
2023-11-03 书信
















给朋友的一封信英语 1

Children from impoverished mountainous areas:

  Hello everyone!

  You may want to ask me who I am. I am just a 13-year-old girl, in fifth grade this year, and I am just an ordinary member of Qianqian School. I sympathize with your difficult life, as I can imagine your thin and helpless shadows and helpless eyes. Your family situation must be very difficult, often not enough to eat or wear, but you are full of longing for school and eager to learn the knowledge you dream of.

  Through our "hand in hand" activities, we can all truly feel that society is a big family, and when one person is in difficulty, everyone should help. We can help students in need no longer feel lonely and feel warmth through assistance. Perhaps the things we sponsor are insignificant, but no matter what, it may be a backpack or a pencil; Perhaps its a small book, perhaps its a clean shirt; Perhaps coins accumulated over time... but on the scale of love, they are always equal. I believe that when you receive our small gift, you will surely experience warmth and infinite joy.

  We are all flowers of our motherland, and we must learn from you. When we grow up, we will better build our motherland and make our future even better! I hope to work hand in hand with you and make progress together!

  Wishing you progress in your studies and progress every day!











  给朋友的一封信英语 2

My good friend:

  We are about to graduate, and I cannot bear to part with you. You have been my good companion from third grade to sixth grade, always cheering me on when I fell into a slump, always comforting me when I was sad and in mourning!

  When I thought of the scene where we were about to separate after graduation, I couldnt help but shed tears like rain,. I remember when we first met, it was in the school dance studio. You and I studied together and you started playing with me first, so we got to know each other, just like inseparable friends who used to be good friends. We have cried and laughed together in the dance studio, and after countless trials and learning.

  I remember in fourth grade, on the day of school registration, I couldnt wait to check the class division. On the rows of unfamiliar names, I saw a very familiar name - xxx, that lively and lovely beautiful girl who likes to play with me - xxx! I cant believe my eyes. You happened to be in the same class as me, and suddenly, I was so happy that words couldnt describe it.

  At the moment I entered the classroom, I saw you with your hair tied up. I happily rushed towards you and we hugged each other happily, refusing to let go for a long time!

  Six years have passed, and we have been together for six years. I have grown up together and experienced many ups and downs together. We have shared blessings and difficulties, and we really cant bear to part with you. Goodbye! friend!

  Wishing: Happy every day, always smiling!












  给朋友的一封信英语 3

Dear Xiaoming


  How are you doing at your new home? Can you understand the teachers lecture in another place?

  I have good news for you. The classrooms in the school have been rebuilt, which are much brighter than before. The classrooms are also equipped with multimedia equipment, and teachers use multimedia more frequently in class. Students also love this new "member". The school has also built a super large football field, and I really enjoy playing football on this field. If you are still studying at this school, I think you will definitely like this new football field.

  I still remember when we were in first grade, your family and mine were very close together, and we had the same hobbies. It was like a natural pair of good friends, and later we became very close friends. We go to school together, go home together, do homework together, read books together every day, and sometimes even eat together for three consecutive years. At that time, we were really happy.

  Until one day in fourth grade, you sat glumly in the classroom seat with your head down. I ran to ask you what happened, and you said sadly, "Im moving tomorrow." I even thought you were joking and didnt pay much attention, but the next day I came to school but didnt see you. When class started, the teacher said you had transferred, and I almost collapsed. I wished the teacher were lying to me.

  I hope you will never forget me.

  Wishing you always happiness and progress in your studies!













  给朋友的一封信英语 4

Dear xxx:


  Long time no see, are you okay? I would like to invite you to my hometown - Nanjing to play. Now that the weather in Nanjing is clear and crisp in autumn, it has entered the golden autumn world, which is so beautiful!

  Nanjing is a beautiful city. I will introduce you to the Purple Mountain in Nanjing. The Purple Mountain in Nanjing is beautiful, with deep forests and lush leaves, and green trees. As long as you climb the highest peak and look down, it is beautiful. After enjoying the beautiful scenery, if you dont have the strength to walk, you can still take a sightseeing bus down the mountain. Let me tell you about the snacks in Nanjing.

  The snacks in Nanjing are delicious, including duck blood vermicelli soup, Spicy Hot Pot, Xiaolongbao, barbecue I like Xiaolongbao best because its skin is fragrant and its meat is tender. It tastes delicious. Im going to introduce you to the hard to enter Stone City.

  The Stone City in Nanjing is so beautiful, I call it Stone City because there are three faces on the wall. There is a big pond in front of the three "grimaces", as if looking in the mirror. Is it fun here? My good friend, after talking about so many scenic snacks, you must want to come! Come to Nanjing if you want. Our Nanjing gate welcomes you at any time.

  Wishing you a happy life!












  给朋友的一封信英语 5

Dear friend:

  Hello, I heard that your hometown is very beautiful, and my hometown is also very beautiful. Today, I will introduce my hometown to you!

  My hometown is a beautiful small village, which is the Guanzhou Liyuan Scenic Area.

  Before and after the Qingming Festival every year, the pear blossoms will bloom brightly, and the pear orchard will attract people from all over the world to come and play. Entering the garden, snow-white pear blossoms hung all over the branches, and tourists walked along the path, occasionally emitting a scent of flowers. Some tourists stand in front of the pear tree to take photos, some children sit on the forked branches of the pear tree to play, and some tourists sit on the benches provided for tourists to enjoy the fresh air of the pear garden. In the middle of the pear garden area, there is a big pear tree king. According to the old man, this big pear tree king has been growing for hundreds of years, and two adults can only embrace it together. At the exit of the pear orchard, there is an ornamental pavilion with three floors. Walking to the third floor of the pavilion, you can see what a sea of flowers it is!

  This is my hometown. Welcome to visit here.

  Wishing you good health and all the best!











  给朋友的一封信英语 6

Dear Xiaoxin:

  Hello! How are you doing? How are you doing at home? Good friend, recently, my father went to work in Jiangxi, and I miss him very much.

