初二英语第六单元Shall we go to the park?






四会quarter,minutes,half,finish,park,live,zoo,animal,dog,hear, boat,chicken,



-a quarter past/to six ten minutes past/to

-half past a little earlier/later

-have a good time be good at boating

-all the time a baby panda

May I come then? What time shall I come? Work must come first! I have quite a lot of homework to do.

Shall we go to the park? When/Where shall we meet?

Let’s make it half past one.

I don’t think chickens can swim.


-Would you like to come to supper?-I would love to!

Which animal do you like best?

I hear one of them has a baby.

I have no idea.


1.Making suggestions 提建议的方法

Using shall -Shall we go at ten? -Good idea!

Using let’s -Let’s go at ten! -OK!

Using Why not…? –Why not go at ten? -All right!

2.Time-telling 时间的说法


half past ten 10点半 a quarter past two两点一刻


twenty to twelve 差20 分钟12点



1. Like与would like

Like与动词的搭配有两种:like to do /like doing 这两者在使用是区别


She likes swimming. /She likes to swim. 她喜欢游泳。

Would like 只有一种搭配:would like to 意思是“想要”,与want to 比较接近。如:

I would like a new dress for the party.

I want a new dress for the party.


Would you like to…? 表邀请,回答是无论是否, 通常要说:Thank you, I’d love to. 如要拒绝,也不要说No, 以免显得太不礼貌,应继续说:but ….来讲明理由

-Would you like to come to my house on National Day?

-Thank you, I’d love to. But I have to see my uncle on that day.



Like的另一种词性是介词,“象”, 如look like 看上去象。

2. Let’s make it a little earlier/half past one.

这里的make 不能理解为“制作”, 应是“定为”的意思。it指代时间。所以上面两句话应翻译为:让我们把时间定得早一点/让我们把时间定为一点半。

3. I think 的否定

I think 后面接宾语从句时, 从句中不能出现否定。如有否定意思,则在前面否定 I think… 变为 I don’t think….

I think the panda lives only in China. 我认为熊猫只生活在中国。

I don’t think chickens can swim. 我觉得鸡不会游泳。

He doesn’t think English is hard to learn. 他觉得英语不难学。

4. 提建议的三种方式


shall 通常用于第一人称,Shall I …?/Shall we…?

let’s =let us “让我们…”

Why not…? =Why don’t you…? 你为什么不…?


试比较: What about…?句型。 about是介词,所以后面接名词或动名词。


What about going home now?

Shall we go home now?

Let’s go home now.

Why not go home now?

let’s 句型中,反问用 shall we? 如:

Let’s go to the park this afternoon, shall we?


shall 还可以表示第一人称的将来时。如:

When shall we meet? 我们什么时候见面?

We shall never forget it. 我们永远都不该忘记它。

I shall look after my brother next Sunday. 下周日我将照看弟弟。


quarter 本意是四分之一,指时间时,为一小时的四分之一,所以是一刻钟。二分之一是half; 四分之三是 three quarters



名词在表示一类事物时,可以有三种方法。可数名词单数前加a或the , 可数名词复数,不可数名词本身或加the .如:

可数名词: a tiger /tigers /the tiger

不可数名词:water/the water


hear与listen to 都是“听”的意思,hear 是听的结果,listen to 是听的动作。如:

The students are listening to the teacher. 学生们在听老师讲话。

We can hear the music. 我们能听到音乐声。

此外,hear 还可作“听说”讲,后面加从句。如: I hear one of them has a baby. 我听说它们中的一个生了个小宝宝。(课文)

I hear we are going to have an exam.我听说我们要考试了。




1. boat A.road B.blackboard C.hold D.coat

2. zoo A.too B.moon C.afternoon D.foot

3. hear A. here B.there C.near D.year

4. live A. like B.lift C.listen D.animal

5. monkey A.Monday B.mother C.stop D.brother

6. idea A. hear B.ear C.please D.dear

7. elephant A.eleven B.evening C.never D.let

8. panda A. half B.map C.land D.shall

9. chicken A.chair B.teacher C.machine D.China

10.English A.thank B.monkey C.long D. London


1. Thank you for _______me. (help)

2. They are going to ________ in the river. (swim)

3. Why not________ the football match on TV? (watch)

4. What about________ out for a walk? (go)

5. Would you like to _______ with us? (come)



1. What time ______ the students usually begin classes?

A. are B.do C.does D.have

2. I like to eat mooncakes _______nuts in them.

A.have B.are C.with D.is

3. Let’s play a game, ________?

A. shall we B.are we C.do we D.don’t we

4. I ______ Lily is going to Australia next month.

A. lisen B.listen to C.hear of D.hear

5. –When shall we have the meeting?

--Let’s _____ it ten.

