新高一Unit 20 For fun(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计)


Listening & speaking







1.Where did Jim paint the pictures?

A. At home. B. In the kitchen. C. At school.

2.What are in the sky in Jim’s pictures?

A. A tree. B. A plane. C. Jim’s mother and trees.

3.What does Jim’s mother think of his pictures?

A. She thinks the pictures are beautiful.

B. She can hardly understand them.

C. She understands them well.


4.Why does the man make the phone call?

A. To book some seats for the show.

B. To get some information about the show.

C. To know when the show will be given.

5.How much does the tickets cost if the man wants to buy one?

A. 30 dollars. B. 13 dollars. C. 33 dollars.

6. When will the show probably end?

A. At 9:00 pm. B. At 8:00 pm. C. At midnight.


7. What do you think Robert is?

A. A dancer. B. A singer. C.A student.

8. Where will the group perform?

A. At concert halls. B. At restaurants.

C. At some parties.

9.Why is Robert not sure of joining the group?

A. He doesn’t think he is good enough.

B. He doesn’t have time to practice.

C. He isn’t interested in joining it.


Work in pairs: A reporter for a magazine is interviewing a worker about the Library of Congress. One student will act as the reporter and another will act as the worker. Then retell the passage with the answers.

The largest library

You might think the largest library in the world would be in Europe. But it isn't. It's in Washington, DC. It's called the Library of Congress.President John Adams started the library in 1800 for members of Congress. He wanted them to be able to read books about law. The first 740 books were bought in England. They were simply set up in the room where Congress met. Then Thomas Jefferson sold Congress many of his own books.He felt Congress should have books on all subjects, not just on law. This idea changed the library for good. The library grew and grew. Now it covers acres of land. It contains 20 million books as well as scores of pictures, movies, globes and machines. Experts in every field work there. Hundreds of people call every day with all kinds of questions. Many of them get answers right over the phone.The library is a huge storehouse. Thomas Edison's first movie and Houdini's magic books are there. And it is the proud owner of the world's best collection of comic books.

The reporter’s questions:

1.Is the Library of Congress the largest in the world?

2.When was the Library of Congress started?

3.Why did President John Adams start it?

4.How many books are there in the library now?

5.What else are there in the library?



Disney Weddings

Each year, thousands of people get married at Disney parks around the world. The most popular Disney Park for a wedding is Disney World in Florida. People from across the United States, Europe and Japan go there to get married. The lowest price for a simple Disney wedding is 3,000 dollars. This includes a short ceremony, followed by cake for as many as eight guests. The married couple also can stay several nights and visit the Disney World theme park for free during the days.

For more money, Disney offers other wedding services. These include flowers, music, pictures, special transportation(运输), event planning and entertainment. Mickey Mouse can even visit a wedding party at a cost of several hundred dollars. Newly married husbands and wives often have their pictures taken with her. Such visits are popular among wedding crowds. Of course, Mickey wears her own special wedding clothes.

Disney weddings are often planned around an idea or theme(主题)from a Disney movie. Not all Disney weddings are based on a theme. More and more people are planning traditional weddings at Disney parks to gather their family and friends at a place where they can have fun together.

Judge the following true or false

1.It is Disney World in Florida that people in the world would like to go to for a wedding. ( )

2. The married couple can stay several nights and visit the Disney World theme park for free with their guests. ( )

3.It is the most popular for the married couple to take photos with Mickey Mouse. ( )

4.More people will prefer to have traditional weddings at Disney parks in future. ( )

Hawaiian Music

Kuma Hula is a teacher of the Hawaiian(夏威夷的)dance called the hula(草裙舞) The song she sings is as old as the people and culture of Hawaii. It is very important in Hawaii. It helps to join together the ancient Hawaiian culture with the past, the present and the future. The Kuma Hula is teaching a class of children, some as young as five years old. Already they perform the slow ancient dance steps with a sure knowledge they will carry into the future. Without that, the music of Hawaii would slowly die and disappear.

Kuma Hula sings in the language of Hawaii. The language has become important in recent years. It is now popular in Hawaii to learn the language. The Hawaiian language is important to the music.

A good example of this tradition is the guitar music played in Hawaii. You cannot hear it anywhere else in the world. The guitar came to the islands of Hawaii about 200 years ago. The guitar produces a very deep, rich sound. This sound also provides feelings that show us the Hawaiian culture, both past and present.

