过去完成时的学习难点 (人教版高一英语选修九教学论文)



温州市14中 沈永铭325003(邮编)


一. 概念:


1).Up until then we had covered nearly half the distance .(直到那时我们几乎已经走了一半的路程。)

2)By the end of last term more than 3,000 English words had been learnt by us at our middle schools.(到上学期末为止, 我们已经学会了3,000多个英语单词。)

2.在包含when,as soon as,before,after,until,now that 等从属连词引导的主从复合句中,如果主句的谓语和从句的谓语表示的过去动作是在不同的时间发生的话,那么首先发生的动作通常需用过去完成时表示,而发生在后的动作通常用一般过去时表示;这也可以说是“过去动作的过去”。例如:

3)Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.(我刚一到家,天就开始下雨了。)

4)Tom had pressed the button on the computer before we could stop him.(我门还来不及阻止他,汤姆就已经按了电脑上的按钮。)

二. 过去完成时与一般过去时的比较

1. 在表示某人过去未曾完成的“心愿”、“打算”、“计划”、“想法”、“许诺”等时,hope,mean,plan,want,promise,intend等谓语动词必须用过去完成时。例如:

5).I had planned to offered you some help in your shop, but suddenly my mother fell ill yesterday.(昨天我原本计划在你店里帮一些忙的,但是我妈妈突然犯病了。)

6).He had hoped to spend the important day with us last Sunday, but he was too busy then.(上星期日他原本很想与我们一起度过这个重要的日子,可是他当时实在太忙了。)

2.在表示过去的句子中出现与完成时态连用的象征词,如:already,yet,since,for,ever,never及次数名词等时,常用过去完成时来表示。例如 :

7)They had already finished doing their homework when the teacher came into their bedroom.(当老师走进他们的寝室时,他们早已做好了回家作业。)

8).The old man said that he wanted to go where he had never been .(老人说他想到他从未去过的地方去。)


9).The teacher said that it was Columbus who first discovered the American continent.(老师说是哥伦布最早发现了美洲大陆。)

10).My parents told me that I was born on May 6th,1986.(我的父母告诉我说我是1986年五月6日出生的。)

4.如果两个动作紧接着发生时,则常常不用过去完成时,而用一般过去时,特别是在包含before 和after 的复合句中。例如:

11).After we said good-bye to the farmers, we left the mountain village.(在我们和农民们告别了之后我们就离开了水草那个山村。)

12)Just before I left Wenzhou, I sent my parents a telephone.(在离开温州前我给我的父母亲打了一个电话。)


--Oh, it’s you! I ______you.

--I’ve just had my haid cut, and I’m wearing new glasses.(1996年上海市高考题)

A.didn’t recognize B.hadn’t recognized C.haven’t recognized D.don’t recognixe


13).As soon as it (had) stopped raining, they began working again.(雨一停他们又开始干活。)

14).We watched the PLA soldiers until they (had) disappeared from sight.(我们望着解放军战士们,直到看不见为止。)



1。Alice had to wait outside of her house because she ______ her keys in her office until her husband ________.(MET1992)

A.left;returned B.has left;will return C.had left;would return D.had left;returned

2.You didn’t let me drive. If we _____ in turn, you _____ so tired.(NMET1996)

A.drove;didn’t get B.drove;wouldn’t get

C.were driving;wouldn’t get D.had driven;wouldn’t have got

3.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ________.(NMET1995)

A.breaks B.has broken C.were broken D.had been broken

4.-Come on Peter. I want to show you something.

---Oh, how nice of you! I ______ you _________ to bring me a gift.(MET1993)

A.never think;are going B.never thought;were going

C.didn’t think;were going D.hadn’t thought;were going

5.Hardly________ ourselves in the theatre when the curtain ______ up.

A.had we seated;went B.we had seated;went

C.seated;had gone D.did we seated;went

6.The police found that the house_________ and a lot of things ______.(NMET1994)

A.had broken into;had been stolen B.has broken into;has been stolen

C.has been broken into;stolen D.had been broken into;stolen

7.--Were they good to you during your stay there?

--Sure. I _______ one of the family there.

A.was treated as B.were treated like

C.had been looked on like D.had been considered as

8.When they went to the theatre, the play ______ for five minutes.

A.had begun B.has begun C.had been on D. was on

9.It was obviously that the man ______ driving on the free way for almost an hour when he ______ that he must come back.

A.was;was told B.had been;was told C.had been;told D.was;was told

10.Bt the time he was twelve, Edison _______ to make a living by himself.(MET1983)

A.would begin B.has begun C.had begun D.began

Keys:1.D 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B10.C