  Once, while reading the news, it was reported that a magnitude 5 earthquake suddenly occurred in Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province. At that time, it scared me, I was thinking; Is Dad working there in Jiujiang County? "Then I quickly pressed Dads phone number, and as soon as I heard his voice, Immediately say, "Dad, where are you now? Youre okay now, are you okay?" Dad said, "Whats the matter? Of course Im fine, Im working at the construction site!" I said, "I just read the news report that a magnitude 5 earthquake suddenly occurred in Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province." Dad smiled and said, "Im far from Jiujiang County at this construction site." I listened to Dads words and felt relieved. Xiaoxin, thats all for now. Remember to reply to my letter!

  Wishing you good health! Learning progress!









  给朋友的一封信英语 7

Dear friend:

  Hello! I have recently read a book and would like to provide you with a detailed introduction. This book is "Robinson Crusoe".

  The key to this book is that during the entire process of Robinson Crusoes another ocean voyage, he was accidentally washed up on a deserted island. He was very calm, and when the tide receded, he cut down trees and boarded the broken ship. He found ingredients, pens, paper, and several books of the Bible in the boat, and brought two cats and a dog that had not drowned. The ingredients were quickly consumed, and he took the dog to capture the little sheep. Later, he actually had a huge flock of sheep. On this island, he noticed the footprints of savages and was very flustered. Therefore, he renovated the interior of his area to make it safer. Little did he know that under such fear, he saved the savage "Friday". Afterwards, the two of them saved a captain, and in the end, they were sent back to the United States by the captain.

  This book is very interesting, you can take a look. Who can resist the temptation of books? Wishing you all progress in your studies!









  给朋友的一封信英语 8

Dear Lin Canxi:


  You and I have always been good friends. Do you remember how we met in the small class? School is starting and you are sitting next to me. If you want to meet me, you ask me, "Whats your name?" I didnt answer you. The next day, while the teacher was calling, you heard my name, but you were not sure. Then you asked me, "Is your name Liu Han?" I said, "Yes, whats your name?" She said, "My name is Lin Canxi. Can I be friends with you?" I said, "Okay." Then we became good friends.

  But our friendship has not always been very good. When we were at summer camp, one of our classmates didnt bring a book. I went to help her get it, and she complained there. When I was taking a shower, she was barking there, and your two voices were so similar that I kept saying, "Lin Canxi, stop barking." When we returned to the classroom, I wanted to drink milk. As soon as I opened the milk, I hit your eyes. You cried to call the teacher, but we shared the cookies together and made up.

  Later on, we didnt argue anymore, and the two of us became good friends.

  Wishing: We will always be good friends.












给儿子的一封信英语 1


  My good child! I hope you can listen to my mothers words. Learning is an important task for you. You should work hard and start from now on, because your current efforts will yield rewards several times or even dozens of times in the future.

  The current society is complex and competitive, making it difficult to handle interpersonal relationships. If you want to learn how to handle relationships between good people, you should start getting along with your mother. Mom wont harm you. Parents all over the world want their children to have success, but its too late for you to understand when you grow up. I am cultivating you now, hoping that you will have success in the future, not be bullied by others, and contribute to society. Do you understand this? Dont worry about the cost of studying, wouldnt I be happy if I could save some money and reduce your study expenses? But these are not what you think. What you want is to exercise well and study hard. Family economy is my mothers responsibility and task. You should complete your tasks, and my mother will also work hard to complete her own tasks and do a good job in your logistics.

  If a person does not have a certain skill, it is difficult for them to have a prosperous life in society in the future. Even if they have a stable job in the future, they will often study, take exams, and so on, just like their mother. This is the so-called "never too old to learn" reason.

  You have gradually grown up, and in terms of principles, my mother is strict with you. I hope you can be sensible and understand the hard work of being a mother.










  给儿子的一封信英语 2

Dear son:


  Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, you are about to enter high school. Mom hopes that you will grow up early and become a man. On the path of growth, my mother shares some life experiences with you, hoping to be helpful to you.

  Learn to respect. No matter where you are, no matter what the environment is, you must learn to respect others, so that you can earn respect. Of course, the world is not as simple as you and I imagine. Although some people are not worthy of respect and do not need respect, they should not deliberately offend them.

  Learn to be strong. No matter now or in the future, mom doesnt want to see you cry. Mens tears should be as precious as gold. No matter what happens, face it with a smile. Except for the departure of your loved ones, you can shed tears, otherwise no one is worth it.

  Be responsible. Mom hopes that you will become a true man with responsibility and responsibility, so that you can win a group of friends who are worth protecting with your life. Also, dont make promises easily. Once you make a promise, you must fulfill it. Avoid unnecessary arguments, dont complain, and be a low-key actor.

  Dont regret it. The decision is always right. If you find yourself wrong, dont regret it, because always putting time in memories will waste your life.

  On the path of your growth, your parents have been with you all the way. Because we love you, sometimes we will punish you. Please believe that it is also a way to love you. Wishing you happiness and health!













  给儿子的一封信英语 3

My babys son:

  Time flies like an arrow, fleeting. You have turned eighteen this year. At the age of eighteen, you are entering puberty and facing a rebellious period of ignorance and curiosity. You are also facing the college entrance examination, which is the first important turning point in your life and the most important test in your life. It is also a valuable moment that reflects your twelve years of hard work in the field of literature. Son, I feel heartbroken to see your figure rushing in and out every day, sleeping in the third and waking up in the fifth. Son, in the process of your growth, I feel very pleased with every story and progress you have made. Son, did you ever know that you have always been the pride of your mother.

  From elementary school to middle school to high school, you have been making progress at every stage, constantly striving to surpass yesterday, surpass yourself, and become the more outstanding you are now. So, my mother believes that you will more reasonably and effectively grasp the precious time left only one month before the college entrance examination, and with the correct guidance of your teacher and the enthusiastic help of your classmates, do your best to fully grasp the knowledge learned in the three years of high school, so as to submit a test paper that satisfies your teachers and parents, and do your best to study hard in the twelve years of high school. Son, come on! Come on! Mom believes you are the best!

  Son, you need to know that opportunities and challenges are interdependent and coexist. Dont let difficulties and setbacks overwhelm you, let them constantly motivate and refine you, and achieve a strong and confident you. Son, you must remember that as long as you put in more effort, work harder, and be more serious than others, I believe you will gain more than others, and your life will be brighter than others.









