
2020-12-14 导游词



  Everybody is good! I am your tour guide Su Xiaoyue, would be glad to accompany you to visit the Summer Palace. Is the qing dynasty imperial garden and palace, the Summer Palace is Chinas key cultural relics protection units, has been included in the "world heritage", visit when you cant throw rubbish!

  We first came to the Summer Palace, one of the most famous promenade. Look, the pillars of the green paint, red paint of the railing, how beautiful! The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273, it is the worlds longest art gallery, each cross on the sill between has a colorful picture, painted with figures, flowers, landscapes, thousands of picture no two are the same. Do you believe that?

  Now, we have arrived at the foot of longevity hill, please raise your head and the anise three layers of pyramid building stands on the hillside, yellow glazed tiles shine, that is, buddhist incense under the palace called cloud temple.

  Next we go to kunming lake appreciate once! Bank long around it. Have you seen that island on the lake center? Through the long stone bridge can be to play in the island. The stone is called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, railing on the hundreds of pillar, pillars are carved with a lion, no two are the same.

  Okay, now you can go to the lake cruise, original fully appreciate the beauty around us! But, can I remind everyone must pay attention to safety! Finally, I wish you all visitors have fun!


  Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, my name is zhou, you can call me weeks tour guide.

  Dear visitors, walked into the door to the Summer Palace, around the hall, came to the famous promenade, endless promenade workers more than seven hundred meters, is divided into 273 rooms, each between the horizontal bar has a colorful picture, it draw, figures, flowers and plants, landscape. No two of the painting so many picture is the same.

  Go to the end of the corridor, came to the foot of longevity hill, please look up, a three layer architecture of anise pyramid stand in the hillside, that is the Buddha incense. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, is the cloud temple.

  Now we will go to the kunming lake. Lake island in the center. As long as the visitors through the resin stones can play on the island, the bridge is seventeen little tunnel, call the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, railing pillars, above the pillar carved with a lion, so many lions, have different attitude, no two are just the same.

  My explanation is over, now you can free activities, collection 3:30pm here! But beware: 1, no littering, 2, pay attention to safety, finally I wish you all a happy journey!










上一篇:福建冠豸山的导游词 下一篇:蜀山胜景瓦屋山导游词