2005年高考英语第一轮总复习讲座之十四(SBⅡ-Units 1-2)(新课标版高考复习英语教案教学设计)




yard,horse-drawn,sign,film-maker,strict,button,castle,garage, beard, imagine, in t he hope of, take along, bring on, lose heart, day after day, used to, pick up, go through,go straight ahead,be well-known as an artist, be pleased with, have no idea, in this way smoker,packet, chance, public, club, cigarette, typewriter, nation, habit, therefore drug, smelly, share,give up, persuade sb. to do sth., go ahead, ask sb.for permission, at present,millions of, be caused by, sales of tobacco, fall asleep, catch fire,burn down, one third of, a packet of cigarettes, one third of/a third of, persuade sb.to do sth., die from, be reduced by, compared with, remain in business, encourage sb. to do sth., give up, be used to, get sb. into the habit of, call for.


(1)Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to…?

(2)Excuse me. How can I get to …→

(3)Go through the gate and you’ll…

(4)Excuse me, please. Where’s the…?

(5)Do you mind if I do…?

(6)Would you mind if I did…?

(7)Do(would)you mind(one/one’s)doing…?

(8)I wonder if I can/could do…





(1)Go straight ahead till you see…

(2)It’s about…yards/metres down this street.

(3)Excuse me. How can I get to …?

(4)Excuse me, please. Where’s the nearest men’s room?

(5)Do you mind if I do…?

(6)I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed.

(7)Would you mind if I did…?No. Go ahead.

(8)I wonder if I could use your phone. Sure, go ahead.


1.take 短语归纳

take along 带着,带在身边;take one’s place 坐某人的座位,代替某人的职位;take medicine 吃药;take steps采取步骤;take measures采取措施;take advice 接受建议;take a taxi坐出租车;take a look at 看;take a bath/walk/rest/trip洗澡/散步/休息/旅行;take away拿走; take down拿下,记录下;take back 带回,收回(话);take off脱下(衣、鞋、帽),(飞机)起飞;take out取出;take place 发生;take the place of代替,取代;take up 开始,拿起;take a deep breath深呼吸;take one’s temperature量体温;take a photo照像;take a photograph of给……拍照;take one’(a)seat 坐下,坐好;take aim at 瞄准;take charge of 负责(管理某事或照顾某人);take…for把……误当作;take hold of 抓住;take interest对……发生兴趣;take it easy别紧张,别过累;take notes作笔记;take notice of 注意;take office就职;take a new look on呈现新面貌;take on workers 雇佣工人;take part in参加(活动);take pride in 为……而骄傲;take the lead带头;take trouble费劲(力);take the side of 支持某人(方);take a day off某一天休假,不工作;take one’s time从容行事,慢慢来;take turns轮流。



Why don’t you ________ _______ your mother__________to the



The map on the wall is to old. _________ _________ ________.


Sorry. I _______ _______ what I said just now.


I ________him _________ my younger brother.


②Take, it ,down

③take, back



1)用作名词:traffic signs交通标志;road signs 路标;

signs for the rest rooms厕所标志:signs of heart trouble 心脏病的迹象,signs of rain/earthquake下雨/地震的预兆。

2)用作动词,表示“签名,作手势”。如:sign one’s name签名;sign the agreement 签署协议;sign to sb.朝某人做手势;sign to sb.to do sth.做手势让某人干某事。



The president_______ ______ ______to the paper.


The policeman ________ ________ ________ _______.




go ahead朝前走,请便(同意对方继续干或同意对方的请求);go ahead (on)with… 继续;ahead of在……前面,早于,优先;ahead of time提前



He ________ ________ to see what had happened.


May I take this seat?________ _______.


Tom is ________ _______ Mary in maths.


She arrived two hours _______ _______me.


They have completed the design ________ _______ ________ _______time.

Key:①went,ahead ②Go,ahead

③/ ④ahead,of




Work hard,and you’ll be successful in time./If you work hard,you will be successful in time.




Get ready or you won’t pass the test./ If you don’t get ready,you won’t pass the test.




