Unit 17 Great Women 整单元教案(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)


-. 教学目的和要求 ( Teaching aims and demands )

I: Topics Talking about great woman

II: Functions

描述人物 (Describing people)

She seems to be the kind of woman who…

The impression she makes on me is…

I think she is the kind person who…

She could be… she looks as if…

She might be… You can see that…

People like her… She doesn’t seem…

III: Vocabulary

1.Words: inspire admire generous cheerful mean tense dull dishonest champion mile stormy threaten bottom optimistic workday somehow shelter regret extreme extremely climate value pianist bother fame promise kindergarten hardship bear scholarship graduation

2.Phrases: around the corner die down come to terms with

IV: Grammar

主谓一致 (Subject-verb agreement)

The boy’s team has some good players, but the girl’s is a better team.

My dog team weren’t with me to pull the sled.

But changes were just around the corner.

二. 能力训练 (Ability training )

1. Through the learning of Warming Up, Listening, Speaking, and Reading, let Ss know sth. about great women and the value of women’s work.

2. Through the learning of the passage, develop the Ss’ reading comprehensive ability.

3. Master the use of the Subject-verb agreement .

三. 德育渗透 (Moral training teaching)


四. 美育渗透 (Art training teaching )


五. 课时安排 (The arrangement of teaching periods )

The First Period New words and Warming Up

The Second Period Listening and Speaking

The Third Period Reading (1)

The Fourth Period Reading (2) Language points

The Fifth Period Language Study and Grammar

The Sixth Period Integrating Skills

The Seventh Period Workbook and Unit Test (Dictation on words and expressions)

The Eighth Period Unit Test (课课练讲解)

The Ninth Period Unit Test ( 英文报纸讲解)

六. 教学步骤 (Teaching Procedures)

Period 1 New words and Warming Up

备课时间: Mar.29th

上课时间: Apr.6 三

Teaching Aims

1. Learn the new words and expressions.

2. Learn the Warming Up to arouse the Ss’ love in talking.

Important Points in Teaching

1. The use of some words: inspire admire generous cheerful mean tense dull dishonest champion

2. Sentence patterns:

She seems to be the kind of woman who…

The impression she makes on me is…

I think she is the kind person who…

She could be… she looks as if…

She might be… You can see that…

People like her… She doesn’t seem…

Difficult Points in Teaching

1. The use of the words

2. Talking in English

Teaching Methods

1. Reading and speaking

2. Pair/group work, individual work, class work

Teaching Aids

Textbook, blackboard, tape-recorder, computer

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Learning

I. Learn the new words and expressions.

Ask some Ss to read the new words and expressions, then correct some mistakes if there are any.

II. Explain some usage of new words.

1. inspire vt. to encourage in (someone) the ability to act 振奋(人)、鼓舞、激励、激起

His courage inspired us. / We were inspired by his speech.

inspire sb.to do sth. Competition inspired him to work harder.

inspired adj.被鼓舞的,受到灵感的

eg.The artist told me that was an inspired work of art.

inspiring adj.激励的,鼓舞人的

eg.What we saw on the Great Wall was an inspiring sight.

2. admire vt. to regard with pleasure and respect; to have a good opinion of

admire sb. for sth. 为……赞美/钦佩某人 admire sb.as…钦佩某人是……

I admire him for his success in business. / I admire her for her bravery.

He was admired as a great leader.

admire oneself in the mirror 照镜子

admiration 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕 admirer 赞赏者;爱慕者

3. mean adj. ungenerous, unwilling to share or help 吝啬的;卑鄙的

be mean with sth. 吝啬某物 The man was very mean with money.

be mean to sb. 对某人不善良 Don’t be so mean to your little brother.

4. threaten vt. to express a threat against sb. 恐吓(人);威胁 ;预示……凶兆;有……的危险

threaten sb. with sth. 以恐吓某人 The man threaten his boss with a gun.

threaten to do sth. 威胁说要做某事 He threatened to make the photos public.

These black clouds threaten a rain. / It threatens to rain.

5. climate n. 气候(指某一地区长期气象状态)

a tropical climate 热带气候 He couldn’t stand that terrible English climate.

weather 指特定日期的天气 In clear weather we can see the clear island from here.

