A Revision About Attributive Clause定语从句要点回顾 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


A Revision About Attributive Clause


I 定语从句的定义

在复合句中,修饰名词或者代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句所修饰的词叫做先行词。如在课本中,(a)The man who lives next to us sells vegetable. (b) You must do everything that I can do. 斜体部分是先行词。黑体部分是定语从句。第一句中定语从句修饰的是“the man ”这个名词,而在第二句当中修饰的是“everything”这个代词。其中,“who”和“that”叫做关系代词。应到定语从句的词有关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose 和关系副词where, when, why. 同时“as”也经常充当关系代词,引导定语从句。

II 关系代词that, which, who(whom)引导的定语从句(基本例句见课本)

1,其中that, who(whom),都可以指人,那么他们在指人时有什么区别呢。[本条记忆技巧:用who 不用 that 的情况 “there be” “one,ones,anyone,nobody, those ” 被分割。***那里有(there)很多万(one)被那些人(those)分割。]

<1>先行词为those, one, anyone, nobody 等词时,用who不用that,例如:The one who knows me well is Tom.

<2>在分隔型定语从句中,若先行词是人,用 who不用that, 例:

A new teacher will come who will teach you German.

在本句中,先行词“teacher”和修饰限定它的从句 “who will teach you German ” 分离,所以我们用 who 不用 that。

<3>先行词为“there be”结构的主语时,例如

There is a man who wants to see you.

在本句子当中a man是There is a man 这句当中的主语,所以用who不用that

2其中,that 和 which 都可以指物,它们在指物时的区别:

(1) 用that不用which

<1>先行词前有形容词最高级,序数词,all, every, little, no, any, much, the only, the very, the last 等修饰时,例如:

I have read all the books that you gave me.

<2>先行词为all, few, nothing, everything, little, much 等不定代词时:

He did all that he could do to help us.


Who is the man that just called you just now?


China is not the country that is was.


He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited.

2, 先行词表示物时, 用which不用that 的情况

<1> 引导非限制性定语从句时,例如:

She heard a terrible noise, which brought her heart to her mouth.


He wrote a book in which he could learn about his life.

在上一例句中,引导词 “which”作了介词 “in”的宾语,所以不可以用 “that”代替.

III由whose, when, where why 等引导的定语从句可参考课本内容。这里简单介绍一下非限制性定语从句和限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句,从意义上来说,是对主语的补充说明,从结构上来看,先行词和定语从句之间用逗号隔开,He makes great progress in his English learning which makes his mother very happy.

IV 关于as

(1) 在一些结构,如“such …as” “the same…as” “as…as”等结构中,定语从句的引导词经常要用到as,例如

This is not such a book as I expected.

(2) the same as和the same that 的区别。例句:

This is the same tool as I used last time.

This is the same tool that I used last time.


(3) as 和which 的比较


不同点<1>as 引导的从句可以放在句首和句尾,而which 引导的从句只可放在句尾。

<2>另外which 还有正如、正象的意思。

As Marx pointed out, labor created man himself.

当先行词,虽然表示时间地点,但是引导词在从句中不是做状语时,而是做宾语时,不能用when, where引导,而只能用that, which 等引导。比较以下两个句字:

I will never forget the days when I first went to Beijing .

I will never forget the days that (which) we spent together.