①Be active,you will have the chance.

②If you have a good rest,and you will be all right.

Key:①you 前加and 或then ②去掉and


1)问:①Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the post office?


②How can I get to the hospital?


③Which is the way to the market?


④Where is the nearest men’s room?



Go straight ahead till you see…一直朝前走,直到看见……./ Go through the gate and you’ll find…等过大门你就会看到……。/It’s about…metres down the street. 沿这条街走……米就是。/It’s …yards from here.它离这儿有……码?/Take this street round to the right of…顺着这条街绕到……的右边。



_________ is the way to the cinema _______ _______ _______and you’ll find it.


________ can I ________ _______ the railway station?


②How,get, to


1)动词:admit,advise,consider,delay,enjoy,excuse,escape, finish,forbid,imagine,keep,mind,miss, practise,suggest, unders-


2)词组:insist on, think of, give up, dream of, hear of,depend on,feel like,devote to, be used to,can’t help,prevent… from,look forward to, put off, be worth


①The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ________.

A.catching B.to be caught

C.being caught D.to catch

②Only one of these books is _________.

A.worth to read B.worth being read

C.worth of reading D.worth reading

③I really enjoy ________ that kind of job.

A.do B.doing C.to do D.to be doing

④“What are you going to do this morning?”

“I’m thinking of _______ to visit my aunt.”

A.go B.going

C.having gone D.my going

Key:①C ②D ③B ④B



agree,ask,choose, decide, demand,expect, hope,learn,long, ma-

nage,offer,plan,promise, pretend, refuse,wish,set out, determine,

would love.


①We agree _______ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.


A.having met B.meeting

C.to meet D.to have met

②She pretended __________ me when I passed by.(MET’89)

A.not to see B.not seeing

C.to not see D.having not seen

③Little Jim should love ______ to the theatre this even-


A.to be taken B.to take

C.being taken D.taking

Key:①C ②A ③A

8.in the hope of

该短语表示“期待,抱有……的希望”,后接名词、代词或动名词,可替换成:in the hope that 从句或hoping to…。对比:

They got up very early in the hope of catching the first bus.


注意:have the hope of…/There be hope of…有希望

对比:She has the hope of success.


There is still hope of persuading him to change his mind.




He went there in the hope of buying some fresh fish./He

Went there in the hope that he could buy some fresh fish./He went there hoping to buy some fresh fish.


1)接名词、代词:You can’t imagine the life on the island.你无法想象岛上的生活。

2)接动名词:She never imagined her going abroad for further education.她从没设想过会出国深造。

3)接从句:You can’t imagine how worried I was those days.你想象不到那几天我是多么焦虑啊。

4)接复合宾语:The boy imagined himself to be a hero. 这男孩把自己想象成了英雄。

[应用] 选择正确答案

I can hardly imagine Peter ______across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.(MET’91)

A.sail B.to sail C.sailing D.to have sailed



at work 在工作;at table在吃饭;at play 在做游戏;at sea 出海;at university/college在上学;at night school在上夜校;at dinner/table在吃饭;at peace处于和平状态;at war在交战,在打仗



Don’t make any noise while others are ______ ________.


The children were ______ ________ while their parents were_______ _______.

Key:①at, work



1)用作动词:open a door/window/a small shop/one’s hand/one’s eyes/one’s mouth/fire开门/开窗/开一家小商店/张开手/睁开眼/张开嘴/开火;be opened to traffic通车;open up开采(发)

2)用作形容词:keep open开着门;be open开门、开业;cut…open切开;leave the door open 开着门;in the open air 在野外;an open secret公开的秘密;keep one’s eyes open睁眼


①John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes________.(MET’92)

A.open B.to be opened

C.to open D.opening

②Some new oilfields ________since 1976.

A.were opened up B.has been opened up

C.have been opened up D.had been opened up

③The computer center, _________ last year,is very popular among the students in this school.

A.open B.opening

C.having opened D.opened

Key:①A ②C ③D


1)as(so)far as 和……一样远,远至(原级比较或表示距离);就……来讲

2)as(so)long as 和……一样长(原级比较);只要(引导条件


3)as well as和……一样好;既……也……(连接并列成分)

4)as good as和……一样好;事实上(作状语)



They have ________ _______ ______ promised to help us.


Painted, this bike is _______ _____ ______ a new one.


Xiao Li speaks English ______ ______ _____ she speaks



He _______ ______ ______his parents is kind to me.


After supper we walked _______ ______ ______the foot of the



______ ______ ______I know, he’ll be away for two months.


________ _________ ________you work hard, you’ll succeed in



This newly – built bridge is said to be _________ ________

_________the old one.

Key:①②as good as;③④as well as

⑤as far as ⑥As, far,as

⑦As/so,long,as ⑧as,long,as


be pleased with sb./sth.对……满意;be satisfied with 对……满意;be busy with sth.忙于某事;be careful with 对……注意、细心;be connected with与……有联系;be lined with 排列,站队;be patient with sb.对某人有耐心;be popular with受欢迎;be strict with sb.对某人严格要求;be wrong with 出毛病,不顺心;be disappointed with对……失望;be angry with sb.生某人的气



As a teacher you should_______ _______ ______ your students.


Every road ______ ______ _____ trees.


Our teacher is not only strict _________ his work but also________his students.


Both husband and wife _______ ______ ______their work,so they

have no time to care for the child.

Key: ①be, patient,with

②is, lined,with

③in, with



lose heart 失去信心;lose one’s heart to sb./sth.爱上某人/事;give heart to sb.鼓励某人;give one’s heart sb./sth.爱上某人/事;put one’s heart into 一心扑在某事上;heart and soul全心全意地;have a kind heart有一幅好心肠;break one’s heart使某人伤心;learn…by heart 记住,背诵;with a heavy/light heart 心情沉重地/轻松愉快地



The team had won no game and it ________ ________.


We wonder why she ________ _________ ________ _______an

old foreigner.


Nothing is too difficult in the world if you _______ _______

________ _______it.


It’s the duty of a Party member to serve the people ________

_________ _________ __________.





15.in the last few years.

该短语意为“最近几年”,常和现在完成时连用,表示以前某时开始一直延续至说话时的动作或状态。in可被during或over 替换。常用的还有:during the past ten days过去的10天里;over the last 5 months过去的5个月里;in the past few weeks 过去的几周里如:

We’ve learned quite a lot of English over the past three years.



①Many factories were built in the last ten years in my hometown.

②Both my father and mother have been busy since the past few weeks.

Key:①改were 为have been



reduce the number of减少……的数量;

reduce the cost/one’s weight/the price/speed降低成本/减肥/降价/减速




The number of smokers has been reduced _________30%.


Now the cost of a bike has been reduced _______50 dollars.

Key:①by ②to



give sb.a chance给某人一次机会;

have a chance to do sth.有机会做;

miss a chance错过机会;

lose a chance失去机会;


The chance is that…/ The chances are that…表示“有可能……”(句型中的The和That 可省略)。如:

The chance is (that)she’s already heard the news.


Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.


3)后接of 或that从句表示“可能性”。如:

He has no chance of winning the match.


There is a chance that I will see him.




The chances are that there is a snake over there.

There is a chance of a snake hiding there.

There is a chance that a snake is over there.

18.cause v.导致,引起

1)接名词:cause an accident/trouble/death/a fire/a serious illness/damage引起事故/惹麻烦/导致死亡/引起大火/导致重病/造成损害

2)接双宾语:cause sb.pain/trouble/damage给某人带来痛苦/麻烦/损害

3)接复合宾语:cuase sb. to do sth使某人做某事



What _______ _______ ______ _______her plan?


The earthquake ________ all the buildings ________ _______.




ask for permission请求许可;

ask sb.for permission to do sth.请求某人允许做某事;

ask permission to do sth.请求得到允许做某事;

give sb.permission to do sth.允许某人做;

with one’s permission经某人允许;

without one’s permission 未经允许;

如:You have to ask the teacher for permission to do that.


