Unit 15 Healthy eating


Lesson 57

Teaching objectives and demands:

1. Words and useful expressions: xcpain, in (the) future

2. Everyday English for communication (talk about an event)

What can I do for you?

What was the matter? I've got a pain/cough/headache.

I don't feel well. There's sth wrong with…

This place hurts.

Let me examine you. Does it hurt here?

It's nothing serious. You'd better have a rest.

Take this medicine three times a day.

And I advise you not to do…

Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.

You'll be well soon.

3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice

Key points:

1. Everyday English for communication;

2. Words and useful expressions

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Check the useful expressions that are often used by the doctors and patients.

What was the matter? I've got a pain/cough/headache.

I don't feel well. There's sth wrong with…

This place hurts.

Let me examine you. Does it hurt here?

It's nothing serious. You'd better have a rest.

Take this medicine three times a day.

Step 2. Presentation and listening

SB1b, Page 1, Part 1. Play the tape of Lesson 57 for the students to follow and ask them the questions as follows:

(1) Where did this dialogue happen?

(2) What happened to Sharon?

(3) What do you think caused the problem?

(4) What did the doctor tell her to do?

The students are expected to answer the questions in pairs.

Step 3. Reading

Get the students to read the dialogue for more detail information.

Step 4. Explanations to the dialogue

1. At the doctor's 在医生的诊所

在英语中, 常用从事某行业的人的所有格来表示他所工作的地方,如本课标题“At the doctor's ”就相当在 At the doctor's clinic。又如:

a baker's 面包店(a baker's shop)

a barber's 理发店(a barber's shop)

a tailor's 裁缝店、成衣店(a tailor's shop)

The Bell's 贝尔电话公司(The Bell's Telephone Company)这种名词的所有格结构还可以用来表示某人的家。例如:

at his parents'(home) 在他父母亲的家里

in her uncle's(house) 在她叔叔的住所

2. What can I do for you? 你有什么不舒服吗?

这是表示“主动提供帮助”(offer one's help)时的交际用语。本课对话是在诊所进行的,“What can I do for you?”是医生为病人提供服务时说的话, 意思就是 :“你有什么不舒服吗?”或“你来看病吗?”。例如:

(D=Doctor; P=Patient)

D: What can I do for you? 你来看病吗?

P: Well, I've got a cough. I couldn't sleep well. 我咳嗽,睡不好觉。

D: What can I do for you, sir? 先生,你看什么病?

P: I've got a pain here. I couldn't lift my right hand. 我这儿有点痛。我的右手抬不起来。

另外,“What can I do for you?”用在不同场合, 可以有不同的译法。例如在商店里,店员对顾客说:“What can I do for you?”, 意思就是“你要买什么东西?”, 你可以回答说:“I'd like to buy …”。 如果在餐馆里, 服务员问你“ What can I do for you?”, 意思就是“你想吃/喝点什么?”, 你可以回答说“I'd like to have a hamburger.” (我想吃汉堡包。) 或“A glass of beer, please.”(请来一杯啤酒)。 如果在售票处, 售票员问你“What can I do for you?”,意思就是“你买什么票?”,你可以根据实际情况回答,如“ Two tickets to Beijing for tomorrow, please.”(请买两张明天去北京的车票。)

3. What's the matter? 你有什么不舒服?

“What's the matter (with you)?” 本意是“ (你) 怎么啦?”,用以表示关怀和焦虑。本课对话是在诊所进行的,这句话就是医生询问病情时的用语,意思是“你有什么不舒服?”。

类似的表达还有:What's wrong with you?/What's troubling

you? 例如:

D:What's the matter with you? 你有什么不舒服?

P:I coughed a great deal last night. 昨晚我咳得很厉害。

D:What's wrong with you? 你有什么不舒服?

P:I've got a headache. I feel terrible. 我头疼得很厉害。

4. It's nothing serious. 这不要紧。/没什么大问题。


P:I don't feel well. I've got a bad headache. 我觉得不舒服,头很疼。

D:Let me examine you. 我来给你检查一下。

(A while later.)

