新目标 Unit 7 How much are these pants?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)


一.教学背景分析(Analysis of teaching background)

(一)教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands)


<1> 语言知识目标:(Knowledge)


<2> 语言技能目标:(Skills)





<3> 情感态度目标:(Affect)


<4> 学习策略目标:(Strategy)


<5> 文化意识目标:(Cultural awareness)


二、教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)

本单元的中心话题是购物,主要语言功能项目是谈论服装, 询问价格和表示感谢,语法结构为:How much 引导的问句以及回答,名词单, 复数的使用和指示代词这, 那,这些,那些的用法。语言技能和语言知识几乎都是围绕着中心话题来展开的。

①Section A先从呈现服装词汇开始,通过看和听的方式来输入信息,并引出本单元的语法重点:How much is…? It’s…. How much are…? They’re…. 接着出现颜色、形状、大小的形容词,来描绘服装的特点。然后教材又设计了一个pairwork 用来进行循环操练询问价格的主要句型,并突出本单元的重要语法重点和难点:How much is the red sweater? How much are these blue pants? 之后又通过一段购物对话引导学生初步综合运用所学语言,最后教材设计了一个Memory Game,以游戏的形式使学生在富有挑战性的游戏中主动运用语言,落实新知。

②Section B 是在Section A基础上的知识的扩展和综合运用。在Section B中先是以听说读写的形式展开了数字的学习,并设计了听对话找物品和pairwork等活动,以实现新旧知识的综合运用。导购广告引出了同步阅读,之后的写导购广告和小组活动,使学生从完成半真实的任务过度到了完成真实的任务,从而达到了创造性地使用语言的目的。

③Self check的主要内容是学生对本单元的重要词汇以及语言运用能力的自我评价。





3.在购物的情景中,熟练并正确使用句型:How much is…? It’s… How much are they? They are….


1.指示代词this, that, these, those的适当使用。

2.How much引导的问句以及回答,以及句中主谓数的一致


学生在前面预备单元的第3单元里已经学过了询问颜色的句型What colour is it?和一些基本的表示颜色的单词:red, yellow, green, blue, black, white;而在Unit 5和Unit 6里学生学会了如何谈论好恶的句型:I like… , I don’t like… , She likes… She doesn’t like… , They like… They don’t like…等。学生已经学会的这些知识对我们本单元学习“询问价格和颜色”的句型和谈论对服装的喜好和如何购物等都大有好处,有利于学生随心表达出自己心里所想要表达的内容。




第一课时::Section A 1a-1c的Pairwork的部分。

第二课时:Section A 1c的colours 部分,2a-3b, 4

第三课时:Section B 1a-2c ,Self Check 3

第四课时:3a, 3b, 4,


The First Period

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Learn the new words and expressions: sock, shirt, T-shirt, shorts, shorts, sweater, shoe, skirt, sale, dollar, pants, buy, sell, clothes, store, how much

2. Learn how to ask about the prices.

Important points:

1. New words and expressions: sock, shirt, T-shirt, shorts, shorts, sweater, shoe, skirt, sale, dollar, pants, buy, sell, clothes, store, how much

2. Learn how to ask about the prices: How much is …? It’s…/ How much are …? They’re…

Difficult Points: Learn how to ask about the prices.

Step One: Warming-up and Revision

1. Greeting

2. A Guessing game

Show a box to the students and let the students guess: “What’s in the box?”. The teacher can say like this: It’s your good friend. It’s not too big. You can put many books and your pencil-box in it. Every day you go to school with it on your back. (A bag). Yes, It’s a bag. And what colour is it? Can you guess? You can ask like this: Is it red? Is it black?…

Step Two: Presentation

Teacher: I like this bag very much. I buy it from a clothes store. It’s my friend, Betty’s clothes store. They sell many other clothes. What other clothes do they sell? They sell….

Show the pictures and present the new words: sock, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, pants, shoes, skirts, sweater

Step Three: Practice

1. Match the words with the pictures on the blackboard.

2. Match the words with the things in the pictures. (1a)

3. Listen and circle the things in the pictures you hear. (1b)

Step Four: Presentation

Teacher: Show the bag and tell the students: Look at this red and yellow bag, How much is it? Do you know? It’s 5 dollars.

Show a pair of shoes with the price: Are these bags? No, they’re shoes.

