模块3 Unit 2 teaching plan(译林牛津版高一英语必修三教案教学设计)


Teaching aims:

1 Encourage students speak out to practice their oral English.

2 Arose their interest in learning this unit through activities.

3 Deal with some words for the reading

Teaching important points

Know something about different kinds of languages

Teaching difficult points:

Encourage the students to share their opinions by fully participating in the discussion in order to realize how they and other people use their senses in their studies and daily life.

Teaching methods:

Pair and group work

Teaching aids:


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Show the students a piece of paper money,then ask them the following questions:


How many languages are there on the paper money?Do you recognize all the languages on it?What are they ?

What is Braille?

Who invented Braille? II.

What does this sign mean in Britain?

Do you think the same sign means the same to people all over the world?

Can you show some examples and explain them?

Who needs to use sign language a lot in their daily life?


:- ) 1 What does this emoticon mean?

2 What is an emoticon?

3 When do people usually use this kind of language4 Can you give me some other emoticons?

:-( :-O :-D

:-P 8-) :~-(


Do you believe animals can ‘talk’?

How do animals communicate with others?

Can you give some examples?

How do bees communicate with each other?

Step 2 Learn more informationRead the article on Page 102 in their workbook. They will learn more information about the language of bees.

Step 3 Sharing informationEncourage them to discuss the three questions listed under the five pictures on P21.

Have students exchange their opinions and make sure each individual has a chance to express themselves.

Period 2 Reading Teaching aims:

1 know how to read a history article with the help of a time chart.

2 gain an overall understanding of the article and enhance reading abilities.

3 learn to adopt different ways to read different types of articles.

4 master the usage of the new words and phrases.

5 get a better understanding about English culture

Teaching important points

Teaching difficult points:

Teaching methods:

Pair and group work

Teaching aids:

Blackboard & multimedia

Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inImagine one day if you talk with a person from ancient times, can you understand him easily?

God be with ye!

God bwye!

God be with you!Goodbye!

Step 2 Reading-comprehension

1. SkimmingQuestion:

If we divide the development of English into three parts, what are they?

Finish Ex.A on page 22

2. Scanning

1)What changes happened during three periods?

2)Where did the Angles, the Saxons and Jutes come from?

3)Why can similar pairs of words be found in the English language?

4) What was the German plural form replaced by?

5) Which King of England made English used as the official language?

6) When did Modern English appear?

3. Careful reading


I. Fill in the form according the content of the article.Time Events

Before the middle of the 5th century

People in Britain all spoke a language called Celtic

At the end of the 9th century

The Vikings invade Britain and brought their language

By the 10th century

Old English was the official language of England

In 1066

The Normans conquered England and took control

By the latter of the 14th century

English was adopted by all classes in England

In 1399

Henry IV became King of London and used English for all official occasions.

During the Renaissance in the 16th century Modern English began

II. Fill in the chart

eventsInvaded by the

Three Germanic the Vikings Normans Henry Ⅳ the RenaissanceTribes invaded conquered became King

450 At the end of 9th 1066 1399 16thlanguage

Step 3 Reading strategy

Step 4 Exercise:

P24~25 Part C1, C2,D1, D2,E

P106 A1, A2

Step 5 ConsolidationActivities: Organize students into groups of four. One is a linguistic expert and the other three are journalists. An expert English linguist will make a brief introduction about the development of the English language.

If time permits, the teacher can select another article for students to practice reading history articles.

Period 3-4 Language Points

Teaching aims:

Deal with some words for the reading

Teaching important points

Useage of some words and phrases

Teaching difficult points:

Learn the useage of some words and phrases

Teaching methods:

Pair and group work

Teaching aids:


Teaching procedures

1 throughout 贯穿、遍及

(1) prep. He is famous throughout the world. 他闻名于世界。

It rained throughout the night. 雨下了一整夜。

(2) adv. The house was painted white throughout. 这所房子全都被粉刷成了白色。

2 be made up of 由---组成、构成

be made from 由--制成 Wine is made from grapes.

be made of 由---制作成 What’s your shirt made of?

be made up of 由---组成

3 confusing 令人困惑的 adj. confused 糊涂的,迷惑的 adj.

