



【 抛砖引玉 】


Ⅰ. 语音学习

1 . 字母组合 pl 发[ pl ],bl 发[ bl ],cl 发[ kl ],fl 发[ fl ],thr 发[?r],br 发[ br ],gr 发[ gr ],fr 发[ fr ]。

2 . 句子的重音和语调。

Ⅱ. 词汇学习

shopping , buy , sell , how much , dear , cheap , go shopping , fish , half , a lot of , exercise , all day , forget , before , for , kilo。

Ⅲ. 语法学习

1 . 可数名词不可数名词。

2 . how many 与 how much。

Ⅳ. 交际英语

1 . How much is that pen ? Three yuan .

2 . How much is the rice ? Forty fen a kilo .

3 . That's cheap / dear .

4 . Can I help you ?

【 指点迷津 】


1 . shopping 购物,买东西

She often goes out to do a lot of shopping on Sundays .

You can do some shopping in the evening . 你可以在晚上去买点东西。

〖 点拨 〗shopping 为不可数名词,如在前面加定冠词 the , my , her…,则可指“购买的东西”。如:Can you take my shopping home ? ( 你能把我所买的东西带回家吗 ? ) 。do / go shopping 去购物。

2 . buy 买

What are you going to buy in that shop ?

〖 点拨 〗有 buy sb . sth . 结构,也可写成 buy sth . to sb . 如:

I will buy you some new clothes . ( 我要给你买些新衣服。 ) 或 I will buy some new clothes for you .

另外,buy 的过去式为 bought。

3 . sell 卖

The shop sells trousers , shirts and coats .

〖 点拨 〗有 sell sb . sth ( 把某物卖给某人 ) 结构,还可用 sell sth . to sb . 如:

They want to sell me the house . ( 他们想把房子卖给我 ) 或 They want to sell the house to me .

sell的过去式为 sold。

4 . dear 贵的

At this time of year , orange are dear .

I think the blouse is too dear .

That's a very dear shop .

〖 点拨 〗不能用 price 作主语。如不能说:

The price of the apples is dear . 应改为 The apples are dear . 或者 The price of the apple is high .

以后还会学习到同义词是expensive 。

5 . cheap 便宜的

Eggs are cheap now . 现在鸡蛋便宜了。

It's a very cheap store . 那是一家索价甚廉的商店。

〖 点拨 〗sth be cheap。

6 . for 为

I must go and find a room for the meeting .

I want to buy some food for supper .

7 . fish 鱼

Can you catch those fish ? 你能抓住那些鱼吗 ?

There are lots of fish in the lake . 湖里有很多鱼。

Do you like fish ? 你喜欢吃鱼吗 ?

〖 点拨 〗fish 作为“鱼”解,复数形式多写成 fish,“五条鱼”便写 five fish。在强调“多种鱼”时,用 fishes。fish 作为“鱼肉”解,是个不可数名词。如:Will you have a little more fish ? ( 再吃一点鱼好吗 ? )

8 . kilo 千克,公斤

I would like to have a kilo of fish . 我想买一公斤鱼。

Could you give me two kilos of cakes ? 请给我两公斤蛋糕好吗 ?

9 . half 半,一半

Half of six is three . 六的一半是三。

Half of the students are not here . 有一半的学生不在这里。

Fish is two yuan and a half a kilo . 鱼肉每公斤两元五。

〖 点拨 〗half 的复数为 halves。

10 . exercise 练习

Please do the exercises on page twenty . 请做20面的练习。

The exercises are not hard . 这些练习不难。

Let's do some exercises on English verbs .

〖 点拨 〗exercises 还可以作“运动”讲是不可数名词。

It is good to take more exercise in the morning . 早晨多锻炼好处多。

11 . forget 忘记

Don't forget to bring your exercise books .

I forget how to spell your name .

〖 点拨 〗forget to do 忘记去干…… ( 含动作未发生 ) 。注意把某物忘在一个具体地点时不用 forget,用 leave sth + 地点。如:

I left my bag in the bus .

12 . before 在……以前

Can you get to school before eight ?

Please come before Saturday

You must go there before noon .


1 . near the school 在学校附近

You can buy your ruler in the shop near our school .

Near the school there is a bookshop .

2 . how much 多少;多少钱

How much rice do you want ?

How much are eggs today ?