You have to ask permission to go there.



No permission has _______ for anybody to enter the building.


A.been given B.given

C.to give D.be giving



1)remember doing/having done记得曾做过某事remember to do记住去做某事 对比:

Do you remember meeting me at a party last year?

Please remember to write to your parents when you get there.

2)regret doing/having done 后悔做了(或没做)某事/regret to do遗憾地去做某事 对比:

I regret telling her the truth.

I regret to say that you are completely wrong.

3)try to do 尽力去做/try doing 试着去做

对比:She tried to learn it by heart.

She tried adding more salt to the soup.

4)forget doing 忘记曾经做过/forget to do忘记去做

对比:I forget reading about it in a magazine.

Don’t forget to shut off the gas when you finish cooking.

5)stop doing 停止做/stop to do 停止某一动作去作另一动作(说明停止的目的)

对比:They didn’t start until it stopped raining .

We stopped to see what was going on.

6)mean doing 意味着/mean to do 打算,意图做

对比:Missing the train means waiting for an hour.

I meant to come, but a friend of mine went to see me .

7)want doing 需要(物作主语,动名词主动表示被动)/want to do 想做(人作主语)

对比:The wall wants painting. I want to paint the wall myself.


①-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.(MET’95)

-Well,now I regret ________ that.

A.to do B. to be doing

C.go having done D.having done

②-I usually go there by train.

-Why not ________by boat for a change?(MET’92)

A.to try going B.trying to go

C.to try and go D.try going

③-The light in the office is still on.

-Oh ,I forgot _________.(MET’91)

A.turning it off B.turn it off

C.to turn it off D.having turned it off

④She reached the top of the hill and stopped _______on a big rock by the side of the path.(MET’90)

A.to have rested B.resting

C.to rest D.rest

⑤She didn’t remember _______ him before.(MET’88)

A.having met B.have met

C.to meet D.to having met

Key:①D ②D ③C ④C ⑤A



对比:I’ll be back in two hours.我两个小时以后回来。

I’ll be back after 2:00p.m.我下午2点以后回来。

He went to see his teacher and came back after two hours.


A foreign film was shown after supper.



①Your new suit will be ready _______ two days.(85高考)

A.in B.on C.for D.over

②The doctor will be free _______ .(MET’92)

A.10 minutes later B.after 10 minutes

C.in 10 minutes D.10 minutes after

Key:①A ②C

22.go/do without




He had no money for a TV set,so he had to _______ _______ ______.


We have no map but we can ________ ________

Key:①go,without,it ②do,without


1. These photographs will show you_________.

A.what does our village look like

B.what our village look like

C.how does our village look like

D.how our village looks like


精析:该题考查两方面的内容:a)宾语从句的语序问题;b)表示“……看起来像……”时,该用什么结构。通常情况下,宾语从句中应用正常语序,即:主语+谓语,不用倒装语序,A、C应排除。当我们要表示“某人或某事物像……”之意时,须用“what…look like”的结构,D不符。

2._________him and then try to copy what he does.(NMET 199912)

A.Mind B.Glance at C.Stare at D.Watch


精析:该题考查两点:a)检查使用祈使句+and…,祈使句+or的掌握情况;b)考查表感观一组词之区别。根据词义A可排除;“glance at”表“看一看”,指“一看”的动作,显然不合题意舍去。“stare at”表示“盯”



3.-Do you mind my taking this seat?

-__________. (NMET 199513)

A.Yes,sit down please B.No,of course not

C.Yes,take it please D.No,you can’t take it


精析:此题考查的目的是:检查考生对由that引起的问句应如何回答。通常,回答这种问句的方式有两种:1)如果表示同意某人做某事(即表示不反对、或不介意)常可答:No,of course not. Certainly not.No,not at all. Oh,no,please.或No,go ahead;2)如表示不同意某人做某事(即表示介意),可答:I’m sorry,but…Sorry,but I’m afraid you can’t.从所提供答案来看,A、C、D均不合题意,删除。B与题意相符。

4.Go and get your coat. It’s __________ you left it.(NMET 199115)

A.there B.where C.there where D.where there


精析:此题是考查表语从句的用法。A.there不能引导表语从句,排除;C.there where you left it,there之后不能用where引导的从句来修饰,故排除;D.where there,既用了引导词where,就不能再用there,所以D也须舍去。

5.-Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?


