



  There is no doubt that the book, Cracking the Nuts of Culture, is really an interesting book. I finished it within one week. It did bring me much fun, and what is more, I found the more I read, the more I acquired, and the more I could understand the abundant contents of English.

  As far as I am concerned, the most interesting part of the book is the English paradox. Like Chinese, there is also abundant paradox to help us express what we want to say. A paradox ispunny and vivid, which always contains significant meaning. For example, “He who always watches the clock will always be one of the hands” is paradox. It is short but you may not understand its meaning the first sight you see it. Only after you look for the hidden meaning of the words can you totally understand it. It means a man who do not do his work carefully and only care the closing time can‘t be an outstanding worker. Using this example, I mean if we want to learn English well and totally understand some words, we should learn to figure out the real meaning of the words instead of just taking all statements at face value.

  I have acquired a deeper understanding of English after reading this book. When I was a middle school student, my Chinese teacher always told us that Chinese is more beautiful and has more connotation than English. But now I can say that his judgment is unfair because there isa large quantity of interesting expressions in English. Some of them may seem meaningless unless they are put in the special language situation. What’s more, some words in regular collocation can express special meaning ,for example, “not so hot “ ,a regular collocation which is used to express the meaning of not good. These both enrich the internal meaning of English.

  In my point of view, language and culture are inseparable. A language is born to express a nation’s culture and the formation and development of a language is always influenced by the culture. Westerners are much more open-minded than Chinese, so we can see that in English the results are always said before the reasons, which is on the contrary in Chinese. Another example is that in English, the expression lucky dog means someone is lucky but in Chinese the expressions made with the word dog arealways related to something bad. In Chain, if you describe one with the expression made with the word dog, he will be very angry. The reason for this phenomenon is that in western, people love their dogs and look on them as their families, and in ancient Chai n, dog was concerned as a snobbish animal. When learn English, we may find that sometimes even we know the meaning of every word, we still can’t understand the meaning of the whole sentence. So, to learn English, not only do we need to know the new symbols and the rules of using these symbols, but also we need to cultural background of English language.


  This is a paper about online teaching. The author is Vicky Phillips. Vicky Phillips is a pioneer in adult education and distance learning, and founder and CEO of “Geteducated.com”.She is the author of the well-known book Never Too Late to Learn: The Adult Student’s Guide to College.

  This paper is a business trip around the run into a problem launch. once the author on a business trip a man asked her what she did for a living. The author gave him an honest answer without think. To make him understand, the author explained a lot. Through detailed introduction of the author, we got she designed America’s first online counseling center for distance learners. Distance learning, or educational programs where pupil and professor never meet face-to-face, are nothing new. And the author taught psychology and career development .Her post is the World Wide Web. Postingassignments to electronic bulletin boards and sending graded papers across the international phone lines in traffic-free email packets.

  From the author, it is hard to imagine teaching anywhere other than in the liberal freedom that is cyberspace. In cyberspace, teachers listen, read, comment and reflect on what students have to say--each of them in turn .What they know, they must communication to teachers inwords .They cannot sit passively in the back row twiddling their mental thumbs as the clock ticks away. This can be very good to promote students' autonomous learning, let the students from the heart to learn. What’s more , Education in Cyberspace is beneficial to the old .They are telecommuting to campus because they could not ,or would not ,uproot their careers and kids or grandkids to move to a college campus—an entity modeled after the learning monasteries of medieval times .A cyber-education suits the old because it respects their abilities to define for themselves what knowledge is and to go after it .It encourages them to argue their points and their perspectives without the interference of a professor, who might be tempted to step in to “clam down ”or “refocus” an otherwise wonderfully enlightening classroom debate . In today's society, some people think that, along with the rapid popularization of the Internet, network education will be on thetraditional education in a profound revolution, will eventually replace the traditional education.

  There is no denying the fact that set up network school and develop the network education, education teaching reform to bring new life and opportunity, but I still think: the network education can't replace the traditional education.

  First, network education the drawbacks

  To guarantee the quality of network teaching depend on many factors common USES, such as teaching both parties must have a computer

  hardware technology environment, must have access to, network must be clear, more important is, teaching the two sides also must have appropriate technology level. In addition, the network teaching because of the space, the teacher unique personality charm, sings in the teaching with the student emotion, moral, of knowledge and ability to achieve the effect of teaching, the teacher also difficult to be network teaching the multi-level teaching and teach students in accordance with their aptitude, some in the name of the upper borrow online, all day in the stroll online. Most online schools cannot form new mode of learning, and is still traditional education model alternatives. An online school quality also is intermingled, much online service position is not clear.

  Second, the advantages of the traditional education

  Traditional education is a closed, force-feeding teaching too, but its basic form position is still network education cannot replace.

  The traditional education network education have class than study atmosphere, the teachers and students to exchange, classroom teaching is easy to control, easy to learning motivation and other advantages, in addition, documented learning resources network digital learning resources than more easy to use and carry, network education is also has many advantages, but it can only to the traditional education in a supplementary role, should not also can't replace the traditional education.

  With the development of the society, our life is more and more digital, with the development of science and technology, and remote education also became more and more popular. But now there is no complete popularity. In China, we are still in a traditional teaching primarily. Only some remedial class, may be online.

  In my opinion, distance education, advantages and disadvantages. Online teaching, teachers don't have to eat chalk. Such a body good. And do not go out and then can learn much knowledge, convenient. But, this only part of it to learn useful talent. Some people don't want to learn might just deal with the teacher just, and not himself to learn. You can call others generation homework to do. Because the teacher simply can't see, network after all is unreal.

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