6. value n. 价值;价格 vt. 估价;评价;重视

We must realize the value of humour.

good value for (the)money钱花得值 eg. This jacket was good value for the money.

be of ( no) value 有(无)价值 eg.This dictionary is of great value to students.

value sth.at…给某物估多少价 eg.They valued the land at three million dollars.

value sth./sb. 重视某物/某人 eg.He valued my advice.


valuable adj.有价值的 valueless无价值的;无用的

7. regret [U]n. 遗憾;懊悔;

eg. She was full of regret that she had forgotten to post my letter.

[C]n. 歉意 eg.Please accept my regrets at having to refuse.

much /greatly to one’s regret 使某人遗憾的是;使某人抱歉的是

Much to my regret, I am unable to accept your kind invitation.

Vt.可惜,后悔,遗憾;I regret the loss of her friendship. /He regretted his carelessness.

regret doing sth. 后悔干了某事 I regret being so rude to you last time.

regret to do sth. 遗憾要干某事 I regret to tell you that you haven’t passed the test.

It is to be regretted that…遗憾的是…… It is to be regretted that you have missed the wonderful talk.

regretful adj. 遗憾的;悔恨的 regretfully adv. 遗憾地;悔恨地 regrettable adj.令人遗憾的;可悲的;令人痛惜的

8. promise [U]n. expectation or hope (有指望);有前途

The news of the war brings little promise of peace. 战争的消息带来和平的希望很小。

Their future was full of promise. 他们的前途希望无穷。

[C]n.诺言;许诺 make/ keep/ break/ carry out a promise 许下/信守/违背/履行诺言

eg. If you make a promise, you should keep it; you might not break a promise.

Vi. 答应 I’ll try to come, but I can’t promise.

Vt. 允诺;答应

1)接名词或代词作宾语No one in the office promised a quick answer to the matter.

2)接不定式作宾语 My teacher promised to give me a hand.

3)接that宾语从句 They all promised that the work would all be finished next week.

4)接双宾语promise sb. sth. 答应某人某事 He promised her early return.

5)promise sb. to do sth. 答应某人干某事 Promise me never to trouble me again.

Step 2 Presentation

Women from all over the nations have made outstanding contributions to the world. Some of them have proved to be excellent scientists, artists, explorers or social workers. Today we shall turn our eyes to those great women of the world.

Step 3 Warming Up

I. Look at the pictures of the four great women on Page 29 in pairs and tell who they are.

II. Discuss the 3 questions given on Page 29 in groups.

Step 4 Homework

1. Read and recite the new words and expressions.

2. Finish the Ex. No.I“在空格内填入适当的词”on Page 46(课课练)

3. 3.Get ready for the next period.


Period 2 Listening and speaking

备课时间: Mar.30th

上课时间: Apr. 6th 三

Teaching aims :

1. Do some listening exercises to improve Ss’ listening ability.

2. Do the speaking to train Ss’ speaking ability.

Important points in teaching

1. The listening exercises.

2. The speaking exercises.

Difficult points in teaching

1. Speaking in English by talking about some issues on women

2. Describing people using specific words that show their special qualities.

Teaching methods

1. Listening and speaking

2. Pair work, class work

Teaching aids

Textbook, blackboard, tape-recorder, computer

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework.

2. Check the new words and expressions.

Step 2 Listening

I. Listen to the tape and fill in the form.


What was her name? Lily Rose Jane Sandra

What was she like? serious smart

friendly helpful loyal


fat quiet


kind pretty



What was she good at? maths singing painting nothing

What has become of her? She’s now a teacher. She’s married &has a daughter She works in a departmemt store. She has her own company.

II. Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks with the correct words.

Keys: 1.serious 2. fire, water 3. get along 4.has changed, company, friend

III. Language points:

What has become of her ? become of 解释“发生……情况;……怎么啦”

What will become of the children now that the parents are dead?

Step 3 Speaking

1. Pair work. Look at the pictures on Page 30 and tell what kind of people they are by using the words and useful expressions given.

