Lesson31 I Need a Map! 教学案例(冀教版英语八年级)


Lesson 31: I Need a Map!


Teaching aims:

1.Language goals:

(1)Mastery words: mile, opposite, cinema, keep

(2)Oral words and expressions: David, Thanksgiving…

2. Ability goals:

(1)Use the simple sentences to write a letter or an e-mail

(2)Realize the importance of studying English

(3)Learn how to describe their own neigbourhood.

Teaching important points:

1. The mastery words: truth , flu , opposite , cinema , keep…

2. The new simple sentences

Teaching difficult points:

1. Write a letter of their own words.

2. Some important phrases: keep sb. doing, have (the) flu…

Teaching methods: speaking; talking; practice

Teaching tools: flashcards; little blackboard

Language notes:

1. I’m doing very well.我一直(做得)很好。


2. get to know 逐渐了解(强调从不认识到认识人渐进过程)

eg: I get to know my neighbourhood these days.(注重过程)

know认识,了解,知道 eg: I know her very well.(强调很熟悉)

3. go by /go past /pass 经过

eg: I go by/go past/pass a lot of shops on my way to school.

4. on one’s/the way to…在去……的路上

eg: on my way to school / on Li Ming’s way to library/ on the way home

5. But it isn’t always easy to live in a new neighbourhood.

it 为形式主语,真正的主语为to live in a new neighbourhood

结构为It is + adj + to do sth.(做某事是……)

eg: It is hard to learn English well.

6. won’t =will not

7. Thanks giving was a lot of fun.感恩节很有意思。

8. meet(met/met) v.遇见

9. have a flu 得了流行感冒

Teaching procedures

Class opening

The teacher greets the students:“Good morning, class!”

Revision: 1.Ask the students to say some sentences about asking the way .

eg: How can I get to …?

Where is …?

Which is the way to…?

Can you tell me the way to…?

Can you tell me how to get to…?

2. Ask the students to say some words or phrases of yesterday’s,

such as until, a piece of advice, go straight down the street, get lost and be lost.

Step1: Lead in new lesson

Show the students a picture of a new place

And tell them Brian lives in this new place. He got lost this week .So he needs a map.

Step2: new words

Follow the teacher to read the new words for several times.

Practice reading. Ask someone to read. Check the pronunciation of these new words.

Introduce them to the students:

flu 流行性感冒

have a flu得了感冒


mile n.英里

opposite prep.在……对面 n.相反;对面

be opposite of 与……相反

cinema n.电影院

keep v.(kept/kept)保留;保持

Read these new words together.

Step3: Ask the students to listen to the tape with the questions:

1. Who wrote the letter? 2. Whom did he write to? 3. Is it easy to live in a new neighbourhood? Check the answers: 1. Brian wrote the letter.2.He wrote the letter to his parents.3.No, it isn’t. Because he got lost

Step4: Ask the students to read the text silently and carefully. And underline the key word and phrases .

A few minutes later, ask someone to read the text. Then study the language notes together.

Step5: Exercise

1. I’m sorry to keep you ____so long.

A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waited

2. It’s hard to keep the house ____with two kids.

A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. clean

3. It’s bad for your eyes____ computer games too much.

A. plays B. to play C. play D. to playing

4. There is ____envelope on the table.

A. the B. a C. have D. has

5. ____the way to school , I go by a park.

A. At B. On C. In D. Of

6. I don’t want my friend ____.

A. get lost B. to lost C. to get lost D. gets lost

Step6: Ask the students to read a second time to have a further study. Then have a discussion:

1. What did they do on Monday?

2. What did Brian ask Uncle David to do tomorrow? Why?

3. What did Brian do on Thanksgiving Day?

4. What’s the difference between Chinese letter and English letter?

Then we can say it together: 1.Jenny and Brian walked to school on Monday. Jenny showed Brian her favourite places. They went by a bakery, a bookstore and a big park on their way to school. 2. Brian got lost yesterday. So he asked Uncle David to buy him a map of the city and he won’t get lost.3.Brian met all of his Canadian cousins. And he ate a huge turkey on that day.4.The teacher says something about the difference between Chinese letter and English letter.

Step7: Read and retell the text

Ask the students to read the letter as loudly as they can.

Then ask them to read time by time, and get the students to try to retell.

Retell the letter as the text lead.

Step8: Homework

1. Write an e-mail to your friend giving directions to your house. Be careful! You don’t want your friends to get lost!

2. Remember the new words and retell the letter.

Blackboard Design

Lesson31 I need a Map

Some words

mile flu David opposite keep cinema

Some difficult sentences

1. I’m doing very well.

2. This week, I got to know my neighbourhood.

3. It’s on our way to school, too.
