
2022-08-04 导游词



  At the end of winter and the end of spring, I once again set foot on theway to and from Chu and Wu. Now it is dusk, and my boat is sailing on Jiangdong.I stood up and looked at the beautiful place I had passed several times. A touchof sunset reddened the thin clouds. The river reflected the beautiful scenery ofJiangbei Gushan in Jiangsu town. A gentle breeze swept over the lake, ripplinglayers of microwaves. I told the boatman to dock here and leave the next day.The boatman did the same.

  I sat back again, holding my glass and enjoying the euphemistic night. Idon't know when I fell asleep. Maybe I've been immersed in the beautifulscenery

  In the early morning, I was woken up by the sound of rowing. I looked atthe rising sun with mist in my eyes. A thin layer of fog on the river made thedistant green mountains flicker. "The mountains are so far away!" I can't helpsighing! Really, I can't even see the black and blue, and the end of my journeymay still be on the other side of the mountain. The reflection of the mountainis very long. The boat is driving quietly on the emerald green river, as ifafraid of waking up. The sun shines on the lake, and everything turns fiery red.The scene became so fast that there was no time for people to remember it, sothe next scene appeared again. The fish in the water also showed their headscuriously, trying to understand

  The tide is slowly rising, making the original flat river more vast Ah, nowon the river, I am alone. I paced to the bow of the boat, and the river wasbeating the boat at a constant speed. Looking at the broad river, looking at thered sky, in my heart there is a feeling that the sea is broad with fish, and thesky is high with birds flying. The sails were full in the breeze. The boatpushed on. The songs of birds and insects near the ears are high, low, slow andurgent. Lie down on your back and enjoy what nature has brought me

  So I spent the night again

  The night on the river is very cold, and it's the night of the old winterand the new spring. I was awakened by the cold. I went back to the cabin and gotthe quilt. I lay on my back in the bow of the boat and looked up. In the coldblack night sky, there was an incomplete crescent moon. This crescent moon makesme familiar and strange. I remember that at this time of last year, thisincomplete crescent moon seemed to accompany me through another waterway. It wasmore desolate than last year. This feeling was very strange. I always felt thatthe moon and I were a family, ha ha!!

  So I mixed with all kinds of complex emotions through the cold night, onceagain, ushered in the dawn, but the moon is still hanging half of the sky.Everything that happened last night is in front of us. Looking at the newbornsun, I can't help but feel the sad darkness in my heart. Then there is the warmdawn. A sense of hope arises spontaneously in my heart. Suddenly, I think of thecoming new year, the old mother, wife and children, the cattle and black dog,and the family reunion and mutual respect in the past years Ah

  Now I'm alone and can't be reunited with my family. I feel sad. But when Ithink that I'm busy for my country, I feel sad. I wrote a letter from home onboard. So far, I have written several letters, but I don't know how to send themback to my hometown. Geese just go back to the north, I put a little bit ofemotion in the letter on geese, hope geese can send back my emotion In the backof the letter I couldn't send out, I filled in another sentence: "my son isaway. I hope my mother won't be afraid that my son won't come back. Geese flyingsouth, home in the north, I will return soon after my long journey

  With tears in my eyes, the boatman holds the oar and moves closer to thedistant country. I suddenly recited the poem that I had been brewing for a longtime in my heart, "outside the green mountains, before sailing on the greenwater. The tide is flat, the banks are wide, and the wind is blowing. The Seagrows day and night, and the river springs into the old year. Where can thelocal books be reached, they will return to Luoyang. "


  Beigu mountain is located in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. It is close tothe Yangtze River in the north, so it is named Beigu. It is 55.2 meters high and200 meters long. The mountain is steep, and the situation is dangerous andsolid. Emperor Liang Wu of the Southern Dynasty once wrote a book to praise itsvictory. Ganlu temple, located on the top of the mountain, was built in theGanlu period of the eastern Wu Dynasty. There are many legends and relics aboutthe Wu state in the Three Kingdoms period. At this point, visitors can't helplooking for the famous places and legends with the story of Liu Bei'srecruitment as a clue. Beigu mountain, Jinshan mountain and Jiaoshan mountainhave become horns. The three mountains stand in the balance. Beigu mountain ismore majestic and dangerous in controlling Chu and Wu. In order to resist theJapanese garrison, the prefects of Ming Dynasty cut off the front peak and themiddle peak.

