模块5 Unit 1 Word Power教案(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)


Teaching Aims:

To learn more adjectives to describe personality and put them into different groups such as synonyms, antonyms and so on

To complete the relevant exercises to consolidate it

Teaching Difficulties and Key points:

the usages of the word same

Teaching procedure:

Step One: Brainstorming

T: We just have read two letters about friendship. In the two letters, Sarah and Andrew describe their friends to Agony Aunt. Now I want you to describe your friends to me. Next please discuss the following questions with your desk mate and later I will ask some of you to give me your answers.

1) What words will use to describe your friends?

2) In your opinion, what kind of person is easy to get along with and make friends with?

3) What characteristics would you like a friend to have?

Step Two: Vocabulary Learning

T: Well done. We can use adjectives to describe people or things. Now please read the short dialogue and pay attention to the words in blue. Then read the words listed in first table.

(Encourage students to guess the meanings of the words by studying the different parts of the word. If they can’t, let them refer to the dictionary and check for mispronunciation.)

T: Ok, now please read the explanation above the second table and answer the two questions:

1) What is the meaning of ‘synonym’?

Words that have the same or similar meanings are called synonyms.

2) What is the meaning of ‘antonym’?

A word that has the opposite meaning of another word is called its antonym

(After this ask students to read the words listed in the table. Check for the mispronunciation and ask them to guess their meanings. If time permits, let students to think if as many pairs of synonyms and antonyms as possible and add them to the list above.)

Step Three: Vocabulary Extension

T: Next look at exercise on Part A on page 7, please use the words we have learnt on page 6.

Suggested Answers:

(1) easy-going (2)quiet (3) shy (4) friendly (5) honest

(6) hard-working (7) serious (8) strict

Step Four: Language Points:

1) same adj. 同样的,同一的;

pron. 同样的事

all the same 一样,仍然

the same … as … 与……一样; 如果定语从句的先行词被 the same 修饰,可由as和that引导定语从句,但意思有所不同。如:

e.g. This is the same pen as I lost. 这支钢笔跟我丢的那支一样。(两支笔)

e.g. This is the same pen that I lost. 这是我丢的那支钢笔。(同一支笔)

Step Five: Homework

to complete part B on page 7

to preview the next part Grammar and Usage