who first was sent into space..

Who was the astronaut ?

What time is it ?

II Games

Prepare something like a pair of chopsticks /glasses to let the Ss guess what it is,using these expressions:

What does it look like?

Where can it be found?

What is it used for?

Can you think of the new uses of the thing?

III Listening

Listen to the tape.What is being described ? What can the things be used for?

Then check the answers.

IV Speaking

I want to buy a cellphone .But I’m not sure about it. Can you give me some advice on it?

Encourage the Ss to use the these phrases:

1.    keep /stay in touch with ….wherever….

2.    surf the Internet

3.    call for help…in case of an emergency

4.    be convenient

5.    listen to music ,take photos /be used as cameras and radios

6.    send short messages

7.    remind sb. some important appointments.

8.    be used as a watch /tell the time


1.    be expensive

2.    do harm to /be bad for /have bad effects on

3.    disturb somebody

Talk about computers in groups of four.

V Sum up

Cellphone and computer are just some represents of the development of science and technology. But one coin has two sides. They can make our life easier and more comfortable ,they can also do some harm to us. We should have a good knowledge of them and try to avoid their bad sides.

Period 2


life on the go = a busy life

Modern people are living ____ ___ ____ ___ _____.现代人都过着忙碌的生活。

2 take out 拿出,拔掉;带某人出去;申请获得

Have you _____ _____insurance?

Take after 相似 She takes after her mother.

Take for 当作,误认为

Take off 脱掉,模仿(别人的神态),起飞,成功

3Cell phones make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.

Make it adj. To do/that有;think find feel believe suppose consider

George made it clear that he disagreed.

I find it important to talk to you.

4 throughout: all over /all through

Computers will be used more and more in the future ______ _____ ______.将来计算机将在整个世界杯越来越多的使用。

5 New functions are being added to the phones.电话被不断的加以新的功能。

Add to =increase  If you add 2to3,you get 5.=2added to 3 is/makes 5.=2and /plus 3is /equals 5.

Add up 把。。。加起来 add up ten figures

Add up to 数目总计达 The expenses ______ _____ _____95 yuan.

现在进行时的被动语态 be+being +past participle


6 remind 提醒,使想起

remind sb. To do Please remind me to post the letter.

Remind sb. +从句 Would you please remind him that our meeting has been put off.

Remind sb. Of /about 使想起,提醒某人

Thank you for ________ ______ ______ the meeting I have to attend.


7agree to do 同意做某事She agreed to get everything ready before I come.

Agree +从句At last ,the boss agreed that I should do the work.

Agree with 同意,赞成某人的意见/话,适合(气候,实物)

Agree to 同意,赞成(提议,安排,计划)(plan ,proposal,arrangement,suggestion)

Agree on 对。。。取得一致意见

I quite agree ______ what you said.

Spicy food does not agree _____ me.

They agreed ______ going there the following day.他们一致同意第二天到那里去。

8 stay in touch with /keep in touch with 与。。。保持联系。(表状态)

be in touch with (表状态) get in touch with 和。。。取得联系(表动作)

We have been _____ ___ _____ ______each other since we left school.

Do ______ _____ ____-____me after you settle down.要联系我。

Call for 邀请,邀约

The occasion ______ _____a cool head.这种场合需要冷静的头脑。

Call at (some place ) call on sb. 拜访某人call on sb to do 号召

Call off 取消 call up 召集,动员

10 in case of :for fear that should happen.以防

      if should happen 万一

We had better insure the house ______ _____ _____ ______.以防火灾

In case the fire ,you can break the house.万一发生火灾

In this /that case 若是这样/那样的话

_____ ____ ______,the war between them will break out.

11 Wang Mei is one of many Chinese teenagers who live life “on the go” and use cellphones.

从句中的先行词是teenagers ,谓语动词为复数。

The only one of …,the same one of…位于动词为单数。

He is one of the boys who _______ good at playing football.

This will be the only one of the factories that _____to be moved.

Man 人(包含男女在内) 人类(仅用单数,不加冠词)

Man will conquer nature. 人定胜天。

12 come up with 赶上提出,拿出。

I don’t know why he would _____ _____ _____ such silly questions.

Come down with 得病,患病

13 succeed vi 成功,发达

succeed in doing eg. He succeeded ______ ______ ________.通过考试

succeed vt 随后紧跟着,继承。A silence succeeds his words .

14 no matter what =whatever  ,no matter where =wherever      no matter how =however   no matter when =whenever.

__________ ____________ _________I meet you, you are always wearing the old hat.

_________ ____________ __________ expensive the cellphone is ,I’ll buy it because I need one badly.

With the money ,you can buy _________ you want.

You may choose ___________ you like.不管你喜欢那个,都可以

15 seem+abj.    She seems ( to be ) sad.

It seems (to sb.) that……  It seems that everything is going on well.

Seem to d o I ______ ______ ________ _____him somewhere.我好像在那见过她

It seems as if ….. It seems as if it is going to rain.

15 seem +adj.

Teaching steps.

I Read the text as fast as possible, then say True or False to the following sentences.

1.   Wang mei will be bake home 10 minutes later.

2.   We may talk to anyone who also has a cell phone in his pocket.

3.   Now cellphones can be used as cameras,but not to send email or surf the Internet.

4.   Some important days can be reminded about by the earliest cellphones.

5.   Some SS disobey the rules and using their phones in the classroom.

6.   John’s parents gave him a cellphone as a Christmas gift , but don’t let him use it in school.

7.   Wang Mei calls her best friend at least once a day.
