初一英语第二十一单元How many boats are there ?


章节 第二十一单元

关键词 内容

【 抛砖引玉 】


Ⅰ. 语音学习

字母组合tr , dr , t ( e ) s , d ( e ) s的发音。

Ⅱ. 词语学习

house , men , women , child , children , work , young , at work , pioneer , Young Pioneer

Ⅲ. 语法学习


man → men , woman → women , child → children

Ⅳ. 交际英语

1 . Where are they ? They're at school ( home , work ) .

2 . How many boys are there ? I think there are ten .

【 指点迷津 】


1 . house 房子

There is a house near the river .

Our new house is different from yours in colour .

〖 点拨 〗 house 的复数为 houses , 其读音为[&127;h?÷?÷],house 指的是用来居住的所有建筑物,包括 room ( 房间 ) 、浴室、起居室等。

2 . women 是 woman 的复形式

I don't know how many women will come to the tea party . 我不知道有多少位妇女会来参加茶话会。

〖 点拨 〗 women 的发音比较特殊。注意其单数与复数的变化。又如:man - men男人。

3 . children 是 child 的复数形式

The children in that family are all at school . 那家的孩子们都在学校里上学。

Children of school-age must go to school . 学龄儿童必须上学。

〖 点拨 〗 注意其发音和单复数的变化。

4 . work 工作,劳动

Work hard and be a good boy . 努力学习,做个好孩子。

You should work hard at English .

What time do you go to work every day ? 每天你什么时候上班 ?

〖 点拨 〗 作 “ 工作 ” 解,work 为不可数名词。上班 go to work , 下班 after work 。 work hard at 努力干 ……

We go to work at 7:30 .

5 . pioneer 先锋

They are pioneers of our farm . 他们是我们农场的开路先锋。

〖 点拨 〗注意该词的发音和拼写。the Young Pioneers少先队员。


1 .已经学习的介词短语回眸

in the river 在河里 / in the tree 在树上 / in the picture 在图片里 / in Row 1在第一排 / in Class 3 , Grade 1 在 1 年级 3 班 / at home 在家里 /at school 在学校里 / in the workbook 在练习册里 / on the desk在书桌上 / behind her chair在她的椅子后面 / under the chair 在椅子下面 / in her pencil - box 在她的铅笔盒里 / on the floor在地板上 / in your desk 在你的桌子里 / at Li Lei's bedroom 在李雷的卧室里 /on the wall 在墙上 /under the window 在窗下 / behind the door 在门后 / in Hebei 在河北 / in your bag 在你的书包里 ( 袋子里 ) / under your bag 在你的书包下面 ( 袋子下面 ) / on the hill 在山上 / under the black bike 在黑色的单车上 / behind the tree 在树后 / in the box 在盒里子 / on the clothes line 在晒衣绳上 / on the bed 在床上 / in the car 在轿车里 / near the river 在河边

2 . in our classroom 在我们的教室里

Who is in our classroom ? 谁在我们的教室里 ?

There is a map of China in our classroom . 我们教室里有一张中国地图。

We are having a lesson in the classroom . 我们正在教室里上课。

3 . on the teacher's desk 在讲台上

There are some flower on the teacher's desk .

4 . near the door 在门边

Don't stand near the door . 别站在门边。

The student near the door is Li Ming . 门边的那个学生叫李明。

5 . at work 在工作,在上班

She is always at work on Sundays . 她星期天总是在工作。

介词 at 在这里是 “ 从事 ”。如 What are you at ? 相当于 What are you doing ? ( 你正在干什么 ? )


【 学法指要 】


1 . 存在句

There be + not + 主语 + 其他

There isn't any light in the room . 房里一点灯光也没有。

There aren't any lesson this morning . 今天上午没有课。

There is no fire without some smoke . 有火必有烟;有利就有弊。

Be there + 主语 + 其它 ?

Are there any apples in the basket ?

Is there a bird in the tree ?

Is there enough time for me to do all the homework ? 我要做完全部的作业时间够吗 ?


肯定回答为:Yes there is/are .

否定回答为:No , there isn't/aren't ( any ) 。

3 . 问有多少的句型

How many + 可数名词复数 + are there + 其他 ?

How many days are there in a week ?

How many students are there in your school ?

How many policemen are there in the street ?

how many 是对可数名词进行提问,对不可数名词用 how much 。如:How much time do you spend ?