How much are they? They are 10 dollars. Show other things and ask the students: How much is it? How much are they?

Step Five: Pairwork

Show the picture of the clothes and practice the conversation like this:

A: How much is this T-shirt? B: It’s seven dollars.

A: How much are these socks? B: They’re two dollars.

Then make their own conversations.

Step Five: Memory Challenge

Take away the prices from clothes, and ask the students: Do you remember the prices of the clothes in the picture? Let’s see who has the best memory.

One student asks: How much is/are…? He or She can ask any student in the classroom to answer the question.

Step Six: Interview

Ask the students to make a survey to their friends and get the information about the prices, the colours of their clothes they are wearing today, write down the information. Then report to the others like this: My best friend is Lucy. Lucy’s bag is red. It’s 20 yuan. Her shoes are ….


1. Copy and recite the new words

2. Make a survey to your mother and your father about the information of the prices of her clothes.

人物 服装名称 颜色 价格



The Second Period

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Revise the use of the pronouns: this, that, these, those

2. Learn the news words and expressions

3. Learn how to talk about the clothing, how to shop and how to thank others.

4. The verb(is/are) must agree with its subject in number.

Important points:

1. New words and expressions: big, small, short, long, clerk, help, want, example , Here you are, You’re welcome, I’ll take it, Can I help you?

2. Talk about the clothing and thank someone.

Difficult points:

The verb(is/are)must agree with its subject in number.

Step One: Warming-up and Revision

1. A memory challenge: Show a flash, let the students write down what they see in the flash quickly: Let’s see who has the best memory.

2. A report about the information about their parents’ clothes.

Teacher: Yesterday I asked you to make a survey and get the information about your parents’ clothes. Did you do it? Who can say something about your parents’ clothes?

Step Two: Presentation

1.The teacher tells the students: My friend has a clothes store. There are many things in the store. Here are two bags from her store. Show the two bags with prices and tell the students: Look at these two bags: This bag is red. It’s four dollars. It’s big. And this bag is blue, It’s 3 dollars. It’s small.

Show two pairs of socks. Now look at the socks. This pair of socks is long. It’s six dollars. And this pair is short. It’s only four dollars.

2. Look at the pictures of 1c: Ask the students to compare with the hats, T-shirts.

3. Ask the students to compare with the things on their desks and say some sentences like this: My ruler is long, Mike’s ruler is short….

Step Three: Listening

Tell the students: In my friend’s shop, they sell many clothes in many colours. What things do they sell? Do you want to know?

1. Listen to the conversations. Circle the things you hear. (2a)

2. How much are they? Listen again and write down the price tags.

Step Four: Practice (2c)

1. Pairwork: Check out the answers like this:

A: How much is the black bag? B: It’s nine dollars.

A: How much are the blue socks? B: They’re seven dollars.

2. Groupwork: The memory Game:

Tell the students: This is a memory game. Each person says the name of an item of the clothing and a price. You have to remember all the items and all the prices you hear.

Example: Have the first person say the sentence like one in the book. Then ask the second person to repeat the first sentence and add a sentence about another item of the clothing and price, the third person says the first two sentences and then add one…

Step Five: Presentation

Tell the students: One day, Mary comes to my friend’s store, and she wants to buy some things.

1. Listen and find out:

What does Mary want to buy? What colour is it? How much is it?

2. Try to fill in the blanks in the conversation (3a)

Step Six: Pairwork

1. Talk about these things in the picture according to 3a, then make their own conversation.


1. Copy and recite the new words

2. Write down the conversation

The Third period(Section B 1a-2c,Self Check 3)

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Learn the numbers 10-39 and expressions

2. Continue to learn how to talk about the clothing and how to ask about the prices.

Important and difficult points:

1. Learn the numbers 10-39

2. Learn how to talk about the clothing.

Step One: warming-up and Revision

Greet the students and get their personal information: What’s your telephone number? What’s your father’s mobile phone number? What’s your bike number? Revise the numbers 0-9

Step Two: Presentation

Show a big form , let the students count from one…, ask them to try to count from 10-19,then the teacher writes down the numbers on the blackboard.

Let the students try to get the rule by themselves. Then present the numbers: 20-29, 30-39.

Step Three: Practice

1. Listen and repeat(1b): Play the recording for the first time, students only listen. Then play it again, students listen and repeat.

2. write a number in(1a)next to the correct word below. Which two rows of numbers are in the wrong place?(1b)

3. Listen and circle the numbers.(2a): Tell the students: I will play a recording of a conversation. You’ll hear Lisa and her mother talking about buying things. First listen carefully, then listen again and circle the numbers.

4. A game: Which group is the best? Divide the students into several big groups, each group count from one to 39, Let’s see which group is quicker and better.

Step Four: Listen and say

You will hear the recording of Lisa and her mother again,

1.Listen to their conversation and circle the things that Lisa and her mother talk about.

2.Listen and check the things Lisa buys.

Step Five: Pairwork

1. In pairs, Suppose one is Lisa, and the other is Lisa’s mother, ask and answer the questions about the clothes in the picture above.

2. Please say something about the things they talk about.

Example: The red socks are 8 dollars. The green sweater is 20 dollars. ….


1. Copy and recite the new words

2. Self Check3: Read the ad and fill in the price tags.

3. Write down the passage about what Lisa and her mother talk about.

The Fourth Period(Section B 3a, 3b, 4,)

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Learn the new words and expressions.

2. Learn how to get the information from the reading materials.

3. Learn how to write an ad.

Important points:

1. Words and expressions: come, very, price, each, anybody, afford, our, see, yourself, sorry, buy…from, sell…to

2. Learn how to write an ad

3. Learn how to get the information from the reading material.

Difficult points:

Learn how to write an ad.

Step One: Warming-up and Revision

Show the picture and ask:

What things do Lisa and her mother talk about? What things does Lisa buy from the shop? Do you like the things Lisa buy?

Tell the students: I like the sweater in the shop because it has a good price, only 20 dollars. I think I can afford the price. What about you? What things do you like best? Why?

Step Two: Reading

<1> After Lisa and her mother leave the shop, they come to Huaxing Clothes Store. There they find an ad. Look, here’s the ad about Huaxing Clothes Store.

Ask the students to read it and try to get the information about the Clothes Store. And try to guess the meaning of the new words: each, anybody, very, our, then answer the following questions:

1. How much are the sweaters?

2. How much are the bags for sports?

3. What colours are the T-shirts for girls?

4. How much are the socks for boys?

<2> Read the ad in 3a with the class.

Step Three: Groupwork

Tell the students: You have a chance to be business people. Divide the students into some groups, each group has 6students. And have each group based at a “stall” in the classroom. The group can either provide their own materials to sell or prepare the paper things.(Such as: bike, watches, shoes…), provide each group 200RMB.

1. First each group writes down an ad according to 3a.

2. Choose several group to read their completed ad to the class.

3. Explain that at the end of the activity, the group with the most value in money and goods is the winner.

$. Give the students a certain time and let them start.

4. Fill in the form, then try to report.

Clothes Buy from Sell to Price

The group can report like this:

Our group sell…to…. They’re ….yuan. And we buy…from…. They’re…yuan. So now we have…yuan.


1. Copy and recite the new words

2. Help Mr Cool to finish an ad. (Section B 3b)


1. 创造性地运用和处理教材

(1)在单元内容的整体把握上把Section A和Section B分成四个课时,把Self Check里的练习分散穿插在其他的课时里。

(2)在第一课时的教学环节中,把Section B中3a部分的一些单词buy…from, sell, clothes, store的学习提前了上来,原因是在前面的第一、二,三课时中一些情景的创设都要用到这些词。

(3)在第二课时里把 Section A里的4.Game这一步提了上来,放在了2 c的后面,因为这样既延续了前面的Pairwork这一环节里指示代词this, that, these, those的操练,又由机械的运用这些指示代词衔接到让学生们在游戏中自然而然地创造性地使用这些代词。)

(4)在第四课时里把Section B中的4 Groupwork这一步内容和前面的3a中的导购广告衔接起来,设计了一个自由市场的买卖活动,也就为学生们提供了一个运用语言的生活基础,可以促使他们真正创造性地使用语言来进行交际活动。因为在学生们进行买卖之前需要先写出自己小组的导购广告,已经有了导购广告的笔头练习,因此Section B里的3b 部分的内容:(假如你在“华兴”旁边有一个服装店,给自己的服装店写一篇广告),处理为学生们的回家作业,让每个同学都有笔头练习写导购广告的机会。 Self Check里的3(读广告写标签)处理为第3课时回家后的阅读材料,以增加学生们课外的阅读量。