  给儿子的一封信英语 4

Dear son:

  From the moment you fell to the ground, our family was filled with laughter and laughter. Grandparents were so happy all day long that they couldnt close their mouths and were filled with joy for the future generations of our X family! Mom and Dad also cherish you for the crystallization of love, and the whole family lives happily. With you, there is sunshine, and with you, there is hope!

  Time flies really fast. In an instant, you have grown from a swaddling baby to a tall, handsome big boy. You know how to respect your elders, show filial piety to your parents, and be polite to others. You have also learned to think and have your own aesthetic values. You constantly draw knowledge from books and life, and every progress you make embodies your own diligence, as well as the hard work, sweat, and hope of the whole family.

  Life is beautiful. You have a loving grandfather, grandmother, father, and mother. You have ample living conditions and a learning environment. Your father and mother are always willing to make efforts for every reasonable request you make, always paying attention to your warmth and hunger, and paying attention to your every move. We are delighted with your every progress and will not be disappointed by your shortcomings or temporary backwardness. We firmly believe that as long as we persist, You can definitely succeed! As long as you work hard, there is no fortress that cannot be defeated! There is no peak that cannot be reached!

  The path of life is very long, and it is impossible to have no difficulties in learning and life, nor can it be smooth sailing. The key depends on whether you have the courage to face difficulties and treat your own shortcomings correctly. The ancients said that "learning from the strengths of foreigners to control them", which means that we can learn from the strengths of others to catch up with others and achieve the final victory. The ancients can do it, but why cant you do it?!

  Xx, work hard, heaven rewards diligence. As long as you seize every today, success will definitely belong to you in the sunshine!











  给儿子的一封信英语 5

Dear son:

  Im sorry I cant attend your first parents meeting in junior high school this time! Its not that Dad doesnt care about your growth, the specific reason is that I believe you will understand.

  From the moment you were born, you brought infinite happiness to our big family and also planned the direction for our efforts. I once wished I could give you all the beautiful things in the world. With the passage of time, your weak body gradually grew up, and your thoughts and emotions began to change. It was only then that I realized the need to provide you with a good living environment and a good learning platform. For this goal, I have been working hard and even willing to leave you to seek employment elsewhere.

  The step-by-step growth process from babbling to studying away from home is an indispensable part of life. Accompanying your growth is also the progress of my life. Watching you grow healthy and happy day by day, I feel doubly happy; Watching you mature day by day, I am deeply gratified; I am delighted to see you respect your teacher and make friends; I feel honored to see you take responsibility; I am very happy to see your academic progress.

  Dear son, I am ashamed that I cannot always be by your side. However, I am proud that you can grow independently. I am always concerned about your studies, and I just hope that you will not leave any regrets at the starting point of life. Most importantly, I hope that you have a happy and complete learning life. In terms of learning, you should be humble and progress, do your best, and not be too stressed. Only by combining work and rest can you be proficient.

  Finally, Dad hopes that you can respect your teachers, unite with classmates, make good friends, and not become arrogant due to temporary progress, nor fall behind due to temporary backwardness. Dad will grow and progress with you, always being your solid support.











  给儿子的一封信英语 6

Dear son:

  You are now a third grade student, and my father has only written to you for the first time, with a sense of apology and comfort in his heart.

  From the moment you were born, you have been ten years old now. Over the past decade, you have gradually grown up, learned how to respect your teachers, and learned how to live happily with your classmates. Seeing you becoming more and more sensible, my heart is filled with pride.

  Son, most of your life is now spent in school, and school has become your second home. There are strict teachers in the school, as well as your peers in the same year, who live and grow together with you. Dad hopes that you and your friends can help each other, encourage each other, progress together in learning, and take things to the next level. Here, Dad hopes that you will listen carefully to the teachers words at school, concentrate in class, actively answer their questions, actively participate in various activities, and strive to become a better student.

  At home, mom is the person who loves you the most. Although she occasionally gets angry with you, her expectations and care for you are unparalleled. Your mischievous and careless behavior often makes her angry, but she always hopes that you can thrive and become a pride in her heart. This is also my fathers expectation. At the same time, my father also requires you to be strict and disciplined with yourself, break some of your bad habits, work wholeheartedly, and get along well with others.

  Finally, Dad wishes you the ability to continuously improve your academic performance and pay attention to your own cultivation through your diligence. After growing up, becoming an excellent and useful person in society becomes the greatest pride in the hearts of parents.











  给儿子的一封信英语 7


  You will soon be six years old, and you wont have six months to go to elementary school. The teacher gave your mother a task to write a letter to you. So, my mother thought for several days, but she wanted to say too much to you. Fortunately, her life is long, and she can still accompany you for many years. We grow together, happy and happy!

  Firstly, my mother would like to express an expectation for your life, hoping for your health, safety, happiness, and happiness. Although these are four very simple words, truly achieving and obtaining them also requires ones own efforts and experiencing trials and tribulations on the path of life.

  Furthermore, my mother wants to tell you that you are not afraid of two things. One is not to be afraid of setbacks, as setbacks can happen to anyone. The key is to have an attitude towards setbacks; Secondly, dont be afraid of making mistakes. Remember to be good at summarizing experiences and lessons from people and things around you, and first avoid making mistakes; If you have already made a mistake, you cannot evade responsibility or treat it negatively. You must handle it promptly and actively.

  I remember driving to pick you up from school a few times, and you always asked your mother to drive faster than the car in front of you. Do you remember how your mother told you, "If there is no chance, safety comes first, and if there is an opportunity, we must seize it." Your life is your own, and I hope you can seize every opportunity to achieve the life you love through your own efforts.

  Finally, Mom wants to tell you that Mom and Dad will always love you!











  给儿子的一封信英语 8

Dear son:

  Today is my first time writing to you. The main purpose of this letter is to motivate and encourage you.

  Son, there are many turning points in life, and college is the ladder for you to enter society, but under this ladder, you need to lay a solid foundation, and this foundation process is the high school life you are going through. The college entrance examination is your first turning point.