2. Group work. Play a game of question-and-answer only by answering “Yes” or “No” and know who the woman is.

Step 4 Consolidation

I. Do Ex. in Workbook Page 96, 97. Then check the answers.

II. Fill in the blanks using the correct words.

1. His parents suffered great _______(苦难) during the war.

2. Your uncle is not m________ about this money. He is very g_____ to buy you that expensive car for your birthday.

3. He is o______ about his future, believing everything will become better.

4. He was so t______ the night before his examinations that he can’t sleep.

5. This is an e_______ serious case.

6. I v______ his advice, that is to say, I took his advice seriously.

7. Everybody a________ his honesty.

8. In the past, the Chinese people lived a _______life.

Keys: 1.hardship 2.mean, generous 3.optimistic 4.tense 5.extremely 6.valued7.admires 8. miserable

Step 5 Homework

1. Introduce a woman who you admire to your classmates.

2. Get ready for the next period.


Period 3 Reading(1)

备课时间: Apr. 1st

上课时间: Apr.7th 四

Aims: General reading: Understanding of the reading material.

Develop the students’ reading ability.

Teaching difficulty: Inferring according to the reading material.

Teaching methods: 阅读、归纳、推理、判断

Teaching procedures

Step 1. Revision

Check the homework

Step 2 Pre-reading

Discuss the questions with your partner on Page 31.

Step 3 Reading

I. Read the text fast and find out the answers to the questions.

1.Where did the writer decide to celebrate her 60th birthday?

2.Did she succeed in getting to the South Pole?

II. Read the text carefully and choose the best answers.

★1. Helen Thayer celebrated her 60th birthday by______.

A. going to the North Pole to see penguins B. skiing alone through the South Pole

C. exploring the North Pole on her own D. taking a 400-mile journey with her dog team

★★2. What does “around the corner” mean in the sentence “ But changes were just around the corner”?

A. very near B. out of sight

C. position of the angle where two lines meet D. beyond the topic

★★★3. Which of the following is true about the first two days of Helen’s journey?

A. Everything went smoothly as planned B. The weather turned out to be stormy

C. The wind was very strong, but not very freezing

D. She had to spend the whole day in her tent

★★4. Without______, Helen would probably have died in the expedition?

A. her well-trained dog team B. great support from her family

C. the decision to continue with the expedition

D. the training she had received before the expedition

★5. Which can be used as another title for the passage?

A. First woman to the North Pole B. Journey of Challenge And Danger to the South Pole C. Natural Disasters D. The 60th Birthday in Antarctica


II. Read the text again and complete the following chart

Destinations Antarctica

Reasons celebrate

Time November 1st, 1997

Ways walk and ski alone

Process The first day: weather, good and bright

The third day: weather, stormy and windy

Nov.12th: storm died down, a special day---my birthday

A few days later: fall into a hole; get out

The 22nd day: increase my workday

The next morning: had a bad accident; hurt leg; struggle to feet

Result an experience of solo travel

Step 4 Post-reading

1.Ask Ss to retell the text, using the chart above.

2.Discuss the questions: ★★★★

1) What kind of person is Helen Thayer? Describe her in a few sentences.

2) Do you admire Helen Thayer? Why?

3) What should we learn from her?

Step 6 Homework

1. Read the text fluently and try to recite one or two paragraphs.

2. Get ready for the next period.


Period 4 Reading (2) Language points

备课时间: Apr.1st

上课时间: Apr.8th 五

Teaching Aims

1. Improve students’ knowledge

2. Consolidate the understanding of the text

Important Points in Teaching

1. Retell the text

2. Learn some useful words and phrases

Difficult Points in Teaching

The usage of the words and phrases

Teaching Methods

1. Individual work , class work

2 Practice

Teaching Aids

Textbook, blackboard, lead-learning plan

Teaching procedures

Step1 Revision

1. Check assignment

2. Retell the text

Step2 Language points:

1. What else, but a journey at the opposite end of the world, Antarctica.?

这是一句省略句,完整的结构是:What else would I do but a journey at the opposite end of the world, Antarctica? 句中的But 是介词,解释“除了”,相当于except,常与不定代词、疑问代词等连用。

In winter, bears can do nothing but lie down and sleep.

2.be about to do正要;将要 be about to比be going to表示更近的将来,所以不能和表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, next week等,只有 be going to才能和具体的表示将来的时间状语连用。

I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.