A.I’d rather you didn’t,actually

B.Of course not,it’s not allowed here

C.Great!I love pets

D.No,you can’t



6.We all agree with him on_______he said.

A.what B.that C.why D.how



7.I won’t go with you. It’s _________ cold outside today.

A.so much B.too much C.very so D.much too


精析:因cold为形容词,不能用so much来修饰。very to为错误表达方式,故排除。too much 可用来修饰名词、动词。much too表“实在太”之意,用来修饰形容词与副词。

8.It’s wrong ________ help him.

A.for you to B.for you not to

C.of you to D.of you not to


精析:英语中形容词可分两类:一是描述主语的品行、道德行为的,如:nice,good,wrong,careful,careless,foolish,clever等。这类形容词之后的不定式复合结构常用介词of,其常用结构为:It’s+此类形容词+of sb.to do…;另一类是描述主语的性质特点的,如:hard,easy,difficult,necessary,important等。用此类形容词时,其后的不定式复合结构,须用介词for。因本句的形容词是wrong,A、B排除;C为肯定式,不合题意,舍去。

9.-Would you go to the concert with me?

-_________,but I’m very busy now.

A.I’d like to B.Sure

C.No problem D.Certainly






1.courage A.thought B.brought C.country D.double

2.merchant A.machine B.chemistry C.technique D.charge

3.desert A.user B.seize C.signal D.seaside

4.shoulder A.mouth B.nervous C.round D.though

5.glove A.discover B.frog C.globe D.explode


6. I bought a coat for only 20 yuan: it was a real_______.

A.coat     B.clothing C.goods     D.bargain

7. On the beautiful small island,_______very peaceful.

A.there is   B.it is   C.there was   D.it has

8. To learn English well,listening is also important_______reading.

A.except    B.besides  C.including   D.except that

9. Jack_______an honest man,who had been done wrong.

A.turned out to be     B.appeared to be

C.must be          D.may be

10. He_______“Thank you”in his life.

A.has never heard say    B.was never heard to say

C.didn’t hear to say    D.was never hear say

11. I’m sorry that I can’t_______a room with you because I_______alone.

A.share;am used to being  B.spare;used to be

C.have;am used to be    D.stay;used to being

12. The old lady_______the children playing near her house.

A.forever scolds      B.is forever scolding

C.is forever troubling   D.forever troubled

13. I_______some photos to be developed._______they ready yet?

A.will leave;Will   B.have left;Have   C.left;Were   D.left;Are

14. -You look hot.


A.I’m running        B.I’ve been running

C.I often run        D.I’ve stopped running

15. She is the only one among the_______writers who_______stories for the children.

A.woman;writes       B.women;writes

C.woman;write        D.women;write

16. This is_______dictionary I need most.

A.the just    B.right     C.same     D.the very

17. It is unnccssary for yor to ask the answer_______the question_______the teacher.

A.to;from    B.of;from    C.to;of    D.for;of

18. The old man does a lot of_______in order to keep bealthy.

A.walk      B.walks     C.walking   D.walkings

19. A yellow car suddenly stoppded,as there was another car_______the other direction.

A.come on    B.coming in   C.come to   D.coming to

20. Computers well be used more and more in the future_______they will play an important part in all the fields.

A.so that    B.because    C.for     D.as well as

21. Many warm-blooded animals_______hibernate.

A.need not to  B.does not need to  C.needn’t  D.do not need

22. I remember_______to help us if we ever got into trouble.

A.once offering         B.his once offering

C.him to offer          D.to offer

23. _______a certain mineral which was even more radioactive than Uranium.

A.It had B.It is C.There was D.There is

24. A dinner was given_______the delegation.

A.in a honour of         B.in an honour of

C.in the honour of        D.in honour of

25. _______people in their best clothes there are in the square!

