Unit 2 of Module 9 Words and Expressions(译林牛津版高三英语选修九导学案)


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Learning Aims:

1. Learn some phrases by heart.

2. Master the usage of some important words and expressions.

Learning Important and Difficult Points:

The usage of some words and expressions such as in particular, seize control of, be charged with, sentence somebody to death and so on.

Learning Methods:

1. Learn some phrases by heart.

2. Learn the usage of some words and phrases through self-study and practice.

Learning procedures:


I. 识记短语

1. in particular 尤其,特别 2. seize control of 夺取对……的控制权

3. be charged with 被指控犯有……罪 4. sentence sb. to death 判处某人死刑

5. focal point 焦点,活动(或注意,兴趣等的)中心

6. in terms of 在……方面,从……方面来说

7. part and parcel 主要部分,必要部分

II. 重点单词或词组用法探究

1. in particular 尤其,特别

[原句回放]In particular, we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens, the greatest symbol of which is the Acropolis. 请问本句中in particular的意思是 尤其,特别 ,相当于副词 particularly ,在句中作 状 语;另外,which在句中引导一个 非限制定语 从句,其先行词是 Athens ,试用whose来改写这个定语从句 whose greatest symbol is the Acropolis 。

particularly :含有“个别”的意味,强调特殊条件下的“特殊”情况;

specially: 强调目的,“特别地,专门地,特意地”;

especially: 与particularly近义,强调程度。进一步补充说明前面所叙述的事。



I made the cake specially for you.


He is always late for school, particularly missing the train.

[拓展]be particular about/over sth. 对……挑剔;be particular to some place (某物)为某地所特有。

3)He is very particular the kitchen-everything has to be perfectly clean and in its place. (B级)

A. about B. in C. on D. of

2. be charged with 被指控犯有……罪

[原句回放]In 1603, Raleigh was charged with the crime of betraying his country, and the judge sentenced him to death. 该句中and引导两个 并列 句,划线短语的意思是 被指控犯有……罪 , 其主动形式是 charge sb. with ,与它有相同含义的一个短语是 be accused of ,另外,你还能回忆charge 的其他意思吗? 收费,控告,指责,掌管,猛冲, ,请写出下列与charge有关的短语:免费 free of charge 掌管/负责 take charge of 收某人多少费用 charge sb. ……

向……冲锋(袭击) charge at


1) 父亲去世后他掌管了农场。(复合句)

He took charge of the farm after his father’s death.


He will be sent back to England to face a charge of armed robbery.

3)He had once been with drug dealings, but evidence found later proved his innocence. (B级)

A. accused B. sentenced C. charged D. tried

4)The man was charged the crime of betraying his country and sentenced ten years in prison. (B级)

A. of; to B. with; for C. of; for D. with; to

3. seize control of 夺取对……的控制权

[原句回放] In 1458, the Turks defeated the Greeks and seized control of Athens. 本句中划线短语的意思是 夺取对……的控制权 __ , 另一含义相同的短语是 exercise control over ;请指出下列句中seize的含义:

1) She tried to seize the gun from him. 抓住

2) They seized the airport in a surprise attack. 夺取

3) I couldn’t seize the meaning of his remarks. 理解

4) The army has seized control of the country. 夺取对……的控制权

5) I will seize the chance to go abroad. 抓住机会



He is drunk with power and exercises control over the king.

7) 毛主席利用了那次好机会并夺取了对军队的控制权。

Chairman Mao made full use of the good chance and seized control of the army.

[拓展]take control of 掌管,控制;lose control of 对……失去控制;be/get out of control 失去控制;in/under the control of 处于……控制之下

4. furnish vt. 为(房间等)配备家具;提供,供应 ,常与with搭配

[原句回放] During those years, he managed to live comfortably, having his furnished accommodation enlarged to make room for his wife and son. 该句中划线单词是 过去 分词,充当 前置定语 (成分),同后面的名词构成 被动 关系,意思是 配有家具的 ;having是现在分词充当 伴随 状语,并且运用了have的特殊结构 have sth. done ;后面的to make room for充当 目的 状语,含义是 为……提供房间 。


1) 这房间配备了一些现代家具。 The room was furnished with some modern furniture.

2) 她向他提供了与案件有关的真实情况。 She furnished him with the facts surrounding the case.

[拓展] be equipped with 配备,装备; be decorated with 装饰,装潢。

用 furnish, equip, decorate 的适当形式填空:

3) This course is designed to equip students for future careers.

4) His study is furnished with an old desk and chair.

5) The Chinese people like to decorate their houses with beautiful pictures.

5. mercy n. 宽大,宽恕,仁慈,幸运,侥幸的事

[原句回放]Three years later, having borne a daughter but no son, King Henry VIII showed no mercy as he accused her of being unfaithful to him and sent her to the Tower to be killed.本句是一个 复合句 (简单句/复合句), 其中 as 引导一个 原因状从 ;划线单词意为 宽恕,仁慈 ,可构成短语 have mercy on/show mercy to…… 对……有怜悯之心;having borne是现在分词的 式,表示该动作先于showed这一动作。



They showed no mercy to the prisoners.

2)做完家庭作业后,我才匆匆回家。 (分词作状语)

Having finished my homework, I hurried back home.

[拓展]without mercy 毫不留情地,残忍地;at the mercy of 受……支配,任……处置,在……掌握中;merciful 仁慈的

3) 这条船任由湍急的河流摆布。

The boat was at the mercy of the rapid river.

6. defeat vt. 战胜,击败

[原句回放]In 1458, the Turks defeated the Greeks and seized control of Athens. 本句中划线单词的意思是 战胜,击败 ,它和beat 都可表示在比赛中“击败,打败,战胜”对手,defeat 还可表示在战争中“击败”敌人,二者的宾语都表示人的名词或代词,如:a team, a class, a school, an army等。We beat/defeated the other team by 6 points. win 可做及物和不及物动词,表示“在……中获胜”后常接表示战斗,辩论,比赛,选举,奖品,奖金等的名词;后接表示人的名词或代词时,表示“说服,争取”。


1) 我们已经试过各种方法把玛丽争取过来。

We have tried every means to win Mary over.

2) 他在1921年获得了诺贝尔物理奖。

He won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921.

用win, beat, defeat 的适当形式填空:

3) The war is going against them; they seem likely to be defeated

4) He won the first prize in the English competition.

5) It was the last question on the paper that defeated me.




He was charged with cyber crime and sent to court.

2、在父母的支配下,他极不情愿地出国留学去了。(at the mercy of)

At the mercy of his parents, he went abroad to study unwillingly.


Do you think the Stars could defeat the Bulls without Jodan?

4。夺取了对南京的控制权后,残酷的日本士兵还杀害了三十万中国老百姓。(seize control of, 分词的完成式)

Having seized control of Nanjing, the cruel Japanese soldiers killed 300,000 Chinese common people.


1. that she didn’t do a good job, I don’t think I am abler than her.

A. To have said B. Having said C. To say D. Saying

2. no classes on Sunday, most students stay at home.

A. There are B. There have C. There being D. There having

3. Peter, if you don’t like to swim, you as well watch TV at home.

A. should B. may C. can D. would

4. - Who would you like to to the cinema with you this evening?

- No one. I would rather stay at home this evening.

A. have go B. have gone C. going D. to go