3. But changes were just around the corner.

just around the corner 意思是“likely to happen soon(即将来临)”

Victory was just around the corner. / A big storm was just around the corner.

4. I had traveled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up before the winds became too strong.


1) I had hardly opened the door when the dog barked.

2) The students hadn’t played football long when the bell rang.


1) A few days later, I was moving forward over a slop that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world dropped out from under my skis.

2) We were having an English class when it began to rain.

5. struggle through 挣扎着度过(难关)

We struggled through the crowd. / The traveler was struggling through the snow storm.

struggle with/ against同……作斗争 The woman struggled with the thief for a while.

struggle for 为……挣扎,努力 He has been struggling for success in his business.

struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来I found myself spending a whole day in my tent.

6. find oneself……的意思是“发现自己(处于某种状态);不知不觉地……”

1) Suddenly I found myself at the water’s edge.

2) Dick found himself walking in the direction of Mike’s place.

3) Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.

7. die down 指(风、雨等)逐渐平息;(车辆等)慢慢停下来;(植物)等渐渐凋零;(火等)熄灭。主要指由强变弱这一逐渐变化的过程。

The wind has died down obviously.风已明显减弱。/ The frames die down.火焰熄灭了。

die out 意为“死光;灭绝;不流行;消失”This kind of bird has died out in this area.

die away指(风、声音等)渐渐消失 His footsteps died away in the darkness.

8. at the top of one’s voice 高声地;大声地

9. be thankful for… 感谢;庆幸 You should be thankful for your good fortune.

10. stand on “用……站立” I couldn’t stand on my left leg.

stand on one’s head 倒立

stand on one leg like a cock.金鸡独立

Step 3 Exercise:

I. Translate the phrases into English

1.搭起帐篷 ___________________ 2.高声地_______________

3.没有预兆地;突然地___________________ 4.身体好 _______________

5.挣扎着爬起来___________________ 6.后半生 ________________

7.甘心忍受 ___________________ 8.出名 ________________

9.祝某人成功_________________ 10.退出,掉队,退学 ________________

Keys: (优化设计 P.111)

II: Correct the mistake

1.At 50 I was the first woman to travel lonely to the South Pole..

2.The weather changed and I was struggling through the storm weather on the third day.

3.The winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up when the wind became too strong to do so.

4.November 12 was my birthday and I wanted to make that day specially.

5.Days later, I was moving forward over a slope that seemed like safe.

6.A piece of ice fell down and I never heard it to land.

7.I was in good healthy and all of my equipment was working well.

8.She is a black woman who rise to fame is an inspiring story.

9.At that time black and a woman made life even more difficult in America.

9. In 1971, she began working at part-time on a radio programme.

Step4 Homework

1. Read the text and try to retell it and act out the play

2 Finish off exercises in lead-learning plan

3. 完成课课练P49 II III IV


Period 5 Language Study and Grammar

备课时间: Apr.2nd

上课时间: Apr.9th 六

Teaching Aims

1. Review the important words and expressions in this unit

2. Learn the Subject-Verb Agreement

Important Points in Teaching

1. Consolidate the usage of the important words and expressions

2. Learn the Subject-Verb Agreement

Difficult Points in Teaching

Grasp the Subject-Verb Agreement

Teaching Methods

1.Individual work, class work


Teaching Aids

Textbook, blackboard, lead-learning plan

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework

Step 2 Word Study

Complete the sentences with the words from the box on Page19. Some words may not be used.

Step 3 Learn the rules for Subject-Verb Agreement



The number of people having cars nowadays is increasing.

The twins look alike.


Much milk is offered to him.

Reading aloud is very important in learning English.

To nod one’s head means agreement.

What they said is true.

2. 由and连接主语时,注意以下几点:

1) 由and或both…and连接两个单数名词,谓语用复数;但是由 and连接的两个词指同一人、同一物、同一事或同一概念时,谓语用单数。

Both bread and butter were served for breakfast in this hotel.

The teacher and writer is going to give us a talk.

2)凡是由 each…and each…, every… and every…, no…and no…, many a …and many a…连接两个名词作主语时,谓语用单数。

Each man and each woman has a chance to be raised in our in our company.