A.How many   B.How a lot of  C.What many   D.What a lot of



  Many people think advertisements are useful and helpful.But a man 26 said how useless it was to advertise.“Last week,”he said,“my umbrella was 27 ”.from a London church.As it is 28 ,I spent twice 29 much money in advertising,but did not 30 .

  “ 31 did you write your advertisement?”asked one of the 32 ,a businessman.

  “ 33 it is,”said the man,taking out of his pocket a piece 34 from a paper,which 35 “Lost from the City Church Last Sunday,a black 36 umbrella.The gentleman who 37 it will receive 5 if he puts it 38 10 Broad Street.”

  The businessman said,“I often advertise and find it pays me 39 .But how it is 40 is of much 41 .Let’s try again.If it fails,I’ll buy you one.”

  Then the man wrote,“If the man who 42 to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening 43 wish to get into trouble,he will return it to 10 Broad Street.He’s well 44 .”

  Soon this appeared in the paper.The next morning,the man was 45 when the opened the door and saw at 46 twelve umbrellas.His own was among them.Many had notes 47 to them,saying that 48 had been taken by mistake and 49 the loser not to say 50 about the matter.

26.A.ever B.still C.once D.yet

27.A.stolen B.missing C.disappeared D.taken

28.A.an object B.a thing C.a present D.a tool

29.A.more B.than C.so D.as

30.A.put it back B.hold it back C.get it back D.keep it back

31.A.When B.Where C.How D.What

32.A.lookers B.watchers C.reporters D.listeners

33.A.So B.Here C.As D.What

34.A.written B.broken C.published D.cut

35.A.read B.wrote C.meant D.explained

36.A.gold B.plastic C.silk D.cotton

37.A.steals B.finds C.owns D.repairs

38.A.on B.with C.in D.at

39.A.nothing B.something C.well D.little

40.A.said B.expressed C.told D.explained

41.A.importance B.use C.help D.care

42.A.had B.ought C.was seen D.was made

43.A.won’t B.shouldn’t C.didn’t D.doesn’t

44.A.paid B.know C.said D.praised

45.A.surprised B.frightened C.satisfied D.interested

46.A.all B.most C.least D.best

47.A.written B.led C.hung D.tied

48.A.they B.it C.he D.there

49.A.begging B.warning C.wanting D.telling

50.A.any longer B.any much C.any more D.any thing




  Every reader of this passage must spend whole of his waking life looking at things.Looking,like breathing,is natural,We do it without noticing it.Looking is passive-but seeing is action,and that is the explanation tor the title of this passage,Once you start seeing things you really begin to wake up.People who see things which others have only looked at,and seeing,draw conclusions from what they see,can add to man’s knowledge and help progress.

  Someone recently diseovered a place where metal had been worked continuously longer than anywhere else in England.He“saw”a wall in the Forest of Dean.Thousands of people must have looked at it without really seeing it,but this man noticed that among the usual stones of that place were bits and pieces of a different colour;they also felt different to the hand.A colour showed that these pieces had been left behind in the fires of ancient people who had smelted rocks to get metals.Looking around,he found more and more information,until the history of what men had done at that place over tens of centuries was known.

  You don’t have to go far to make similar discoveries once you really start seeing.

51. “His waking life”means_______.

A.the time when he is waking up.    B.the time when he is awake.

C.all the time he is alive.       D.all the time he is breathing.

52. For this writer“seeing”means_______.

A.noticing things which need explaining.

B.doing sth.natural.

C.looking at things.

D.doing sth.without noticing it.

53. The man who“saw”the wall got more and more information_______.

A.from thousands of people who had looked at it.

B.from a history book.

C.from the usual stones of that place.

D.from the unusual stones of that place.

54. What was it that“men had done at that place over tens of centuries?”

A.Looked at the stones.         B.Seen the stones

C.Smelted metals            D.Build walls

55. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to the title“TO LOOK IS OT TO SEE?”