How much is that skirt ?

how much 可作定语,修饰后面的不可数名词,如“多少水”译成“how much water”;how much 还可用于询问价格,这时它的意思为“多少钱”,人们通常不说 how much money , 只说 how much。还请注意,询问“多少”还有 how many,其后接可数名词复数。

3 . go shopping 去买东西

I often go shopping with her .

go + v - ing 表示“去干某事;从事某种活动”,如 go boating ( 去划船 ) ,go fishing ( 去钓鱼 ) , go swimming ( 去游泳 ) , go walking ( 去散步 ) 等。

4 . come with sb . 跟某人一起去

I want to go shopping . Can you come with me ?

5 . help sb . do sht . 帮某人做某事

Could you help me look after the child ? 您能帮我照看这孩子吗 ?

也可用 help sb . to do sth 的结构。help sb with + 名词。

6 . shopping basket 购物篮子

We often take shopping baskets with us to do shopping . 我们常常带上购物篮子去买东西。

7 . exercise book 练习本

8 . school things 学习用品

Exercise books , pencils , rulers are school things . 练习本、铅笔、尺子是学习用品。

The shop sells school things . 这商店卖学习用品。

I have a lot of school things . 我有很多学习用品。

9 . some of… ……中的一些

Some of us are Young Pioneers .

Some of the rice is white , some of the rice is black .

You can drink some of the water . 你可以喝一些水。

此短语的 of 后面既可接可数名词,也要接不可数名词,如接代词,该用宾格,of 引出部分与全体的关系。

10 . all day 整天

How can you play basketball all day ?你怎么能整天打篮球呢 ?

此外还有 all night ( 整夜 ) 、all yesterday ( 昨天整天 ) 、all afternoon ( 整个下午 ) ,all that day ( 那天一整天 ) 等短语。

11 . on one's way home 在某某人回家的路上

You can do some shopping on your way home .

They are on their way home . 他们正走在回家的路上。

在此短语中,home 为副词,如换成名词,就得用 on one's way to…或 on the way to…结构。如:on my way to his home 或on the way to his home ( 在到他家的路上 ) 。

12 . early in the morning 一清早

The old man goes out for a walk early in the morning .

13 . half a kilo 半公斤,一斤

还有 half an hour ( 半小时 ) , half the apples ( 这些苹果中的一半 ) 等结构,在这里,half 意为“半”、“一半的”。至于一公斤半,可说 one kilo and a half 或 one and a half kilos。


【 学法指要 】


1. 购物常用语套语

What things does the shop sell ? 这商店卖什么东西 ?

What things does the shop near your school sell ? 你们学校附近的那家商店卖什么东西 ?

How much is + 可数单数名词 / 不可数名词 ? ……需要多少钱 ?

How much is the meat ? 肉的价格是多少 ?

How much a kilo is it ? 这多少钱一公斤 ?

How much are + 复数名词 ? ……的价钱是多少 ?

How much are all these school things ?

How much a kito are these ? 这些东西多少钱一公斤 ?

问什么东西要多少钱一公斤,还可说 How much are they a kilo ? ( 复数 ) 或 How much is it a kilo ? ( 单数或不可数 ) 。此外,还有 How do you sell it ? ( 这个怎么卖 ? ) 等句型。

I want would like …,please . 劳驾,我要买……

I would like half a kilo of apples , please .

I would like two kilos of eggs , please . 请给我称两公斤鸡蛋。

Do you have any…here ? 你这儿有……吗 ?

Do you have any socks here ?

Do you have any mile here ?

Could I have… ? 给我来……行吗 ?

Could I have half a kilo ?

Could I have one and a half kilos of oranges ?

How much / many do you want ?

-Do you have any tea here ?

-How much do you want ?

-Do you have any pencils here ?

-Yes . How many do you want ?

售货员问顾客要购买多少东西时,得根据所购的东西为可数或不可数而选用 How many 或 How much。

2. 意义特别的疑问句

Don't we have any food for supper ? 难道我们晚餐连一点食物也没有吗 ?

Aren't you Young Pioneers ?

Can't you say it in English ?

Doesn't he get up early every day ?

