ing 形式作状语用法[四注意].(人教版高考复习英语教案教学设计)


-ing 形式作状语,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为、方式、伴随状况等.如:

Being a teacher , you should help your students in every way .(原因)

He died from a sudden traffic accident, leaving the experiment half-done (so that he left the experiment half-done).(结果)

Seeing my parents waving in the crowd , I went running to them.(时间;方式)

The students entered the classroom, following their English teacher .(伴随)

Listening to English every day (If you listen to English every day), you’ll learn it well step by step.(条件)


(一) 与过去分词作状语的区别.一般来说,-ing形式表示主动、进行;过去分词表示被动、完成.试比较:

The enemy fled in a panic ,leaving behind a lot of dead bodies and weapons.

Defeated and frightened , the enemy fled in a panic.

[分析]: 前一例中的-ing 形式短语在句子中作伴随状语,它与其逻辑主语the enemy之间为主动关系;后一句中的过去分词defeated 和frightened 表原因,它与其逻辑主语the enemy 之间为被动关系.

(二) 关于逻辑主语的问题.-ing 形式作状语时,一般情况下,其逻辑主语应与株主句的主语保持一致.如:

Comparing all the great people with each other , you’ll find that they have much in common.

Finding her car stolen , she hurried to a policeman for help .(上海 2001,28)

Having suffered from hear trouble for years , Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.(上海 2001春,38)

Having suffered such heavy pollution already , it may now be too late to clean up the river.(NMET 2001,35)

[分析]:前三例中, -ing 形式的逻辑主语均为主句的主语.最后一例中,have suffered 的逻辑主语是the river ,并不是主句的主语it .这种用法极为少见,有的语法家称其为垂悬分词,我们在学习中不宜模仿.

(三) –ing 形式的否定式.其基本结构是:not + -ing 形式,无论在完成式还是被动式里,not 必须置于 –ing 形式之前.如:

Not having finished his homework, the boy was still doing it in the classroom .

(四) –ing 形式(短语)的功能有时相当于一个壮语从句.根据这个性质,我们在使用-ing 形式作状语时,切记不要在前面或后面的句子前用连词连接.如:

walking on the fallen leaves in autumn , so you’ll fell very comfortable .(X)

[分析]:如前所述,-ing 形式短语相当于一个状语从句,所以后半句中的连词so 的使用是错误的,应该去掉.原句应改为:

Walking on the fallen leaves in autumn , you’ll fell very comfortable.



1. (live) in a southern city of China ,I have never seen such a wonderful snow view.

2. (not grow) up yet , you’re not allowed to enter the bars.

3. (encourage) by the director , the actors performed wonderfully in the play .

4. (Know) all this , they made me pay for the damage .

5.The students are sitting in the reading-room , (read) all kinds of books .


1. Living

2. Not having grown

3. Encouraged

4. knowing

5. reading

重庆 陈觉法

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