新教材高一英语Unit 3课文注释(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)


(1) because 引导原因状语从句,places之后是that 引导的定语从句。

(2) 四个动词不定式并列使用,作目的状语。表示目的可用to、 in order to、so as to+动词原形或so that、in order that 引导的是目的状语短语

如:He got up early to/in order to/so as to catch the first bus. 他早起为了赶上第一趟车。注意否定形式:They hurried so as not to/in order not to miss the train.)

Speak clearly so that everybody can understand you.

(3) get away from 离开、逃脱

(4) have a new experience 有一种新的体验。

(5) today’s travelers 表示实践、距离、国家、城市、团体、机构等无生命的名词,可以用“’s”构成所有格。例如: today’s newspaper, ten minutes’ walk, China’s industry, the station’s waiting room

(6) have an adventure 冒一次险

(7) more and more popular “越来越……” 注意有两种形式:大部分单音节的形容词或副词用:比较级形式+比较级形式,例如:bigger and bigger , faster and faster,另一种形式是:more and more +形容词或副词原级形式,此句中就是这种结构。

(8) many different kinds of 很多种,另外,all kinds of多种多样的

(9) an example of 例子,范例,样本,常见短语有:give an example of, set an example to sb.

take sth. for an example 等

(10)instead of 后面跟名词、动名词、代词、形容词或介词短语等等,意思是“代替”,“而不是”。如:I stayed in bed all day instead of going to school. / He likes pop songs, instead of classical music. 他喜欢流行歌曲,而不喜欢古典音乐。He went there on foot instead of by bus. 注意:instead 是副词,一般用于句末,后面不再跟其他词,用于否定前面提到的东西,如: Yesterday I didn’t go there on foot. I took a bus instead.

(11) get close to close在这儿是形容词,意思是靠近,to是一个介词,后面要加名词,即close to+宾语。如: There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to the building. 街道上围观大火的人太多了,消防人员无法接近大楼。

(12) take exercise 这里指的是:进行体育锻炼,exercise是不可数名词。

(13) at the same time 意思是“与此同时”She was laughing and crying at the same time. 她一面哭一面笑。 Don’t all speak at the same time. 大家别同时说。

(14) don’t (doesn’t)have to 不需要,相当于,don’t (doesn’t) need to do或need not do。

(15) also, too, either also 一般用于句中;too一般用于句末,如果用于句中的话,前后通常有逗号;either 用于否定句的句末,表示“也不”。

(16) go for 意思是“为 去;去请;去找。例如:go for a walk去散步go for a doctor去请医生。

(17) fun不可数名词。可以作表语,但意思和funny作表语不同,前者,表示“有趣,好玩”而后者则表示“滑稽,可笑”。

(18) maybe 副词,作状语。是美国英语,相当于英国英语中的perhaps。是“大概,可能“的意思。注意如果分开写成may be 就成了情态动词+动词原形了,在句子中作谓语。

(19) watch out (for) 注意或注视;堤防;留心;小心

(20) protect sb. from (against) 保护……免遭

Unit 3 Going Places课文英汉对照


Adventure travel


Why do people travel? Well, many people travel because they

人们为什么旅游? 对了,很多人旅游是因为他们

want to see other countries and visit places that are famous,


interesting or beautiful (1). People travel to meet new friends,

或者是美丽的地方。 人们为会朋友去旅游,

to try new kinds of food, to experience life in other parts of the


world or simply to get (2) away from cold weather (3). Yet there are


other reasons why people travel. Many of today’s travelers (4) want


to have a new experience from their travel (5), and some of them

他们的游览中的到一种新的体验。 其中也有一些

wish to have an adventure (6). Adventure travel is becoming more

希望去冒冒险。 探险旅正在游越来越

and more popular (7). There are many different kinds (8); hiking and

受人们的喜爱。 探险旅游的种类有很多。 远足

rafting are only two examples of adventure travel (9).
