学习手册Unit11 The sounds of the world(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)




practise,turn,represent,spirit,heart,rhythm,contain,in ommon,beat,spread,variety,record,satisfy,



Which piece of music do you like best?

Can you help me decide…?

That's a good idea.

I'm not sure.

How about a Rolling Stones CD?





spirit,heart,contain,in common,beat,spread,variety,simple,satisfy,dance to,sound,discover,pick,






1.heart n.


(1)lose heart 灰心,丧气

Don't lose heart!

(2)lose one's heart to sb.倾心于,爱上

The boy lost his heart to the girl.

(3)heart and soul 全心全意

They serve people heart and soul.



3.spread v.



The story________that the princess would soon marry.

A.gets round B.spread

C.was spread D.is got round

答案:B spread 作“传播,传开”解时,是不及物动词,无被动语态,与get round同义。

4.variety n.



Everyone arrived late at the party for a________of reasons.

A.number B.lot

C.great deal D.variety

答案:D 每个人迟到的原因各不相同,而不是有多个原因,a great deal of修饰不可数名词。

5.simple adj.


6.satisfy v.



类似的结构还有:to one's surprise 令……(非常)吃惊的是

to one's joy/delight 令……(非常)高兴

to one's disappointment 令……(非常)失望

7.sound 玽./n./adj./adv.


(4)sound adv. 熟(睡)

The baby is sound asleep(=sleeping sou-ndly.)

(2)noise n.指音量大而难听的声音

Stop making so much noise!





1.be(well)worth doing “……值得做”

=be(well)worthy of being done

=be(well)worthy to be done

The book is(well)worth reading/worthy of being read/worthy to be read.

2.want/need/require+doing=want/need/require+to be done(某物需要……)

My clothes are so dirty that they need washing.(=to be washed)

3.be to blame(应受责备)

I'm to blame for not closing the door.

4.be to let(……出租)

The house is to let.




The flowers smell sweet.

His face turned red.

Please keep silent.

6.有些动词和短语动词不用被动语态:come about(发生),occur(发生),happen(发生),take place(发生),break out(爆发),belong to(属于),last(持续),give out(用光,精疲力竭),come out(出版,发芽),add up to(总计),come true(实现),cost(花费),come up(问题被提出)

The meeting lasted four hours.

Great changes have taken place in the 20th century.


The pen writes well.

The door won't lock.

Wood burns easily.

The cloth wears long.


He was devoted(=devoted himself)to scientific(科学的)research.

He is seated(=seats himself)in the bench(长凳).

The boy is hidden behind the door.

The soldiers are stationed at the foot of the mountain.


I'll get him to make me a bookshelf.


Who do you think the teacher has________the composition?

A.written B.write

C.writing D.to write

答案:B 句型have sb.do sth.对宾语sb.进行提问。



1.-How can I run a mile in such a short time?

-I think it possible,for the________runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.

A.extraordinary B.usual

C.average D.general

2.Today CCTV offers a great________of programmes to meet the different needs and________.

A.variety;tastes B.many;interests

C.deal;likes D.number;habits

3.After moving into the town,my wife did some washing for the rich so that we had just enough to________our expenses(开销,开支).

A.serve B.support

C.satisfy D.cover

4.-Mike,the phone is ringing.Do you want me to go?

-No,sit still.________.

A.I'm about to get it B.I'm getting it

C.I'd like to get it D.I'm to get it

5.-I didn't know this was a one-way street,officer.


A.That's all right B.I don't believe you

C.How dare you say that D.Sorry,but that's no excuse

6.Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as________sickness. A.normal B.average

C.regular D.ordinary

7.________the lights off,we could not go on with the work.

A.Until B.As

C.With D.Because

8.It's quite strange that the man sleep with his mouth________and his eyes________.

A.closed;open B.closed;opened

C.closing;open D.closing;opening

9.In the botanic garden(植物园)we can find a(n)________of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers.

A.species(物种) B.group

C.amount D.variety

10.I heard a soft________at the door.When I looked up.I fond it was Mary.

A.noice B.sound

C.voice D.cry

11.This dance is known________country music.

A.performed by B.to be performed with

C.to be performed to D.being performed in

12.He didn't go into details on the subject.He spoke________.

A.in common B.in particular

C.in general D.on short

13.The gas tank________twenty gallons(加仑)of gas,but now it may________only three gallons.

A.holds;contain B.holds;be contained

C.is held;contain D.is held;be contained

14.What he has done is far from________.

A.satisfactory B.satisfied

C.satisfaction D.satisfy

15.Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does________his boss.

A.serves B.satisfies

C.promises(答应,允诺) D.supports

16.-How about this kind of fruit?

-Oh,this kind of fruit________lots of vitamine C and B.

A.remains B.includes

C.contains D.holds

17.-He seldom has lunch at school,________?


A.does he;No,but he did B.does he;No,he hasn't

C.has he;Yes,he has D.hasn't he;Yes,he doesn't

18.Please tell me________you would like to have your coffee________black or white?

A.what B.where

C.when D.how

19.Xiao Wang finished his study in Beijing and has gone to Japan,________.

