
2022-08-28 读后感


  小故事的英语读后感 篇1

  As was the common practice with the gods of Olympus,Zeus and Hermes were visiting the world in disguise.One day they came to a village.At a thousand house sthey knocked,and a thousand times they were refused rest and food and drink.At last they arrived at a humble cottage,where the old couple Baucis and her husband Philemon lived.Poor but at peace with world,they made the best of what life could offer them ,and felt truly grateful to the gods above.When the two travellers entered the hut,the old couple were glad with lively happiness.They offered their guests their best seat,and immediately set about preparing dinner for them.

  With no small difficulty they made fire,brought in a fresh cabbage,cut a fat piece of their long kept meat and put them over the fire to cook.The one single goose they were ready to kill for the visitors,but it was saved at the last minute by the guests.The dining bench was a makeshift ,poor and patched but the best they had.The table was supported by a brick.The feast was quite modest,eggs and wine and cot tage cheese,and a variety of newly pickedfruit.The old couple humbly waited on the visiting guests withsincere looks and eager goodwill.Moved at the hospitality ofthe house,the gods told their true identity.“We are gods”,saidZeus.“While the neigh bour hood pays the penalty for itswickedness you shall be free from misfortune.Coming along with us”.

  When they were near the top of the hill,Bancis and Phile mon looked back and saw all the village below covered by amarsh ,and that among the general ruin and destruction their old cottage alone survived,changed into a grand temple.At their request they were made the guardians of the sacred place of Zeus.When their span of worldly life came to an end they were turned into an ash and linden,standing side by side in front of the temple.

  小故事的英语读后感 篇2

  During the composition class, the teacher sent a story about a senior high school student who had read from small to large, and realized that "poverty is the best university."".

  The student was very poor in his family, but he worked hard and studied hard.Once, he went to Tianjin, and eager rushed home to tread on air, want to tell the family, but the family home, the face is full of melancholy, because my parents quarrel, the old grandpa excited and died, so he will score plug under the pillow, will that happy look away, but his mother went out of his way, make money for him.

  He is very sensible, very considerate parents, more frugal, eat not only think of the amount, method and his mother taught her to read English, according to his mother to do, indeed, half a year after the English exam in the top three class.

  This story gave me a lot of inspiration, which "poverty is one of the best universities", this sentence has influenced me the most, I used to think that the poor can not chengdaqi, but this story has inspired me to learn the best starting point instead of poverty!

  小故事的英语读后感 篇3

  Chemical secret book review

  In this winner holidays, I read the "Chemical Secret" in “shuchong”,Although not quite like to watch the English novel, but I watched this addiction!

  For me this novel is a timid man "thriller". The novel is about Mr. Duncan's Paint career: from an impoverished unemployed people to find a wealthy and rich career, to return to live in a small apartment in a dirty unemployed people. Unconventional and downs throughout the story, it is a good thing can be instantly transformed into a negative factor, is "a blessing in disguise, bad thing.".

  Duncan is both sympathetic and people who hate people. He is a competent biologist, found that the toxicity of the paint factory, but the boss is under coercion self-deception to think no one will hurt, but to the community to conceal the truth. Sadly, his pregnant daughter, to uncover the truth, unfortunately, in the survey fall into the river, was filling with venom of this river. At the end of his walk in the way to the hospital, mental uneasy thought: fetal malformation ... This makes the novel even more tragic and suspense.

  I do not like this inside the paint David's boss, David is a person who only seek their own interests, he ignored the safety of others, just know that money is really selfish shameful act! Be clearly seen in his company and drink contaminated water to seal poisoning, but he said the paint quickly into the sea, we never drink, it was only 200 million dollars a purification equipment costs.

  We all know the importance of environmental protection, but in the interests of the face, which one would you choose?

  小故事的英语读后感 篇4

  Teeth and claws book review

  In this winner holidays, I read the "Teeth and claws" in “shuchong”, Teeth and claws"Book" teeth and claws "This book is the story of a few short and pithy:" Lay Denis. Washi Ta "," storytelling "and" Gabriel Ernest. ""Tuobo Maury," "wolf," consisting of. The length of each story is not long, but it is Sylvia wonderful. Author hecla Hugh Munro was a correspondent, also a writer.Good with a clear and concise language to tell a wonderful story of one vivid. He wrote wonderful short stories known. He was born 1870, died in 1916.

  Each book is a kind of hero story aggressive animals. Bizarre fantasy story, but brilliant. May be surprising is that the authors and do not let these animals appear in the forest steppe, but these animals appear in the elegant room, the king's garden or a beautiful mansion. These animals will suddenly appear, people by surprise. These animals with their own animal, injury or swallowing. But they always tear up the human camouflage, exposing the depths of human nature to most.

  小故事的英语读后感 篇5

  The following book review in the Moon

  The sun is burning a huge fireball. Without light and heat from the sun, we can not survive on the planet Earth. The ozone layer around the planet to protect us from the fire of the sun damage. However, if the ozone layer break, be like?

  Read the story below in the moon, I have a more deep sentiment: to protect the earth, we must first protect the ozone layer is not destroyed, reducing CFC emissions.