D:Don't worry. You've got a cold. It's nothing serious, but you'd better have a good rest and drink plenty of water. Take this medicine three times a day and

you'll be well soon. 别着急。你感冒了,没有什么大问题,不过, 你得好好休息一下,多喝些水。这个药一天服三次,你很快会好起来的。

注意,修饰不定代词something、anything、nothing 等的形容词,应放在这些不定代词的后面。例如:

P:Is there anything wrong with my back? 我的背部有什么毛病吗?

D:No, nothing wrong. /I don't think it's anything serious.


5. I advise you not to eat fruit that isn't ripe, in future. 我劝你今后不要吃不熟的水果了。

(1) 劝告某人做/不做某事时,可用下列交际用语:advise sb. to do/not to do sth. 例如:

P:Is there anything wrong with my heart? 我的心脏有什么问题吗?

D:Yes, there is something wrong with your heart. I advise you not to smoke any more. 是有点问题。我劝你不要再吸烟了。

D:I advise you to take a physical examination. 我劝你做一次体格检查。

P:Do you think I really need it? 你认为我的确需要做体检吗?

D:Yes, I think so. 我认为要做。

(2) in future与in the future都表示“在将来”的意思, 一般可以互换。但前者强调“从今以后/今后”(from now on) 的意思;后者着重表示“将来某个时候/将来” ( sometime in the future) 的意思。例如:Don't do that again. Be more careful in future. 别再那样做了。今后更要注意了。

I promised him to eat less sugar in future. 我答应他(我)今后少吃糖。

More peaches will be harvested by our farm in the future.


In the future, computers will become smaller and work faster.


Step 5. Practice

Workbook Lesson 73, Exx.1 and 2. Get the students to do the exercise in the workbook and then check the answers with the students.

Step 6. Workbook

SB1b, Page 49, Part 1 and 2. Tell the students to read the sentences and fill in the blacks with appropriate responses. The students are supposed to do it in pairs and then check the answers with the class.

Step 7 Homework

(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 57 in the workbook.

(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.

Evaluation of teaching:

Lesson 58 What is Healthy diet?

Teaching aims and demands:

1.Words and useful expressions:

be rich in, contain, fat(n),soft drink, score, scores of, discuss, discussion, at the end (of), examine, ripe, advise, patient, energy, weight, put on weight, westerner, cause , unhealthy, lose weight, suggestion, ouch, salad, peach, Sharon, diet, fiber, calorie, crisp, quiz, grape, hamburger , Coca Cola.

2. Grammar: Revise the structures of expressing suggestions and advice.

3. Reading comprehension: (1) scanning (2) find the clue of a text

Key points: 1.Words and grammar 2. Reading comprehension

Teaching methods: Reading - explanation ---- practice

Time arrangement:

This lesson is to be finished in one or two teaching periods.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Revise the contents of Lesson 57.

Step 2. Lead-in

Get the students to talk about “healthy eating”. List the healthy foods that the students yell out on the blackboard.

Step 3. Skimming

Now tell the students to read the text and answer the question: which are healthier, Chinese food or western food?

Step 4. Scanning

Now get the students to read the text of Lesson 58, and tell the statements are true or false in Ex. 1 in the workbook in Page 50.

Step 5. Language points

1. Every person needs water and a diet of healthy foods.


(1) diet和food都可以作“食物”解。但前者是抽象名词, 常指“饮食”而言,或指为特殊需要而规定的食物;food 是一般用语,指具体的食物,凡是吃的喝的都属food。它通常用作不可数名词,常用单数。但在表示食物的种类时,也可用复数( 如本句中的foods)。例如:

The doctor advised him to take a special diet to lose weight.


The best liquid diet for the patient is milk but she doesn't like it.


Healthy foods include fruits, eggs, vegetables and some soft drinks.


