必修4 unit4 body language(新课标版高一英语必修四教案教学设计)



1. What is the purpose of language?

2. What do you think “Body language” means?

3. How can you tell if someone is sad even if they do not speak?


Task1: Answer the questions on P26 to P27

Task2: Fill in the blank.

Country / Area Ways to greet each

Britain Shake hands. Do not stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.

Canada Shake hands.

Japan Bow.

Spain、 Italy、 South American countries Approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.

France Shake hands and kiss each other twice on each cheek

Middle East, some Muslim countries Shake hands and stand quite close to other men. Nods to women and do no shake hands with them.

Language points


1,They will be meeting at a major hotel with local business people and people who represent the Chinese government.

will be meeting “将要会见”

will / shall be doing 表示“预料将要发生的动作”, 在现代英语口语中用得很多,口气往往比较婉转, 随便。


When will you be visiting us again?


I shall shortly be attending an international conference.


adj. more important, great(er) 较大的,较重要的,主要的

a major road 干路


The car needs major repairs.

vi. specialize in a certain subject( at college or university) 主修,专攻

major in 攻读,专修,主修


Daisy is majoring in French.

n. 专业,陆军上校

local adj. 地方的,本地的, 地区的

当地的医生 the local doctor

本地新闻 the local news

这是头本地羊。 This is a local sheep.

represent vt.

1). 表现,描绘,描画


This picture represents a scene at King Arthur’s court.

2) 代表,


The bald eagle represents the United States.

3) 想象 represent sth. to oneself 想象出某事物

2.Four people enter looking around in a curious way.

curious adj. eager to learn or know 富于好奇心的,有求知欲的,感兴趣的

be curious about 对……好奇

be curious to do 急于做

curiosity n. 好奇心 curiously adv. 好奇地


As a girl, she was curious about the origin of human beings.

(2)The tourists were surrounded by the curious children.


3. You do not want to disappoint your boss, and this is an exciting experience for you, so you stand watching and listening.

disappoint v. 使(某人)失望

disappointed adj. 失望的,失意的, 受挫的

disappointing adj. 令人失望的,扫兴的


My parents will be disappointed in me if I fail the exam.


The result disappointed all of us.


What disappointing news!


She was deeply disappointed about losing the game.

standing watching and listening V-ing形式作状语表伴随

4. Mr. Garcia approaches Ms. Smith, touches her shoulder and kisses her on the cheek.

approach ① n. (UC) 靠近,临近,接近

② n. (C) 通路,入口; 方法,步骤(method)

③ v. 靠近,走近

(1) We heard the approach of the train. (火车开过来了。)

(2) All approaches to the town (所有通往城镇的道路)are blocked.

(3) Do you know the best approach (最佳方法)to study a foreign language?

(4) He approached (靠近)the bird quietly.

5.These are examples of learned or cultural “body language”.

learned adj. having much knowledge acquired by study 有学问得,博学的

learned man 学者


He’s very learned but rather proud.

6. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable touching strangers or being too close or too far away.

1)not…nor… 既不。。。,又不。。。

nor 常置于句首、助动词或连系动词之前,表示 and also not. 此时也可以用neither 代替。


I don’t like the film. Nor / Neither does she.


I’m not going to work today and nor / neither is Maisie.

touching … or being … 都用作状语,相当于 while ( they are ) touching… or

2)nor are they 。。。 含有否定意义的副词或连词(如not ,seldom, little, hardly, never, rarely, nowhere等)放在句首时,需用倒装。


Not a single word of English can he speak.


Never have I seen him before.