A.To die is not to kill.        B.To listen is not to hear.

C.To watch is not to wait.       D.To sit is not to stand.


  Unlike most plants,animals are living beings that are able to move about to search for food.

  Scientists divide animals into two groups.The animals in the first group are those with backbones and the second group includes those without backbones.

  Birds,fish and mammals(哺乳动物)are included in the first group.Among them,mammals are considered as the most complex(复杂的)animals.Mammals have hair or fur.They nurse(给…喂奶)their young.Most people use the word“animal”when they are talking about mammals,such as the dog,cat,cow,horse or monkey.

  Most of the second group live in water.The largest animal on earth is the blue whale.A whale often grows more than 30mitres long and weighs more than 100 tons.The elephant is the largest land animal and the ostrich(鸵鸟)is the largest bird.

56. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.No plants can move about as animals do.

B.Animal can manage to find food by themselves.

C.Animals are living things while plants aren’t.

D.All living beings are able to move about for food.

57. An animal can be included in the first or second group,as depends on whether it has_______.

A.hair    B.fur    C.a backbone    D.Both A and B.

58. Mammals_______.

A.belong to those without backbones

B.surely have both hair and fur

C.are the complelx animals which can talk to each other as people do

D.can have babies and look after themselves

59. Which of the following do you think is the largest animal?

A.The elephant.      B.The blue whale.

C.The ostrich.      D.We don’t know.

60. Why do fish live in water? Because they_______.

A.have no backbones    B.have no hair and fur

C.can’t breathe on land D.can have food there


  Waller was a liked-by-all fellow,full of fun,who often went to coffee houses to tell people intereting stories,of which some,even brought him money.One day,asked by an office secretary who told Waller that his boss was a never seen before serious man and he never even smiled,Waller would tell a most funny story.“Well,air.”Waller said before be began the story.“What will be given in return if mine succeeds?”“$100,”“replied the secretary,”I haven’t seen him have a bright face since I worked in his office.

  “Then let’s make it.”Waller went to the man’s table and whispered to him,“Please tell your boss that the funny man Waller’s hen gave birth to a baby.”

  Three days later a letter reached Mr Waller in which were $100 and a piece of yellow paper with the works:“Mr Waller,you have succeeded-When I repeated your $100-worth sentence,my boss burst into frightening laughter,asking that whoever has managed to make laugh during the business hours will get dismissed(解雇).”

61. Waller often went to coffee house to tell people interesting stories in order to_______.

A.make money

B.practise telling stories

C.enjoy himself

D.draw the secretary’s attention

62. The secretary asked Waller for a most funny story because he_______.

A.was tired of his boss’ seriousness

B.tried to please his working conditions

C.wanted to improve his working conditions

D.wanted to see his boss’ laughing face

63. Saying “Let’s make it,”Waller_______.

A.was sure his success

B.thought of nothing but the 100-dollar return

C.knew that his hen had really given a birth to a baby

D.wondered whether he could make the boss smile or not

64. Which of the following ends is true according to the passage?

A.The boss was never so strict with the secretary from then on.

B.The secretary lost his job in the office.

C.The secretary dare not make his boss laugh any longer.

D.Mr Waller was dismissed at last.

65. The best title for the passage is_______.

A.Things Went Opposite to Wishes

B.Satisfying Both Sides

C.Killing Two Brids with One Stone

D.Either Is In His Proper Place


  As far back as 700 B.C.,man had talked about children being cared by wolves, Romulus and Remus,the old story twin founders of Rome,were said to have been cared for by wolves.It is believed that when a she-wolf loses her baby,she tries to get a human child to take its place.This idea did not become believable until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a ten-year-old boy having nothing on walking around in the woods.He didn’t walk upright,could not speak,nor could he relate to people.He only growled(嗥叫)and stared at them.Finally the doctor won the boy’s confidence(信任)and began to work with him.After many long year of devoted and patient teaching,the doctor was able to get the boy to dress,feed himself,recognize and say a number of words,as write letters to from words.

