

科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2 unit14.1.doc

标题 Satellites(卫星)

章节 第十四 单元

关键词 高二英语第十四单元





Ⅰ. 词汇学习

四会单词和词组:broad , circle , in space , pull ( n .) , carry out , question (vt .)

三会单词和词组:so / as far as , personally , exhibition , camera , fold , unfold , connect , object , direction , position , organization , dozen , dozens of , dust , dusty , height , pilot , balloon , mention , model , length , attempt , globe

Ⅱ. 交际英语

Getting Or Expressing Opinions (征求或者表达意见)

1. What do you feel like doing ? I feel like …

2. Personally , I’d rather (not) + 原形动词 / I’m ready to do 很乐意干……

3. What would you like to do ? I’d like to …

4. - What do you plan to do ?

- I’m planning to do… / I want ( intend , wish , plan ) to do …

5. - Have you decided to do …?

- I’ve not decided what / where to do …

6. What do you think of … ? / What is your opinion of … ? / How do you like … ?

7. Tell us what you think about … / We’d like to have your views about …

8. Any suggestions you have will be most welcome .

9. It’s quite likely that …

10. It doesn’t seem possible that …

Ⅲ. 语法学习

复习定语从句的用法。特别注意 that 和 which 的区别。哪些情况下常用 which ,哪些情况下常用 that 。



1. personally 就自己而言;个人;本人

Personally I don’t care to make some changes in my plans .

〖点拨〗personally 相当于 in one’s opinion 。

2. exhibition 展览;展览会

A great number of new machines are on show at the exhibition held last week .

〖点拨〗注意 exhibition 的发音。hold / have / give an exhibition of …举办……展览会。

3. broad 宽的;宽大的

This piece of cloth is 5 metres broad .

〖点拨〗指肩、额头、胸脯、幅面、背的宽常用 broad 。指口、眼、路等的宽常用 wide 。如:He has a broad mind . 他有宽阔的胸怀。He lay there , with his eyes wide open .

另外注意拼写broad 时不要写成 abroad (在国外) , aboard (上船) ,board (木版)。

4. object 物;物体

We saw a bright object moving in the sky .

〖点拨〗object 作动词是“反对”,常用词组:object to doing 反对干……。如:He objects to being sent to the village .

5. direction 方向;方位

East , west , south , and north are directions .

〖点拨〗in the direction of 朝……方向运动。in all directions = in every direction 各个方面;朝四面八方。under the direction of 在……的指导下。如:Miss Gao walked in the direction of the library .

另外,direction 作“指示,用法,说明”时常用复数形式。如:directions for use 用法说明,Full directions inside . 内附详细说明。

6. dozen 打;十二个

Pencils here are sold by the dozen . 这里的铅笔论打出售。

〖点拨〗dozens of 几十。当 dozen 的前面有数词时,dozen 最好用单数。如:I want two dozen eggs .

7. height 高;高度

The Party calls on us to climb the heights of science and technology . 党号召我们攀登科学技术高峰。

〖点拨〗in height 从高度上看。What’s the height of …? ……的高度是多少 ?如:The building is 40 metres in height . = The building is 40 metres high .= That’s a 40-meter-high building .

8. mention 提到;说起

Did you mention this to your parents ?

〖点拨〗As mentioned above .如上所述。Don’t mention it . (答复别人道谢时的用语) 不必客气。Not to mention = without mentioning 更不必说。

9. length 长;长度;一段

What’s the length of the Yellow River ?

〖点拨〗注意 length 的发音。in length 从长度上看。如:The road is 5,000 metres in length . a length of pipe 一节管子。It was said that this kind of medicine could increase the length of life .

10. attempt 试图;尝试

They attempted to raise money for a new building .

〖点拨〗attempt 不强调成功性,而try 暗示可能有成功性。attempt to do = try to do = do one’s best to do 尽力干…… 。make an attempt to do = make an attempt at doing 试图干……。


1. get in 进去,进来;收进来;收庄稼

Please hold the car door open for the old lady while she gets in .

The farmers are busy in getting (in) the crops .

2. have got sth in 有某种活动;有……在进行

They have got a special exhibition on this month . 这个月他们要举办一个特别展览。

Have you anything important on this evening ?