〖 点拨 〗这里列举的都是否定结构的一般疑问句。请注意回答时千万不要照汉语的思考习惯去回答。照汉语回答①,就会是“是的,我不是。”“不,我是。”如照此中文译成英语,肯定自相矛盾,令人不知所云。其实,大可不必管中文意思,只要你是少先队员,回答便是:“Yes , I can . ”否定则为“No , I'm not . ”对②的回答为“Yes , I can . ”或“No , I can't . ”作答时,只要后面是肯定的,前面一定得用“Yes”后面是否定的,前面一定得用“No”。

3. Is that all ? 就这些吗 ? 完了吗 ?

That's all。完了;就这些。

That's all for today . 今天就 ( 说 ) 到这里吧。

4. Let me see . 让我想想。

I can't come today . Let me see . How about Saturday ? 我今天来不了。让我想想,星期六怎么样 ?

区别:Let me look at it . 让我瞧瞧。


1 . I want to buy some food for supper this evening . 我想买一些今天晚饭吃的东西。

句中 food 是不可数名词。不可数名词一般没有复数形式,因此不能与 a / an 或数词连用,也不能用 one 来替代。在不可数名词前可用 the , some , much , a lot of , a little , no 等。例如:

How much is the meat ? 这肉多少钱 ( 1公斤 ) ?

There is a little milk in the bottle . 瓶里还有一点牛奶。

Some people drink a lot of water every day . 有些人每天喝大量的水。

不可数名词前可用“数词 + 可数名词 + of”来表示计量。例如:

I want three bottles of orange . 我要3瓶桔济汁。

I'd like ten kilos of rice . 我想买10公斤大米。

2 . You can help me carry the things . 你可以帮我搬东西。

help 用作动词时,后面可跟某人,意为“帮助某人”。如要表示“帮助某人做某事”,可以说 help somebody ( to ) do something,do 前的 to 可有,也可省去。例如:

3 .- How many ( pears ) do you want ? 您要多少 ( 个 ) ( 梨子 ) ?

-Two , please . ( 请给我 ) 两个。

-How much ( fish ) do you want ? 你想要多少斤 ( 鱼 ) ?

-Two kilos , please . ( 请给我 ) 两公斤。


用 how many 提问,表示所问的东西是可数名词,可直接用数词回答。

用 how much 提问,表示所问的东西是不可数名词,要用数词 + 可数名词回答。例如:

How many bananas do you want ? 你想要多少香蕉 ?

Five , please . / A kilo , please . 五根。 / 一公斤。 ( 完整回答是:I want five bananas / a kilo of bananas , please . )

How much rice do you want ? 你想要多少大米 ?

Ten kilos , please . 10公斤。 ( 完整回答是:I want ten kilos of rice , please . )

4 . Can I help you ? 您想买什么 ? / 我能帮您什么忙吗 ?

这是售货员在接待顾客时常说的话。还可说:What can I do for you ? 我能为您做些什么吗 ? / 您想买什么 ?

顾客回答时,常说:Thank you . I want / would like…或 Yes , please . I want / would like…

5 . This one is 3 yuan - that's dear ! 这个三元钱 一- 很贵

( 1 ) yuan 是中国人民币单位“元”的译音。注意没有复数形式。

( 2 ) dear “昂贵的”“贵的”它的反义词是 cheap “便宜的”,“索价低了”。例如:

The pencil-box is five yuan . It's too dear . I want a cheap one . 这个笔盒要五元钱,太贵了。我想要个便宜的。

6 . I want to go shopping . 我想去购货。

go shopping “去购货”

go + 动词 - ing 形式的短语属于习惯用语。例如:go fishing去钓鱼,go boating去划船,go swimming 去游泳

7 . Would you get it , please ? 你去拿来好吗 ?

这句话还可说:“Do you get it , please ? ”或“Can you get it , please ? ”但不如“Would you get it , please ? ”客气,语气婉转。

8 . I want to buy some food for supper his evening . 我要为今晚的晚餐买些好食物。

( 1 ) want . v . “想要” ( = would like ) 例如:

I want an eraser . 我要块橡皮擦。

I want to go our for a walk . 我想去散步。

I want you to play with me . 我想要你和我一块玩。

( 2 ) for 是介词,意思是,“为”例如:

Can you mend it for me ? 你能帮我修修吗 ?