Choose the best answers according to the text:

5.Hula is a kind of dance that _____in Hawaii.

A. has disappeared already B. has a long history

C. can be seen everywhere D. children like most

6.The history of beautiful guitar music in Hawaii can date from _____.

A. the early 1800s B. last century

C. the late of 19th century D. 1900

7.If you want to know something about the culture of Hawaii, it is important for you to learn___.

A. guitar

B. the language of Hawaii

C. hula and songs

D. stringed instruments

Language study



play wait fight keep argue talk watch

1.I saw a long queue outside the bank _____for it to open.

2.We heard them _____in the open room. They were getting very angry.

3.The policeman found two men ____in the street. I think they were drunk.

4.For two hours we listened to him _____about his plan.

5.Mary had to go to the meeting, she left her children _____at home.


6.a burning house ___________

7.an exciting story ___________

8.a sleeping child ___________

9.a developing country ___________

10.running water ___________


11.Did you notice the boy who was sitting at this desk yesterday? →

12.The man who is shaking hands with Mr. Li visited our class yesterday. →

13.The girl who is reading English aloud is my younger sister.→

14.Don’t wake up the child who is sleeping. →

15.The person who is translating the songs can speak seven languages. →


16.He lost his job because he was found _____ (smoke)in the kitchen.

17.It was so cold that we had the fire____(burn)all the night.

18.We find this film____(interest).

19.The____(miss)boys were last seen ____(play)near the river.

20.Mother caught him _____(smoke)and reported him to his parents.

21.He always kept us____(work)far into the night.

22.I didn't notice you_____(watch)me____(swim).

23.She was found____(lie)on the floor,with her eyes closed.

24.In many western countries, musicians are seen ______(perform) on the streets to passers-by.

25.Mr. Smith left Mike _____(stand) outside the class room,for Mike was late for class.


The plane was late and some policemen could be seen_____(wait) at the airport all the morning. They _______(expect)a valuable parcel(包裹)of diamonds. A few hours earlier, someone _______(tell)the police that some thieves ______(come)from South Africa had stolen the diamonds. When the plane______(arrive), the police_______(wait)inside the main building saw two men_______(take)the parcel off the plane and_______(carry)it into a taxi. The police stopped the taxi at the door and _______(catch)them. To their surprise, the parcel _______(be)full of stones and sand!

Integrating skills


1.The WTO cannot live up to its name _____it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.

A. as long as B. while C. if D. even though

2.Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. ___, neither of them could swim.

A. In fact B. Luckily

C. Unfortunately D. Naturally

3. -Why did you go back to the shop?

-I left my friend _____ there.

A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. waits

4.-You stop me

-Even if you it, I won’t allow you to swim across the river.

A. mustn’t; dare not do B. may; dare not do

C. can; dare to do D. needn’t; dare do

5.I received a letter from America, in which Tom introduced me the old town ___the ancient times.

A. dated from B. dating from

C. are dated from D. dates from

6.That’s not a match. We’re playing chess just for ____.

A. habit B. hobby C. fun D. game

7. I want to go to the library but I'm afraid I'm not walking in the right ____.

A. distance B. direction C. road D. route

8.These programs on the air are of ____to learners of English.

A. great help B. very helpful

C. a great help D. being helpful

9. At the end of 2002, there were around 3, 000 foreign companies in the city, ___ up around 2 percent of national total.

A. made B. to make C. making D. make

10.____other young people, he also enjoys pop music.

A. Compared with B. In common with

C. Except for D. Speaking of


make fun of enjoy a long time play on words

make use of even if in common as well as

roar with laughter know about act out

11.A group of naughty boys often _________ the old man.

12.Real friends should have everything ______.

13.If one takes enough exercise every day and has healthy eating, he can ____________.

14.She won’t leave the TV set, ________her husband is waiting for his supper.

15. The language of much advertising is made up of ____________.

16.Tell your students ______the dialogue in pairs. next day.

17.We should ________the advanced technology as possible as we can.

18.We cannot expect her to do the homework ___________look after the children.

19.There is one thing I’d like ___________.

20.They _____________________at this story.


The USA is known for Jazz. Jazz is a type of music that has 21 world-wide popularity(普及). It has a 22 sound. In the 1920's jazz sounded like America. And so it 23 today. As you know, Jazz is America’s 24 to popular music.

