高一(下)英语教案本(包括复习课)Unit 20 Humour(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)



-- -warming up, listening and speaking

Step 1. Warming up

Almost every student can say Chinese tongue twisters. Now let them practise some English ones. Write each tongue twiser on the blackboard and let them speak slowly, then at a higher speed. Finally, ask some srudents to speak aloud.

Step 2. Listening

First, ask the students to look at the picture before listening to the tape second, let the students guess what happens in the story.

Next, ask the students to listen to the tape without making notes. Play the tape a second time and ask the students to number the pictures in the correct order. Check the answers with the whole


Then let the Ss answer Questions 2 and 3. Go over the rest of the questions and make sure the students understand them. Play the tape another time, and ask the students to answer the questions.

Step 3. Speaking

Make sure the students understand all words and phrases in the dialogue.

Next, let them work in pairs to practise the dialogue. One is the journalist, the other is the comedian.

Then, ask some pairs to act it out.

Finally, play the tape of the dialogue and deal with some language points.

1. work vi. 起作用,有效

Your idea won't work in practice.

Will the medicine work?

2. think about 考虑,琢磨

I'm having trouble with a story and think about giving up.


Read the dialogue.

Lesson 2


Step 1. Revision

Ask two pairs to act out the dialogue.

Step 2. Lead-in

Ask the students how and what can make people laugh. tell them there are a variety of ways that can make people laugh. In this class. We'll read a passage "Laughing Matter".

Step 3.Fast-reading

Read the passage quickly to choose the main idea of each paragraph.

a. Description of a clown (2)

b. What's a crosstalk show (4)

c. The traditional crosstalk show (5)

d. Description of comedians (3)

e. The writers of comedies both at home and abroad (1)

Step 4. Careful-reading

Read the passage carefully to choose the best answer for each queation.

1. Why is Dustin Hoffman so famous? (C)

A. He is famous for his works.

B. He is famous for his foreign accent.

C. He is famous for his role acting as a woman.

D. He is good at playing on words.

2. What does a "sketch" mean in the text? It means: (C)

A. a rough, quickly made drawing

B. general outline

C. short, humorous play

D. a piece of writing

3. Comedians and players in a comedy are similar in _____.(A)

A. their way of playing with words

B. clothes

C. cross-dressing way

D. foreign accent

4. Why have crosstalk shows been popular with people? Which of the following is not the reason? (A)

A. They have two speakers.

B. They make people not only laugh, but also think about life.

C. The richness of the spoken language is made full use of.

D. Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words.

Step 5. Listening

Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation.

Step 6. Language points

1. appear

(1). 出现,呈现 vi.

We expected him at seven but he didn't appear until eight.


She appears (to be) an honest girl.

You don't appear to care much for music.

2. certain  某些,某个

eg. A certain Ms Jones phoned you today.

I met Comarade Zhang at a certain place yesterday.

Drinking is forbidden in certain countries.

3. an amusing story

a sleeping boy

a sleeping car

a waiting taxi

a waiting room

4. what引导的主语从句,表示一个抽象的概念.


What you need is more practice.

What I want to know is this.

What is hard is to do good all one's life and never do anything bad.

5.date back to追溯至...

date from

This church dates back to 1173.

The letter dates from 1873.

6. appreciate vt.

(1) +名词

His works were not appreciated until after his death.

(2) +动名词

I appreciate hearing from you again.


Read the text.

Recite the language points.

Lesson 3

--- Language study

Step 1. Revision

Step2. Word study

Ask the students to read these sentences and translate them into Chinese. Then let them find words from the unit that have the same not the underlined ones.

1.bitter 2. intend 3. western, tradition

4. certain 5. Type / Typical / Steretype

6. art / artist 7. rapid 8. richness

Step 3. Grammar

Tell the Ss that the -ing form can be used as attribute and object complement.

Then do Ex1. and Ex3.

Then check the answers with the whole class.


Finish the exercises 1 and 2 in the workbook page 115.

Lesson 4

-Integrating skills

Step 1. Revision

Step 2. Lead-in

There are many funny stories in our everyday life. Today we'll read a story that happened on the writer's way to the interview.

Step 3. Fast-reading

Read the passage fast to choose the best answer for this question.

Which of the following can be used as another title for the passage? (C)

A. An Accident

B. An Interview

C. Tell Him What You Think of Him!

D. A Kind Manager

Step 4. Careful-reading

Read the passage carefully to do the following questions.

1. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? (D)

A. The writer was on her way to an interview.

B. She braked hard and hit another cyclist.

C. She shouted at the driver of a yellow car.

D. The driver of the yellow car was angry with her for being so rude.

2. The driver of the yellow car turned out to be _____. (B)

A. the boss of the office

B. the manager of the company

C. one of her friends

D. the man with whom she would have to work together.

3. What does she mean by the sentence "---the last time we met I did most of the talking"? (C)

A. You listened to me last time we met.

B. I'll listen to you this time.

C. I shall say nothing about the accident.

D. I think you must be angry with me.

4. From the passage, we can conclude that the manager was _____. (C)

A. a careless driver B. selfish

C. tolerant(宽容的) D.determined

Step 5. Listening

Listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation.

Step 6. Language points

1. drive off 驾车离去

The car drove off early in the morning.

He drove his car off.

2. knock...off

He knocked me off the ladder.

I'm sorry, I've knocked your glasses off the table and broken them.

3. on adv. 继续地,向前地

He walked on and on till he reached a river.

She kept on talking.

Don't stop. Go on.

4. in surprise

in silence

in anger

in peace

in difficulty / danger

5. look on ... as 把 ...看作/认为

They looked on me as their friend.

I look on him as a happy person with lots of friends.

6. do the talking  谈话,发言

do the recording 录音

do the cooking

do some listening

7. go 进行,进展

How did things go at the meeting today?

How are things going with you?

8. Jim was punished for having killed the dog.

I'm sorry for having wasted so much time.

She was angry with herself for having made so many mistakes in her spelling lesson.


Review the language points.

Read the text.