  Although it has been six months and a semester since your high school life, it is just the beginning of your high school life and the early stages are just an adaptation process. So from now on, you not only need to work hard to complete your studies and enhance your physique, but also learn how to approach people and maintain a positive attitude towards life. You also need to find your own goals and ideals, and make a preliminary plan for your life. Strive to improve yourself, and only then will there be more opportunities for you to showcase and achieve yourself in the future.

  As your family, although we cannot accompany you every day, we will always be your strong support. Although we are not good at expressing our feelings for you, we hope you can understand our love for you. With the accumulation of time, you will continue to grow, and the sky that belongs to you will become wider and wider. In the future, you will definitely be farther and farther away from us. I sincerely hope that you will live a more comfortable and better life in the future, and that you can support your own day. Son, a persons growth process is a difficult transformation process. If you want to transform into a beautiful life, your only direction now is to study hard, work hard, and then work hard. Knowledge changes fate. You are a very smart child, and I believe that as long as you put your heart into it, you will definitely do better.











给老师的一封信英语 1

Dear Teacher Ye and Teacher Sun:

  Hello everyone!

  Firstly, on behalf of all classmates, I wish you all the best in your work and good health!

  Teacher, although we, the little ones, have been with you for less than two years, in our eyes, you are the most respected and good teacher. You are like our mothers, caring for us and nurturing us. Let us always feel maternal love in school. Your kind smiles and warm words nourish our hearts like spring breeze and drizzle; Your innovative and vivid classroom teaching always catches our attention and allows us to swim in the ocean of knowledge; Your criticism is a good medicine for us to correct our shortcomings; Your encouragement is the driving force behind our positive progress. It is with your diligent cultivation that we can grow happily and carefree!

  Teacher, you are hardworking gardeners, and the growth of each of our classmates is inseparable from your earnest guidance; You are like a candle, burning yourself and illuminating others; You are like spring silkworms, spitting out all the silk until the end of life. In short, we are very grateful to you. In the future, we will express our respect for you through practical actions and report to you with excellent results!

  Wishing you all the best, with peaches and plums all over the world!











  给老师的一封信英语 2

Dear Teacher Zhang:


  Under your guidance, I have made significant progress. I cant forget your witty words in class and your figure reviewing for us during the midterm exam.

  You hold the chalk, as if writing about our future. Every time we have homework, we will also carefully explain it to us, and on Wednesdays and Fridays, we will explain our homework exercises on time. We are very serious and meticulous.

  The final exam is approaching, and you are very concerned about our studies. We will explain everything we dont understand one by one. In order not to let every classmate fall behind, we always sacrifice our precious time to review. There will also be many themed activities to help us warm up and prepare for the final exam in the best possible state.

  When reading in the library, we are also very concerned about us. When a few classmates are making noise, Teacher Zhang will seriously say, "You must read quietly in the library!" Through Teacher Zhangs guidance, everyone reads quietly and accumulates a lot of knowledge. As the saying goes, "Books are the ladder of peoples progress." In this learning atmosphere, everyones compositions have made great progress, and I have also corrected many bad habits.

  Thank you very much for teaching us so attentively, which I will never forget for a lifetime!

  Wishing you good health and a happy family!













  给老师的一封信英语 3

Dear teacher:


  This is my first time writing to you. We feel very happy to play and frolic with our friends at school. But going to school is not for fun. We can receive new knowledge every day, which is your hard work and hard work, teacher!

  Since the first grade, you have been working hard to educate us. In order for us children who have just finished kindergarten to officially immerse ourselves in learning and recognize the importance of learning, you have gone through countless hardships. Regularly educate us that if we suffer a little when we are young, we will be happy when we grow up; When I was young, I didnt suffer, but when I grow up, I will suffer.

  Since entering third grade, your work has become more and more busy. Because since entering third grade, knowledge has become increasingly difficult, and one also needs to write essays and weekly notes. Once, you assigned a composition that we all couldnt write and were constantly worried about. Writing is the skill you taught us to write. I used to write very verbose, with poor language and very little writing. Just when we were worried about not getting high grades in our compositions, you explained to us bit by bit and encouraged us to read. Every time you assign a composition, and every time we finish writing a composition, you will point out to us one by one that the sentences are not smooth, the vocabulary is not appropriate, and where improvement is needed. In this way, our classs Chinese grades suddenly increased by a large margin, and I no longer worry.

  Every time you come early to watch the class, every time you pass by the office... I will see your busy figure. Ah, teacher, thank you. You are like a diligent gardener, carefully taking care of our small flower seedlings. I will definitely complete my homework seriously in the future, listen attentively in class, and not make you angry.











  给老师的一封信英语 4

Dear teacher:

  You gave me great help in my first and second grades, and I am here to thank you for your dedication and hard work.

  I remember when I was in first grade, I couldnt write the words waves and sea well, and I wrote them poorly in my exercise book. At that time, you walked up to me and looked at me with kind eyes. Your eyes seem to be saying, Its okay, if the teacher comes to teach you, you can write it well.. Afterwards, you sat next to me and said, "When you encounter difficulties, you need to find a teacher.

  I mustered the courage to say to you, "I cant write the word sea well. Can you teach me Alright! "Write and draw on the draft paper. This stroke should be written this way, with three drops of water on one line. You also found me a practice paper specifically, highlighted it in red, and helped me analyze the characteristics of this character. However, I still couldnt write well. I thought you would be angry, but you still focused on teaching me. After a long practice, I finally overcame this big problem and gained confidence in writing. From then on, my handwriting became better and better. I looked at you, smiled sweetly, and couldnt help but say, "Thank you!" But you said to me, "This is what I should do!" Your eyes narrowed into a pair of curved crescents.

  You always guide me carefully. So I have made faster progress and become smarter, thanks to your and other teachers enthusiastic guidance. I have sincerely thanked the teachers here! Thank you!

  Wishing the teacher success in her work and career!











  给老师的一封信英语 5

Dear Teacher Xiao:


  Night has fallen, and a pure white moon hangs in the sky. The mischievous little star also blinks from time to time. Teacher Xiao, are you grading our homework under the light at the moment? Still preparing for the lesson?

