初二Lesson 76教案


Lesson 76

Period: The Fourth Period

Properties: Recorder, CAI

Teaching Aims:

1. To write a composition about a field trip. To foster the students’ abilities of

writing and creation.

2. To foster the students’ abilities of listening.

Language Focus: To understand the rest part of the story “Are we alone?”.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Poem

T: Hello! Everyone, shall we listen and read a poem first?( The computer shows the poem-Wake-up time in Part5 )

Step 2. Revision

T: Is the poem wonderful?

Ss: Yes.

T: Yes, it sounds very wonderful and sweet. What is it about?

Ss: It’s about spring.

T: Yes, what about everything in spring?

Ss: ( Everything begins to grow, the weather gets warmer and the days get longer. Trees turn green and flowers begin to come out. It’s good for a picnic. etc.)

T: That’s right. It’s good for a picnic. Do you often have a picnic? Have you ever been to Monkey Island for a picnic?

Ss: No.

T: Neither have I. I haven’t been there, either. But we have known something about Monkey Island. Right? Would you please say something about it?

Ss: (It’s the smaller and farther one of the three islands. If you want to go there, you must go by boat or ship. There’re many banana trees and some animals on the island.)

T: Right. What did the children do on the island?

Ss: First, they pulled the boat up from the water. Then they started to look and walk around the island, they picked lots of bananas. At lunch time, they couldn’t find their picnic basket and looked for it everywhere. At last they found it somewhere on the island.

T: Very good, they did something interesting and something unusual there. These are what they did that day. ( The computer presents the following nine sentences) Please put them in the right order.

1. The children pulled the boat up from the water when they got to the island.

2. They walked around the island and picked lots of bananas for their picnic lunch.

3. The twins put the picnic basket under a tree.

4. But when they got back, the picnic basket was no longer under the tree.

5. They thought they were alone on the island.

6. The children began to look for the picnic basket and found the monkeys took it away.

7. But most of the children wanted to stay there and find their picnic basket.

8. Kate was afraid and wanted to go home.

9. They got their picnic basket back and ate up all the food.

T: Quite good, you are very familiar with the whole story. Now would you please retell it in your own words? I’d like to divide the story into three parts.

1) Getting ready for the picnic.

2) After landing on the island.

3) Looking for the picnic basket.

T: Please retell it in groups of three, each one should retell one part. Let’s see which group will do it best. I’ll give you several minutes to prepare.

Step 3.Guess, watch and listen.

T: What happened to them when they wanted to go back home?

Ss: Their boat was no longer there. They couldn’t go back home.

T: Where was the boat? Who took the boat away this time? Can you guess? I told you to do this work yesterday. Who’d like to give the opinions?

Ss: Maybe some monkeys took it.

I think the wind was strong and blew it out of the bank.

Maybe the children didn’t remember where they put it. etc.

T: Maybe you’re right. But there is only one right answer. Let's watch the video and listen carefully.(电脑显示孩子们在找船的过程,并播放录音) That’s the end of the story. Who took the boat away.

Ss: (after watching and listening) Some monkeys did.

T: Did they get it back at last?

Ss: Yes.

T: Did they have a good time ? why not?

Ss: No, (they were worried and afraid. It took them a long time to look for…….)

T: What can we learn from the whole story?

1) When you meet a problem, don’t be afraid, but try to find a way to solve it.

2) When you are in trouble, please help each other.

3) It’s never too difficult for you to solve problems if you’re brave enough.

4) Don’t go to a strange place alone. You’d better go with your friends.

Step 4. Listen, write and draw

T: Quite good. Do you often go to a strange place?

Ss: Yes / No.

T: Do you want to go to Monkey Island one day?

Ss: Yes.

T: It’s also strange to us. Let’s see what else is there . Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks, then draw a map of Monkey Island.

(Listen twice or three times. After finishing filling in the blanks, the computer show the right answer.)

T: How beautiful Monkey Island is! Have you ever been to a beautiful place with your friends.

Ss: Yes.

Step 5. Write

T: When and where did you go? What did you see and what did you do there? Please tell us, write it on a piece of paper. (prepare for several minutes, then choose some students to read their compositions)

Step 6. Homework

1. Write a report about one of your school trips.

2. Finish the exercises of WB Lesson 76 in the workbook.