Milk is the natural food for young babies. 牛奶是婴幼儿吃的天然食物。



health(健康) +-y → healthy(健康的)

cloud(云) +-y → cloudy(多云的)

rain(雨) +-y→ rainy(多雨的)

salt(盐) +-y→ salty(咸的)

weight(重量) +-y→ weighty(重的)

fun(滑稽) +-y→ funny(滑稽的)

2. They eat different kinds of food which change into energy.


短语动词 change into 作 “转变成” 解 (to become something different)。例如:

Everything she eats changes into fat. 她吃的东西都变成脂肪了。

When temperature goes down to 0℃, water changes into ice.


上述例句中的change是不及物动词。change还可以作及物动词,构成“change A into B”结构,意思是“把A变成B”,可用于被动句。例如:

Do you know how to change these things into ice cream?


Please change this sentence into a special question.


Raise the temperature, and the ice will be changed into water.


3. The energy is measured in calories. 这种能量是以卡来计算的。

句中的介词短语“in calories”是“以卡(为单位)”的意思,这里的in作“以……”、“用……”解。“介词 in+ 计量单位的复数形式”表示计算或度量的标准。例如:

In Britain, the weight is generally measured in pounds.


The living space is measured in square metres.


The distance in space is told in light years. 宇宙中的距离是以光年来计算的。

4. While you are at school, or walking home, your body is burning up 100 calories an hour. (=… your body is using 100 calories an hour.)在学校读书或者走路回家的时候,你的身体每小时要消耗 100 卡的热量。

短语动词burn up原意是“烧掉”、“烧毁”,本句中转意为“用掉”“消耗掉”。例如:

Don't burn up these old books. They might be useful.


The factory burned up completely last night. 昨晚那家工厂彻底地烧毁了。

Do you know how much energy you will burn up during the relay race?


5. When playing football or basketball, you might be using 400 calories an hour. (=When you are playing football or basketball, ……) 踢足球或打篮球时,你可能每小时要消耗400卡热量。

在带有时间状语从句(when-clause)的主从复合句中, 如果从句中的主语与主句中的主语相同, 则从句中的主语可以省去,而构成“when+ ing形式”的结构。例如:

When the doctor was examining me, he said,“ Nothing serious.” = When examining me, the doctor said, “nothing serious.” 医生给我检查身体时说道:“没有什么大问题。”

When he was eating the peach, he found it too green to eat. = When eating the peach, he found it too green to eat. 他吃桃子的时候,发现桃子太生了,不能吃。

6. On Sports Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all , perhaps as much as 650 calories an hour. 在运动会上,在接力赛中,你消耗的热量较多,每小时多达650卡。

“as much/many as”结构作“多达”、“多到……程度”解。例如:

There is plenty of rain here, often as much as seventy inches a year.


As many as 240, 000 people lost their lives in a terrible earthquake in Tang Shan. 在唐山一次可怕的地震中,死亡人数多达24万。

在“as…as”结构中还可以加入其它的形容词或副词,表示“到……程度”,如“as long as(长达),as high as(高达) , as deep as(深达),as early as (早在……时候)等。例如:

The building is as high as 120 metres. 那座大厦高达120米。

As early as the 19th century the English began to control Hong Kong.


7. The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. (=People think that the Chinese diet is the healthiest in the world.) 中国的饮食被认为是世界上最健康的饮食。

Consider 作 “认为” 解时, 后面可跟不定式的复合结构(consider sb./sth. to be…)。 本句中的谓语动词用的是这个结构的被动式。例如:

People consider the Western diet to be unhealthy diet.=The Western diet is considered to be unhealthy diet. 西方的饮食被认为是不健康的饮食。

Ice cream is considered to contain too much sugar. =People consider ice cream to contain too much sugar. 人们认为冰淇淋含糖量太高了。

Abraham Lincoln is considered to be the greatest man in the U.S.A.


8.It (The Chinese diet) is rich in fibre and low in sugar ad fat. 中国的饮食含有很多的纤维,而糖和脂肪的含量却很少。

“be rich in”的意思是“在……方面丰富(多)”,它的反义词组是“be low in”(在……方面少)。例如:

That area is rich in coal and oil. 那个地区盛产煤和石油。

Coca Cola is considered to be rich in sugar. 人们认为可口可乐的含糖量很高。

I advise you to eat a diet that is low in sugar and fat. 我建议你吃糖和脂肪含量低的食物。

The mountain village is rich in fruits, but low in rice. 那个山村盛产水果,但是大米产量低。

一般地说,“be + adj. + in ”结构常用来表示“在……方面的特征”。例如:

He seems to be strong in appearance, but actually he is unhealthy.


