初三上学期英语教案Lesson 38(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)



  Language Focus:

  Words: dinosaur, display, natural, guide, underground, fossil, desert, disappear, disappearance, discovery, feather

  Phrases: on display, Gobi Desert, human being, dinosaurs discovered by you, feathered dinosaur

  Sentences: So these eggs were laid long long ago by dinosaurs.

  Teaching objectives:

  Read the passage and try to understand its meaning.

  Read it fluently and correctly.

  Master the language materials

  Properties: Tape recorder; picture

  Teaching Procedures:

  Ⅰ. Organizing


  Ⅱ. Revision

  1.Check the homework

  2. Revise the useful expressions and some new words.

  Ⅲ. Presentation

  Take out a picture and ask the students:

  What’s this animal called?

  Ask some students to talk about the dinosaur.

  Ⅳ. Pre-reading

  Read over the questions with the students. Have the students guess the meaning of “on display” from the context. Then have the students discuss the questions in pairs.

  Ⅴ. Listening

  1. At first, ask students to read over the questions in the Exercise 1 in the workbook.

  2. Then close books and listen to tape.

  3. Play the tape again and answer the questions.

  Ⅵ. Teaching Language Focus

  *a visit to a place, be on a visit to a place

  *guide; n. v. guide sb. to a place


  *fossil, eg. He is an old fossil.

  the fossil of…

  *There must be…(表示猜测)

  *be found in Gobi Desert

  *be laid by…

  *long before在…之前很久

  *disappear, disappearance

   He disappeared in the dark. I care a lot about his disappearance.

  *discover; discover sthhow to do sth. that…

  *feathered dinosaur

  *dinosaurs discovered by you;

  eg: books borrowed by you, things done by you(过去分词含有被动意思)

  the children playing in the park(现在分词含有主动意思)

  Reading Practice

  Ⅶ. Teaching Grammar

  Let the students find out these sentences with the Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense.

  Have the students make sentences with the Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense.

  Ⅷ. Workbook.

  Do Exercise 2 , and write down the answers.

  Ⅸ. Homework

  Read the passage.

  Finish off the workbook exercises.