No boy and no girl doesn’t go to school at the age of seven in this village because of the Hope Project.

3) 由and连接的前置并列修饰语+不可数名词作主语,谓语用复数。

Good and bad meat in the market are sold out.


Beer from the USA and Germany is much better than that from Britain.

5)凡由and连接两个带 the (a或物主代词)的单数可数名词时,谓语用复数;如果只有前一个名词带the( a或物主代词),则谓语用单数。

The professor and the writer have published a few new books on radio.

The tenth and the last chapter is written by a young man.


The teacher, and perhaps his students too, is likely to be present.

7) what从句的并列式作主语时,并列完整式常用复数;并列缩略式常用单数。

What he says and what he thinks have nothing to do with me.

What I say and do is my own affair.

3.主语+介词(短语): with, except, as well as, no less than, rather than, more than, over, besides, together with, like, including, in addition to等连接的名词时,谓语以介词(短语)前的主语为准,不受介词后的名词的影响。

The man with his sons and daughters is watching TV.

The girls as well as the teacher are dancing.

4. 不定代词either, each, one, another, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, some one, somebody, anything, nothing, something, everything, everyone, everybody, neither等作主语时,谓语用单数;none作主语时,谓语单、复数均可。

There is nothing wrong with the machine.

Either of the shirts fits me very well.

None of the farmers has (have) been abroad.

5. many a (an)+名词和more than one+名词作主语时,谓语用单数。

Many an apple is in the basket.

More than one stamp has been collected by her.


Three and four is (are)seven.

7.当kind of, pair of, type of等短语作主语时,谓语与of 前的kind, pair, type等保持一致。

This pair of trousers fits you.

The kind of the apple tastes delicious.

8.当a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great quantity of 等短语作主语时,谓语与of后的名词保持一致。

There are plenty of eggs in the basket.

Lots of meat has been sold out.


Three fourths of the surface of the earth is covered with water.

70 percent of people have known about the truth.

10.在one of +复数名词+定语从句中,如关系代词作主语引导定语从句时,谓语根据先行词来判断;若是one of结构,定语从句用复数;若是 the (only) one of结构,定语从句用单数。

Jenny is one of the girls who like hiking.

Tom is the only one of the students who has passed the examination.

11.a number of +复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;the number of+复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。

The number of books is no more than 100, but a number of them is of little use.



Ten years is quite a long time.


The rich live a happy life, while the poor live a hard life.

1. 当maths(mathematics),politics,physics等学科名词为主语时,谓语用单数;但前有物主代词修饰,指某人的某方面知识时,谓语用复数。

Maths is difficult to learn.

His physics are poor.

2. 用作书名、剧名、报名、国名、地区名称的复数名词作主语时,谓语用单数。

The Arabian Nights is a very interesting book.

The United States is a developed country.

3. 如果各词词组的中心词是all, most, half, rest, part等词语,表示的是复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式;反之,用单数。

All of the rubbish was cleared away.

All of her classmates have passed the exam.

4. 当集合名词family, class, army, group, team, enemy, government等作主语时,如果主语看作一个整体,谓语用单数;如果看作其中的成员(个体)时,谓语用复数。

Class 3 are unable to agree on the plan.

His family has just moved to Beijing.

5. 有的名词如people, police, cattle, clothes, trousers等没有单数形式,作主语时,谓语只能用复数;而有的名词则是单复数形式相同,如sheep, deer, aircraft, means等作主语时,就必须根据意思来确定其谓语的单、复数形式。

The police were called in to keep order.

The iron and steel works is trying to improve production.


1.连词or, either…or…, neither… nor…, not only…but also…等连接并列主语时,谓语与它最靠近的主语一致。

Either the headteacher or the students of this class are to give a performance at the party this weekend.

Not only I but also he shows great interest in English learning.

2.在there be句型中,如果主语不只一个,谓语通常和邻近的,即第一个主语一致。

There is a desk and three chairs in the room.

Step 4 Practice the grammar exercises in Page 33,Textbook.

