A teaching plan for Unit 2,Module5 (外研版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)


一、Teaching materials:

Unit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge. (Module 5 My hometown and country)

二、Targets for this period:

To get information about Cambridge, London and Britain

三、Key points:

Key vocabulary-ease, south, north, west, university, building, church, million, coast, region

Key structures -be famous for, in the south of, bigger and busier than…, on the River Thames

四、Teaching methods:

Interactive approach

五、Teaching aids

Reading material, blackboard

六、Teaching arrangements:

Step One Lead-in To pronounce some new words and expressions of Unit 2

1. Students read the words after the tape.

2. Students practice pronouncing the words by themselves.

3. Help some students correct the pronunciations of some words

Step Two Pair working (Activity 1)

1. Students find out the places that are described in the sentences from the map of England.

2. Students read the sentences together.

3. Students find out the cities on the map of China: Beijing Guangzhou Nanjing Urumqi

4. Students describe the location of these cities in China.

1) Beijing is in the north of China.

2) Guangzhou is in the south of China.

3) Nanjingjin is in the east of China.

4) Urumqi ia in the west of China.

5. 方位介词in, on, to

e.g. China is in the east of Asia. (表示包含在一范围内)

China is on the south of Russia. (表示两地点相接壤)

China is to the west of Japan. (表示两地点不相邻)

Step Three Pre-reading (Activity2)

1. Students look at the photos and match the title.

Photo a: Cambridge University and the River Cam

Photo b: Tower Bridge and the River Thames in London

2. Students talk about these two places.

Step Four To read the passage and answer the questions in Activity 3

1. It’s in the east of England.

2. It’s about 100,000.

3. It’s famous for its university.

4. It’s London.

5. It’s in the South of England.

6. It’s about 2,000 years old.

7. There are some lakes and low mountains.

8. There are lots of small village on the coast.

9. It’s never very hot in the summer or very cold in the winter.

Step Five Detail explanation

1. go to church 去(教堂)做礼拜

go to the church 去教堂

e.g. The western people go to church on Sundays.

2. be famous for 因…而出名

e.g Shantou is famous for its beef-ball

3. with 表伴随状态

e.g. China is a great country with a long history.

4. or 否定句中连接两个或两个以上的并列成份。

e.g. He isn’t a teacher or a worker.

He isn’t a teacher and he isn’t a worker.

5. 山、河、湖、海的专有名词前要加the

6. 边解释文章,边画方向图

Step Six To retell the passage according to the map

lakes, mountains (1,000; low)

sea, village Cambridge (small; about 100,000)

(small) (River Cam, old buildings, churches, Cambridge University)

London (River Thames, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge)

Step Seven Students practice reading the passage aloud

Step Eight Writing (Activity 4,5,6)

Students write a passage called My home town and country.

Conclude: 1. Where is it? 2. What’s its population? 3. What is it famous for?

4. Is it the capital of China? 5. How old is it? 6. What’s the weather like?


1. To finish Activity 3 of Unit 3

2. To finish Unit2, Module5, 点中典

Blackboard designing

Unit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge.

1. 方位介词in, on, to

e.g. China is in the east of Asia. (表示包含在一范围内)

China is on the south of Russia. (表示两地点相接壤)

China is to the west of Japan. (表示两地点不相邻)

2. go to church 去(教堂)做礼拜

go to the church 去教堂

e.g. The western people go to church on Sundays.

3. be famous for 因…而出名

e.g Shantou is famous for its beef-ball

4. with 表伴随状态

e.g. China is a great country with a long history.

5. or 否定句中连接两个或两个以上的并列成份。

e.g. He isn’t a teacher or a worker.

He isn’t a teacher and he isn’t a worker.


lakes, mountains (1,000; low)

sea, village Cambridge (small; about 100,000)

(small) (River Cam, old buildings, churches, Cambridge University)

London (River Thames, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge)