人教版7年级英语上第7单元复习案 教案教学设计(人教版英语七年级)


Unit 7. How much are these pants?

Target language: 重点句型:a. How much is this/that red sweater/blue hat/yellow skirt/white bag/green T-shirt? It’s seven/ten/eighteen/twenty/twenty-one dollars

How much is the big sweater/short T-shirt? It’s 25 dollars.

b:How much are the big ,blue socks/ pants/shorts/sweaters/skirts/shoes/hats?They are two dollars.

1.I will take it/them. 表示选定商品决定购买时用,与take 有关的短语有:take a photo_________ ,take off_________, take…to…__________

2.Thanks. You are welcome.表道谢的还有:Thanks a lot. /Thanks for your help./其答语为:That’s all right. / Not at all./

1. We have sweaters at a very good price. 其中at a very good price表示价格实惠。

2. Do you need bags for sports? We have great bags for only 20yuan.

3. For boys/girls, we have skirts in red/green/yellow/white/blue for only 18 dollars.

in +颜色,表示衣服以各种颜色呈现,它还可表示“穿……颜色的衣服”

4. Any body can afford our prices! afford 意为“负担得起,买得起”常接在can, could, be able to 之后。他买得起一部车He can afford a car.

5. Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store. We sell pants for 60 yuan .

6. The socks are on sale!其中on sale为减价出售,大甩卖。at a sale 在热卖中,在大减价

7. Have a look at Huaxing Clothes Store!

how much+be+物品?how much可用来询问商品的价格,意思是“多少钱”。如是单数be动词用is,复数be动词用are. A pair of表示一双,如:a pair of socks, 一双鞋子__________

8. Phrases:

how much___ green T-shirt_______ on sale_______ have a look at_______ sell…to______ buy…from______ for yourself___________ for example___________

Here you are_______ long socks_______ short sweater__________ long sweater__________

You’re welcome________ clothes store__________ nineteen dollars______________-

十四美元___________ 十三元_________ 廉价出售____________ 难过的__________

黄色的鞋子____________ 小小的袜子____________ 大大的毛衣____________

( )1、How much are your ___? A. sock B: shorts C:shirt

( )2、What color are ___ pants? A: this B: these C: that

( )3、Thank you for your help. _________ A. You’re welcome B.No, thank you C: Here you are

( )4、_________? Yes,please. I want a sweater for my daughter.

A: Can I help you B. What do you need C. What are you doing

( )5、What about the blue sweater? It’s nice.I’ll___it. A.sell B.take C. see D: want

( )6、The sports shoes are___ sale ___ only 25 sollars. A. on,for B. for,on C.on,at D. at, for

( )7、What’ s the___ of your new bike? It’s 18 yuan. A.name B.color C.price D.number

( )8、___ socks 8 dollars? A. Is it B. Is that C. Are these D. Are they

( )9、___ the shoes? They’re under the table. A.How B. How much C. Where’s D.Where are

( )10、We have socks___all colors___a very good price. A.at, in B.in at C.at,at D.in,in

1、 What can I do for you?(变同义句) _____ ______ ______ ______?

2、 What’s the price of the socks?(变同义句) _______ _______ _________ the socks?

3、 红红买不起那个电脑。Honghong can’t ______ that ______.

4、 我们需要一些运动包。We______ some bags ______ ______.

5、 我妹妹有红色和黑色的短裙。My sister has skirts _____ ______ and ________.

6、 李利只花五元钱就买到了那本书。Li Li _______this book______ ______- 5 yuan .

7、 那个鞋店的鞋价不高。That shoe store has shoes ______ a ______ _______.

8、 Can I help you?(作礼貌的否定回答) _______, ________.

9、 I want a black T-shirt.(对划线部分提问) _______ _______ T-shirt ________ _______ want?

10、 Mr Cool buys a sports bag from us.(改同义句)We_____a sports bag ______ Mr Cool.

11、 那些黑色的裤子太长了。The_______ ______ _______ too ____________.

12、 我就买这条黄裙子,谢谢。I’ll____ this __________ __________, _______.

Huaxing Clothes Store SALE

Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing’s great sale! Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters at a very good price-only¥25!Do you need bags for sports? We have great bags for only¥12! For girls, we have T-shirts in red, green and white for only ¥18!For boys, you can buy socks for only 5 yuan each! Anybody can afford our prices!

Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!

( )1、How much is the sweater? A.twenty five yuan B.twelve yuan C. fifteen yuan D. 18 yuan

( )2、How much are the socks? A.six yuan B. seven yuan C. five yuan D. twelve yuan

( )3、How much is the bag? A. twelve yuan B. fifteen yuan C. eighteen yuan

( )4、Can anybody afford the prices? A.yes B.No C: I don’t know

( )5、I have 5 yuan, I can afford ___ . A. a pair of socks B. a sweater C. a T-shirt

6、 假如你开了家服装店,根据以下提示,请为你的店写一则广告。


Great Sale

Come and buy your clothes at my store. I have many clothes and shoes for sale. For boys, we have yellow sports shoes for only 5 yuan each. For girls, you can buy white sweaters for 20 yuan , and we have many beautiful skirts for only 30 yuan. Anybody can afford our prices! Come and buy your clothes at our store! Welcome!