  All life on Earth would be no life left the sunlight and the sun light is visible light, ultraviolet, infrared, three parts. Sunlight into the atmosphere (including UV), 55% of light through the atmosphere to the earth and sea, of which 40% of visible light, which is the driving force for photosynthesis, green plants; 5% 100 ~ 400 nm wavelength ultraviolet light, and ultraviolet divided into long wave, medium wave, short wave ultraviolet light, UVA can sterilization. But the wavelength of 200 ~ 315 nm short-wave ultraviolet radiation on the human body and biological harmful. When it passes through the stratosphere, the most absorbed by the ozone layer.

  However, in the fast advancement of human technology, a large discharge of sewage and toxic gases, heavy use of products containing CFCs, the ozone layer destruction. Imagine, if the "ozone layer" that destroyed the umbrella of the Earth, the Earth will happen?

  How should we do to protect the ozone layer? We can drive less, use less products containing CFCs, no radiation of appliances to buy .

  To our planet, please protect the ozone layer. Hope that through our efforts, not to expand empty, and even to restore the original appearance of the earth more beautiful, more human health and longevity!

  小故事的`英语读后感 篇6

  Today we read the story of Greek mythology, I think Jason and the famous Greek heroes to take Cole a golden fleece, "Greek mythology" about 1000 words. There he met the daughter of King Aeetes medea. In order to obtain the wool and help Jason escape her father's pursuit, Medea betrayed his country and his father, and also killed his brother! Medea, however, was not happy herself. Although she and Jason eventually married, but when she year old, Jason married close to a king's daughter.

  If only this is not enough to reveal the deep nature of human ugliness, it is not enough to reflect the depth of criticism. The betrayal of love causes Medea to lose her mind by hating love. She poisonned to the king and the princess poison, "" Reading Greek myths "about 1000 words". Jason pain for a lifetime, she had three sons and daughters of their own also poisoned! Finally, she ran away. But I believe that no matter where she fled, she could not escape her conscience and escape her inner pain. And Jason back life, desperate to settle the rest.

  Love is selfish. It is human nature, but for one's own selfish desires, it hurts to love one's self, to give vent to anger, and to extend the black hand of revenge to an innocent child, which is sinful and unforgivable! Medea even glamorous, but there's also a snake like heart; Jason even heroic, but also wearing a mask when. They all have a very ugly side. These are regarded as the beauty, wisdom, courage and other incarnations of the hero beauty like this, not to mention ordinary people?

  Even God has the selfishness and ugliness of human nature. Zeus was particularly important in this regard. Although he is the LORD your God, but it is not that the should have tolerance. He is infatuated with this woman, or simply created, or simply men, to seduce beautiful woman and left dissolute seeds everywhere. When the woman know that Lord Jose he is the God, but how do you can?

  Jose's wife Hera heavy jealousy. Not only did she not give enough sympathy to the victims of the same woman, but she vented her resentment on them as if she had been seduced by her husband rather than by her husband. They Ouqi between husband and wife, the direct cause of the suffering of others. Iran and Russia are one of the typical victims. When Zeus knew that he had been attracted to Hera by Hera, he turned Iraq into a cow in order not to let Hera find iraq. But it still made Hera see through it. She sent a servant to watch over iraq. Since Russia has no home to return to, but not his relatives close at hand, but also their worst, is lovesickness.

  Greek mythology has made a true display of man and God, not covering the light, nor covering the darkness. Treat people as well as gods. Not because he is a hero and cover their despicable, not because he is God and conceal their hypocrisy. The criticism of human nature is deeply rooted in such soil, so the criticism is profound and powerful.

  Some people say that the cruelty of foreign mythology lies in not giving the false man a chance to bargain.

  小故事的英语读后感 篇7

  In winter vacation, I watched a movie called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It is very interesting. Though I watched this movie before, I still felt moved this time. The movie is very famous, and won seven Oscar Awards. The plot is like following:

  Long long ago, Snow White stayed happily with her parents. But the queen was jealous of Snow White and she sent the hunter to kill Snow White, but the hunter let Snow White escape. One day, the queen dressed up as an old farmer’s wife and gave Snow White a poisonous apple. Snow White ate the poisonous apple and felt into a deep sleep. The Seven Dwarfs was very sad and put her in a coffin. By and by, a prince saved Snow White and she woke up. They got married and lived happily.

  I like this story. It tells us a truth: People like beauty and good. The wicked never kill the good! We are happy the prince and the princess were married and lived happily. We hope they can live forever!

  小故事的英语读后感 篇8

  Once upon a time there was a kind-hearted nobility, his wife died due to illness, he and his three daughters. This noble tried many inventions, failed, so spent money, so they had to move to a farmhouse life, his daughters also had to personally cooking, sewing and clean.

  As for the daughters to marry, the father became even more depressed, because he had no money to buy dowry daughters. One evening, after washing clothes daughters will hang stockings at the fireplace drying. Saint Nicholas know their father's situation, on that night, came to their doorstep.