(3)Not for a moment ______what he said. B

A. I believed B. did I believe C. I would believe D. I believe

(4)No where else in the world ___ a place so beautiful. C

A. you can find B. find you C. can you find D. do you find

7. People from places like … and are more likely to touch them.

be likely to 很有可能,有希望。。。

possible , probable, likely

possible 表示可能的可能性不大,强调客观上有可能性,但也常常暗自“实际上希望很小”.常用于固定结构中,如:as…as possible, if possible, It is possible that…, It is possible for sb to do sth.

probable 表示可能性很大,主要用来指有根据,合情理,值得相信的事物,译为“很有可能地,大概” It is probable that…

likely 表示可能性很大,但比probable弱,侧重从表面看,某事很有可能发生,当指某人或某事充当主语,其后用不定式,只能用likely ,而不用possible ,probable,即,sb./sth.be likely to do. 句式:It is likely that…

(1) It’s nearly ten o’clock and father ____ walk in at any moment. C

A. is possible to B. is maybe to C. is likely to D. is able to

(2) Look, dark clouds are gathering. It is ____ to rain soon. C

A. probably B. possibly C. likely D. perhaps

(3) ___ there likely ___ anyone to meet us at the airport? D

A. Does, to be B. Is, being C. Has, that D. Is, to be

8. It is an interesting study and can help you avoid difficulty in communication.

avoid vt. 避开,躲避(某人/某事物); 防止(某事)发生,预防

avoidable adj. 可避免的 avoidance n.  逃避,避开

avoid( driving in ) the center of city 避开市中心(行驶)


As a new driver, Linda tries her best to avoid accidents.

(2)I quickly walked to the other side of the road to avoid ___ him. C

A. to meet B. having met C. meeting D. to have met

Using language

1. Some body language is similar everywhere.

1) some 后面有时可跟可数名词的单数形式,意为“某种,某个”(a certain)


He left without telling us. He must have some reason for this.


Could you recommend me some hotel there?

2) be similar with 类似的,相像的

e.g. 玛丽的帽子和简的差不多。

Mary’s hat is similar with Jane’s.

2.A smile is the universal facial expression –it is intended to put people at ease.

facial expression 面部表情

intend v. 打算,想要,企图

intend to do/doing sth. 打算做……

intend sb. to do 打算让某人做

intend that = intend +n.+to do 打算做。。。

be intended for 为。。。而 。。。(表示目的)

be intended as 作为。。。

(1) He intends to study abroad (到国外留学)next year.

(2) He intended his son to manage (打算让他的儿子经营管理)the company.

(3) The movie is intended for (为。。。而。。。)adults only.

(4) It is intended as (作为)a joke.

ease n. 安心,安逸,容易,轻易; v.减轻,放松

at ease 舒适,不费力气 with ease (军队口令)稍息

put/ set sb. at (his) ease 使某人感到轻松自在

ease out (使)悄然离开 ease off (病)减轻,缓和,放松

ease one’s mind 心情舒畅 take one’s ease 使自己轻松一下,休息

(1) His words put me at ease. (使我感到轻松)

(2) He is at ease (放心)about the matter.


1. _________dogs seldom bite. D

A. Bark B. To bark C. Barked D. Barking

2. To get here in time, they came ________ all the way. A

A. running B. run C. ran D. to run

3. He sat there ________, with his head on his hand. B

A. and think B. thinking C. thought D. being thought

4. The wolf spoke in a _______ voice and Mr Dongguo felt _____. A

A. frightening; frightened B. frightened, frightened

C. frighten, frightening C. frightening, frightening

5. They set out ______ for the ___boy. B

A. searching, losing B. searching, lost

C. to search, lost D. searched, losing

6. It’s a pleasure to watch the face of a ____ baby. C

A. asleep B. sleep C. sleeping D. slept

7. The student sat there, _________ what to do. D

A. doesn’t knowing B. didn’t knowing

C. not know D. not knowing

8. The secretary worked late into the night, __________ a long speech for the international conference. C

A. to prepare B. prepared C. preparing D. was preparing

9. European football is played in 80 countries, ____ it the most popular sport in the world. A

A. making B. makes C. made D. to make

10. The _____ Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, _____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.. C

A. visiting, add B. visited, adding

C. visiting, adding D. visited, added