I’ve got nothing on tonight , shall we go to a cinema .

I’ve a meeting on tomorrow afternoon .

注意:on 为副词,该词组等于 have sth on , 还表示“穿着”的意思,但不用进行时,如:She had on her best red dress . 她穿着那件最漂亮的红色连衣裙。

3. do a study of = make a study of 研究

She has done a study of the danger of smoking .

I’m planning to do a special study of satellites next term .

4. send back (to) 发送(到),发回(到);退货

What can satellites send back to the earth ?

They make a study of the information sent back to earth from weather satellites .

You can send back the computer back to the shop if you are not satisfied .

5. in space在太空,在宇宙空间

A satellite travels in an orbit round another object in space .

I hope I’ll be able to walk in space some day .


The earth moves through space .

From space , the earth looks like a huge water-covered globe .

6. fall back (to) 落回(到);退回(到)

If the rocket does not reach its speed , it will fall back to the earth .

I’m sure the price of TV sets will fall back .

7. send up 发射;使上涨

This satellite has to be sent up into space successfully .

Such bad weather will send the price of vegetables up .

8. make A from B 用B制成A

It has equipment for making electricity from sunshine .

We can make hundreds of useful things from waste material .

注意:make A into B把A 制成B 。下面三句意思一样:We can make paper into these beautiful flowers . = We can make these beautiful flowers from paper . = These beautiful flowers can be made from paper by us .

9. fold up 折叠

Sun panels are folded up inside the satellite .

Please fold up the table to make room for the piano .

10. at a speed of 以……的速度

Signals travel at the speed of light .

It is said that jet plane can fly at a speed of more than 2000 miles per hour .

11. be likely to do 很可能

A fire is likely to break out in such places .

She is likely to give you a ring at supper .

12. the next day or two 未来的一两天

Is it possible for us to say what the weather is like in the next day or two ?

注意:在表示时间的“下一个”时,next 前常不用 the ;在表示“第二……,以后……时”next 前多加 the 。试对比:

She will bring you the magazine next week .

She brought you the magazine the next week .

13. keep out of 不使进入;不去惹事

This notice will keep those who have nothing to do with the meeting out of the building .

I hope you’ll keep your brother out of trouble while I’m away .

14. bring back 带回;归还;使回想起

You must bring these library books back to me next week .

The film brought back my happy childhood .

15. dozens of 几十个

She talked with dozens of scientists at the meeting .

16. put into把……安放进去

Today dozens of satellites have been put into space .

注意:put into 相当于 send up into ,课文中作者把space看成一个大容器,用put into 更显得生动传神。另外,put into 还表示“把……译成;投入”。

17. with the help of sb = with one’s help 在某人的帮助下

18. tell the difference between A and B = tell A from B 说出A 和B的区别

She can’t tell the difference between right and wrong .

19. be diseased 有病了,害了病的

These trees are diseased . You must cut away the diseased branches as soon as possible .

20. look into 调查;研究;往里面看

The government will look into the living conditions of the teachers .

I looked into the room but no one was there .

21. get a clear picture (of) 获得(……)的清晰图象

With the help of space satellites we can get a clear picture of space .

In the film you can get a beautiful picture of my hometown .

22. collect information about 收集关于……的信息

People are using satellites more and more to collect information about space .

23. carry out 开展;贯彻;执行

The “Reemployment Project”has been carried out in China since 1995 .

They still have some difficulty carrying out the experiment .

24. make a call to sb 给某人打电话

I made a long-distance telephone call to my mother once a week .

注意:打电话还可以用 phone sb , call sb up , ring sb up , give sb a call , give sb a ring 等。

25. be connected with把……和……连接起来;和……有联系

The wires with which the machines were connected were very old .

He has been connected with our company for years .

26. circle around = circle round = circle about环行;围绕……旋转

The earth circles around the sun .

The town around which we had to circle in our plane looked very beautiful .

27. on show 展出;陈列出来

The museum has an exhibition with rocks from the moon on show .

The cameras on show here are made in Japan .

28. put away 储存;放好;收起来

We don’t use these plates now . Please put them away .

It’s better to put away some money every month .