Let me carry the books for you . 让我帮你搬这些书。

( 4 ) 在英语中表达时间时用 this , that 构成的短语,一般不必再加介词。例如:

this evening 今晚,this morning今天上午,this afternoon今天下午,this week本周,this year今年

9 . There's only bread and water . 只有面包和水。

( 1 ) 此句中的主语是不可数名词 bread and water,故用 there is , 而不是there are . 一般情况,是用 there is 还是用 there are , 由第一个主语来决定,即:看第一个主语是可数名词的单数还是复数,或是不可数名词。例如:

There is some milk in the glass . 杯里有些牛奶。

There are two books on the table . 桌上有两本书。

There is a pen and two books on the table . 桌上有一支钢笔和两本书。

( 2 ) 本册书学到的不可数名词有:

rice , bread , fish , meat , water , tea , milk , orange ( 桔汁 ) , food

( 3 ) 不可数名词一般只用单数形式,要表示其数量时,需量词帮忙。例如:

a cup of tea 一杯茶,two glasses of water 两玻璃杯水,five bags of rice 五袋米,eight bottles of orange 八瓶桔汁

10 . Can I help you ?

( 1 ) 这是服务员主动向顾客询问的用语。在不同的场合有不同的译法。例如:

在商店是:Can I help you ? 你要买什么 ?

在饭馆:Can I help you ? 你要吃点什么 ?

在旅社:Can I help you ? 你要住宿吗 ?

( 2 ) Can I help you ? 的答语有:Thank you , I want… , please 或 Yes , please . I would like…等等。例如:

A : Can I help you ? 你要买什么 ?

B : Yes , please . I'd like some tea . 是的,我想要买点茶叶。

11 . You can often buy things from their shop on your way home . 你常可在回家途中到这家商店买东西。


You can see the river from this window . 从这个窗口你可以看到那条河。

He is from Shanghai . 他从上海来的。 ( 他是上海人。 )

( 2 ) on the / one's way to…在某人去……的途中,例如:

On my way to the shop , I see many people . 在我去商店的路上,我见到许多人。

On the way to my school , I can see many buses . 在上学的路上,我可看到许多汽车。

On the way to the factory , there is a big park . 在去工厂的路上,有一个大公园。

( 3 ) on one's way home 在 ( 某人 ) 回家途中

Home 在这里是副词,所以,它的前面不用介词“to”。例如:

On her way home , Mum often buys something . 妈妈常在回家的路上买东西。

13 . But don't forgot your things early in the morning . 你在清晨可别忘了带你的东西。

( 1 ) forget . v . “忘记”

Don't forget to wash your hands before meals . 饭前别忘了洗手。

Please don't forget to back my book .

12. how many 与 how much 的区别

在特殊疑问句中,how many 后接可数名词的复数形式,回答时用基数词。how much 后接不可数名词。在问价钱时也用 how much。要根据问的具体意思来回答。例如:

( 1 ) - How many boys are there in your classroom ?

- There are twenty - two boys .

( 2 ) - How many children does Mr Wang have ?

- Oh , he has only one .

( 3 ) - How much tea do you want ?

- Half a kilo , please .

( 4 ) - How much is the bread ?

- It's one yuan fifty fen .

【 妙文赏析 】


Voltaire ( 伏尔泰 ) ,the great French writer , wrote a small book and sent it to his publisher . Time passed , but Voltaire received no news about it . So at last he sent his publisher a letter . In it there was only the sign“ ? ” .

All the copies of the book had already been sold . It was quite clear to the publisher what the sign “ ? ” meant in Voltaire's letter . So he sent an answer . It was as short as Voltaire's letter . The answer was also only one sign “ ! ” .

赏析:世界上最短的书信是什么,该算是“ ? ”和“ ! ”。你知道这两个符号是什么

意思吗 ?

(2) Weight or Money ?

An overweight jogger ( 慢跑者 ) was running in the park . “How many pounds have you lost ? ”asked a passer - by . “About 300 , ”gasped ( 喘着气说 ) the runner . “I'm chasing ( 追赶 ) the man who just stole my wallet . ”

赏析:在这篇文章之中 pound 一词有两个意思。the passer - by 问的是重量,而 the jogger 回答的是钱“英镑”。


Mrs White has two children . Tommy is seven , and Anine is four . Tommy goes to school , but Annie doesn't . When Tommy is at home , he often plays with Annie . Usually he's very nice to his little sister .

One day the two children are playing at home .

Suddenly Annie begins to cry ( 哭 ) . Their mother runs over and asks,“Why are you crying ? ”

“Tommy breaks ( 弄坏 ) my doll , ”says Annine .