The instructions on the box are very confusing. 盒子上使用的说明令人费解。

People are confused about all the different labels on food. 人们被那些五花八门的事物标签搞得稀里糊涂。

confuse v. 使某人迷惑 confuse A with B.

confusion n.不确定,困惑,混淆

4 European

adj.欧洲的,全欧的 European languages 欧洲的语言

the European Union 欧盟

n. 欧洲人

Europe n. 欧洲

5 create v. 创造、创作、创建

The government plans to create more jobs for young people. 政府计划为年轻人创造更多的就业机会。

v. 引起,产生(感觉或印象)

The company is trying to create young energetic image. 这家公司正在试图塑造一个充满火力的年轻形象。

creator n.创造者 creation n. 创造、创建,创造物 creative adj. 创造性的

6 nowadays adv. 现今、目前

Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading. 现在大多数孩子都喜欢看电视而不喜欢读书。

7 consist vi 组成,构成

consist of 由---组成(构成)

The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


consist of doing sth.

His job consists of helping old people who live alone. 他的工作包括帮助无人照顾的独居老人。

consist in 在于,存在于

The beauty of the city consists in its building.

8 pick up / lift up 抬高、吊起

She went over to the crying child and picked(lifted) her up.她走到啼哭的孩子身边,把她抱起来

pick sb. up 接某人,让人乘车,搭载

pick sth. up. 偶然得到,听到,学会

9 contribute vi.& vt 贡献, 起作用,有助于促成,出力,做出贡献

(1) contribute sth. to sth. 捐献、捐助

contribute to the Red Cross向红十字会捐献

(2) contribute to sth. 是---原因之一

Medical negligence was said to have contributed to her death.


10 take control of 控制,取得对---控制

under control of 在---控制之下

lose control of 失去对---控制

in the control of 在---控制之下

11 rule vt. 控制

At that time John ruled England. 当时是约翰统治着英格兰。

rule over sb/sth. 控制、统治、支配

n. 常规,习惯,统治,管理

That’s why English is a language with so many confusing rules.

12 replace 取代,替换,代替,更新,把---放回原处

replace sb/sth with(by) sb/sth.

Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师

Replace the magazines after reading. 阅读过后请把杂志放回原处。

13 raise vt. 饲养牲畜,抚养小孩

They were both raised in the south. 他们都是在南方长大的。

Many English people worked as servants who raised animals and cooked for the Normans.

vt. 增加,提高

I have never heard him even raise his voice. 我甚至从没听到他提高过嗓门儿。

vt.引起,导致, 使出现

The plans for the new development have raised angry protests from locals.


14 adopt v.

1). 采用, 采纳; 正式通过

adopt sb.'s methods of teaching 采用某人的教学方法

adopt an idea 采纳意见

adopt a report 接受报告 沿用, 借用(别国语言等)

English was adopted by all classes in England.

2).收养, 立嗣 adopt a child 收为养子

15 include verb. 包括;包含

The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.这次旅游包括参观科学博物馆。

We all went, me included. 我们都去了,连我在内。

including prep. 包括---在内

It’s £7.50, including tax. 包括税款在内共7.5英镑。

16 pronounce v. 发音,读音,正式宣布

Very few people can pronounce my name correctly. 很少有人能把我的名字念正确。

pronunciation n. 发音,读音

17 have an impact on sth. 对某事(物)有影响

impact n. 巨大影响,强大作用

Her speech made a profound impact on everyone. 她的讲话对每个人都有深远的影响。

impact v. 对某事物有影响,有作用

Her father’s death impacted greatly on her childhood year. 父亲去世对她的童年造成巨大影响。

18 result in sth. 导致,造成

Acting before thinking always results in failure. 做事不先考虑总会导致失败

19 upper class 上层,上流社会,上等阶层

Her family is very upper class. 她的家庭地位显赫。

20 undergo huge changes 经历,经受巨大的变化

undergo repairs 经历检修

undergo undergone

21 depend on (upon) sth. / sb. 依赖,依靠,确信,指望

He was the person you could depend on. 他是你可以信赖的人。

Can we depend on you coming in on Sunday? 我们能指望你星期天来参加吗?

在非正式英语中,在what, how 或whether等词前常用depend而非depend on.

在正式的书面英语中,depend 后总是跟on或upon, upon较正式,不如on 常用。

22 record vt. 记录,记载

Her childhood is recorded in the diaries of those years. 她的童年生活都记在当年的日记里。

record vt. 录制,录音,录象,复制

Did you remember to record ‘Friends’ for me? 你记得为我录下电视节目《朋友》了吗?

record n. 书面记录,唱片,(有关过去的)事实,记录,经历

You should keep a record of your expense. 你应该记下你的各项开支。

a record company 唱片公司

break the record 打破记录, set a new record 刷新记录


1 Despite this fact, French still had an impact on the English language.

despite 不管,尽管 in spite of

Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work. 尽管申请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业中。

2 It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things.

It is certain ---这里it 是一个形式主语指that 所引导的名词性分句。

Period 5 Word PowerTeaching aims:

1 Enlarge their vocabulary by distinguishing formal English from informal English.

2 Know different countries and their official languages.

Teaching important points:

Remember some words and try to use them freely.