1. So far as I know , it’s free . 就我所知,那是免费的

〖明晰〗so far as = as far as 引导比较状语从句,在句中作插入语,常用逗号与主句隔开。

So far as I know , not all of them passed the quiz .

2.The + 比较级 ,the + 比较级

First , it must be very light , the lighter the better . 首先,它必须很轻,越轻越好。

〖明晰〗the lighter the better 省略了不少的成分,补充完整是:the lighter it is , the better it will be . 这种句型表示前者与后者在程度上同样增加或者同样减少,汉语是“越……,越……”,前面是从句,后面是主句。又如:

The more we get together , the happier we will be .

The more , the better . 多多益善。

另外注意本单元出现的“比较级 + and + 比较级”表示“越来越……”。如:

Satellites are used more and more to take photos of the earth and to produce maps .

3.First , …… Second , ……

First , it must be very light , …… Second , it usually contains very expensive cameras .

〖明晰〗叙述事物的先后顺序时常用:First…, second …, third …, lastly …。也可以用:First…, secondly…, thirdly …, lastly … 。另外,高一曾学习过“first … later / then …” 以及“For one thing … ; for another …”句型表达顺序。如:

First , I wish you good health ; second , I wish you success in your work ; and third , I wish you good luck in everything .

4. Once + 时间状语从句

Once the satellite goes into its orbit round the earth , the panels are unfolded in order to catch the sunshine . 一旦卫星进入地球轨道,帆板就打开来吸收阳光。

〖明晰〗由 once 引导的时间状语从句表示“刚……就……”,“一旦……就……”。用以说明主句动作紧跟在从句动作之后发生。从句中用现在时代表将来时。从句还可以使用省略结构。如:

Once you step into our village , you’ll see how greatly it has changed .

Once seen , the film will never be forgotten .

5. 介词 + 关系代词型定语从句

There is a rocket motor on the satellite by which the direction of the satellite can be changed if necessary . 卫星上有一个火箭马达,必要时可以用它来改变卫星的方向。

〖明晰〗定语从句的先行词是 a rocket motor , by which 引导一个定语从句。定语从句中介词的选择受上下文的制约,或者与前面的先行词有搭配关系,或者与后面的动词有搭配关系。这里的 by 表“通过、用”。又如:

There are many research stations on the earth in which outer space is studied . (in 与 先行词 research stations 的搭配)

Who is the comrade with whom you just shook hands ?(with 与动词词组shake hands 的搭配)

另外,在定语从句中还有一个省略式的状语的 if necessary ,if 后省略了 it is 。又如:Put in an article where necessary . 在有必要的地方填上一个冠词。


How easy it all was for police and emergency (紧急) service . A siren (警报器) , a flashing light and like magic everyone was out of the way .

Going home from work one night he passed a garage . There in front of him was the answer to his problem . An old ambulance (救护车)was for sale .

The red cross had been removed . But not the flashing light or the siren . He bought it and opened up for himself a dream-world of driving .

It began early in the morning , all his things in the back of the ambulance and the highway in Germany looking reasonably clear . Soon , as always , a long line of traffic was ahead . He turned on the flashing light and set off the siren . Cars quickly slowed and pulled off the fast lane (车道). Other cars stopped and drivers waved him ahead to an open road all his own . In record time he crossed the border into Austria . But then the Yugoslav made his big mistake . Until then he had only stopped for oil . Now he was driving past a real accident - lights flashing too late to realize that it was not another traffic jam (阻塞) as he had expected . Police on the scene had never seen an ambulance do that before . They stopped him . And after hearing the story of his ride across two countries they fined him $18.50 .

