初二英语第十九单元Come to the party


章节 第十九单元





A.学词: report报告;报道 long长 radio无线电,收音机

stop停止 lift消散(指云,烟等) set装置,设备

before在…以前 east东,东方(的) west西;西方(的)

north北,北方(的) south南,南方(的) northwest西北

northeast东北 southwest西南 southeast东南

wait等;等候 most大多数;大部分 temperature温度

above在…上面 fall落下;跌倒 below在…以下

again又;再 won’t=will not I’ll=I will


B.词组: come out出来 TV set电视机 turn…on开;旋开

go for a walk去散步 wait for等候 at times有时,不时

the day after tomorrow后天


1)The radio says the cloud will lift quite quickly. 收音机广播说云将很快散开。

2)Thank (sb.) for 感谢(某人)做了某事。

3)It’s like new again. 它又像新的了。

4)What shall I/we do? 我(们)该做什么?

5)The temperature will 温度将

6)I think it will be+adj. tomorrow. 我想明天会…


1)What bad weather! 多么坏的一天气啊!

2)Will it last long? No, it won’t. 它会持续很久吗?不会的。

3)I think it’ll get better soon. 我想它很快就会好的。

4)The radio says the snow will stop soon. 收音机广播说雪很快就停。

5)Beijing will be fine/rainy/cloudy sunny. 北京的天气很好。

4.语法:The Future Indefinite Tense. 一般将来时。

一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。For example: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow evening, next week, next year, next term, this evening, in the year 2010, in two weeks, right away, right now, at once, soon.




b)will not=won’t



肯定式:sb. will do…

否定式:sb. Will not/won’t do…



a)A:What time shall we leave? 我们什么时候走呢?

B:We’ll leave at 9:30. 我们九点半钟走。

b)The rain won’t stop soon. 雨不会很快就停。

c)It’ll be sunny later tomorrow. 明天后半天天气晴朗。

d)He will tell us stories in English, won’t he? 他将要用英语给我们讲故事,是吗?

e)You’ll wait for us outside the park, won’t you? 你们将在公园外等我们,好吗?

f)I’ll wait for the next bus. 我等下一辆车。

▲:wait for sb./sth.


eg. a)I’ll give you a hand.


eg. a)Will you go to the office with me?

b)Will you please clean the blackboard?


eg. a)Shall we go home now?

b)Shall I put my handbag here?

④“will+助动词”与“be going to+动词原形”都可表示将来时,而 前者纯粹表示




1.I don’t like the cold. 我不喜欢这样的冷天。

It’s like new again. 它(指电视机)又像新的了。

注:cold和new在这些句子中都用作名词。两个句子中的like,前者是动词,后者是介词。be like sth.(好像…)

2.We’ll wait for you outside the school gate. 我们将在学校门口等你。

wait for sb./sth. 等候/等待…

eg. a)Your mother is waiting for you. Hurry up, please!

b)He waited for that bus for nearly half an hour. 他等那辆车等了差不多半小时。

c)Would you wait for me a moment, please? 你等我一会儿好吗?

3.at times=sometimes

eg. a)I usually go to school on time, but I’m late for school at times in winter.


b)It is usually sunny and dry at this time of year, but it rains at times this year.


4.There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River. 淮河以北将有大风。

to the north of… 在…的北面

in the north of… 在…的北部

eg. a)Hong Kong is in the south of China. 香港在中国的南部。

b)Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东边。



eg. a)The sky is over/above our heads.

b)Please tie a piece of paper over the top of the bottle.(请在瓶口上扎上一张纸。)

注:over:higher than 表示部分或全部盖着。

above:higher than 表示在…之上,但未接触。

6.below和under表示lower than时,有时可以互用,有时则不行。

eg. a)The temperature was two degrees below zero.

Last night. (昨晚气温是零下2度。)

b)My teacher looks below/under thirty. 我的老师看上去不到三十岁。

7.in the day-time=



1)She will go to the Summer Palace tomorrow.

2)The students will clean the classroom after class.

3)We shall leave here at fine this afternoon.


1)Mary (like) singing very much. She often (sing) in her room. Listen! She (sing) a beautiful English song now.

2)These foreigners (go) to Tian Tan Park tomorrow morning.

3)There he a heavy rain in the evening.

4)A:What I (do) next term?

B:I think you (study) harder.


1)There be a heavy snow the day after tomorrow.

A. are going to B. is going C. will D. shall

2)Mr Smith is his wife at the bus stop now.

A. waiting for B. waiting C. waited D. waiting to

3)There will be too much rain the south Changjiang River.

A. in, of B. to, of C. to, in D. in, in

4)Changchun is the northeast of China.

A. in B. to C. at D. on


One day a shark (鲨鱼) met a monkey. The shark said, “Hello! My friend, would you please come to my house? My mother and the others in my family want to see you. We talk so much about you every day, but me have never seen (从未见过) you.”

“It’s very good of you,” the monkey said, “but you see I can’t swim. How can I get there?” “Oh, it’s easy. Sit on my back, and I’ll carry you there.” The monkey sat on the shark’s back and they set off. On the way the shark said, “I must tell you that my mother is ill. She will be well again if she eats your heart. That’s why I bring you to her.”

“But I’m sorry. I forgot to bring my heart. Bring me back to fetch it, please.” Said the monkey.

“You are so forgetful (健忘的). Let’s go back for it.” The shark said.

As they returned, the monkey climbed up the tree and left the shark waiting for him in the sea.

( )1.The shark whole-heartedly (诚心的) asked the monkey to visit his mother.

( )2.The shark’s mother wanted to eat the monkey’s heart.

( )3.The monkey was not so clever as the shark.

( )4.The shark didn’t get the heart of the monkey.

( )5.The shark and the monkey were good friends.


The summer vocation (假期) is over and the new school year 1 . We are all back 2 school. We are glad to see each other 3 . We all look taller and 4 . We are the 5 students.

We are going to 6 a new subject, physics. I am not good at maths. Wei Fang, our monitor, is good at maths. I think she is going to do 7 in physics.

Wei Fang says she is going to help me. I’m going to work 8 at it. We are going to help each other this term. We are going to do 9 best to learn all the subjects 10 .

( )1.A. begin B. begins C. beginning D. to begin

( )2.A. at B. in C. on D. to

( )3.A. yet B. every C. again D. very

( )4.A. strong B. strongest C. the strong D. stronger

( )5.A. two-year B. two-years C. second-year D. second-years

( )6.A. get B. have C. has D. studies

( )7.A. good B. better C. well D. fine

( )8.A. hard B. strong C. good D. well

( )9.A. we B. our C. us D. ours

( )10.A. good B. fine C. best D. well

The key to the exercises: (练习答案)

Ex. 1.句型转换:

1)When will she go to the Summer Palace?

2)What will the students do after class?

3)What time shall me leave here this afternoon?