Teaching difficult points:

Distinguish formal English from informal English.

Teaching methods:

Pair and group work

Teaching aids:


Teaching procedures

Step1. Formal and informal English

I. Read the instructions to formal and informal English.


1. What is formal English?

2. What is informal English?

II. Compare the formal English words with the informal English words listed in the chart on page 26.

III. Read the letter on page 26.

IV. Language points

1. a large amount/number of

2. sort out:

3. have a word with

4. take actions = take measures = take steps

5. stop/prevent sb. (from) doing = keep sb. from doing


V.ConsolidationRewrite a letter on Page 26Do Part A and Part B on Page 104.

I. Lead-in

Imagine that you have just finished your round-the-world travel, your friends are very interested in it. They are asking you a lot of questions about the countries.

II. Fill in this chartCountry Official language(s) People Capital

Australia English Australia Canberra






Egyptian Cairo






Mexican Mexico City








Canadian Ottawa

Switzerland French/German/Italian


Period 6 Grammar and UsageTeaching aims:

1 learn about what noun clauses introduced by question words are, the functions of each clause and the word order of the clause.

2 know the empty subject it acts as the grammatical subject of the sentence and in what situations it is often used.

Teaching important points

Noun clauses

Teaching difficult points:

Noun clauses introduced by question words

Teaching methods:

Pair and group work

Teaching aids:

Blackboard & multimedia

Teaching proceduresI. Noun clauses introduced by question words

Step 1 引导名词性从句的连词分为三种:

连词 that

连接代词 who, whom, whose, which, what

连接副词 when, where, how, why 等。

Step 2 从整句结构 和 从句结构的分析入手

1 Who was responsible for the accident is not yet clear?


2 You can begin to see why English has such strange rules.


3 My idea is that we should spend our holidays by the seaside.

连词 thatStep 3. Revise the definition of a noun clause

Go through and find as many noun clauses as they can.

Show them on the screen and let students read. Find out what sentence element each clause is.

Step 4 ConsolidationPart C1 on Page 100II. Empty subject it

Step 1 Try to find the real subject

It is important for us to learn English well today.

It is no use wasting your time reading such books all day.

Conclusion: the subject is a noun clause, a to-infinitive or a v-ing form. (Part A on Page 31)

Step 2 Translation:

1 要掌握一门外语是困难.

It is hard to master a foreign language.

To master a foreign language is hard.

Read Part 1 on Page 30.

Step 3 Rewrite the sentencesIt seems that he speak two languages.

= He seems to speak two languages.

My new neighbour happens to come from my hometown.

=It happens that my new neighbour come from my hometown.

Draw students’ attention to Part 2 on page 30.

Step 4 how to emphasize the element in a sentence by using Empty Subject it(先复习以前所接触的强调信息的一些方法)

Jane gave Mary a handbag at Christmas.

It was Jane that / who gave Mary a handbag at Christmas.

It was Mary that Jane gave a handbag (to) at Christmas.

It was a handbag that John gave Mary at Christmas.It was at Christmas that John gave Mary a handbag.

Conclusion: It + be的一定形式+被强调部分+that /who分句

形式主语和形式宾语的应用: 当主语从句比较长,主句比较短时,通常用形式主语it,而把从句放在后面,如: (1)It is said that they have succeeded in working out the problem.

(2)It was important that we should make the plan carefully.

(3)It remains a secret how the animals came to live in the sea.

当宾语从句后面有补语的时候,我们也需要用形式宾语it, 而将宾语从句放在补语之后,如: (1)I found it very difficult that one learns several languages at the same time.

(2)He thinks it necessary that we should be given more time practising oral English.

(3)He made it clear that he would leave the office soon.

Step 5 ConsolidationHave students do C2 on page 100 in their Workbook

Task(7-8) Teaching aims:

1. practice their language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.

2. learn how to anticipate a response, how to conduct a survey and how to write a report.

3. get the knowledge about body language and the customs of other countries.

Teaching important points

Noun clauses

Teaching difficult points:

Noun clauses introduced by question words

Teaching methods:

Pair and group work

Teaching aids:

Blackboard & multimedia

Period 7 Skills Building 1 Anticipating a response

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Talk about past experience and find out the differences on customs between Chinese people and Westerners.

Ask some groups to report their results.

Step 2 ListeningShow the questions on the screen.

Before reading, have Ss read Statements 1 to 9.

Listen to the tape and decide which one is right and which is wrong.