1. What was the Yugoslav’s problem ?

A. He met other foreign drivers. B. He couldn’t find an ambulance.

C. He admired police and emergency service. D. He got caught in terrible traffic jam.

2. He decided to buy the ambulance because ________.

A. he knew other traffic always moved over for it

 B. he had always wanted one

C. he hoped to resell it and make money

D. he liked the siren and the flashing light

3. Other cars on the highway slowed down or pulled off the fast lane ________.

A. when they waved to them

B. when they heard the siren or saw the flashing light

C. when the police told them to let the ambulance pass

D. when they saw the red cross on the ambulance

4. When the police stopped him ________.

A. they told him he had been followed all the way

B. he had been driving dangerously

C. they found he had $18.50 in his pocket

D. he had just driven straight past an accident

答案与赏析:1 - 4 DABD 。本篇属于故事类,叙述一个南斯拉夫人买了一辆救护车从德国路径奥地利回国途中的一段奇遇。1. 由于塞车经常被堵在路上才有买救护车的想法,照应了第二段中“There in front of him was the answer to his problem .”2. 顺理成章,买救护车的目的就是为了避免塞车,因为其它车辆都要为救护车让道。3. 警报器、闪亮警灯都是救护车的标志,听到或者看到都会自觉让道。4. 南斯拉夫人以为又是塞车,拉响警报器闯关,但这儿是交通事故,理应停车救护,故警察拦下救护车。


It was my uncle who taught me how to box. When I was eight , I was (1) into the depths(内地) of(2)to the (3) where my mother had been born. I became (4)of attack for the village boys. When he (5)home from work, my uncle would get to his knees and (6)to hit him on the nose. I have been (7)to him ever since.

One day, (8) my way to school I was surrounded and badly attacked by (9) . It was a terrible (10) , but I (11) my uncle’s advice and decided to fight my attackers. I (12) a tall boy twice on the nose. He fell (13) the ground and blood ran down his (14). All the other (15) away.

We were (16) at school to play some game or other every afternoon and those who (17)to do (18) were punished . I had (19) in football or tennis but I liked boxing.

I read the Boxing News (20) week, and, in the holidays, by (21) a pound or two on tickets, travelled (22) bus into the unknown areas of East and South London to the swimming pools (23)some well known boxers (24) before crowds of (25) people.

1. A. sending B. to send C. sent D. send

2. A. English B. English land C. British D. England

3. A. cottage B. restaurant C. school D. museum

4. A. a subject B. an object C. a point D. a kind

5. A. left B. returned C. went D. remained

6. A. invite me B. forbid me C. refuse D. hate

7. A. useful B. wonderful C. harmful D. thankful

8. A. on B. in C. to D. during

9. A. a fat boy B. a cruel boy C. several boys D. a tall boy

10. A. experience B. experiment C. expression D. excise

11. A. forgot B. offered C. rejected D. took

12. A. strike B. struck C. stuck D. stick

13. A. in B. on C. to D. at

14. A. back B. leg C. arm D. nose

15. A. ran B. kept C. left D. came

16. A. to ask B. asking C. asked D. going to ask

17. A. were persuaded B. failed C. managed D. were told

18. A. which B. them C. such D. so

19. A. much interest B. no interest C. interest D. great interest

20. A. every B. this C. last D. one

21. A. taking B. giving C. spending D. having

22. A. with B. by C. on D. in

23. A. which B. while C. where D. when

24. A. appeared B. lived C. traveled D. entered

25. A. exciting B. excite C. excitedly D. excited

答案:1- 5 CDABB 6 - 10 ADACA 11 - 15 DBCDA 16 - 20 CBDBA 21 - 25 CBCAD




一、“介词 + 关系代词”的使用技巧

“介词 + 关系代词”既可引导限制性定语从句,也可引导非限制性定语从句。掌握好这类定语从句,要注意以下几点:

〖思维〗1. 关系代词的选择

紧跟在介词后的关系代词(不能省略)通常只有三个:whom 、which 和 whose 。关系代词用 whom 时,先行词必指人;用 which 时,先行词必指物(或事);用 whose 时,先行词可指人也可指物(或事),但 whose 在定语从句中是作定语的,它后面必须跟它修饰的名词。如:

The man with whom I shook hands just now is my daughter's English teacher .

He built a telescope through which he could study the stars .

The driver was the man from whose room the thief had stolen the bag .

She opened a small box , in whose corner lay a necklace .

★ 有时置于关系代词之前的介词能被移到定语从句的句中(或句尾)。当介词被移后时,关系代词 whom 可以换成 who 或 that ;which 可以换成 that (特殊情况除外),而且 whom 、who、that 、 which 皆可省去。如:

Do you know the boy to whom I spoke just now ? = Do you know the boy (whom / who / that ) I spoke to just now ?

The pen with which I'm writing is not mine . = The pen (which / that) I'm writing with is not mine .