  He has seen from the window fell asleep, the family also noticed that girls stockings. Then from his pocket, he three packets of gold from the chimney, just dropped a cast of girls in the stockings. The next morning when the daughters awoke they found their stockings contained enough gold for them to get married. The nobleman was able to see his three daughters marry and he lived a long and happy life. Later, the children all over the world continue the tradition of hanging Christmas stockings. In some countries children have similar customs, in France, the children will put shoes by the fireplace, etc.(.)

  小故事的英语读后感 篇9

  I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier,

  小故事的英语读后感 篇10

  Today, I read "Snow White." Major topics of a queen to give birth to a snow-white skin, red lips, a daughter and she gave birth to a daughter, as she wished the Princess's skin white as snow, lips red, so named Snow White. Snow White Queen, when the living dead.

  The king married a new queen, the new Queen, there are side mirror on the wall, the new queen every day, asking who is the world's most beautiful Mirror, mirror on the wall said: It is you. This would ask the mirror each day the Queen. One day, mirror on the wall is you, but no Snow White, the United States several times more than you.

  The Queen is very angry, so she sent to kill Snow White, but the Queen sent Snow White, who do not have the heart to kill, but to put Snow White. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs encountered, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs shelter, the queen that Snow White did not die, they start with himself. Although the queen won. But the prince saved Snow White. Queen also dies eventually.(.)

  This fairy tale tells us that we should not have a jealous heart, to do a good people, good will overcome evil with evil means will not achieve victory. To stay competitive to compete on the open and aboveboard.

  小故事的英语读后感 篇11

  "Young Prince" narrates is lonely, the sad child's story, he lives ona young star. One day, he left the star which he lives, starts totravel. He passed through various star, afterwards, he arrived theEarth, finally, he returned to his star.

  In the travel, the young prince saw the of all forms person in thesociety confused:

  King, loves the vanity person

  The drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks

  The industrialist, only likes calculating the astronomy number typemoney

  Their only common ground, in the heart fills the vanity

  In the travel, the young prince discovered that, the people arethe places which always does not will satisfy oneself lives, they arepursuing happiness with hardship, but actually frequently crudelyhappily expels from the side

  He and the author met one another in the desert, they graduallyhave become the friend. Seeks naive which loses to that, with move.

  小故事的英语读后感 篇12

  This summer holiday, I read a book called Andersen Fairy Tale. The book has many interesting stories. I can't forget one of the story of this book, ugly little duck. It is very ugly, who has been bullied. It was alone, no animals would play with it. In the cold winter , it almost froze to death in the forest.

  However, it finally frying by its own efforts. It turned into a beautiful swan. It is not an ugly duck anymore. This story tells us: in the face of injustice, it is only through their own efforts, as have happiness and joy.


  小故事的英语读后感 篇13

  Reading a few days before reading the book , feeling has returned to a teen. This book is the Green Fairy. In my opinion, It is not a mere imagination, It come from folk.

  In the other hand, some people say, only read out of childhood to be complete. I think so. From long time to now, He is the children of irrelevance,it is a legend.

  Among the students of popular stories include, such as: Cinderella, The princess and the frog and so on.

  Cinderella did not receive love, but Cinderella cherish their love, not because people can not give up his love became spiteful. She gave her the love of mother in the talk on, she put her love for birds in the exchanges, in the plant big beautiful tress. Although the Cinderella is in trouble, but he never give up. and hope of the future. Deserve our learning.

  The story of Snow white, Make me realize even more clearly: not all people are good, the wicked man will be punished.

  Like" Snow White" in Queen is a good example. She make every attempt, use unscrupulous divisive tactics hurt snow white, the end but to the jealousy and alive,This is the real kind, as the saying goes, the good are well rewarded.

  In my opinion, it is not the story itself, but when we read our thoughts, and after the operation. It made us into a good moral, and social services, and family harmony. Nowadays, our country is striving to build a harmonious society, for people's happiness to create opportunities. This book contains the philosophy, and this idea is similar to this book.

  As my university English Writing Textbook page one, which writes, Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man and writing an exact man.

  Many works of literature in our lives plays an important role. He is our teacher, our good friends, it is like our life contest of the lighthouse, lead us to success. Its value is not only a book price, It is the life precious wealth.

  Although the future is very difficult, but we have to admit defeat a heart, it is my eternal power struggle.

  Right and wrong, good and evil, true and false, which makes me sober. Also want to read that you are inspired somewhat, this book is worth reading. Believe it or not.

  That’s all, thank you.

  小故事的英语读后感 篇14

  After reading a story of the Grimm’s fairy tales, I can’t help rethinking the laziness and sympathy of the human beings.

  Lazy Harry is definitely the laziest person I have ever read about. His wife is also influenced by him and becomes lazy too. Undoubtedly, living comfortably without working is absolutely what we expected, yet it is impossible. Society means competition, so that everyone needs to work hard and earn the bread for his family. Can you imagine that the whole world is full of lazy people who just wait for others’ food? How could the society progress? How could they live on? Thus, diligence is the essential factor which contributes to the development of the world. It’s significant for us students to deal with laziness correctly.

  Above all,Grimm’s fairy tales shows us the goodness and badness of the world, every story has its own moral, what we can do is to realize the society and look ahead. Besides,it also helps a lot in English,especially in reading skill.