Step 3 Filling in a chart Have students listen to the recording confirm their predicted answers. Finish the chart on P33.

Step 4 Guess

Period 8 Skills building 2~3

Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision

The meanings of different gestures.

Step 2

Read the guidelines on page34

Practise writing questions.( page34)

Step 3 Presenting the questionnaire

Students must present their questionnaire on the screen via the projector and the information they need.

Step 4 ResultsQuestion 1 Question 2

Total number of a _____ b ______ Total number of a _____ b ___

Question 3 Question 4

Total number of a _____ b ______ Total number of a _____ b ____Step 5 Organizing a report1 Introduction – What the report is about

2 Procedure/ Method- What you did to find the information.

3 Results/Findings –What you found out or proved in.

4 Conclusion – A summary of the report.

Organize the sentences on page36 into the appropriates.

Step6. Writing a reportAsk Ss to read the instructions in Step3.

2. Help the Ss write their reports.

Period 9 Project Teaching aims:

learn and use English through doing group works.

read and use the background information to complete their booklet.

learn how to design a booklet.

know more about the history of Chinese character.

learn and master the words and phrases in the article.

Teaching important points

know more about the history of Chinese character.

learn and master the words and phrases in the article.

Teaching difficult points:

learn and master the words and phrases in the article.

Teaching methods:

Pair and group work

Teaching aids:

Blackboard & multimedia

Step 1 Lead-inQuestions:

1 As a Chinese, do you know anything about the history of the Chinese Character?

2 Do you know the relevant simplified Chinese character of each of the following? (根据繁体字写出简体字)

Step 2 SkimmingWhen do we use the simplified Chinese characters?

Step 3 Scanning1 Why did Chinese people invent numerous characters?

We invented characters to represent ideas, objects or actions.

2 According to the legend, who invented Chinese characters? How did he get the idea?

3 How did we combine two or more elements to express ideas? Can you give us an example?

4 What charcaters are called pictophonetic ones?

Step 4 Main idea of each part

Subsections Main idea

Paragraph 1 Brief introduction of Chinese characters

Paragraph 2 The origins of Chinese characters

Paragraph 3-6 Form and development of Chinese characters

Paragraph 7-8 Pronunciation of Chinese characters and simplified Chinese characters

Step5 ConsolidationHave the group work and give more examples of how Chinese characters were formed.

Guess what kind of characters they are.

Step 6 Designing a bookletPlanning




Period 10 Language points

1 differ vi. 相异 differ from 相异,有区别,不同于

French differs from English in this respect. 在这方面法语不同于英语。

differ with sb. on sth. 与某人就某事意见相左,持不同看法

I have to differ with you on that. 在这一点上我不能同意你的看法。

difference n. 不同点 different adj. 不同的

2 represent vt. 代表,作为-象征,作为---代表

Each colour on the chart represents a different department.


The President was represented at the ceremony by the Vice-present.


3 combine vt. 使结合,组合,联合,混合

combine A with B. 使---与---混合,结合

combine theory with practice 使理论与实际相结合

combine A and/ with B. 兼有,兼备,使并存

This model combines a telephone and a fax machine.这种型号同时具备电话机和传真机的功能

4 complex adj. 复杂的, 难懂的,费解的,(语法)复合的

the complex structure of the human brain 结构复杂的人脑结构

complex sentence 复合句

n. 建筑群,相关联的一组事物

The four-building complex will include a library, a museum, an auditorium and a planetarium.


5 as a whole adv. 总体上,作为一个整体

The festival will be great for our city and for the country as a whole.这次会演对我们城市乃至整个国家将是意义重大的。

6 original adj.起初的,原来的,最早的 an original painting 画的原作

n. 原作,原稿

originally adv. 起初,原来

The school was originally very small. 这所学校当初很小。

Originally, we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece. 我们本来打算去意大利,但后来赢得机会去了希腊。

7 turn into 使变成,拐入,进入

8 reflect vt. 反映,反射,表达,显示

Her face was reflected in the mirror. 他的脸映照在镜子里。

Many newspapers reflect the opinions of the children. 许多报纸都反映了儿童们的看法。

reflect on / upon vi. 思考, 沉思, 反省

She was left to reflect on the implications of her decision.


带来不良影响; 丢脸, 谴责; 归咎; 有关系(on, upon)

The child's bad behaviour reflects on his home training.


9 indicate vt. 表明;显示;象征;暗示;指出

Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast. 研究显示,饮食习惯正迅速改变。

A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow. 路标指给我们应走的路。

Fever indicates sickness. 身体发烧表明有病。

During our meeting, he indicated his willingness to cooperate. 在我们会晤期间,他体积了合作的意愿。