  Beigu mountain is composed of front peak, middle peak and back peak. Themain peak is back peak, which is the best scenic spot. The former Qianfeng isthe site of the ancient palaces of the eastern Wu Dynasty, which has been turnedinto Zhenjiang martyrs' cemetery; the former meteorological building onZhongfeng is now changed into a traditional Chinese painting Museum; the latteris the main peak of Beigu mountain, facing the Yangtze River (Yangtze River) inthe north, with three cliffs and steep terrain. The mountain is full of treesand many places of interest are on it. Known as "the best River and mountain inthe world". Houfeng is the main peak of Beigu mountain, facing the Yangtze Riverand lying on the water. It is the best place for scenery. When you climb to thetop of the mountain, you can see Jiaoshan in the East, Jinshan in the west, andPingshan hall across the river. You can see it clearly. It really makes peoplefeel that "the two mountains of Jinjiao are small, and the two mountains ofwuchu are separated." In the past, a famous poet once wrote a doggerel: "theYangtze River is like an inkstone pool wave. When you mention the gold coke asan ink mill, an iron tower can be used as a pen, and the blue sky can write morethan a few lines" to praise the magnificent scenery of Beigu mountain.

  From the southern foot of the middle peak of Beigu mountain, climb themountain, pass the weather station, and go northward along the ridge to QinghuiPavilion. There is an iron tower in the east of the pavilion, which was built byLi Deyu, the Duke of Wei of Tang Dynasty, in the first year of Baoli (825). Itwas originally a stone tower, but later it was destroyed. In the first year ofYuanfeng in the Northern Song Dynasty (1078), it was rebuilt into a nine leveliron tower with a plane and octagonal shape. In the Ming Dynasty, it was rebuiltto seven levels, about 13 meters high. After the tsunami, lightning, war andother disasters, only two floors of the tower remained in 1949. Now it has beenrenovated into four floors, about 8 meters high. The tower base and the firstand second floors are the original objects of the Song Dynasty. The third andfourth floors are the fifth and sixth floors of the original tower, which werecast in the Ming Dynasty. The existing tower base and body have exquisitepatterns, unique shape, vivid.

  From Qinghui pavilion to the north, on the wall of the hillside on the eastside of Ganlu temple, there is a stone inlaid with six characters of "the bestRiver and mountain in the world", which is said to be written by Emperor Wu ofLiang Dynasty. On the arch leading to the Ganlu Temple opposite the Tiaoshi,there is an inscription of "South Xu Jingyu". In the Eastern Jin Dynasty,Zhenjiang was changed to Xuzhou, so it was named "Nanxu".

  Through the arch, that is to reach the top of the north peak of the Ganlutemple. It is said that this is the place where Liu Bei recruits his family, andthe Peking Opera "dragon and Phoenix present auspiciousness" takes this as thebackground. In fact, the ancient Ganlu temple was built in the Liang Dynasty. Itwas originally at the foot of the mountain. It was rebuilt on the mountain by LiDeyu in the Tang Dynasty. The temple has the main hall, Laojun hall, Guanyinhall, Jiangsheng Pavilion and other buildings, forming the characteristics of"temple crown mountain". It is said that Qing Dynasty was its heyday. EmperorKangxi and Emperor Qianlong built a palace here and left a stele. It is one ofthe famous ancient temples in ancient China. It is said that it is the"liumajian" where sun and Liu raced side by side. The multi view building behindGanlu temple is the best scenic spot in Beigu mountain. The second floor of thebuilding faces the river. The name of the building is taken from Li Deyu's poem"multi view hanging window" in Tang Dynasty. It is one of the three famousbuildings in ancient Yangtze River, and is as famous as yellow crane tower andYueyang Tower.