A.So has Xiao Li B.So it is with Xiao Li

C.So Xiao Li has D.So it has with Xiao Li

20.-I'd rather rest for a while.I am tired.


A.So I would B.Neither did I

C.So would I D.So did I

21.-It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night.

-My God!________.

A.So did I B.So I did

C.So were you D.So did you

22.I'm surprised that you should have been fooled by such a(n)________trick(诡计).

A.ordinary B.easy

C.smart D.simple

23.As soon as those people________,they couldn't wait to change the law.

A.came to the power B.came into power

C.came into strength D.came to the strength

24.I tried every________to make him give up smoking,but I failed.

A.means B.mean

C.ways D.way

25.How happy they are!Obviously(显然),they are________.

A.in nice spirits B.in nice spirit

C.in high spirits D.in high spirit


In our country,power plants that make electricity are often built on rivers.Cool water that is used in making electricity becomes warm as it runs through the plant.Then the heated water is returned to the river.

When large amounts of warm water are dumped into a river,the river itself is heated.The temperature of the water may be raised only a few degrees.Yet these few degrees can change the animal and plant life in the river.Heat causes a loss of oxygen in the water.Fish no longer do well,and some kinds die.Without enough oxygen,bacteria in the river can not break down waste matter.The river is no longer clean.

In the coming years,new power plants will be built.Many will be run by nuclear energy.A nuclear power plant heats a river even more than a power plant run by gas,oil,or coal.

In some states,laws are being passed to protect the rivers.Certain rivers will be called “cold-water rivers”.Power plants will not be allowed to raise their temperature above 68°F.The temperature of “warm-water rivers”will not be raised above 83°F.Power plants will have to cool the water they pour into rivers.

1.Water is used in making electricity________.

A.flows fast B.is used up

C.becomes warm D.turns to ice

2.The story does not say so,but it makes you think that________.

A.fish must have oxygen

B.bacteria must be removed from rivers

C.plants need warm water

D.all the power plants are built on rivers

3.Many power plants will be run by________.

A.cold-water rivers B.nuclear energy

C.gas,coal,or oil D.drops of water

4.Why are laws being passed to protect our rivers?

A.We must save all the water we can to make electricity.

B.People are catching too many fish in our streams and rivers.

C.Without laws,warm water dumped into rivers could kill the fish.

D.Lawyers can have many jobs to do.

5.On the whole this story is about________.

A.the changes caused by heating rivers

B.how unclear power plants use electricity

C.why we must build new power plants

D.where we can find dead dish


When you buy stamp,you also buy service 1.________

from the post office.You get the letter send by 2.________

post.After the stamp has done its job,the post office

say it's worthless.You must buy a new one 3.________

for another letter you send it.But people 4.________

often pay money to stamps that have 5.________

already used.Stamp collectors have fun just trying to 6.________

collect so many different kinds as possible 7.________

certain kinds are hard to find.To get one of 8.________

uncommon stamps,some collectors are willing to cost 9.________

a great deal money.They think it is worth something and 10.________

that gives it value.








Welcome to our school,my dear friends.


1.Do let your mother know the truth.She appears________everything.

A.to tell B.to be told

C.to be telling D.to have been told

2.Visitors________not to touch the exhibits(展品).

A.will request B.request

C.are requesting D.are requested

3.Mr.Lopes was much disappointed(失望)to find the bike he had had________went wrong again.

A.it repaired B.repaired

C.repaired it D.to be repaired

4.-Why did you come by taxi?

-My bike broke down last night and I ________it repaired.

A.didn't have B.don't have

C.won't have D.haven't had

5.Your clothes need________.________she wash them for you?

A.to be washed;Shall B.to wash;Shall

C.washing;Will D.being washed;Will

6.This kind of cloth________well.

A.wash B.is washed

C.washes D.washing

7.-What do you think of the speech?

-The speaker said almost nothing worth________.

A.listening B.being listened to

C.listening to D.being listening

8.Bob,quickly get this film________.I want to know if this camera works well.

A.washed B.developed

C.printed D.shown

9.He firmly asked________a chance to try his luck,which at once encouraged(鼓励)________.

A.to give;the others four B.to be given;the other four

C.be given;four the other D.giving;the four others

10.-I'd like a pen which ________well.

-Will this one________?

A.writes;do B.writes;work

C.is written;do D.is written;work

11.To my disappointment,the computer I had________was out of order again.

A.repaired B.repaired it

C.had repaired it D.had repaired

12.He________when the bus came to a sudden(突然)stop.

A.was almost hurt B.was to hurt himself

C.was hurt himself D.was hurting himself

13.The Bunsen Burner is so named because it is thought________by Robert Bunsen.

A.to be invented B.having been invented

C.invented D.to have been invented

14.I don't care if a hunting dog smells________,but we really don't want him to smell________.

A.well;well B.bad;bad

C.well;badly D.badly;bad

15.All the preparations(准备)for the project________,and we're ready to start.

A.completed(完成) B.had been completed

C.complete D.have been completed

16.-I________to a party,but I've got nothing to wear.

-Why don't you have a dress made for the party?

