第八单元Section A 说课(新课标版七年级英语说课)


I. Lesson to be taught: Section A, Unit 8.

II. About the text:

The topic of this lesson is talking about the dates. In this text, how to ask and answer the birthday and the age gradually presented with the help of learning the months of the year and the ordinal numbers. It is very important for Ss to learn this part. There are three reasons: 1.As we know, the new textbook often put the important part in the front of the unit. The place of the unit shows us the importance. 2. It helps students a lot in their oral communication, because it may be used in our daily life every day. 3. It is a necessary element in a letter and a dairy. The two kinds of writing are required in our teaching program.

III. .About the students: The students have been in the junior school for just two months. The beautiful pictures and many interesting topics in the English book attract them. They show great interest in English. They know something about English, But not too much. Some students still have difficulty in remembering the words and sentences. So I use the new teaching theory: To make the students become the master of the class. I have arranged many activities to attract their interests, to help them memorize the words and sentences easily. Before this lesson, students have already known the cardinal numbers 1-31 and the ordinal word ‘first’.

IV. Teaching aims:

1. Cognitive aims: Master the commonly used expressions in talking about the dates and the age.

2. Emotive aims: Create a good communication environment in the classroom and arouse students’ enthusiasm for learning English and caring for the family members and knowing more about each other. Let Ss know more customs about birthday in other places.

3. Competence training aims: To train students’ abilities in guessing the word meaning according to the context and the word they have learned. To train their oral communication abilities.

V. Main points and the difficult points: 1.The months of the year. 2.The ordinal numbers. Why? Because they are the based parts to form the dates.

VI. How to deal with the difficulties: 1. Students read, listen, do some exercises and play the game with the cards to remember the names of the months. 2. Guide the students to find out the rules of remembering the ordinal numbers according to the cardinal numbers. Recite the chant.

VI. Teaching methods: Presentation, demonstration, situation creation, practicing.

VII. Teaching aids: Multi-media, a recorder, a tape, cards with the names of months.

VIII. Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming-up activities:

1.Show a flash to students, sing the song “Happy birthday to you”.

2.Revise the cardinal numbers 1-31.(2’)

Step 2. Teach the ordinal numbers:

1. Show the cardinal numbers and the ordinal numbers on the screen.

2. Ask Ss to find out the differences between the cardinal numbers and the ordinal numbers, then draw a conclusion.

3. Ask several Ss to tell the differences and find a way to memorize the ordinal numbers.

4. Teach Ss to chant

5. Play the game.(10’)

Step 3. Presentation.

1.Show Ss a calendar to let Ss understand the word month. Then show abbreviated list of the names of the 12 months. Have Ss to tell the full form. Then play the recording the first time, Ss only listen.

2. play the recording a second time, Ss listen and repeat.

3.show a calendar . Ask Ss “what month is it ? What’s the date?” Help Ss to answer.

4.Play the game with the cards.

5.Ask Ss “When is your birthday?” Help Ss to answer ”My birthday is…”

6.Number the three conversations after listening.

Step4.Listening and practicing (10’)

Ss listen to the recording third times to match the names ,months and the dates.

Step 5.pairwok

1.Ask Ss to make a conversation according the ID card.

A:When is his birthday?

B: His birthday is …

A: How old is he?

B: He is…

Ss make the similar conversations using the other people or themselves.

2.Fill in the forms using the information of their partners’ or the people around them.(10’)

Step 7. Do some exercises. 1.Write out the English or Chinese of the months and the dates. There are 11. 2. Finish the sentence according to the Chinese. There are 5.(5’)

Step 8. Have a summary(2’)

Step 9. Homework.(1’)