U3 Autumn festivals知识点(新课标版八年级英语下册课堂教学实录)


1.another和the other

A. another通常用于三个以上或不确定数量中的任意一个人或物体,意思是“另一个”,“再一个”。例如:

May I have another cake, please?


This coat is too small for me. Please show me another.


B. the other指两者中的“另一个”,有特定的范围,不是任意的“另一个”。例如:

Here are two rulers. One is short, the other is long.这儿有两根尺,一根很短,另一根很长。

One of Tom's feet is bigger than the other.汤姆的脚一只比另一只大。

C. the others或 the other修饰复数名词时,表示除已提到的以外,所有其余的人或物。例如:

Jim and Jack are reading in the classroom. The Others/The other students are playing games.


如果表示“一个……另外两个”则可说为“one…the other two”。请看下面类似的说法:one……one…the third(三个)。

2. few, a few, little 和a little

首先,这些词(或词组)均能用来修饰名词。此时,few和a few用来修饰可数名词复数。few 表示“很少”,“几乎没有”,从含义上来说含有否定意义。a few则表示“有几个”,“有一些(some)”,含肯定意义。如:

Few people like talking to her. 很少有人(几乎没人)喜欢跟她说话。

A few students came to school yesterday.(只有)少数学生昨天到校。

little 和a little则用来修饰不可数名词。其中little表示“很少”,“几乎没有”,从含义上来说有否定意义。a little则表示“有些”,含肯定意义。

That teacher knows little French. 那位老师几乎不懂法语。

He asked me for a little milk. 他向我要了点儿牛奶。

另外,a little表示“一点儿”时还可作副词使用,修饰形容词(含比较级)或副词(含比较级)。如:

I’ m a little afraid of him. 我有点儿怕他。

Jack's brother is a little taller than Jack. Jack 的哥哥(或弟弟)比Jack高一点儿。

3. Would you like…?

“Would you like…?”用于表示“建议”或“请求”的场合,是一个常用的礼貌用语,使用应注意以下六点:

一、“Would you like…?”后接名词、代词或不定式短语。例如:

1. Would you and Lily like to come over to my home for Mid-Autumn Day?


2. Would you like a mooncake? 你想吃月饼吗?

二、“Would you like…?”虽是疑问结构,但表示的是“建议”或者“请求”为此表示“一些”这个意义时常用some,而不用any。例如:

1. Would you like some apples? 你想吃苹果吗?

2. Would you like to buy some cakes? 你想买几块蛋糕吗?

三、“Would you like…?”表示“建议别人吃(喝)点东西”时,常用have 代替eat或drink. 例如:

1. Would you like to have a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?

2. Would you like to have some bread? 你想吃一些面包吗?

四、“Would you like…?”可用“Will you please?”代替。如要表示更委婉、更礼貌的语气时,也可用“Would you please…?”代替。但注意“Would (Would )you please…?”后接动词原形。例如:

Would you like to go out for a walk with me? = Will (Would ) you please go out for a walk me? (请)你和我一起出去散步好吗?

五、“Would you like…?”与like含义不同。like表示“喜欢”,后接不定式短语或名词、动词;而would like是固定搭配,表示“希望、愿意”,后面跟动词时只能跟不定式短语。试比较:

1. Would you like to swim today? 你今天想去游泳吗?

2. Do you like to swim today? 你今天喜欢游泳吗?

六、“Would you like…?”的肯定答语多用 “Yes, I’d love to.” 或 “Yes, I’d like to.” 这里的to不可省略,它代替动词不定式;否定答语常用 “Sorry, I’m afraid…”. 例如:

1. -Would you like to go fishing with us? 你愿意和我们一起去钓鱼吗?

 -Yes, I’d love to. 行,我乐意。

2. -Would you like to come with me? 请你与我一道来好吗?

 - Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t (wouldn’t). 对不起,恐怕不行。

4. 日常交际用语 How about…?


(1) -Shall we go to the Huangshan Mountain scenery Zone this summer?

-We went there last summer. What about a visit to Hong Kong since it turns over to the mainland this July?

-Let me think about it a while.


- 我们去年夏天去的。香港今年七月就要回归祖大陆,既然这样,到香港旅游怎样?

- 让我想会儿吧。

(2) -How about going to the ball tonight? 今晚去跳舞怎样?

-Good idea! 好主意。

-Let's meet at the Red Rose Nightclub at 7:00 this evening, OK?


-All right. 好吧。

要注意的是:表示建议的句式,Why not后面接动词不定式,不准要to; 而how about 要接动词ing形式。

How about doing sth.? 等于What about doing sth.?