1 . Behind the house there is a tree . 在房子后面有一棵树。

behind the house “ 在房子后面 ” ,是介词短语作状语,一般放在句尾。有时放在句首 是为了表示强调。

例如:a . On the wall there is a map . 墙上有一幅地图。

b . Near the river there is a house . 河边有一所房子。

c . There is a cat under the tree . 树下有一只猫。

2 . Are there any birds in the picture ? 画中有鸟吗 ?

any 形容词,一般用于疑问句和否定句中,后面可接可数名词和不可数名词。例如:

a . Is there any water in the glass ? 杯里有水吗 ? ( water 是不可数名词,句中用 is , 不用 are 。 )

b . Are there any boats in the picture ? 画中有船吗 ?

c . There aren't any flowers in the picture . 画中没有花。

3 . They are at work . 他们在工作。

at work 在 “ 工作中 ” ,介词 at 在此表示状态,这是一个固定词组,在这类词级事, 名词前不用冠词。类似的还有:

at school 在上学,在求学 。 at table 在吃饭,at home在家 ,at play 在玩耍,

例如:a . My English teacher's son is at school . 我们英语老师的孩子在上学。

b . Mary and Tom are at play under the tree . 玛丽和汤姆在树下玩耍。

c . Some workers are at table . 一些工人们在吃饭。

d . My mother is at home . 我妈妈在家。

4 . Young Pioneer 少先队员

该词组是名词词组,有专有名词,所以两词的首字母都要大写。但表示几位少先队员时,不 定冠词或数词不大写。例如:a Young Pioneer 一位少先队员,ten Young Pioneers 十位少先队员,some Young Pioneers 一些少先队员

5 . What about cats ? =Are there any cats ? 有没有猫 ?

6 . How many boats are there in the picture ? 画上有几只 ( 多少只 ) 小船 ?

( 1 ) 在由 how many 构成的特殊疑问句中,how many 后常跟可数名词的复数形式。how many 和它后面的复数名词是一个完整的词组,不能分开。例如:

How many boys are there in your class ? 你们班有多少个男孩 ?

How many trees are there in the picture ? 画上有多少棵树 ?

( 2 ) 在回答 how many 构成的特殊疑问句时,根据具体情况有三种回答:

回答:有几个 ” ,用 There are …

回答 “ 只有一个 ” ,用 There is ( only ) one .

回答 “ 没有 ” ,用 There aren't any . 例如:

-How many boats are there in the river ? 河里有几条小船 ?

-There are five . 有五条。

-How many birds are there in the tree ? 树上有几只鸟 ?

-There's only one . 只有一只。

-How many students are there in the classroom ? 教室里有多少学生 ?

-There aren't any . 没有学生。

【 妙文赏析 】

My home

My home is in a small village near our town . The village is at the foot of a hill . The hill is very beautiful . There are many trees and flowers on it . And there is a river at the foot of the hill , too . In summer , I like swimming in the river with my friends . At home I have a good friend . It’s a dog . Its name is Huahua . Every day when I come back from school , it always comes over to me .

I like my home very much . Do you like it ? I hope I have more friends . Do you want to be my penfriend (笔友)?


【 思维体操 】


This ________ a picture ________ our classroom . There ______ a door and three _______ in the classroom . Near the window there is a map . It is a map of China . There are many desks _______ chair in the classroom . There are some books on the teacher's _______ .

1 . This is a picture of our school .

2 . There is a door and two windrows in the room .

3 . There are some books on the teacher's desk .

4 . Near the window there is a picture .

5 . There is a ruler on the teacher's desk .

答案:is , of , is , windows , and , desk 1 . × 2 . × 3 . √ 4 . × 5 . ×


【 心中有数 】


A. 需要掌握的名词复数的发音

1 . 名词的复数形式

( 1 ) 以 “ 辅音字母 + y ” 结尾的名词,变 y 为 i,再加 es 。如:baby - babies , family - families ,city - cities 。

( 2 ) 不规则名词的复数形式 ( 需特别记住 )

man - men woman - women , child - children , tooth - teeth(牙) 。

( 3 ) 加 - es 构成的复数形式以及以 ce , se , ze , ( d ) ge 结尾加 - s 构成的复数形式,读[iz]。这样的单词如:buses boxes watches oranges

( 4 ) 以辅音字母 + y 结尾的词,变 y 为 i , 再加 - es , - es 读[z]。例如:

baby →babies family → families

注意:如 y 前是元音字母,则只能加 - s 。例如: day → days play → plays

( 5 ) 还有少数英语单词仍保存了古英语中的复数形式,它们的构成是不规则的,发音也有相的变化。例如: man → men woman → women child → children

注意:house 的复数形式的读音应[′hauziz],而不是[′hausiz]

B. There be 结构

( 1 ) there be 的否定句一般用 a 或 any 或数字。例如:

There isn't a river in the picture .

There aren't any picture on the wall .

( 2 ) there be 的一般疑问句如有 “ 一些 ” ,一定有用 any 。如:Are there any trees in front of the house ?