  The plaque of "the first building in the world" written by Mi Fu is highabove the floor. Since the song and Yuan Dynasties, famous scholars, dignitariesand dignitaries of all dynasties have made a lot of famous poems here, such asOuyang Xiu, Su Shi, Mi Fu, Xin Qiji and Lu you. Climbing on the multi viewbuilding and looking out from the fence, you can see the scenery of mountainsand rivers, and the wonderful scenery.

  In the east of duojinglou, lingyunting is also called Jijiang Pavilion. Itis said that sun Shangxiang, Liu's wife, once sacrificed herself in the riverafter hearing the news of Liu Bei's death. When Xin Qiji, a patriotic poet ofthe Southern Song Dynasty, ascended the pavilion, he touched the scene withemotion, and wrote a famous article: "where to look at China, with a full viewof Beigu building.". The rise and fall of the ages are long. The Yangtze Riveris rolling. As a young man, the southeast war is not over. Who is the enemy ofthe heroes in the world, Cao Liu. Having children should be like sun Zhongmou."

  Due to the various legends of Liu Bei's recruiting relatives, today's Beigumountain has become a hot spot for friends who travel to Zhenjiang.


  In the evening, after the drizzle, the air was so fresh, the sky was dyedorange, flowers and crystal clear beads, just like little girls holding shiningpearls. Looking at the beautiful scenery, my family decided to take a walk inBeigu mountain.

  When I got to Beigu mountain, it was more beautiful than I thought. Thedancers came and went, and it was crowded here. Colorful lights, like a bunch ofmeteors from the sky. Even the branches are covered with green lights, somysterious.

  Walking further inside, it seems to be a fairyland. The sparkling riversets off the blue light. In the light of the moonlight, silver white moonlighton the lake, is so quiet. All of a sudden, the silver dance clothes of thebright moon and the Yingying lights are blending The call of willow swinging andwillow twigs and the soothing feeling of breeze came to my ears. Unconsciously,we came to the river, a winding bridge across the river. I went to the bridgeand looked at the beautiful scenery of the river, but who knew I met"Charlotte". Seeing that it is not afraid of wind and rain, and persisting inweaving the net on the bridge, I seem to understand something from theadventure.

  Walk down the bridge and come to the famous Baoding in Zhenjiang. Althoughthere are no stars tonight, the ground is full of stars. They twinkled, shiningso brightly in the center of the dark square. At this time, I suddenly turned myeyes to Baoding, and saw that it was tall and towering, just like a giant withindomitable spirit.

  Late at night, the whole square is no longer so busy, the dancers left, thefishermen left. But there is still the call of the north wind and the deepsinging of the cicada in my ears. The river under the moonlight is still soquiet and beautiful.


  Where to look at China? Beigu building is full of scenery When you hearthis poem written by Xin Qiji, you will never think of Beigu mountain, which isknown as "the best River and mountain in the world". Beigu mountain is locatedon the east side of Zhenjiang City by the Yangtze River.

  My father and I came to the foot of Beigu mountain, and a pool came intoview. There were two high and one low stones in the pool, which were cut in half from top to bottom. Before I could see it, my father took me up themountain.

  We walked along the mountain road, along the steps, a bend, we saw atombstone, the tombstone engraved with an ancient general, wearing armor, waistsword, back a pair of halberds, eyes bright. In the upper left corner of thetombstone is engraved "Donglai taishici". It turned out that he was taishici, ageneral of the eastern Wu Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms period. According to myfather, he is the first military general in Soochow. I suddenly began to admirea commanding general. After walking around his grave, we went up the mountainroad. Halfway up the mountain, you can see a pavilion. There is a tombstone inthe pavilion. On the tombstone, there is also a man wearing an official hat anda wide robe with big sleeves. I watched it for a long time, but I didn't knowwho he was. Dad saw my mind and said this is Lu su. It suddenly dawned on methat he was Lu Su, the general of Soochow. In the cartoon romance of the ThreeKingdoms, he was a famous counselor, and also became the governor ofSoochow.

  Farewell to the tomb of Lu Su, we unknowingly came to the top of themountain, on the top of the mountain we saw a big rusty iron tower. Although thetower is no longer shining in gold and rusty, it is still alive with carvedBuddha statues. According to the introduction, the tower was built in the SongDynasty and has a history of more than 1000 years. I marvel at how skilled thecraftsmen were at that time. Then, we continue to go up, above is the Ganlutemple. We just arrived at the gate of Ganlu temple, only to find that it wasclosed. I feel very sorry, but we saw a large stone plaque at the door, on whichwere engraved several powerful characters of "the best River and mountain in theworld". All of a sudden, I think of seeing the Yangtze River flowing in the skyon the mountain side of the iron tower. No wonder Beigu mountain is known as"the best mountain in the world".

  We played on the top of the mountain for a while and then went down. Beforeleaving, I saw the two stones in the pool. I asked my father, "Dad, why arethose two stones split into two?" "Oh, that's a sword testing stone. It's thebig stone that Liu Bei and Sun Quan split in the dark. " It turns out that thereis such a story. No wonder these two stone heads were cut by knives!

  I'm looking forward to the next time - come back to Beigu mountain whenGanlu temple is repaired.


  Beigu mountain is one of the three famous scenic spots in Zhenjiang. Itoverlooks Beigu from afar, sleeps the river horizontally, and has steep stonewalls, so it is named Beigu mountain. During the Three Kingdoms period, thestory of "Ganlu Temple Liu Bei recruiting relatives" took place in Beigumountain. Beigu mountain, famous for its precipitousness, is famous for thestory of the Three Kingdoms. The pavilions and pavilions on the mountain, aswell as the stone streams on the mountain, are all related to historical legendssuch as the marriage of sun and Liu in the Three Kingdoms period, and become aplace for tourists to look for the relics of the Three Kingdoms. In thesoutheast of Beigu mountain, there is a four story iron tower beside QinghuiPavilion. The iron tower, also known as "Weigong tower", is an importantcultural relic of Beigu mountain. It is one of the six remaining iron towers inChina and the only one in Jiangsu Province. It is a provincial-level culturalrelic protection unit. There is Ganlu temple on the top of Beigu mountain. Ganlutemple was built in the reign of Ganlu in the eastern Wu Dynasty (265-266), soit is called "Ganlu Temple".

  The temple forehead was written by Zhang Fei himself. The Ganlu temple onthe mountain was built by Li Deyu, the governor of Runzhou, in the Baoli periodof Tang Dynasty. In order to commemorate Zhenjiang as the capital of the easternWu Dynasty, people will never forget the historical facts of the Three Kingdoms,so they moved the historical relics of the alliance of Liu and sun, the legendof the marriage of sun and Liu, and the relics to the mountain. Since then,Beigu mountain has become a famous historical scenic spot in China. Through theGanlu temple, to the west, there is a square pavilion with stone pillars, whichis called Beigu Pavilion in ancient times. There are Lingyun Pavilion, MoyunPavilion, Linjiang Pavilion, Jiangshan first Pavilion, and the world's firstPavilion. The best tourism time is Zhenjiang, which is located in the southwestof Jiangsu Province, on the South Bank of the lower reaches of the YangtzeRiver. There are many rivers and hilly areas in Zhenjiang, with complexgeographical conditions; At the same time, Zhenjiang has monsoon climate withfour distinct seasons, high temperature in summer, humid and rainy, dry and coldin winter.