The 25 of this music is as interesting as the music 26 Jazz was 27 by American blacks, who 28 brought to the Southern States of the USA as 29 . They were 30 to farm owners and forced to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields. The work was hard and life was 31 . When a Negro died, his or her friends and relatives formed a line to carry the body to the 32 .

A band followed the line. On the way to the cemetery the 33 played slow music 44 the occasion(场合). But on the way home, the 35 changed. Everybody was happy. 36 had removed one of the 37 , but the 38 were glad to be alive. The band played happy music, 39 made everyone want to dance. It was an early 40 of jazz.

21.A. changed B. finished C. gained D. contained

22.A. advanced B. boring C. amazing D. modern

23.A. does B. is C. will D. has

24.A. collection B. construction

C. determination D. contribution

25.A. design B. beginning C. edition D. example

26.A. inspiring B. encouraging

C. interesting D. surprising

27.A. invented B. discovered

C. exploited D. expressed

28.A. was B. were

C. used to be D. had to be

29.A. minorities B. fellows

C. strangers D. slaves

30.A. sold B. employed C. enjoyed D. obeyed

31.A. natural B. short C. precious D. serious

32.A. country B. cemetery C. temple D. church

33.A. young people B. friends

C. band D. relatives

34.A.suited B. fit C. replaced D. recovered

35.A. plans B. subjects C. skills D. feelings

36.A. Luck B. Pity C. Punishment D. Death

37.A. puzzles B. purposes

C. members D. positions

38.A. living B. poor C. dead D. rich

39.A. what B. which C. that D. it

40.A. model B. operation C. form D. kind


American Sense of Humor

Almost everyone will laugh at the same thing if they see something that is really funny. For example, many years ago the movie actor Charlie Chaplin made several films about a funny-looking man known as “The Little Tramp.” This little tramp had no money and was always getting into trouble. How he got out of trouble was very funny. Chaplin’s films were popular around the world.

Some film critics(评论家)say the little man Chaplin played in his films was the most popular funny person in the 20th Century. It did not matter what language people spoke when they saw one of Charlie Chaplin’s great films. He made most of his films before sound was used in movies.

American humor is really not much different from humor in other countries. One exception might be humor from or about the American south. “Redneck” is a word that describes a white man from the South who is not very smart.

Jeff Foxworthy is an American comedian from the southern state of Georgia. He has become successful telling jokes about rednecks. “If you’ve ever cut your grass and found a car, you might be a redneck. (LAUGHTER) If your dad walks you to school because you’re in the same grade, you might be a redneck. (LAUGHTER) If you’ve ever been too drunk to fish, you might be a redneck” (APPLAUSE.)

Judge the following true or false:

41. Charlie Chaplin himself was the tramp in the film. ( )

42. Most of Charlie Chaplin’s films were silent. ( )

43.American humor is similar to that in other countries. ( )

44. Jeff Foxworthy is an American comedian who plays on words to create fun. ( )

45. “Redneck” is a word that describes a white man from the South who is not very smart. ( )


People laugh when they see or hear something they consider funny. They never think about why they are laughing. Robert Provine of the University of Maryland(马里兰州)says people are not the only creatures who laugh. Animals laugh too, especially monkeys. He says their laughter sounds different from human laughter. For example, human laughter sounds like "hah-hah- hah." Chimpanzees(黑猩猩)laugh by sounding like this-"ah-ah-ah."

Professor Provine says human beings began laughing before they could speak. He says laughing started about 3 million years ago, when early humans first stood on two legs. That made it possible for their lungs and chests to make different sounds as well as breathe.

Professor Provine says people begin laughing early in life. Babies start laughing about four months after they are born. Many researchers believe that laughter connects one person to another. Laughter spreads among people. Hearing someone else laugh can make you laugh. Some researchers say laughter may be a sign that we trust those around us.

Professor Provine says people use laughter as a way to ease(缓解)another persons anger or make a threatening(危险的)situation safer. Making a situation seem less serious reduces any threat(威胁). Yet one researcher says laughing is an aggressive(过分自信的)act. Charles Gruner of the University of Georgia says laughter equals winning. He believes laughter began as a cry of victory after a fight. He says this feeling exists every time someone laughs.

Still others note that laughing is healthy. It can ease worry and tension(紧张). Studies have found that laughing for several minutes increases the heart rate, eases muscle tension and pumps carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)out of the lungs. It makes a person feel good.

Choose the best answers according to the text

46.The difference between humans and animals lies in ____ when they laugh.