A.make B.take C.have D.get

6. Why not ____________ with us tomorrow?

A.going shopping B.going shop C.go shopping D.go shop

7. Which classes has _______ girls, Class One, Class Two or Class Three?

A.most B. more C.the most D.the more

8. Alice has two friends. One is American, _______is Japanese.

A.other B.the other C.others D.another

9. They usually go to school at____________.

A.half to seven B.twenty six C.half past seven D.seven half

10. --Would you like to come to my birthday party?


A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I’d like.

C. Yes, I would D. Yes, I would love to.




The telephone rings and our new secretary, Miss Simpson, answers it.

“May I speak to Mr. Calder, please?” a man says.

“who is speaking please?” Miss Simpson answers.

“it’s Alan Bright,” the man answers.

Miss Simpson puts her hand over the telephone and says to Mr.Calder.

“It’s Mr.Alan Bright, sir,”she says.”He wants to speak to you.”

“What, again!” Mr. Calder shouts.

“Say that I’m not in my office,” Mr.Calder says angrily.

Miss Simpson speaks into the receiver(电话听筒), “Mr.Bright,” she says. “I’m sorry you can’t speak to Mr. Calder now. He says he’s not in his office.”


1. Who answers the telephone?

2. Who is calling?

3. Does Mr.Calder want to answer the phone? How do you know?

4. Is Mr. Calder happy or angry?

5. Is Miss Simpson a clever woman?




宾语;get to 后面加名词性宾语.若后面加副词则不用to.

He reaches/gets to school at seven every day.


We reach/get home at the same time every day.


此外, 还有“够”的意思.如课文中:

I can't reach them.我够不着它们.

Some of the apples are hard to reach.



4.high 和tall

这二者都指垂直方向“高”.high 还可指在较高的地方发现某物或把某物放在较高的地方.如:

a tall boy 一个高男孩 a tall tree 一棵高(大)树

a high mountain 一座高山

The kite is flying high.风筝飞得很高.





Pears are cheaper than apples.梨比苹果便宜.(名词)

Mine are better than yours.我的比你的好.(名次性物主代词)(课文)

You have more than me.你的比我的多.(宾格人称代词)(课文)

She is younger than I.她比我年轻.(主格人称代词)

I like swimming better than running.跑步和游泳相比我更喜欢游泳.(动名词)

Lily runs faster than I do.Lily比我跑得快.(句子)

B.表示程度的可用much 和a little 来修饰,如

They are much bigger.他们大的多.(课文)

Lesson Three is much easier than Lesson Four.





1.than A.man B.that C.any D.dad

2.short A.walk B.long C.fourth D.autumn

3.know A.son B.hold C.October D.road

4.wash A.want B.what C.watch D.water

5.farm A.parent B.hard C.car D.class

6.nothing A.some B.most C.another D.come



1.There are ______ apples in the first bag. There are ______apples in the second bag than in the first one.(many)

2.The white car is ______. The red car is _______than the white one. The black car is the _______ of all.(good)

3.Who is _________, Li Lei or Wei Hua? (busy)

4.Who has the ________ books, Sam, Kate or Jim? (few)

5.I have many friends, but Jane is my ______friend.(good)




1.Lily抯 shoes are ______ dearer than Lucy's.

A.very B.more C.much D.most

2.We _________working hard on the farm.

A.do all B.all are C.all D.are all

3.I think Xiao Mao's basket is _______ ______ Da Mao's.

A.heavyer than B.heavier than

C.heavier then D.heavyer than

4. ________ students like asking questions in class.

A.A few B.Much C.Little D.Any

5.The boy usually ________ the bus at 3:30 and ________ at 4:15 every afternoon.

A.gets in…gets down B.gets off…gets on

C.gets on…gets from D.gets on…gets off

6.Excuse me!_______ is the library _______ the bus stop?

A.How far…to B.How long…from

C.How long…from D.How far…from

7.There are many apples _____ the tree.

A.on B.in C.to D.from

8.They are going to the Great Wall _____________.

A.on the next week B.in the next week

C. next week D.the next week

9.______ is the nicest girl at the party?

A. When B.Who C.Why D.How many

10.-______ are you going to the farm?

-By bus.

A.How B.Which C.When  D.Where


1.He is going to see his teacher this afternoon.


2.The tall girl has the most pears of all.


3.Jim's mother is younger than Wu Dong's.


4.The students are going to help workers with their work in the factory.


5.The little girl are picking flowers in the garden.



The biggest and strongest animal on land is the elephant(大象). The largest and heaviest animal in the sea is the whale(鲸). It's also the biggest eater in the world. It eats the most food-a ton(吨) of food a day. It looks like a fish, but it is really a mammal(哺乳动物).

1.What is the biggest animal on land?


2. What kind of animal is the whale?


3. Why is the whale the biggest eater in the world?


4. What does the whale look like?
