
2021-06-12 导游词


  Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, and a major industrial city. In 1625,  Nurhaci, founder of the Jin, moved his capital to Shenyang, which later became  the capital of the Manchus before they took control of central China. Much of  Shenyang‘s rich historical heritage is attributed to the Qing’s formative  years.

  Former Imperial Palace

  First built in 1625 for Nurhachi, and inherited by his son Abahai Huang  Taiji), the Former Imperial Palace of Shenyang is one of two royal complexes  extant in China today. The splendid and distinctly ethnic architectural style of  the palace, which includes Dazheng (Grand Politics) Hall, the Ten Princes‘  Pavilion, Chongzhen (Golden Chimes), Phoenix Chamber, and Qingning (Pure  Tranquility) Pavilion, are still in perfect shape. On Saturday afternoons during  the May October period, the Former Imperial Palace is the venue for the show of  the parade of a grand royal procession.

  Zhaoling & Fuling Mausoleums

  The Zhaoling, also known as Northern Mausoleum as it is in the northern  suburbs of Shenyang, was the tomb of the second Qing emperor, Huang Taji, and  his consorts. Buried under the Fuling of Eastern Mausoleum were the remains of  Nurhachi and his wife, Empress Xiaoci.

  Sept. 18 Incident Museum

  The museum, housed inside the Monument to the September 18 Incident at the  Marco Polo Bridge, recaptures the incident launched by Japanese militarists and  exposes Japanese atrocities in the war that ensued.

  Weird Slope of Shenyang

  The 100-metre-long Weird Slope is found near Qingshuitai Town in the northern  suburbs of Shenyang and the Shenyang-Changchun Expressway, and 35km from  downtown Shenyang. The weirdness about it is that auto drivers and bicyclists  can effortlessly slide up the slope but have to go down the distance by stepping  on the accelerator or pedaling real hard. The slope is part of a scenic zone  that also includes the Xiangshan Mountain, the Chain Bridge and the Peng’en  Temple.

  Summer Palace-on-the-Water

  This is China‘s largest indoor recreational center-on-the-water, and the  largest amusement park-on-the-water in Asia.


  The beautiful seaside city of Dalian on the southern tip of Liaodong  Peninsula is a nice sightseeing, recuperating and holidaymaking destination. It  is particularly suitable for convention or awarded tours. Dalian is skirted on  three sides by the sea, and its long coast opens onto a myriad of islands. The  landscape is fabulous, the weather pleasant, and the urban environment neat and  tidy. When night falls the city takes on an enchanting look. Dalian is the venue  of a series of annual large-scale events, including Dalian International Fashion  Festival, the festival to greet New Year with firework displays, International  Marathon competition, and International Locust Watching Festival.

  Dalian Beach

  The beach, lying in southern Dalian, is a celebrated summering place in north  China and a national scenic resort. Major scenic spots: Wooden-Club Isle, Hutan  (Tiger’s Beach) Amusement Park, Beida (Grand North) Bridge, Yanwo (Swallow  Nestle) Peak, Fojiazhuang Park, Forest Zoo, Xinghai (Star Sea) Bay, Xinghai  Park, Shenya Marine World, and Heishi (Black Rock) Reefs. A seaside highway runs  by all these attractions.

  Xinghai Park

  Xinghai is the largest seaside park of Dalian which consists of a seashore  park and a bathing ground.

  Lushunkou Scenic Resort

  Lushunkou is a national scenic resort and a famed military harbour which in  the westernmost part of Dalian and the southernmost tip of Liaodong Peninsula.  The largest of its kind in Dalian, the Lushukou Scenic Resort comprises 8 scenic  zones, including reefs, islands, mountains, Snake Isle and Bird Isle. Russian  and Japanese occupation, and the Japanese-Russian War of 1894-1895, has  bequeathed Lushun with quite a few landmarks, including Wanzhong Cemetery,  Baiyushan Pagoda, Lushun Prison, and Russian pillboxes at Eastern Jiguan  Mountain.

  Jinshitan Beach National Tourist & Holiday Resort

  It has a flat 7.5km-long bathing ground covered with fine sand, a modern golf  club, and a hunting club.

  Shenya Marine world

  An aquarium of world caliber close by the Xinghai Park, the Shenya Marine  World‘s 118-metre-long undersea tunnel enables visitors to observe this world of  10,000 fish and sea creatures in 200 species at close proximity.

  Bingyu Holiday Resort

  Holidaymaking and sightseeing are perfectly combined in the Provincial Bingyu  Holiday Resort in north Zhuanghe City, which is suggestive of the quaint  peculiarities of the Stone forest of Yunnan and the graceful allure of the  landscape of Guilin. In winter, the sports facilities of Bingyu attract a  constant stream of winter sports buffs.

  Dalian Fashion Festival

  Dalian International Fashion Festival, which takes place in September every  year, sets the stage for a keenly contested competition among fashion designers  from all over the world and word-famous fashion models. Among the other  activities held during the festival are full-length variety shows in City  Square, a world fashion exhibition, garment export negotiations, and parades of  fashion models.


  Nicknamed “Capital of Chinese Steel Industry”, Anshan in central Liaoning is  a major iron and steel industrial base. In recent years, it has also been rising  as a new tourist destination.

  Qianshan Mountain

  A famous mountain 18km to the southeast of Anshan in northeast China, the  708. 3-metre-high Qianshan Mountain is densely wooded, and abounds in flora and  fauna. Among its scenic spots is a new discovery-a nature ought statue of the  Buddha, which stands meters tall. The place has since become the venue of  Qianshan Great uddha estival, which takes place in June every year.

  River in Cave

  A river 3,000 meters long, 2 meters deep and wide enough for 20 to 30 boats,  is found flowing through a giant 5 million-year cave 35km from downtown Benxi.  The cave is also filled with countless stalagmites and stone flowers, pillars  and curtains. Access to the cave is by regular tourist buses running between  Shenyang and Benxi during weekends and holidays.

  Fengguo Temple

  The Fengguo Temple possesses the largest single-floor ancient wooden hall in  China. When it was completed in 1020, it was known as the Temple of the Great  Buddha, or Temple of Seven Buddhas. Enshrined in the Mahavira Hall are 7  Liao-dynasty statues of Buddhas sitting cross-legged on lotus thrones. Each  statue is more than 9 meters in height.

  Ancient City of Xingcheng

  One of the four well-preserved Ming dynasty cities, Xincheng was a major  defense fortress in the late Ming. Its city wall and many buildings are in Ming  and Qing architectural styles.

  Yalu River

  As the boundary between China and Korea, the Yalu River flows across the city  of Dandong for approximately 300km. From the city’s Yalu Bridge and Yalu Park  one can feast his eyes on the fascinating landscape on both sides of the  river.

  Ice-and-Snow Tour

  Winter sightseeing is a hot tourist program in northeast China. From December  to February, the land of Liaoning Province teems with winter sports lovers. This  is particularly the case with Qipan Mountain of Shenyang, and Bingyu of Dalian,  where visitors can go skating, skiing, winter swimming, and sleighing, and  discover local folklore by attending ice lantern shows, folk singing and dancing  (including walking on stilts, model boat dance, and yangge dance).