A. sounds B. ways

C. forms D. pronunciations

47.Experts think that laughter is a ____.

A. idea B. action

C. communication D. chain reaction(反应)

48.All of the following may make people laugh except _____.

A. sports;tours;threats;discussions

B. jokes;stories;pictures;prizes

C. humour;amusement;success;music

D. films;plays;novels;;parties

49.From Paragraph 4 we know laughter is __.

A. an achievement B. a show of feeling

C. a way to peace. D. a false pride

50.The purpose of writing this text is to ____.

A. tell us the difference in laughter

B. know more knowledge about laughter

C. encourage people to laugh more

D. join in all kinds of social activities.

Ⅴ.书面表达 (共1小题,计20分)




3.不太幸运,没人愿意教他,但并不灰心(lose heart)。





Unit 20

Listening and speaking

Text 1

W: What are you doing, little Jim?

M: I’m looking at my pictures, Mum. I painted them in class.

W: Show me your pictures, please…Oh, what’s that, Jim?

M: It’s a house.

W: And what are these?

M: These are rooms. This room is the kitchen. That’s my bedroom.

W: What are those green lines?

M: They’re not lines. Mum. They’re trees. Those trees are in the blue sky.

W: Is this a plane?

M: It’s not a plane. Mum. It’s you. You’re in the sky too.

W: What strange pictures!

1-3 CCB

Text 2

W: Madison Square Garden. Can I help you?

M: Yes. Do you have any more tickets for the concert on Friday night?

W: Yes, we still have some $ 30 tickets left.

M: Great. OK, and is the box office open now?

W: Yes, the box office is open from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm.

M: Oh, by the way, what time does the show start?

W: It starts at 8:00 in the evening.

M: And what time does it end?

W: Well, there are four bands, so it’ll probably end about midnight.

M: Thanks a lot.

W: No problem.

4---6 BAC

Text 3

W: Robert, you play the guitar, don’t you?

M:I used to. But I haven’t played it for quite some time .I don’t really have time these days with all my studies .Why do you ask?

W: I’m trying to organize a group to play at some parties on weekends .We still need a guitar player.

M: Well ,I don’t know .But your idea sounds fun to me.

W: Oh, it will be .I’m more or less in charge of things, so if you want to give it a try, you’re in. It’s as easy as that. Besides, it’s a great chance to get out and meet people.

M: But I told you I haven’t practiced for a long time. I don’t know if I remember any songs I used to play.

W: Don’t worry about it .I just thought I’d ask you to try and join us sometime when we were practicing. We’ll be practicing for a few months before we give performances.

M: OK, I’ll have a try.

W: I’m sure you can do it. And it will be fun, too.

7---9 CCA


1.X 2. √3. √4.√

5. B 6. A 7. B

Language study

Ⅰ.1.waiting 2.arguing 3.fighting 4.talking 5.playing

Ⅱ.6. 正在燃烧的房子 7. 一激动人心的故事

8.一睡着的小孩 9.一发展中国家 10.流水

Ⅲ.11.Did you notice the boy sitting at this desk yesterday?

12The man shaking hands with Mr. Li visited our class yesterday.

13.The girl reading English aloud is my younger sister.

14.Don’t wake up the sleeping child.

15.The person translating the songs can speak seven languages.

Ⅳ.16. smoking 17.burning 18.interesting 19.missing…playing 20.smoking 21.working 22.watching

23.lying 24.performing 25.standing

Ⅴ.waiting;were expecting;had told;coming;arrived;waiting;take;carry;caught;was

Integrating skills

Ⅰ.1---5 CCADB 6----10 CBACB

Ⅱ.11.make fun of 12.in common 13.enjoy a long life 14.even if 15.playing on words. 16. to act out

17.make us of 18.as well as 19.know about 20.roared with laughter

Ⅲ. 21---25 CDADB 26---30 CABDA

31---35 BBCAD 36---40 DCABC

Ⅳ. 41.X 42. √ 43. √44. √ 46. X

46----50 DDABC

Ⅴ. When Tom was very young, he liked pop music. He wanted to be a pop music singer. Years later he left his hometown and went to a city to look for teachers. He hoped that he could become a famous pop star with the teachers’ help. But he was not lucky. No one would like to teach him. He didn’t lose heart. He took his guitar with him to many cities in his country. He knew many pop singers and made friends with them. What’s more, he learned a lot from them. Now he has become a famous pop singer.