A.was asked B.will ask

C.have asked D.have been asked

17.Your room requires________.________she clean it for you?

A.cleaning;Will B.to clean;Should

C.to be cleaned;Shall D.being cleaned;Will

18.I feel it is your husband who________for the spoiled child.

A.is to blame B.is going to blame

C.is to be blamed D.should blame

19.-What's the matter?

-The shoes don't fit properly.They________my feet.

A.are hurt B.will hurt

C.have hurt D.are hurting

20.This kind of cloth________well and________long.

A.is washed;lasts B.washes;lasts

C.washes;is lasted D.is washed;lasted



1.C 表“一般的,平均的”,故排除A,usual表通常的状况。

2.A many后不用of,a great deal of 修饰不可数名词,满足人的需求与品味而不是习惯。

3.C 此处satisfy作“满足(需求、欲望等)”

4.B 表达临时的决定应用I'll get it,此题中be getting 也可表将来。

5.D 情景交际,这是司机与警察的对话。

6.D 常见病可以用common或ordinary。

7.C 此处为with的复合结构,要用as或became,必须是一个完整的句子,应说as the lights were off。

8.A with复合结构。

9.D amount修饰不可数名词,此题强调植物的种类不同。

10.C soft修饰人声。

11.C dance to country music表示随着乐律跳舞。dance with sb.“与某人跳舞”。

12.C in general表示“言简意赅”地说了些话。

13.A 此题中应用主动语态。

14.A to one's satisfaction “令人满意的是”,作状语,satisfactory (adj.)表“令人满意的”,作表语。


16.C contain表“包含(某种维生素)”。

17.A seldom(不常)故反意疑问句需用肯定式,此题中的has lunch是一般现在时,而but he did表过去“经常在学校吃饭!”

18.D 这里指咖啡的制作方式,而不是提供选择。

19.B 在谓语或时态不一致的情况下,一律用so it is with sb.(某人也是如此)。

20.C “so+助动词+主语”表示“某人也是如此”-

21.B so+主语+助动词表示“某人确实如此”。

22.D “simple trick”(简单的计谋)。

23.B come into power (上台、执政、掌权)。

24.A 具体的方法应用means。

25.C in high/low spirits“情绪高昂/低落”。


1.C 根据文中第一自然段第二句话“Cool water that is used in making electricity becomes warm as it runs through the plant.”可确定C为正确答案。

2.A 根据文中第二自然段第四句话“Heat causes a loss of oxygen in the water.Fish no longer do well,and some kinds die.”可确定A为正确答案。

3.B 根据文中第三自然段第一、二句可确定B为正确答案。“In the coming years,new power plants will be built.Many will be run by nuclear energy”。

4.C 根据文中最后自然段第一句话可知“In some states,laws are being passed to protect the rivers.”

5.A 该题应统篇考虑得知A为正确答案。



2.send→sent 此处“send”表示的动作与“the letter”之间是被动关系,故须用过去分词sent。

3.say→says 句中主语“the post office”应视作单数。

4.删去it 该句中“you send”是定语从句,其宾语是前面省略了的关系代词which(或that),故此处it是多余的。

5.to→for pay作“付款”解时,通常与for连用。

6.already后加been 句中that引导的是定语从句。根据句意,从句中应用现在完成时的被动语态, been不可缺少。

7.so→as “as…as possible”是固定结构,表示“尽可能……的”。


9.cost→pay/spend cost用作动词,作“花费”讲时,其主语一般是“物”,而不是“人”。本句主语是“人”。根据句意,应将其改为pay或spend。

10.deal后加of 词组a great/good deal of意为“大量的”。其后一般跟不可数名词。


Welcome to our school,my dear friends.Now I am very pleased to tell you something about our school.

There are about 1 800 students in our school,studying in 38 classes.There are also over 200 teachers in it,too.We come to school at 7:30 in the morning and go back home at 4:45 in the afternoon.At school,we study Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry,biology,history,geography,

physical education and so on.We study very hard and we love our school very much.Thanks.

Ⅴ.同步语法专项练习 1.D appear与seem用法相同,不定式后面可用各种形式,此处表“妈妈已被告知这件


2.D “参观者被要求……”。

3.B 此处用句型“have sth.done”,其中sth.被提前,后面又用了一个定语从句,而且是过去完成时。

4.D 指现在的状态。

5.A 主+need/want/require与后面的动词构成被动关系应用doing或to be done,shall用于一、三人称表示“征询意见”。


7.C be worth doing.“某事值得一做”。

8.B get sth.done,冲洗胶卷应用“develop”,不用wash。

9.B 要求别人给他一次机会,故应用被动。

10.A do表示“行,可用”,work表示“(计划、建议)有效,起作用”。


12.A 人受伤应用be hurt表状态。

13.D 已经发明完的东西应用完成时态。

14.D 此题用了smell的两个词性smell badly(实义动词)表示“味道不好闻”,而smell bad(联系动词)表示“嗅觉不好”。

15.D 由“We are ready…”判断应用现在完成时。

16.D 由后半句判断,也应用现在完成时。


18.A be to blame用主动表被动。

19.D “鞋挤脚”表现在的状况。