( 3 ) there be 的特殊疑问句

1 ) 对 there be 结构中作主语的名词提问,无论是单、复数形式,习惯用法是 What's + 某 地,中间不用 there 。例如:

What's under the desk ? There's a ball under the desk .

What's in the room ? There are many desks in the room .

2 ) 对 there be 结构中表示数量的词提问,习惯用法是:How many + 名词 ( 复数 ) + are there + 某地 ( 某时 ) 。例如:

There is only an apple on the desk .

How many apples are there on the desk ?

There are seven days in a week .

How many days are there in a week ?

【 动手动脑 】


A. 不可数名词

1 . How many _____ can you see ?

A . milks B . a glass of milk C . glasses of milks D . glasses of milk

2 . I'd like ______ .

A . two cup of tea B . some cup of tea

C . two cups of teas D . some cups of tea

3 . Please give her ____ bowl ( 碗 ) of _____ .

A . a , rice B . a , rice C . an , rice D . two , rice

4 . They eat _____ and we eat _____ .

A . bread , meat B . breads , meat

C . bread , meats D . breads , meats

5 . Would you like _____ orange ?

A . a bottle B . a bottle of C . bottle of D . some bottle of

解析:答案为:1 . D 2 . D 3 . A 4 . A 5 . B

提示:1. mile 为不可名词,A、C 排除,B 是单数,而 how many 后面加复数名词,应选 D。 2 . tea 是不可数名词,可排除 C,A、B 中的 two 和 some 后面的名词 cup 应为复数, A、B 排除。3. rice 为不可数名词,排除 B,bowl 为单数,且以辅音[b]起首,可排除 C 和 D。 4 . bread 和 meat 都为不可数名词,排除 B、C、D。 5. A “ a bottle ” 后面少 of,C “ bottle of ” 少 a,D “ some bottle of ” 中的 bottle 应为复数。

B. 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子意思完整。

1 . There are some ____ ( child ) over there .

2 . There _____ ( woman ) are our teachers .

3 . The_____ ( man ) in front of the house is my father .

4 . I have three new _____ ( box ) .

5 . The _____ ( baby ) are in the room .

6 . Their _____ ( watch ) are nice .

7 . There are many _____ ( class ) in our school .

8 . I can see three bottles of _____ ( orange on the table .

答案:1 . children 2 . women 3 . man 4 . boxes 5 . babies 6 . watches 7 . classes 8 . orange

C. 选择填空

1 . There are some trees ____ the river .

A . in B . at C . near D . under

2 . _____ a boat in the river ?

A . There is B . There are C . Is there D . Are there

3 . - _____ is the cat ?

- It's in the tree .

A . Where B . How C . What D . Which

4 . - Is there a clock on the table ?

- Yes , _____ .

A . it is B . it isn't C . there is D . there isn't

5 . - _____ flowers are there in your room ?

- About twenty .

A . What B . Who C . How many D . What about

6 . There are ____ under the tree .

A . a man B . some men C . any man D . any men

7 . Are there ____ flowers on the hills ?

A . some B . any C . the D . a

8 . There are some flowers ____ the house .

A . on B . behind C . of D . to

9 . How many boys _____ in your school ?

A . there is B . there are C . is there D . are there

10 . Can you see any _____ on the hill ?

A . man B . child C . women D . bird

11 . - Are there two girls in the house ?

- No , ______ .

A . they don't B . they aren't C . there aren't D . they can't

12 . They are students . They are not _____ .

A . baby B . teacher C . babies D . man

13 . - How many boats are there in the picture ?

- One . There is _____ one on the picture .

A . a B . about C . only D . not

14 . He can't go with you . He's ______ .

A . to work B . at work C . for work D . in work

15 . - How many students are there on the hill ?

- _____ .

A . There aren't any B . They don't C . They can't D . They aren't

答案:1 - 5 C C A C C 6 - 10 B B B D C 11 - 15 C C C B A

D. 句型转换

1 . There is a book in my bag . ( 改为一般疑问句 )

2 . There are some trees on the hill . ( 改为否定句 )

3 . There are two picture on the wall . ( 改为一般疑问句并作否定回答 )

4 . There are four boys in the room . ( 就画线部分提问 )

答案:1 . Is there a book in your bag ? 2 . There aren't any trees on the hill . 3 . - Are there two picture on the wall ? - No , there aren't . 4 . How many boys are there in the room ?

【 创新园地 】

通过学习there be表示存在后,请开动脑筋将下面句子排列成一段对话:

a . Whose bag is it ?

b . This pencil - box is Jim's . I think the bag is his .

c . Let's have a look in it .

d . Look ! There is a bag under the tree .

e . Oh , there's a pencil - box .

f . I don't know .

( 请同学们把你的答案反馈给我们 )

创新园地答案:1 . d 2 . a 3 . f 4 . c 5 . e 6 . b