新目标Book IV Unit 7 第一课时教学设计(新目标版八年级英语下册教案教学设计)


Teaching plan for Unit 7

Would you mind turning down the music?

Period: The first period.

Content: Section A. From 1a to 2c.

Properties: Computer; Overhead projector; Pictures.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Functions: Make requests by using “Would you mind doing/not doing...?”

2. Target language:

Sentence structures: Make requests with the sentence pattern:

Would you mind +gerund (formulaic)

And make responses according to the different situations, such as “No, not at all”. “Sorry, I’ll do it right away.” “OK….” and so on.

3. Vocabulary: mind, turn down, yard, right away=in a minute, dish,

Teaching procedure:

Step1: Introduction and presentation:

1. Hello, everyone, do you like the song? (*Turn up the music.)Do you like the song now? Why not? It’s too loud. You don’t like the noise. You mind the noise. So what should I do then? *Turn down the music. Is it OK now? Can you tell me the name of the song? What is the name of the band?

2. What is the name of today’s new teacher? Let me introduce myself. I’m from WFLS. My family name is Huang. I haven’t got married yet. So you can call me …(Miss Huang) And my English name is Helen. You can also call me Helen. Do you want to know more about me? You can ask me some questions.

3. (How old are you?) Oh, it’s a secret. I don’t like to tell others my age. (that’s because...) I mind it. Would you mind asking right questions? (*PPT)

4. It’s your turn to let me know you. That lovely girl, would you please come to the front and tell me something about you? Great! But you are a little shy. Please don’t be so shy. Can you give her more advice? Please use some polite ways. What are polite ways? You can use please…; Can you …; Could you please…?; Would you please…?(BB) (look at us;speak louder,;…)

5. We can also use “Would you mind…?”(BB)( +doing/not doing) This is a new way of making requests. And it is a more polite way. Let’s use the polite way to make your requests again. Let most of the Ss repeat the sentences one by one.

Step 2: Practice:

1. (*Ps:) In which picture we should use “Would you mind…?” Why? We often use “Would you mind…?” when we are annoyed.

2. Look at the picture(*PPT), some people in the picture are annoyed. Can you tell me who are annoyed? They are all annoyed with their neighbors, so what will they say to their neighbors? Please use the new way to make requests.

Step3: Pair work:

1. (*PPT)Look, the two parents are also saying: Would you mind turning down the music? Who are they saying the sentence to? Xiaoxin. What do you think of the boy? (naughty, bad) But I think he will be a good boy if you make polite requests. Now Xiaoxin is here, you can make requests to him according to the given pictures. And pay attention to his responses.

1) No, not at all.

2) Sorry, I’ll do it right away=in a minute.

3) OK. I’ll do it in a minute.

2. Do you remember his responses? Would you mind not being so forgetful? Teach the responses. (*PPT)

Step4: Listen and read:

1. Open your books to Page 53, 2a and 2b. Listen to the tape and number the pictures in the order you hear them.

2. 2b. Match the requests with the responses. Check the answers in pairs.

Step5: Quick response:

In these short dialogues, who do you think makes the requests? Who else often makes requests? Teachers and classmates. Here is a picture of a classroom (*PPT). Does someone in your class often play ball games in the classroom? Who? Can you make requests to them? What are your responses?

Step6: Practice: Make a dialogue:

1. Do the other things happen in your class? Please make a dialogue in pairs. One makes a request and the other one makes a response. Please be polite. You’ll have one minute.

2. Check the dialogue.

Step7: Writing ( Group work):

1. Most of you act politely at school. Are you polite out of school? Do you want to be good citizens of Wenzhou? Yeah, you are great! But some people are not polite enough. Look, where are they?(*PPT) They are in the cinema, in the restaurant, in the park and where else? (on the bus, …)

2. Let’s make requests to help them and make our city better. --- Each group chooses one of the pictures and discuss together. Then write down your requests. If you choose the last picture, it means you can talk about any place you like. You will have five minutes to get ready for it.

3. Check their requests: Ask some students to write their requests on the BB.

Step8: Discussing:

Actually there are different ways to deal with the troubles.(*PPT) Some people keep silent, some quarrel with others who annoy them, while some people make requests politely. Which way is best? The second way. Why?

Because “ Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.”(*PPT)

Step9: Homework:

1. Listen and read after the tape for 15 minutes. Finish the exercises in Section A.

2. What else annoys you in your daily life? What will you say if something annoys you? Make up a dialogue by using the sentences structures taught today .