The computer is small in size but high in speed. 这种计算机体积虽小,而速度很快。

9. Because of this, they put on weight very easily. (=…,they become heavier and fatter easily.) 正因为这样,他们的体重很容易增加。

(1)because of是短语介词,作“因为”解,后跟名词或代词,构成介词短语,在句中作原因状语。例如:He hasn't had anything for two days because of illness. 因为生病,他两天没吃东西了。

He eats lots of sweets. Because of this, he has bad teeth. 他吃糖吃多了,因此,牙齿不好。

(2) put on weight的意思是“增加体重”、“长胖”(become heavier and fatter)。 它的反义词组是 “lose weight”, 意思是“减少体重”、“减肥”(become lighter and thinner) 。例如:

Don't eat too much fat, or you'll put on weight. 不要吃太多脂肪,否则你会长胖的。

He is too thin, he wishes to put on some weight. 他太瘦了,他希望长胖一点。

She is too fat, she wishes to lose weight. 她太胖了,她希望减肥。

Try to do more exercise every day, and you'll lose weight.


10. Their diet contain a lot of fat in the form of potato crisps potato chips, butter, cream and chocolate. 他们的食物有炸土豆片、炸土豆条、黄油、乳酪和巧克力, 这些都含有大量的脂肪。

in the form of 作 “以……形式”解 , 后跟名词 potato crisps…,在句中作方式状语。例如:

He made the suggestion in the form of a question. 他以提问题的形式提出建议。

His family story is told in the form of a play. 他的家史是以戏剧的形式来叙述的。

11. In some parts of Britain, one person in ten, by the age of thirty, has no teeth left! (=10% of the British people have no teeth left before 30 years old.)

在英国有些地方,十分之一的人,年纪不到三十岁, 牙齿就脱落了。

(1) one person in ten的意思是“十个人中有一个” , 也就是说“有十分之一的人”,介词in在这里表示一种比例关系。

In that college, one student in three wears glasses.


Nine Westerners in ten like to eat Chinese food.


(2) have sth. left 的意思是“剩下某物”。 left 是动词leave(剩下,留下)的过去分词。例如:Be quick! We have only a few minutes left. 快点!我们只剩下几分钟了。

“ Have you got any money with you?”--“I have only two dollars left.”


Mary's father died and had nothing left to her. 玛丽的父亲死了,没有给她留下什么东西。

Step 6. General knowledge quiz

The boy students are assigned to talk about Part 1 and the girl students Part 2. After they have reached an agreement, some eloquent students are picked up to report to the class.

Step 7. Consolidation

Tell the students to do Ex. 2 in the workbook and then pick out 2 students to read and yell out the answer to the class.

Step 8. Oral Practice

WB Ex.3, tell the students to practice the dialogue in pairs orally. Ask some pairs to demonstrate to the class if time permits.

Step 9. Workbook

Get the students to do the workbook exercises individually and then check the answers with the class.


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 58 in the workbook.

(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.

Evaluation of teaching:

Lesson 59

Teaching aims and demands:

1.Words and useful expressions:

cause , unhealthy, lose weight, suggestion, hamburger , Coca Cola.

2. Reading comprehension: ⑴skimming ⑵scanning

Key points: 1.Words and useful expressions 2. Reading comprehension

Teaching methods: Reading - explanation ---- practice

Time arrangement:

This lesson is to be finished in one teaching period.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Revise the contents of Lesson 58.

Step 2. Lead-in

Get the students to talk about “McDonalds” and “KFC”. Get the students to list the food that are provided in these shops. Are the foods healthy?

Step 3. Skimming

Now tell the students to read the text and answer the question: Are the foods in the hamburger restaurant healthy?

Step 4. Reading

Now get the students to read the text of Lesson 59, and tell the disadvantages of the food sold in McDonalds’ according to the text.

Step 5. Language points

1. Scores of people went there in the first few days after its opening. (=Lots of people went to the new restaurant……) 开张的头几天,许许多多的人去那家新餐馆吃饭。

Score n. 二十。它所构成的词组scores of/a score of 作“许多”解,相当于lots of /a lot of的意思, 但前者是书面语,后者更常用于口语中。例如:“How many people were present at the party?”--“A score or more.”


The owner of the shop is a man of about three score years.


Scores of Westerners came to visit the Great Wall last week.


I have been to the hamburger restaurant a score of times.


2. “Not good value for money,” one person said. 有一个人说:“花这个钱真不值得。”

引号中的这句话是承接上文而来的。上文说:“……; others found it expensive。”(……另一些人觉得汉堡包太贵了。),下文说:“Not good value for money.”。 这是一个不完全句, 意思相当于: It's not worth the high price.

3. The foods that you buy in hamburger restaurants are high in fat, sugar and salt. (= The foods …contain a large amount of fat, sugar and salt.)


这是一个主从复合句,主句是“The foods…are high in fat, sugar and salt.”, 中间插入一个定语从句“that you buy in hamburger restaurants”,修饰先行词foods。 主句中的谓语用了动词词组 “be high in ,同上课学的“be rich in”的意思相近。例如:

Coca Cola is considered to be rich/high in sugar.


The shirts that the shop sells are high in quality.


4. As a result, many Westerners die at an early age from heart illnesses.


die from意思是“死于……(疾病或意外事故等)”。例如:

He died from a serious disease. 他因患重病而死亡。

Scores of people died from floods last summer. 去年夏天,许多人死于水灾。

“因疾病或年老而死亡”还可以用die of。例如:

He died of heart illness. 他因心脏病而死去。

He lived long years and died of old age. 他很长寿,无疾而终(因年老而去世)。


Which food do you think is healthy and which is unhealthy?


Which of the answers do you think is the best one?


这两个特殊疑问句中都有一个插入语“do you think”( 用倒装语序),其它的部分用正常语序。类似的例句如下:

What performance do you think we should give at the party?


When do you think they will be back? 你认为他们什么时候会回来?

Where do you think we should travel to? 你认为我们该去哪儿旅行。


Step 6. Generalization

Tell the students to read the text again and tell the main idea of the text. The students are expected to talk first in groups and then some eloquent students are picked out to report to the class.

Step 7. Practice

SB Lesson 59, Part 2, the students are told to talk about the healthy food and unhealthy food. They are instructed to talk orally in pairs.

Step 8. Practice

SB Lesson 59, Part 3, the students in one group are told to choose one of the topics to talk about and then get some reporters to report to the class.

Step 9. Workbook

Get the students to do the workbook exercises individually and then check the answers with the class.


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 59 in the workbook.

(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.

Evaluation of teaching:

Lesson 60

Teaching aims and demands

1. Listening practice

2. Grammar: Revise making suggestions and giving advice.

Key points: 1. Useful expressions; 2. Listening

Teaching methods: Listening practice; written practice and oral practice.

Teaching procedures

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Revise the content of the previous two lessons.

(3) Revise the key points of the two lessons.

Step 2. Listening

(1) Pre-listening: Tell the students turn to Page 121 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.

(2) While-listening:

① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions.

② Check the answers with the students.

(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.

Step 3. Checkpoints

Go through Checkpoint 15 with the students. Get the students to make sentences of their own using the useful expressions.

Step 4. Language study

SB P4, Part 2. Go through the advice and suggestions with the class and tell them to make sentences of their own if time permits.

Step 5. Writing

SB P4, Part 4. Read the instructions and tell the students to develop a passage using the information given.

Step 6. Workbook

Workbook Lesson 60. Ex.1~3 and the exercises in Unit 15 Revision. Get the students to do the exercises and then check the answers with the students.:


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 60 in workbook.

(2) Revise the key points of this unit.

Feedback and Evaluation: