初一英语第二十七单元People and work



People and work


【 抛砖引玉 】


Ⅰ. 语音学习

1 . 字母组合 ar 发[?] , or 发 [?]或[?],er , ir , ur 发[?]。

2 . 句子重音和语调。

Ⅱ. 词汇学习

drive , driver , farm , farmer , soldier , worker , factory , study , evening , every , with , same , different

Ⅲ. 语法学习

1 . 一般现在时态:

I / You / We / They work here .

He / She / It works here .

- Do I / you / we / they work here ?

- Yes , I / you / we / they do . No , I / you / we / they don't .

- Does he / she / it work here ?

- Yes , he / she / it does . No , he / she / it doesn't .

2 . 动词第三人称单数形式:

help→helps ride→rides know→knows guess→guesses teach→teaches do→does fly→flies

Ⅳ. 交际英语

What does he do ? He is a driver .

Where does he work ? He works on a farm .

What do I do ? Where do you work ? Good evening !

-Do you speak Chinese ?

-A little .

【 指点迷津 】


1 . drive 开 ( 汽车等 ) ;驾驶

Can you drive a car ?

Let me drive you home . 让我开车送你回家吧。

〖 点拨 〗drive 的过去式是 drove 。driver 司机,驾驶员

I want to be a driver . 我想当一名司机。

-er 是个用途很广的后缀,加在动词上,表示“从事某种行业的人” , 如 teacher ( 教师 ) , writer ( 作家 ) 等。

2 . farm 农场

He does a lot of farm work . 他做大量的农活。

〖 点拨 〗在农场 on the farm , farmer 农民

In summer I help my parents on the farm .

Li Ming's uncle is a farmer . 李明的伯伯是个农民。

3 . soldier 士兵,战士

Look at that soldier . He's my brother . 看那位战士,他是我哥哥。

Children like to play soldiers . 孩子们喜欢扮演士兵。

〖 点拨 〗注意该词的发音。

4 . factory 工厂

How many factories are there in your city ?

The glass factory is open every day . 这家玻璃厂每天都开门。

〖 点拨 〗factory 的复数为 factories

5 . study 学习

Where does she study ? 她在什么地方学习 ?

〖 点拨 〗study 还可作名词“书房”“学习,研究”。make a study of对……进行研究。

6 . evening 傍晚、晚上

We will have a meeting this evening . 今天晚上我们要开会。

I am always at home in the evening . 晚上我总在家。

〖 点拨 〗在晚上 in the evening ,at night在夜里。注意:English evening英语晚会。

7 . every 每一,每个的

He helped me with my English every evening .

〖 点拨 〗every 作“每一”解,修饰的是可数名词单数,其后面的谓语动词及物主代词也要用单数。

Every boy and every girl has a pen here .

8 . same 同样的,同一的

We are in the same class . 我们在同一班。

They all came to my home on the same day .

〖 点拨 〗the same 用在一起。

12 . different 不同的

〖 点拨 〗其名词为 difference。be different from 与……不同。

My book is quite different from yours . = My book is not the same as yours .


1 . on a farm 在农场

He works on a farm .

2 . in a factory 在工厂里

Do you work in a factory or on a farm ? 你在工厂里工作还是在农场里工作 ?

3 . in a shop 在商店

There are a lot of people in the shop on Sundays . 星期天,商店里有许多人。

4 . in a school 在一所学校

We study in a middle school . 我们在一所中学里学习。

How many teachers are there in your school ? 你们学校有多少教师 ?

5 . near here 在这附近

He works on a farm near here . 他就在这附近的一个农场里工作。

6 . in the evening / morning , afternoon 在晚上 / 早上,下午

My father goes to work in the morning .

〖 提示 〗在泛指一天中的早上、中午、晚上时,前面用介词 in。特指某个上午、下午、晚上用介词on 。如:We will have an interesting lesson on the evening of Tuesday .

7 . go to classes 去上课

I go to Chinese classes every week . 我每周都去上汉语课。


【 学法指要 】


1 . 如何询问某人的职业

What does he / she do ? 他 ( 她 ) 是干什么工作的 ? (或者:What is your job ? 等)

What does your father do ?

如问“你是干什么工作的 ? ”可说:What do you do ? 此外,还可说:What are you ? What's your father ?

2 . 询问某人在何处干什么用

Where does he / she work / study ? 他 ( 她 ) 在哪里工作 ( 学习…… ) ?

Where does she live ?

Where does he stay ?

where 为副词,注意句尾不要再加介词。但 Where does he come from ?

3 . Good evening ! 晚安 !

寒暄用语。与人见面,午前用 Good morning ; 午后用 Good afternoon ; 黄昏时用 Good evening ;分别时用 Good-bye;如在夜间分别,则用 Good night 。


1 . I like it a lot . 我很高兴在中国工作。

这里的 it 指的是 working in China 。

3 . Do you have any children ? 你有孩子吗 ?

any “任何”后接不可数名词或可数名词,例如:

Do you have any water ? 你有水吗 ?

Do you have any sisters ? 你有姐妹吗 ?

3 . Yes , I do . I have two children-a son and a daughter . 我有两个孩子, 一个儿子和一个女儿。

Yes , I do 是 I have children 的简略回答。

two children 两个孩子,children 是 child 的复数形式

a son and a daughter 一个儿子,一个女儿。

a 和 an 是不定冠词,均用于单数名词前,表示某一类人或物中的“一个”,但不强调数目概念。

a 用于辅音前,an 用于元音前。例如:

He's a worker . 他是位工人。

This is an orange . 这是一个桔子。

He has an egg . 他有一个鸡蛋。

4 . They go to school here . too . but , he says , to a different school form his . 他们在这里上学但是,他说与他不是同一所学校。

( 1 ) here 指 in China , his 指 his school .

( 2 ) different…from…“与……不同”“和……不一样”例如:

Mary is different from Jane . 玛莉与珍不同。

5 . What do you do ? 你是做什么工作的 ?

( 1 ) 询问某人的职业时,可说 What do you do ? 或 What does he / she…do ? What's his / her job ? 例如:

- What does your father do ? 你父亲是做什么工作的。

- He's a policeman . 他是警察。

- What do I do ? Can you guess ? 我是做什么工作的 ? 你能猜出来吗 ?

- I think you must be a film star . 我想你一定是个电影明星。

( 2 ) 注意 What do you do ? 中的两个 do。第一个 do 是助动词,没有词义,用于构成疑问句。第二个 do 是实义动词,意思是“做”。在用 do 做谓语的否定句或疑问句中,两个 do 缺一不可。例如:

I don't do my homework in the afternoon . 我不在下午做家庭作业。

Does your mother do the housework on Saturday or on Sunday ? 你妈妈是星期六还是星期天做家务活 ?

6 . - Do you speak Chinese ? 你说汉语吗 ?

- A little 会说一点儿。

A little。是简略回答,完整的句子是:Yes , I speak a little Chinese .


-Where do you work ? 你在哪儿工作 ?

-Oh , on a farm near here . 哦,在附近的一个农场。 ( 完整的回答是:Oh , I work on a farm near here . )

-How do you like China ? 你喜欢中国吗 ?

-Very much .

7 . Are you all in the same school ? 你们都在同一所学校吗 ?

No , we aren't . The children go to a different school . 不,不在。孩子们去另一所 ( 不同的 ) 学校上学。

same 和 different 是形容词。same 意为“同样的、同一的”;different 意为“不同的”。在句中 same 前要用 the , different 如修饰单数名词,前面则要用 a . 例如:

The twins look the same . They are in the same school . But they are in different classes . 这对双胞胎看上去 ( 长得 ) -样。他们在同一所学校,但不同的班级。

Lucy and Lily are wearing the same blouses and trousers . 露西和莉莉穿着同样的衬衫和裤子。

There are many different things in the shop . 商店里有许多不同的商品。

I don't like the red coat . Please give me a different one . 我不喜欢这件红色的上衣,请给我一件不同的。

8 . Chinese classes

Chinese classes 意思是语文课。class 有几个意思,要注意它在不同句子中的不同意思

There are six classes in our grade . 我们年级有六个班。

We have four classes in the morning . 我们上午上四节课。

Good morning , class ! 同学们,早晨好 !

9 . with 和 and 的区别

with 和 and 意思都是“和”,但词性不一样。with 是介词,后面跟名词或代词的宾格。例如:

He goes to school with me every day .

I live with my parents .

and 是连词,连接两个并列的单词、短语或句子。例如:

I like red and black .

He likes playing football and watching TV .

Mr Li is our teacher and he is our friend , too .

10 . in a school 和 in school 的区别

in a school 表示地点,是说明所在的地方。in school 表示“在学校读书,求学”。例如:

Mr Brown teaches English in a school . 布朗夫人在一所学校教英语。

My brother is in school . 我兄弟在校读书。

11 . He speaks some Chinese , but not much . 他能讲一些中文,但不多。

表示语言的名词如 Chinese,English , French , Japanese 等是不可数名词,没有复数形式,可以用 some , a little , much 等修饰,不能用 many 修饰。原句中的 some 可用 a little 代替。but 是连词,表示语气的转折,引导一个并列句。but not much 是个省略句,完整的句子是 but he doesn't speak much English。在英语日常交际用语中,特别是对话中常常省略前句已经出现过的词语,以避免重复。如:

-Do you speak Japanese ?

-Yes , but only a little . ( = Yes , but I can speak only a little Japanese . )

-Where do you work ?

-On a farm near here . ( = I work on a farm near here . )

-How do you like the park ?

-Very much . ( = I like it very much . )

【 妙文赏析 】

A Very Important Person

Important people often like to show how important they are .

They usually have the largest cars . They live in the biggest houses . They wear the most expensive clothes . They eat in the best restaurants .

Mr . Mammoth , the president of Acme . , was an important man . Acme Inc . was an important company , one of the biggest in the country .

Thousands of men and women worked for it .

The offices of Acme Inc . were in The Acme Building . This was one of the tallest buildings in the city . It had fifty floors .

Mr . Mammoth , the president , had his office on the top floor . One day a man came to see him . He walked up to Mr . Mammoth’s secretary . She was , of course , the most beautiful secretary in the company .

“ My name is John Watkins , ” he told her . “ I have come to see Mr . Mammoth . My appointment is at ten o’clock . ”

The most beautiful secretary in the building looked at the clock on the wall . It was the largest clock in the company .

“ It is ten o’clock now , ” she said . “ You are on time for your appointment . However , I am afraid you cannot see Mr . Mammoth . ”

John Watkins was surprised .

“ Oh ? Why is that ? ” he asked .

“ Mr . Mammoth is playing golf . ”

“ Oh , ” John Watkins said . “ Then he won’t be coming to his office today . ”

The most beautiful secretary in the company smiled at him .

“ Mr . Mammoth’s already here , ” “ He has the largest office in the world . ”

注释:president 总裁。Inc 有限公司 ( Incorporated 的缩写,英国人多用Ltd ) 。company 公司。 secretary 秘书 。appointment 约会。surprise 使惊奇。golf 高尔夫球。smile 微笑。

【 思维体操 】

1 . Which letters mean the twenty - six letters of English ? _______

2 . A big American and a little American were in a car . The little American was the big American son . But the big American was not his father . Who was the big American ? ______

答案:1 . ABC 2 . The little American's mother .


【 心中有数 】


※ 一般现在时和现在进行时的区别:

一般现在时表示经常、反复或习惯性的动词,常和时间状语 always , often , usually , sometimes , every and , in the morning , on Sundays 等连用。

现在进行时表示此时此刻或说话瞬间正在发生的动作或存在的状态,常和时间状语 now 连用。如:

Do you often go and see your teacher ? 你经常去看你的老师吗 ?

I always clean my bedroom on Sundays . 我总在每周日打扫卧室。

She is cleaning her bedroom now . 她现在正在打扫卧室。

Listen ! Who is singing in the room ? 听 ! 谁在房间唱歌 ?

※ 句子的种类:


( 1 ) 陈述句:用来说明事实或说话人的看法。

She doesn't like swimming .

( 2 ) 疑问句:用来提出问题。分为一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。

Is Jim in Class 2 or ( in ) Class 1 ?

She is a good girl , isn't she ?

( 3 ) 祈使句:用来表示请求、命令。

Throw it like this。像这样扔。

Don't throw it like that . 不要像那样扔。

( 4 ) 感叹句:用来表达强烈的感情。

What a good boy he is !

How beautiful our school is !

【 动手动脑 】


1 . The boy ____ a blue coat is Jack .

A . at B . of C . on D . in

2 . Lucy looks like Lily . Do you think ____ ?

A . so B . it C . this D . that

3 . There is ____ on the table .

A . three cups of tea B . three cup of teas

C . three cups of teas D . a cup of tea

4 . The students play games ____ Thursday afternoon .

A . on B . at C . in D . of

5 . My father ____ in shop , but he ___ there these days .

A . works , isn't working B . is working , works

C . works , not works D . is work , doesn't work

6 . There aren't ____ flowers in this school .

A . many B . much C . some D . a lot

7 . Are there any ____ in the house ?

A . meat B . milk C . orange D . people

8 . What does he teach ____ ?

A . her B . his C . your D . their

9 . We get up ____ .

A . at six in the morning B . at six of the morning

C . in the morning at six D . in morning on six

10 . “Whose room is this ? ”“____ . ”

A . The twins B . The twin's C . The twins' D . The twin

11 . These are your shoes . Those are ____ .

A . their B . her C . his D . your

12 . The ____ is Wang Ping .

A . boy's name's B . boy's name C . girl's names D . girls' names'

13 . -____ your family with you in England ?

-No , they are in China .

A . Is B . Do C . Are D . Does

14 . -What do you think of the Chinese people ?

-____ very friendly .

A . They are B . It is C . He is D . She is

15 . Look ! Uncle Wang ____ a machine .

A . is doing B . is making C . does D . makes

16 . Could I have ____ ?

A . an orange B . some apple C . a little banana D . any milk

17 . ____ your uncle work here in this factory ?

A . Do B . Does C . Is D . Are

18 . Take your coat ____ you , please .

A . of B . about C . with D . at

19 . One of ____ up and answers the question .

A . boys stand B . the boy stands C . the boys stands D . the boys stand

20 . I can only do ____ .

A . one of questions B . one of the question

C . a one of the question D . one of the questions

答案与提示:1 . 本题意思是,穿着蓝色上衣的那个男孩是 Jack,表示“穿着”,用介词 in。 2 . 本题意思是,Lucy 看起来像 Lily,你认为是吗 ? 问对方是否也有同样的想法或看法,英语中常说 Do you think so ? 此处 so 为代词,代替上句提到过的事情。在这个句型中 think 后面不可用其它代词。 3 . 本题表示不可数名词的量,用一个相当于量词的可数名词后加 of,前面再用数词修饰,如 two pieces of paper ( 两张纸 ) ,three bottles of beer ( 三瓶啤酒 ) ,原来的不可数名词后仍不加 -s,据此,本题应选 A。 4 . 表示在某一天的上午、下午、晚上,介词用 on,而笼统地说在上午,下午,晚上用 in。试比较 : in the morning , on Sunday morning . 5 . 前一句表示父亲在这家商店工作,这是父亲上班的地方,是经常性习惯性的动作,故用一般现在时态,后一句说明父亲这几天不在该店工作,这是临时的,是目前几天的情况,故应用现在进行时态,据上,本题应选 A。 6 . flower 是可数名词,句子是否定句,故只能选 A。much 修饰不可数名词,some 用在肯定句中,a lot 修饰动词,只有 a lot of 才可修饰名词,故均应排除。 7 . 本题是 there + be 的句型,从谓语动词 Are 来分析,主语肯定是复数名词,故应选 D。AB 两项中的名词不可数,C 项的orange 是单数,均不合语法规则。 8 . 本题动词 teach 带有两个宾语,代表物的是直接宾语,在本题中就是 what,代表人的间接宾语应该是人称代词的宾格,故选 A。其余三项均为物主代词,不符合语法规则。 9 . 本题意思是:我们早晨六点起床,表示在几点钟,用介词 at,在早晨用 in the morning。故 A 为正确答案。 10 . 本题检测名词所有格的用法,双胞胎是 twins,是以 s 结尾的名词,其名词所有格只须在词尾加 ’即可,故 C 项为正确答案。 11 . 本题意思是:这些是你的鞋了,那些是他的。后一句中的物主代词无名词,故应用名词性物主代词,只有 C 项符合要求,其余三项均是形容词性物主代词。 12 . 本题意为:这男孩名叫王平。主语是 name,根据题意,应为单数,且名词所有格只能作定语,不能作主语,故排除 ACD 三项,B 项为正确选择。 13 . 本题难点在于确定主语 family 是单数还是复数,在题中 family 作“家庭成同”且在答句中用 they 来代替,据此,应选 C。 14 . Chinese people 意为“中国人民”,是复数,故相应的人称代词应用 they,所以应选 A。 15 . 从动词 look ( 看 ) 可推知,该动作正在进行,故用现在进行时。又表示“造机器”,应用动词 make 故选 B。 16 . apple 是可数名词,被 some 修饰时应用复数形式;a little 修饰不可数名词,但 banana 是可数名词在 Could I have… ? 这种问句中,问者显然是希望得到肯定回答的,故不能用 any,应用 some。据上只有 A 为正确答案。 17 . 本题主语是第三人称单数形式,谓语是行为动词,构成一般疑问句,应用助动词 does,故应选 B。 18 . 叫某人带上某物,用 take sth . with sb . 。本题意思是:请带上你的外套。所以选作介词 with。 19 . One of 后应接复数名词,在该复数名词前还应有定冠词。本题主语是 one,属第三人称单数,谓语动词应加 -s,故选 C。 20 . 本题与上题相同,one of 后加复数名词,并在复数名词前加上定冠词。

【 创新园地 】


1 . What do you do ?

2 . In a shoe factory .

3 . Do you have any children ?

4 . Of course . He's a middle school student .

5 . What's your name , please ?

6 . I'm worker .

7 . John King .

8 . Where do you work ?

9 . Only a son .

10 . Is he a student ?

( 请同学们把你写好的答案反馈给我们 )