“How does he break it ? ”

“I hit ( 打 ) him on the head with it , ”says Annie .

赏析:谁把 Annie 的布娃弄坏了 ? 你不觉的可笑的 ? 是 Tommy 还是 Annie 自己呢 ?


Mr Smith had a nice , brown coat . He loved it very much , but his wife did not like it , because it was old . She said , “Give it to a poor man . ”But Mr Smith always said , “No , I like this coat . ”Then a cigarette ( 香烟 ) fell on it and made a hole in it , so Mrs Smith said , “Please don't wear it again . ”Mr Smith took it to a small tailor's shop and said to the tailor ( 裁缝 ) “Please make another coat like this one . ”The tailor made the coat very carefully , Then he lit a cigarette , and made a hole in it in the same place .

赏析:这位裁缝做了一件大衣,上面烧一个洞,为什么 ?

是因为这样做,裁缝认为才和原来的那件一样符合顾客的要求。是吗 ?

【 思维体操 】

1 . ____ shop sells school things ?

A . What B . Where C . Which D . Who

2 . How ____ is the yellow bike ?

A . many B . much C . about D . old

3 . How ____ pens are there in the pencil - box ?

A . much B . many C . old D . nice

4 . I often have two eggs ____ breakfast ?

A . with B . / C . to D . for

5 . What do you have ____ supper ?

A . to B . for C . / D . the

6 . The boys are ____ their way home .

7 . I often buy things ____ the shop ____ my school .

8 . The people ____ the shop near our school are very friendly .

9 . You must hand in your exercise books ____ five o'clock .

10 . The shop sells a lot ____ school things .

11 . Miss Gao often ____ ( buy ) things on Sundays .

12 . Look ! They are____ ( sell ) fish there .

13 . The shop is ____ ( close ) at eight at night .

14 . I'd like ___ ( go ) shopping with you .

15 . Listen ! Who ____ ( talk ) in that room ?

答案与提示: 1 . C 2 . B 3 . B 4 . D 5 . B 6 . on 7 . from , near 8 . in 9 . before 10 . of 11 . buys 12 . selling 13 . closed 14 . to go 15 . is talking

1问的是哪个商店,而不是什么商店,所以应该选C而不选A。2询问价钱,只用 how much。3问“多少”,且后面为可数名词复数,用how many,而不用 how much。4和5主要考查介词 for,表示目的,常译为“为了……”。 6“在某人回家的路上”常译为 on one's way home。7“从某商店”的“从”用 from,“在我学校的附近”用介词 near , near my school 修饰 the shop,作定语,8“在商店”用介词 in。9“在……之前”且表示时间的介词只能为 before。10是短语 a lot of…,“一些……”的意思。11表示经常性的动作,用一般现在时,主语为单数,谓语动词用三单形式。12. look 是现在进行时的标致词,表示正在进行的动作,助动词 are 已给出,所以直接加上 v - ing。13. 表示这家商店晚上8:00关门,陈述一事实或经常性、习惯性的动作 ( 状态 ) ,用一般现在时,动词 close 要变为形容词 closed。14. would like 后接动词不定式 to do sth。15. listen 为现在进行时标志词,表示动作正在进行,本句用现在进行时,who 作主语时,常表示单数,进行时助动词用 is,再加上动词 talk 的 - ing形式即可。


【 心中有数 】



英语的名词按其语法意义可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词和不可数名词关系到限定词 ( 如 this , these 等 ) 的搭配,也关系到主语和谓语的一致。因此,从一开始学习英语时就要密切注意。

可数名词有两种,一为规则的 ( 即在名词原形后加 - s 或 - es ) ,一为不规则的 ( 前已有所谈及 ) 。

有些集体名词,如 people,通常是复数,用复数动词。如:

Some young people are singing . 有些年轻人在唱歌。

有些集体名词,如 class , family , team 等,既可作单数,又可作复数。如果把它看成一个整体,谓语动词用单数;如把着眼点放在各别的成员身上,谓语动词便用复数。如:

Our class is big . 我们的班大。

Our football team are wearing their new shoes .


有些物质名词,如 rice , bread , fish , meat , water , tea , mile 等,一般是不可数的,没有单、复数之分。但是,有些物质名词有时可以复数形式出现,但意义不同。如 fish ( 鱼、鱼肉 ) ,fishes ( 多种鱼 ) ,food ( 食品 ) , foods ( 多种食品 ) 。

有个别名词,单复数的形式都是一样的,如 Chinese , Japanese 等。

【 动手动脑 】


1 . How much is this bottle of orange ? ____ .