  In 1205 A.D., Xin Qiji, a great poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, ascendedBeigu mountain to observe the scenery and express his feelings. During the ThreeKingdoms period, Liu Bei came to Ganlu temple to recruit relatives. When he sawBeigu mountain standing on the riverside, the water and sky were open, and thescenery was magnificent, he couldn't help exclaiming: "this is the best Riverand mountain in the world.". The story of sun Liu's marriage has been handeddown for thousands of years. Whether it is handed down by people or famous bypeople, the story of sun Liu's marriage has left a deep impression in Beigumountain.


  In my "11" holiday, the most unforgettable thing for me is to go to Beigumountain, which is known as "the best River and mountain in the world".

  It was a sunny morning. There was a big fireball like sun hanging in thesky. The sun was warm and comfortable.

  Entering Beigu mountain, it is more lively than I imagined. I saw the waterin the Phoenix pool singing happily, as if to say hello to us. All of a sudden,fountains gushed out, and the crystal clear water jumped playfully on my face.Next to the Phoenix pool were clusters of bright wild flowers. I saw them andthought they were very beautiful. So I bent down and picked a bunch of them. Icarefully tied them with the ribbon in my backpack. Mother said: "you look atyou, usually all day shouting to protect flowers and plants, now?" I spit out mytongue, mischievously said: "well, my fault."

  I took Mom and dad's hand and went to a place where a hundred flowers wereblooming and fragrant. I saw a high staircase. So we climbed to the "riverworship Pavilion" on the top of the mountain. From the pavilion, we can see thatBeigu mountain looks like a dragon with head raised, tail raised and backarched. When we are on the mountain, we have the momentum of "looking at all thesmall mountains".

  Then we went to Ganlu temple, a famous scenic spot in Beigu mountain. Whenyou enter the temple, you will first see the sculptures of Wu Guotai, Sun Quan,Liu Bei, Zhao Yun and others. They are all lifelike and lifelike, representingthe historical scene of Liu Bei's recruitment. Let's enter into the story of theromance of the Three Kingdoms, infatuated and marvelous.

  Magnificent Beigu mountain, how many poets marvel at your style!


  On a sunny Friday, the school organized all the teachers and students tohave a spring outing in Beigu mountain.

  Spring outing that morning, we are very excited, just walked into theclassroom to see the students get together to imagine what spring outing willlook like. We walk to Beigu mountain. Along the way, the laughter of thestudents broke through the clouds, and everyone's face was filled with a smileof expectation.

  Entering the gate of Beigu mountain, we first went through a piece ofgrass, and then walked in, we saw a beautiful scene: a middle-aged uncle sittingon a big stone fishing, a stone bridge on the river, the gurgling water fromtime to time issued a clattering sound, as if to say to us: Welcome to Beigumountain. The green willows on the bank sprout. There are yellow, purple andwhite flowers on the bank, on the grass and under the corner Countless,beautiful! A breeze, the flowers issued a intoxicating fragrance.

  After a tour in Beigu mountain, we found a wide place to camp. At first, wewere eating all the time, and sometimes we sent some to our teacher. But wecan't eat all the time in spring outing. After teacher Li's suggestion, weplayed the traditional game - jumping cow's rubber band. Song ruiyin took thelead. We jumped one by one. After standing, our feet couldn't move. If we moved,we would die. After a long time, we kicked shuttlecock again. Because everyonecan only play plastic shuttlecock, so no one dares to take the lead in kickingthis kind of feather shuttlecock. Everyone pushes it around. Miss Li hits athousand purple and she kicks three. Because someone started, the atmospherebecame active. I volunteered to raise my hand, but I only kicked two. Towardsnoon, we were ready to return. When we walked out of the gate, we reluctantlyshook hands with Beigu mountain.

  This year's spring outing is really interesting. I'm looking forward tothis year's autumn outing.