This is the house in which I once lived . = This is the house (which / that) I once lived in .

★ 当先行词是表示时间、地点、原因的名词,而且“介词 + which ”在定语从句中分别是作时间状语、地点状语、原因状语,“介词 + which ”可分别被关系副词 when 、 where 、why 替代。如:

I still remember the day on which ( = when ) I met Professor Smith .

This is the house in which ( = where ) I once lived .

I don't know the reason for which ( = why ) he went abroad .

但下面一句中的“ to which ”不能换成“ where ”,因为,它不是作地点状语的。

This is the house to which we paid a visit last month .

2. 介词的选择。

定语从句由“介词 + 关系代词”引导时,介词的选择受上下文的制约。在结合语意的基础上,可以从下面几个角度判断该用什么介词。

★ 看先行词与哪一个介词是习惯“介 + 名 ” 搭配的。如:

This is the factory in which he works . ( in the factory 在工厂)

This is the farm on which he works .( on the farm 在农场)

★ 看定语从句中的动词是与哪一个介词形成习惯“动 + 介 ”搭配。如:

The car on which he spent 40,000 yuan is made in N anjing . (spend money on sth .)

The car for which he paid 40,000 yuan is made in Nanjing . (pay money for sth .)

★ 既要看定语从句中的动词,又要看先行词有何习惯“动 + 介 + 名”搭配。如:

I don't know the student with whom Mary quarreled yesterday . (quarrel with sb .)

I don't know the thing about which they quarreled yesterday . (quarrel about sth . )

3. “介词 + 关系代词”的复杂化

★ 复合介词 + 关系代词


Tom studies in a new school , at the back of which there is a big river .

She gave a friendly smile to the worker , in front of whom sat a little cat .

★ 名词(〈不定〉代词、数词、形容词最高级)+ of + 关系代词

例如: I live in an old house , whose door is made of bamboo .

注意:“ whose +名词”常可换成“名词 + of + 关系代词( whom / which )”上句可改成:

I live in an old house , whose door is made of bamboo .

She has two sons , neither of whom is tall .

In our class there are fifty students , most of whom are good at English .

I talked with an old worker , one of whose daughters is a scientist .

China has thousands of rivers , the longest of which is the Changjiang River .

二、whose 引导的定语从句

whose 是英语中唯一能够在定语从句中充当定语的一个关系代词,意为“……的”。它既可引导限制性定语从句,也可引导非限制性定语从句。与that , whom , which 又有着截然不同的用法。同学们须认真掌握,其主要用法如下:

1. 指人。

Do you know the boy whose brother is a postman ?

This is the student whose handwriting is the best in our school .

2. 指物。

The lives in a small room , whose windows face the north .

I want to buy the coat whose colour is the lightest .

注意:(1) whose 指人时,一般可以和 of whom 互换。

Do you know the boy , the brother of whom is a postman ?

This is the student , the handwriting of whom is the best in our school .

(2) whose 指物时,一般可以和 of which 互换。

He lives in a room , the windows of which face the north .

I want to buy the coat , the colour of which is the lightest .

3. whose 引导的定语从句作主语的定语时,一般不用 of which / whom来替换。

Mr Li , whose car was stolen last week , got very angry .

The factory , whose boss hurt in the accident , produces a lot of useful things every year .

4. 如果主句是由who , which等引导的疑问句,从句中最好不用 whose , 以免意义混乱。

Who is that girl , the mother of whom died last month ?

Whose is the house , the windows of which are all broken ?



1. What he said just now sounded , I think .

A. quite perfectly B. nice and interesting C. nice or polite D. nice and friendly

2. Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often or better than an acted performance.

A. as good as B. as good C. good D. good as

3. Last night we met with rain at the station .

A. a quite heavy B. too heavy a C. such heavy a D. a so heavy

4. After having gone far , George did not want to turn back .

A. enough B. much C. such D. that

5. Which is book , the mew one or the old one ?

A. better B. the better C. best D. the best

6. The old gentleman has , been to the Great wall before , has he ?

A. always B. already C. ever D. not

7. They have produced they did last year .

A. twice more grain as B. twice as much grain as

C. twice as many grain as D. as twice many grain as

8. It’s said that the film is seeing .

A. very worth B. quite worthy of C. well wor