A . It's cheap B . It's 95 fen C . Here you are

2 . Liu Ming , can you help me ____ the things ?

A . carry B . carries C . carrying

3 . How much tea do you want ? ____ .

A . Guess , please B . A kilo , please C . Ten yuan , please

4 . Do you want to go ____ with me , Mary ?

A . shops B . shopping C . shop

5 . -Can I help you ?

-____ .

A . Thank you . I want some rice

B . Yes , please . I don't want to buy anything

C . No , I don't want your help

6 . Mum , ____ do you want to buy ?

A . who B . how C . what

7 . -____ rice do you want ?

- Five kilos , please .

A . How many B . How much C . How about

8 . How many apples do you want ? ____ .

A . Nine , please B . Three yuan , please C . Yes , please

9 . Are there ____ in the room ? Yes , there are .

A . two baskets of pear B . two basket of pears C . two basket of pears

10 . On his way ____ the factory , there's a big shop .

A . / B . to C . for

11 . It's time ____ go to school .

A . for B . at C . to D . in

12 . We have lunch ____ te middle ____ the day .

A . at , of B . in , of C . in , at D . of , in

13 . What time ____ Jim ____ games ?

A . does , play B . does , plays C . do , play D . do , plays

14 . - What's the time now ?

- ____ seven o'clock .

A . It B . It's C . Its D . It's

15 . -Where are you going ?

-I'm ____ home .

A . going B . go C . going to D . go to

16 . This box is too ____ . I can't carry it .

A . small B . heavy C . light D . old

17 . Can you give me a new ruler ? This one is ____ .

A . old B . big C . long D . small

18 . Don't speak to me now . I must go . I'm ____ .

A . early B . late C . hungry D . happy

19 . I'm in Class One . He is in Class Two . We are in ____ classes .

A . the same B . different C . many D . some

20 . This one is ____ . Could I have full one , please ?

A . full B . big C . empty D . new

21 . The shop closes ____ six .

A . in B . at C . on D . to

22 . How much ____ the pen ?

A . am B . is C . are D . be

23 . Can you go shopping ____ me , please ?

A . for B . to C . from D . with

24 . You can ____ things from their shop on your way home .

A . buy B . sell C . borrow D . take

25 . Do you have ____ tea here ?

A . some B . a C . the D . any

26 . ____ bread do you want ?

A . What B . How C . How many D . How much

27 . - ____ are you doing ?

- I'm doing my homework .

A . How B . Where C . What D . What time

28 . There ____ any milk in the glass .

A . are B . aren't C . is D . isn't

29 . Her sister ____ playing football .

A . doesn't like B . don't like C . isn't like D . not like

30 . - Excuse me . Can I borrow your pencils .

- Certainly . Here ____ are .

A . they B . you C . there D . we

答案:1 - 5 B A B B A 6 - 10 C B A C B 11 - 15 C B A B A 16 - 20 B A B B C 21 - 25 B B D A D 26 - 30 D C D A B

【 创新园地 】


Kate ____ ( be ) a student . She ____ ( study ) in No . 5 Middle School . She ____ ( go ) to school for five days . She and her friends sometimes ____ ( play ) games on Sundays . Kate ____ ( not like ) ____ ( swim ) . ____ she ____ ( watch ) TV in the evening ? Certainly , she ____ ( do ) . Kate's parents ____ ( be ) teachers . They are very nice .

( 请同学们把你写好的答案反馈给我们

创新园地答案:is , studies , goes , play , doesn't like , swimming , Does , watch , does , are .

空1因为 Kate 相当于第三人称单数 she,其后系动词应填 is。空2主语为 she,其后的实义动词应该用第三人称单数形式。空3同空2,应填 goes。空4主语为 She and her friends,表示复数,共后的实义动词应该用动词原形。空5是主语为单数的否定句,要用助动词 doesn't,后面加实义动词原形。空6是作 Kate doesn't like 的宾语,swim 应变为动名词 swimming。空7和空8为一般疑问句,且主语为第三人称单数形式,要用 does,主语后的动词用原形动词。空9是对上句的肯定回答,she 后用 does。空10主语为 Kate's parents,是复数,其后的系动词 be 要用 are。