66. The French doctor found the boy_______.

A.walking in strange way      B.writing letters to form words

C.dressed in human clothes     D.speaking in an unknown language

67. According to the text we can infer that_______.

A.the boy was actually a baby-wolf

B.the boy was brought up by a she-wolf

C.the she-wolf had changed the boy into a wolf

D.having been brought up by a wolf,the boy could never live a human life

68. People before the late nineteen century didn’t believe_______.

A.wolves were man-eating animals

B.a she-wolf would care for a human child

C.a she-wolf would lose her baby

D.she-wolves were kind-hearted

69. What do the underlined words relate to mean?

A.know   B.recognize   C.understand   D.touch


Girl: It’s almost vacation time. 71 .

Boy: I suppose I can work at the boy’s camp where I worded last summer,But camp jobs don’t pay much.

Girl: 72 A friend of mine was a waiter there last summer.The pay wasn’t good,but lots of tips(小费).

Boy: My sister worked there last summer: making beds and cleaning bath rooms.She didn’t like it,but she earned quite a lot of money.

Girl: A friend of my sister’s did that one summer.

Boy: What I want is a job outside. After sitting in college classes all these months, 73 ?

Girl: The high school boys and girls earn a lot of money,he cuts somebody’s grass.My brother is only fourteen,but he gets five dollars every time while he cuts somebody’s grass,and it only takes him an hour,he just rides around on the machine that he bought,and it only takes him an hour,he just rides around on the machine that he bought,and the machine does all the work.

Boy: 74 But now I thought I might work for a road-building company,or something like that.

Girl: 75 You could earn a lot,too.

A.It would be good experience.

B.Where did you work last summer?

C.I’d like a job in the cpen summer?

D.I think I can get a job at the Evergreen Hotel.

E.I’d like a job indoors,instead.

F.That’s pretty good.I used to cut grass when I was in high school.

G.Have you found a summer job yet?



76.He was a_______of being so rude to his teacher in class.

77.Men can be r_______by computers in many jobs.

78.I was a_______from class yesterday because I was ill.

79.Between the mainland and Taiwan Island lies Taiwan S_______.

80.France is a E_______country.

81.The h_______story made us all laugh.

82.Before getting on the plane you must have your l_______weighed by the airport


83.Our earth is one of the p_______of the sun.

84.A_______to this plan,we can finish the project ahead of time.

85.Tom was s_______by his mother for coming home so late.







  In the United States old age is not happy 86._______

time.Most old people don’t live with children 87._______

and relatives.Most Americans want to stay young. 88._______

They try to keep thin and act as young people. 89._______

They even try to speak language of the youth. 90._______

They don’t want to grow old though they will 91._______

not get honour or respect or attention.Also 92._______

the businesses don’t want to employ old people. 93._______

The old doesn’t usually have things to do.Old 94._______

age can be a lonely and sad time in U.S.A. 95._______








Dear Mr smith,




Best wishes,

                Li Hua


1-5 CDADA   6-10 DBBAB   11-15 ABDBB   16-20 DCCBA   21-25 CBCDD

26-30 CACDC  31-35 CDBDA   36-40 CBDCB   41-45 ACDBA   46-50 CDBAC

51-55 BADCB  56-60 BCDBC  61-65 CDABA   66-70 ABBBC   71-75 GDCFA

76.ashamed   77.replaced   78.absent    79.Straits    80.European

81.humorous  82.luggages   83.planets    84.According   85.scolded

86.∧happy-a  87.∧children-their   88.and-or   89.as-like  90.∧language-the

91.though-because   92.∧honour-any  93.√   94.doesn’t-don’t  95.∧U.S.A-the

WRITNG(One possible version)

Dear Mr Smith

  I was so pleased to hear to hear from you and am writhing to tell you something about my school.You are right.Quite a few changes have taken places.On one side of the road there is a new classroom building.On the other side,where the playground used to be now stands another new building-our library.In it there are all kinds of books,newspapers and magazines.The playground is now in front of the school.We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school.I hope you come and see for yourself some day.

      Best wishes,


Li Hua