Step 5 Additional exercises about grammar

1. The Greens________ to Florida for holiday next week.

A. will be gone B. have gone C. are going D. is going

2. The class _______too large to play this game.

A. are B. have been C. are going D. is going

3. All the possible means_______ to solve this technical problem.

A. is tried B. has been tried C. will try D. will be tried

4. Every means_______ to put the water pollution under control.

A. have been tried B. have tried C. has been tried D. has tried

5. The League secretary and monitor of our class______ asked to attend the meeting.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

6. Science and technology_______ an important part in building our country into a modern one.

A. play B. are playing C. is played D. plays

7. Ten minutes _______ an hour when one is waiting an important call.

A. seems B. seem C. like D. likes

8. She told me that the committee_______ in opinion.

A. was divided B. were divided C. has divided D. be divided

9.---______ either you or he to go there.

---_______ is.

A. Are, Both B. Are, Neither C. Is, Neither D. Is, Each

10. About 70% of the earth’s surface is water, and ________land.

A. the rest are B. the rest was C. rest is D. the rest is


Step 6 Homework

1. Finish the grammar exercises in Page 98 Workbook

2. Finish Exx I on P48 and V on P50 in《课课练》


Period 6 Integrating Skills

备课时间: Apr.3rd

上课时间: Apr.9th 六

上课内容:Integrating Skills

课 型:Reading and writing

堂课目的:1.Improve the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension

2.Improve the Ss’ abilities of writing

教学重点:1. Know something about the great woman Oprah Winfrey.

2. To instruct students to write a fan letter

教学难点: words and phrases:

personality bother fame promise kindergarten hardship bear discipline self-improvement scholarship graduation autography

come to terms with rise to fame make it possible to do sth lead to

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework

Step 2 Integrating skills

Play the tape for the Ss to listen. Ask them to catch the main idea.

Step 3 Reading

I: Read aloud the passage carefully.

II: Deal with the language points.

1. come to terms with(对不喜欢的形势等)逆来顺受;屈服

1) All that he can do is to come to terms with his fate.

2) Ben and Lily have come to terms with the fact that they will never have children

2. lead (sb. /sth.) to 后跟名词,表示“引起(某人/某物)产生……”

Junk food will lead you to disease.

Step 4 Discussion

Pair work. Let the Ss discuss the questions on Page34-35.

Step 5 Practice

Work in groups. Read the sample writing and tips on describing people, then try to write a fan letter.

Step 6 Homework

1. Review the whole unit (Prepare the dictation on words and expressions )

2.Finish the Ex. in Workbook.

3.Get ready for the next period.


I. Multiple choice

1. Ten thousand of American soldiers, who don’t know what is_______ them, are being sent to the Middle East.

A. happening to B. belonging to C. to become D. to become of

2. Be careful not to be _______by vehicles while crossing the street.

A. knocked down B. knocked into C. knocked off D. knocked out

3. All but Tom ______that film before.

A. has seen B. have seen C. must see D. had seen

4. All I have learned about the exam______ that three students failed.

A. is B. was C. will be D. have been

5. His advice is worth________.

A. valuing B. to be valued C. of being valued D. of value

6. Large quantities of coal_________ to generate electricity.

A. is burnt B. are burnt C. are burning D. is burning

7. Professor Smith has written some short stories, but he is_______ known for his poems.

A. more B. better C. the best D. the most

8. He hasn’t learned how to play the piece of music yet, so he wants______ practicing playing it again and again.

A. to keep B. to keep on C. keeping D. keeping on

9. You can’t imagine how much difficulty she had_______ her children.

A. to bring up B. bring up C. bringing up D. brought up

10. ________used to be thought that the earth was square.

A. He B. What C. It D. That

11. _________ is no difference between B and A.

A. There B. Where C. It D. What

12. We________ call him when he turned up at the door.

A. were about to B. were going to C. would D. were to

13. So far they______ along well with each other.

A. got B. had got C. were going D. have got

14. This is my friend. Would you make yourself ________ him?

A. to know B. to be known C. known by D. known to

15. According to economists, the prices of goods will_______.

A. bring down B. go down C. befallen D. reduce


II. Translate the following sentences:


She hurried away in the opposite direction.


It will make me very happy if you accept it.


The soldier raised the flag to the top of the tree.


Heavy industry has increased production by 10 percent.


The train met an accident and many people were injured


The wounded tiger is struggling to its feet.