


   Unit 10 Where is it ?

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Phonetics

元音字母E在重读开、闭音节中的读音与相应的拼读规则。辅音字母k, g和s在单词中分别读[k][g]和[s]或[z]。

2. Words and expressions

四会:or, of , room , classroom , look at , door , blackboard , chair , can , see , on ,

can’t = cannot , behind , ball , under .

三会:hat , in the hat , different , floor , like (prep.) , look like .

3. Everyday English

四会:Who’s that ? Is it…or…?

Who are they ?

Look at the picture . Can you see…?

Yes , I can . / No , I can’t .

Where are Lucy’s pencils ? I can’t see….

三会:It looks like a cat !

4. Grammar

学会运用定冠词the表示特指,例如:the teacher , the twins .学会介词in , on , under和behind的简单用法。

II. Main Teaching Points

1. 定冠词表示特指;

2. 使用介词in , on , under和behind如何表示人或物所在的位置。

III. Difficult Teaching Point


IV. Teaching Aids

1. A recorder and the tape of Unit 10 .

2. Slides .

3. Word cards .

V. Teaching Steps (4 periods)


The First Period

Step 1 Revision

1. Duty report .

2. Free talk .

3. Ask and answer some questions (According to Page 37 , Part 2 . But do not open the students’ books) .

Step 2 Presentation

1. Show the word cards to the class .

n.:hat , room , classroom , door , blackboard , chair , floor , ball .

v.:can , can’t , see .

adj.:different .

prep.:of , like , on , behind , under .

conj.:or .

Expressions:in the hat , look at , look like .

2. Teach the students to read every word and expressions one by one .

Step 3 Practice

1. Read the words and expressions in pairs .

2. Tell the students to master the uses of the words in , on , under and behind .

(Draw some pictures .)

3. Guide the students to saying like this:

in the box on the box

under the box behind the box

Step 4 Practice

1. Get the students to read aloud the words and expressions of this unit .

2. Practise the words:in , on;under and behind .

on the desk under the bag

behind the box in the pencil-box

Step 5 Homework

Copy and recite the new words .

The Second Period

Step 1 Revision

1. Duty report .

2. Free talk .

3. Recite Page 37 , Part 1 .

4. Review the new words of this unit .

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw some pictures , then guide the students to asking and answering:

A. B.

A. Where’s the ruler ? A. Where’s the map ?

B. It’s on the desk . B. It’s on the wall .

C. D.

A. Where’s the ball ? A. Where’s the cat ?

B. It’s under the chair . B. It’s behind the door .

2. Tell the students the uses of the prep . -phrases(表示某物所处的位置)。

Step 3 Practice

1. Ask and answer in pairs .

(Draw a picture on the blackboard .)

A. Where is the cup ?

B. It’s ________.

A. ______ ?

B. ______ .

A. ______ ?

B. ______ .

A. ______ ?

B. ______ .

2. Read and say .

SB Page 39 , Part 1 . Read them in pairs .

3. Make up some dialogues with the students’s own things .

Step 4 Homework

1. Copy the drills of Lesson 39 .

2. Go over Lessons 38 and 40 .

The Third Period

Step 1 Revision

1. Duty report .

2. Free talk .

3. Ask and answer some questions with Where is…?

Step 2 Presentation

Show slides to the class .

1. Ask What can you see on the slides ?

2. Ask Can you see…?


Answer with Yes or No .

Sum-up the drills

Can you see the door ? Yes , I can .

Where’s Lucy’s coat ? It’s on the desk .

Where are the balls ? They’re on the floor .

Is it behind her chair ? Yes , it is .

Are they under chair ? No , they aren’t .

Put them over there , please !

It looks like a hat !

They look the same .

Write them on the blackboard and read aloud .

Copy them carefully .

Step 3 Practice

Put English (Chinese) into Chinese (English) .

Do them in pairs .

Make up dialogues in pairs and then act them before the class .

Step 4 Reading

SB Page 38 , Part 2 and Page 40 , Part 2 .

Ask the students to read aloud in pairs .

Step 5 Workbook

1. WB Page 38 , Part 3 . Talk about the pictures . Ask two students to ask and answer according to every picture .

2. Parts 1 and 2 . Do them in pairs . One reads the first sentence , then the other puts it into the plural form .

Step 6 Homework

1. Copy the drills carefully .

2. Read aloud the drills .

3. Do WB Page 40 , EX.2 .

The Fourth Period

Step 1 Revision

1. Duty report .

2. Free talk .

3. Review some important drills .

Can you see the bird ? Yes , I can . / No , I can’t .

Where’s Lucy’s bag ?

Is it behind her chair ? Yes , it is .

Look at the picture .

They look the same .

Step 2 Presentation

SB Page 40 , Part 1 .

1. Play the tape , listen and repeat , then say their Chinese meaning .

2. Open the books and read Part 1 .

Step 3 Practice

WB Page 40 Ex. 1.

Ask the students to read the sounds and words , then correct their pronunciation when they are wrong .

Step 4 Workbook

WB Page 40 , Part 3 .

Read the dialogue in pairs .

Step 5 Checkpoint 10

1. The use of the word“the”.

When there is only one present ,“the”should be used . For example , the teacher .

When we are talking about Several particular items , it should be used . For example , the boys .

When we are talking about a particular item , or when we are talking about the same item a second time , it should be used too . For example , This is a pen , the pen is on the desk .

Step 6 Test

Have a dictation (Reading twice) .

Lucy can’t see her hat . Where is it ? Is it in her desk ?

No , it isn’t . Is it under the chair ? Yes , it’s on the floor .

Step 7 Homework

Do these exercises on the paper .

1. Find out the different sound .

( )1. A. these B. desk C. spell

( )2. A. see B. zero C. desk

( )3. A. room B. book C. classroom

( )4. A. can B. hat C. name

( )5. A. he B. behind C. Chinese

2. Fill in the blanks .

( )1. This is a chair . ______ chair is Lucy’s .

A. A B. The C. An

( )2. Who is the girl ______ a coat ?

A. on B. in C. of

( )3. Lucy and Lily look ______ .

A. the same B. a same C. same

( )4. Are you on duty today ? _______ .

A. Yes , I’m . B. Yes , I’m not . C. Yes , I am .

( )5. This is a picture ______ a desk .

A. on B. of C. in

( )6. Can you see the blackboard ? ______ .

A. No , I can . B. Yes , I can’t . C. No , I can’t .

( )7. Where are the balls ? ______ under the chair .

A. It’s B. They C. They’re

( )8. Look ______ the map , please .

A. at B. in C. on

3. Complete the dialogue .

A. Good morning , Lin Tao .

B. Good morning , Li Lei .

A. ______ is the book , do you know ?

B. Oh , look , It’s ____ ____ ____ .

A. Can you see the ball ?

B. ____ . It’s ____ the desk .

A. ____ ____ ____ on the desk ?

B. Yes , it is . And where’s the ______ ?

A. Is she ______ the desk ?

B. Yes , you’re ______ .


Unit 10

1. A B A C B

2. B B A C B C C A

3. Where , in the desk , Yes , under , Is the bag , teacher , behind , right