  In class, you vividly bring us into the artistic conception of the text, allowing us to enjoy the charm of the book. Every beautiful sentence and exciting fragment will make us move from scenery to emotion, observe the scenery with emotion, inspire imagination, and step into the context. Teacher Xiao, thank you! It is you who made us feel the romantic poet Li Bais duet of drinking and singing, the elderly and sickly Du Fus concern for the country and the people, and the bold and unrestrained warrior Xin Qijis blurred sword light.

  You impatiently encourage us to read more aloud and cultivate our emotions, allowing us to feel and comprehend, gradually caring for society, caring for society, and gaining more life philosophy. In one class, you told us many stories about inspirational reading, such as Su Dongpo writing couplets and the story of grinding a needle with an iron pestle. I cant forget your hopeful gaze and encouraging smile. You are serious and sincere. You said to us, "Parents and teachers let you study for one more second, which is to let you play for another second in the future. You should work hard to learn and make your tomorrow more brilliant!" At this moment, Zhang Xiaoting loudly said, "Teacher Xiao is really verbose, Teacher Xiao is really stupid!" You continued, "Yes, I am very stupid, but I am willing to become such a fool!" After a while, the classroom was filled with warm applause, We were completely moved by all your words……

  Teacher Xiao, when I grow up, my wings will be full and I will fly high and far. Wherever I go, when the spring flowers bloom, I will fly back to see you……

  Wishing you good health, teacher! Happy and joyful!












  给老师的一封信英语 6

Dear teacher:


  Teacher, I have a lot of things to tell you, but I havent had the opportunity to say them. So, taking this opportunity to write this letter, I want to say something to you.

  Teacher, we cannot forget your help to us: during the sports meet, we cannot forget your cheering for me; When I was sick, you couldnt forget your concern for me; When I didnt do well in the exam, you encouraged me not to forget!

  Teacher, do you still remember? At that sprint race, the race was about to begin, and my stomach began to ache. You happened to see this scene. You asked me, "Han Chengshuan, are you feeling unwell?" I said, "My stomach hurts. So you pulled me to the podium to withdraw from the competition and took me back to the classroom. When I arrived at the classroom, you rubbed my stomach and a warm current immediately flowed into my heart. You asked me, "Han Chengshuo, do you bring hot water? If you finish drinking, go out and get some water. Now, hurry up and take a sip of water." I replied, "I do." So, I took out my warm water cup from the left side of the table and listlessly drank the water. Teacher, you are still afraid of me being cold, so you took off your warm coat. I am very warm on my body and even warmer in my heart.

  You keep telling me to drink more water. After a while, you asked with concern, "How are you? Are you better?" I replied, "Its not that painful anymore!" This is an ancient saying, "A day is a teacher, a lifetime is a father!

  Teacher, no matter how busy your life is, dont forget to take time out to relax and always maintain a young and happy heart. Teacher, you are like a fragrant little flower blooming in a corner of my heart. The wind is transparent, the rain is dripping, the clouds are flowing, the song is free, the sky is eternal, and you are unforgettable!

  Wishing you success in your work and happiness in your family!













  给老师的一封信英语 7

Dear Teacher Li:


  I feel very lucky to have you as my homeroom teacher. Although we have only been in contact for a few short months, I truly like you from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to attending your Chinese class every day, even if it lasts for a whole day, I wont get bored. Because your lecture is very humorous, vivid, and interesting.

  Not only that, you are very kind and have a good temper. For example, once when I had a fight with a classmate, I thought you would get angry and punish me severely. After I walked into the office with heavy steps, I didnt expect that you calmly asked me to sit down, only asking the reason, and also asking me how popular I am, who are my good friends, which made me feel very warm.

  Another time, I broke the toilet door. Not only did you not criticize me, nor did you punish me for copying the text, but you also said, "Although you are very mischievous, I still like your active personality, so you go to the auditorium to clean up and move more." With these words you said to me, I secretly swear in my heart: I will definitely get rid of my small problems, study diligently, and achieve good grades, not to disappoint your expectations of me.

  Dear Teacher Li, do you know? You look very much like Principal Kobayashi in "Little Peas by the Window". I have always fantasized about meeting a teacher like Principal Kobayashi, with a friendly and easy-going teaching style. Now, my wish has been fulfilled, and going to school is a very happy thing for me. Teacher Li, I hope one day I can face you and say, "Thank you for being my teacher

  Wishing you success in your dreams and all the best!












  给老师的一封信英语 8

Dear Teacher Pan:


  On the first day of the new semester, I just arrived at the new class and felt uneasy facing a new teacher I didnt know. But the teachers friendly and warm words gradually calmed me down, and I fell in love with my teacher. You even whispered a few words to all of us, so let me share my whispers with you too!

  Your letter has taught me many profound truths, taught me to make learning a pleasant thing to do, and taught me to make others happy because of my existence. The letter you wrote taught me a lot. Before you kindly stood in front of me, I thought I was just a "small meteorite" in space, or a "small ant" on Earth. I didnt think I was important, but your letter said, "I am important. This sentence made me realize how important I am. I am important to my family, friends, and classmates, Let me know more about protecting my own safety.

  This letter reminds me to believe in myself and I can succeed! My personality is quite shy, and I only focus on efficiency when doing things, so I dont trust myself very much. Your words make me believe in myself, have more opinions, have more confidence, and actively face all difficulties and setbacks.

  Teacher Pan, in the new semester, I will take out the best and turn the worst into the best. I will not disappoint your expectations of me! Thank you!












给爸爸的一封信英语 1

Dear Dad:


  How have you been lately? Is the work going smoothly? I heard that Xinjiang is very cold. When you go out, you should wear more clothes and avoid getting cold.

  A few years ago, you went to work in Xinjiang and only came back once in a few months. You didnt stay for a few days before leaving, and after you came back, you couldnt touch anyone at both ends of the day, let alone chat with me, play games, and pick me up from school. This time, taking this opportunity, I would like to share my thoughts with you.

  Once, the teacher asked us to tell us what our biggest wish was, and our classmates rushed to talk about Transformers, eating McDonalds, traveling, playing computer games, getting new clothes... But do you know what my biggest wish is? Could you come and pick me up after school. Yes, its that simple! But despite its simplicity, it is still so difficult to achieve

  Every time after school, watching my classmates happily being picked up by their fathers makes my heart ache. But what about you? Every time I come back, except for work and socializing, I dont have time to pay attention to me. Do you know how much I want you to come to pick me up from school like other dads!

  Dad, my dear dad, I hope you can meet my small request and fulfill my simple wish next time you come back.

  Dear dad, I still have a lot to say to you, but I cant say a thousand words. I look forward to your next visit! I love you, dear father!

  Wishing you good health and all the best!














  给爸爸的一封信英语 2

Dear Dad:


  Please allow me to say here, "Dad, youve worked hard

  I remember one noon, after half a day of class, when the teacher finally said I could go to the bathroom, I jumped out of my seat and excitedly said, "Finally liberated. When you returned home, you saw that my wound was very painful, so you went to fetch medicine and a cotton swab. While using the medicine to disinfect me, you whispered, "Does it still hurt?" I was deeply moved by this.

  Another time, I was riding a bike in the yard and was enjoying it when suddenly my bike ran into a pile of gravel and made me fall. When you noticed it, it rushed over like a gust of wind. You helped me up and said, "Be careful when cycling in the future." I quickly nodded, feeling very distressed.

  Dear father, thank you for your selfless care and encouragement over the years. With your encouragement and help, I have been nourished by rain and baptized by sunshine like a thirsty seedling, thriving and growing.

  Wishing you good health and smooth work!












  给爸爸的一封信英语 3

Dear Dad:

  How have you been lately? Sit down and take a break! Since I became sensible, I have been able to see your busy figure every day, hear your urgent breathing, and smell the sour sweat on your body, feeling extremely embarrassed. At that time, I not only despised the bad smell on your body, but also took it for granted that you worked so hard for me, but you just laughed it off.

  Dad, let me pound your back! Since I came to this world, your thick shoulders, which used to be constantly working, have become extremely thin and weak. Your straight waist and arms have also had to bend down due to overwork. I, who have been spoiled since childhood, not only did not lighten your burden, but also joked that you were losing weight, but you still laughed it off.

  Dad, today is your birthday. Have a cake! In the past, on my birthday, you always bought cakes and snacks for me to eat, saying that I should eat more on my birthday. But on your birthday, you never eat cake. I smiled and said it was a way to save money, and you nodded and said it was right.

  Dad, let me cook a meal for you! Over the years, you have always cooked delicious food for us. Every time you have almost only vegetables in your bowl, there are only a few small pieces of meat occasionally. However, in our bowl, there are large chunks of meat, and you smile and say that you dont like meat. At that time, I even said you were picky eaters, but you just laughed it off.

  Dad, I want to tell you that my daughter has grown up and become more sensible. From childhood to adulthood, I have always remembered your meticulous care for me. When I was a child, I asked my father to forgive me for any mistakes he made. Dad, I have grown up. Let me show my filial piety to you and repay your kindness in raising me!

  Wishing you good health!












  给爸爸的一封信英语 4

Dear Dad:


  At this moment, I really want to see you, Dad! Do you have any habits of working and living in other places? Are you tired from work? Be sure to take care of your health!

  Dad, do you know? In the days when you are not around, my mother has become more strict with me, and I have made great progress in many aspects compared to before.

  In daily life, I do my own things and try to do as much household chores as possible to help my mother reduce the burden. Moreover, I can now take the bus home independently after school; In terms of learning, I completed my homework diligently and timely, and my performance in last months mid-term exam was also very good. Dad, didnt your son disappoint you? I will continue to work hard!

  Now I want to tell you about Mom. Since you left, everything at home, including taking care of me, has been handled by my mother alone. My mother has really worked hard. Recently, during the high incidence of influenza, unfortunately, I also fell ill. Last Saturday, I suddenly had a high fever, and my mother quickly took me to the hospital. Finally, I went to two hospitals before seeing a doctor. After seeing a doctor, it was already very late when I returned home. My mother gave me medicine and asked me to sleep. When I woke up in the early morning and went to the bathroom, I found that my mother was not sleeping yet. I think: Mom must have been worried about my body and stayed up all night. Dad, do you know? At that time, I really wanted you to be by my mothers side and help her share some of the burden.

  Dad, my body is now well, dont worry! In the future, I will take care of your mother and become a true man for you; Be a sensible and good son; Be an excellent elementary school student.












  给爸爸的一封信英语 5

Dear Dad:


  My daughter has too much to say to you, but I dare not. Today, I would like to take this opportunity to have a good conversation with you. I hope you can understand her heart and care more about her.

  Dad, I hope you can change your bad temper and be more patient and tolerant towards your daughter. You are always patient and inclusive towards your students, but for me, you always show me your irritable side. Every day after school, I do my homework in your office. From time to time, I see students come to ask you questions. You always smile to answer them, patiently inspire them, and patiently explain when they make mistakes. Do you know how envious I am when I see this scene? I would rather be your student than your daughter. Because every time I make mistakes or dont know how to do them, what I get is not your patient explanation or encouragement, but your slaps and curses. Do you know how sad I am.

  Dad, you have never praised me. Whenever I show you my transcript with good grades, you always silently glance at me and sign your cold name with your pen. On the contrary, when I failed the exam, what I most hoped to hear was your encouragement and support, but you held that ruthless ruler and left countless marks on my daughters body. Then, I calmly left, leaving her silently crying. Dad, do you know how heartbroken my daughter is at this moment?

  Dad, the reason for saying these things today is not because your daughter is complaining or criticizing you, but because I hope you can care more about your daughter, understand her more, be more patient with her, and encourage her more, okay, Dad.











  给爸爸的一封信英语 6

Dear Dad:

  Everyone in the world has a father, but I think my father is unique and the best; Because you brought me a lot of laughter and taught me how to learn, making me the happiest child in the world. Dad, sometimes you work overtime at the company until late for the sake of this family, so when you come back, you are already very tired and unable to listen to my confidences; Or perhaps I have already fallen asleep, so I most hope you can come home early every day, so that in addition to playing with you, I can also have the opportunity to help you beat your back. You are not only a fun companion, but also a good teacher. Because you often tell me some life or personal truths in your spare time, allowing me to understand the principles and learn a lot of knowledge. At the same time, you are also my music teacher. When I have any music theory that I dont understand, you patiently explain it to me until I understand it. I want to say to you, "Thank you! My most beloved father.

  I remember once, you took me to Baisha Bay to play. At that time, I was so excited that I asked my brother to accompany me to play sand, but he didnt want to; But my father immediately volunteered and was willing to accompany me on the beach in the bright sun, and there was no complaint. So when I saw you sweating profusely, I immediately realized how much you loved me. In this moment, I was even more determined to tell myself

  Be a filial and obedient child, so that you can rest assured and dont worry too much about me.

  Occasionally, when Im making a fuss or disobedient, Dad, you not only wont get angry, but instead make me laugh, touch my head, and kiss my cheek. Therefore, your good temper reminds me that I must become the most obedient child in the world in the future. When I grow up, I should be even more filial to you, because there will never be a kind-hearted dad like you again in the world. Finally, I say to you, "Dad, I really love you so much

  Wishing you good health and smooth career.











  给爸爸的一封信英语 7

Dear Dad:


  I am proud to have a father like you. You have raised me for 12 years, during which you have cooked delicious food for me, washed my clothes, and even sheltered me from wind and rain.

  I remember when I was a child, I was almost five years old at that time. You often set out early and returned late, as if you had given up taking care of me. The more I thought about it, the more I became afraid. When I was already trembling with fear, you appeared in front of me and appeared in my eyes, holding the remote controlled racing car I had always wanted. At that moment, tears welled up in my eyes. My father wiped my tears and I suddenly realized that in order to help me buy a remote controlled racing car earlier, my father had to work extra days. I regained my senses, my dad is smiling at me! Dad said, "Lets go, Ill teach you how to play." I immediately wiped away my tears and smiled and said, "You dont need to teach me! Ill be there long ago." With that, we went downstairs and started playing in the living room.

  And when I was in kindergarten, it was very cold. With the encouragement of my teacher, I learned to jump rope, but I didnt learn it for a long time. After school, I returned home and practiced at home. I accidentally fell while practicing at home, and my father immediately came to help me. This made me feel what fatherly love is!

  Dad, I will always love you!












给妈妈的一封信英语 1

Dear Mom:

  Youve worked hard! In this letter, I apologize to you! For thirteen years, whenever I stumbled on the path of growth, you patiently supported me and helped me thrive. When I made you angry, you criticized me, which made me feel uncomfortable, but I know its your love for me! Sorry, Mom! I wont make you angry anymore! When I saw the photo of being held by you when I was a child, the light of happiness in my heart was ignited by you!

  Mom! I am so happy! When my exam results were very poor, you didnt beat and scold me like other parents, but encouraged me and believed that I could do well in the exam! Teach me to correct mistakes, teach me how to do these questions, copy them all, and keep them in my heart. Thanks to your encouragement and help, I have achieved what I am today! Mom, you have a few more wrinkles on your face! Is it because we are too mischievous! Sorry, Mom! Please rest assured that your daughter will obey! Mom, when you smile, you are beautiful, and your smile is so kind; Your smile is so kind; Your smile is so happy!

  Mom, I love you! You gave me happiness, you gave me youth. Now that you are old, I will gradually grow up and give you the greatest happiness with my best efforts! When your big tree falls its withered yellow leaves, my small tree is thriving! When your flower withers, my little flower is in bud! I will turn your withered yellow leaves into new green leaves! Will turn your withered flowers into delicate buds.

  Wishing you good health! Forever beautiful!










  给妈妈的一封信英语 2

Dear Mom:


  Today is Mothers Day, a holiday for mothers all over the world. Here, I express my admiration for you. Your love is like a trickle, nourishing my heart and guiding me forward like a lighthouse in the mist.

  When I was young, it was you who always paid attention to me, took care of me, and feared that I would suffer a little hardship or fatigue. It was you who always made me eat the best and dress the warmest, but never cared about what I wore. But at that time, I didnt appreciate it at all. I always thought you were too annoying and took it for granted that all of this was something you had to do. But now I understand that I have always been wrong, your actions are just trying to make me better and more perfect.

  I remember one time when I made a mistake at school, and when I returned home, my heart was constantly uneasy. Im afraid if I say this, you will beat me up and scold me severely. So I kept this matter hidden in my heart all along, but later on, I felt a bit inappropriate, so I gathered the courage to say to you, and saw you smiling like a good person saying to me, "Its okay, remember this lesson, dont do it next time." At that time, I felt very guilty because I always ignored your words, but when I truly made a mistake, I realized, It turns out that you are not really nagging, but rather hoping that I will not make mistakes and take further steps in my studies.

  After this year, I will be 13 years old and about to enter junior high school. I think I will become more sensible, making you less worried and more at ease. So please rest assured that your son has grown up!

  Wishing you all the best and good health.












  给妈妈的一封信英语 3

Dear Mom:


  This is my sons first letter to you. He has many things to say to you, but he always hesitates to speak to you. He uses a thousand words to describe your deep love for me like a sea.

  I remember when I was in kindergarten, my colds, fever, and vomiting became commonplace. One day I was in kindergarten, and other children were jumping, singing, dancing, and playing games. Only I am listless, my whole body feels soft and soft, and I dont want to open my eyes. My teacher noticed everything about me and quickly notified you. In a few minutes, I saw you sweating profusely, panting uncontrollably, hugging me and shouting anxiously, "Son, whats wrong with you?" I touched my head and kissed my face. Immediately ask Dad to drive me to the hospital. You hold me and sit at the back of the car, constantly urging Dad to drive faster. Tears flicker in your eyes, and you keep calling me out for fear of something unexpected. Your anxious appearance is deeply engraved in my mind.

  Compared to other classmates mothers, you are much older. For the sake of this family and my education, you can sacrifice everything, but you are not stingy with me. Strolling the mall with you, I always say I want to buy something for myself, but as soon as I enter the mall, I just focus on choosing one for me, completely forgetting myself! I advise you to choose your own, you always say I know. But I know you always want to leave the best for me, give me all your love. Mom, I will definitely study hard. Only in this way can I repay your deep love for me and make you happy and happy every day!

  Mom, please rest assured that your son will definitely win. I hope you can be healthy and live a long life!

  Wishing: You are becoming younger and more beautiful!












  给妈妈的一封信英语 4

Dear Mom:


  Over the past 9 years, it has been your meticulous care and companionship that have made me happy and healthy through these 9 seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. I am very grateful. If it werent for you, I wouldnt have come to this world; If it werent for you, I wouldnt have grown up in a happy environment; If it werent for you, I wouldnt have known how beautiful the world was.

  When I went from crying loudly to stumbling to babbling and finally to school, it was still you who nurtured and nurtured me. I am very grateful to you. It was you who made me grow up in a place full of maternal love, and in your embrace, I did not suffer any harm. As I grow up, as long as I suffer a little bit of harm and injustice, you will be very distressed.

  A few years ago, one summer night, I couldnt sleep even flipping around, and even vomited all over the bed. My mother touched my head and felt that it was very hot. She quickly got up to look for a fever reducing medicine. I finished drinking the medicine and fell asleep. My mother was afraid that my condition would return and I hadnt slept. The next day, when I woke up, my mothers eyes were already covered with blood, and tears flowed from my eyes, but my mother smiled. I remember reading this sentence: The greatest and most selfless love in the world is maternal love. At first, I didnt quite understand it, but now, every time I think about it, it makes me realize the true meaning of this sentence. Thank you for your guidance. Mom, you have taught me countless times to be a kind-hearted and upright person, a good child who loves learning and labor, and a filial and obedient girl……

  In short, your love is meticulous and ubiquitous in my eyes. Mom, rest assured that I will be a good daughter and repay you with my practical actions.

  Wishing you good health and all the best!












  给妈妈的一封信英语 5

Dear Mom:


  From memory to now, your figure and smile are the clearest in my mind. Mom, do you know how much I want to say to you? A thousand words merge into one sentence: Mom, I love you, thank you.

  Mom, thank you for bringing me into this world. Thank you for teaching me the principles of being a person. Thank you for telling me how terrible it is to have no upbringing. Thank you for saying to me when I failed: child, dont give up. Mom will always be by your side! When Im not focused on something and wasting time, you always say to me with a serious heart: Tomorrow is tomorrow, how many days are there?? I live until tomorrow, everything is in vain. Time will not wait for those who do not cherish it! Child, you should cherish time!

  Who speaks of an inch of grass in the heart, and reaps the light of spring? "This is a line from Meng Jiaos" Wanderers Song ". It means that the kindness of a mother is something we can never repay as children. Mom, your love is a vast ocean, and I may just be an inconspicuous needle; Your love is the boundless blue sky, and I may just be a bird that never flies to the horizon; Moms love

  Mom, I know that in my clean clothes is your love for me, every meal I eat is your love for me, and in my clean bedroom is my grandmothers love for me Every bit of life is your love for me. Mom, youve been working hard! I need to study hard now, not in vain for your earnest guidance!

  Wishing you good health!












  给妈妈的一封信英语 6

Dear Mom:

  Hello! I am writing this letter today to express my gratitude and gratitude to you. Thank you for giving me a lot of help in my learning and growth process. In life, your meticulous care for me can sometimes be overwhelming. You are always very tolerant of my material demands and buy me whatever I want.

  I want to say to you: when I was born, my first cry was exchanged for your happy smile. As time passed, I suddenly realized that I was growing up, but my parents were getting old. Thank you for having you.

  Every morning, you are always the first to get up, busy in the kitchen, bring me hot white rice porridge, and then hand me the clothes to wear. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. After eating this bowl of hot white rice porridge, I felt warm. Every day after school, you always greet me at the door and help me with my heavy backpack. At night, under the desk lamp, you help me check my homework, preview the text, review my homework, and make me fearless and free in my studies. My mother always mentions my strengths more, but I know I have many shortcomings. For example, I love to talk in class, but I have many shortcomings anyway.

  I missed the exam. Although you were very angry, you always managed to restrain yourself and said to me, "Zhenni, I didnt do well this time. Dont make the same mistake next time. Its not too late to work hard now." You will learn the most from me. Mom, I will return, I will try every time.

  Wishing you good health and smooth work!












感恩的英语书信 1

Dear Dad and Mom:

  Hello everyone!

  Dad and Mom raised me through all your hard work, making you happy and making you sad during my growth. I have a lot of heart to heart to say to you.

  I am an obedient child. Every time you are not at home, I consciously do my own thing. I remember one time, my dad didnt come back from changing classes with someone else, and my mom worked overtime again. After finishing my homework alone at home, you guys havent come back yet. Im really hungry. After cooking my own meal, I had my first meal of plain rice without any vegetables, and then went to bed during my usual rest time. You go home and praise me directly. At that time, I was very happy and hadnt slept for a long time.

  Since I was seven years old, you have taught me how to sweep the floor and wash dishes. I can already do many household chores now, sharing household chores and reducing burdens for you. You made me a man that everyone praises. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love for me: "Thank you, my good father and mother

  However, I recently found out that you dont allow me to make friends with some of my favorite classmates, saying its because Im afraid I might develop some bad habits. I dont understand. I have the ability to distinguish between good and bad things, and I have my own opinions. You have your relatives, friends, colleagues... and why cant I have a sky that belongs to me? Can I grow forever in your "garden"? I hope you can give me more freedom, understanding and support!

  Dad and Mom, I will be a good child, and I hope you are happy and happy!












  感恩的英语书信 2

Dear Teacher Wang:


  We are in the third grade of elementary school and luckily, the teachers in our third grade class are very responsible teachers. They selflessly give us encouragement and care in our studies. However, in order for us to develop good study habits, relying solely on teachers is not enough. We also need the supervision and encouragement of our parents, because we are still young and will inevitably be playful and lazy. We have many shortcomings, but we also have many advantages: intelligence, kindness, liveliness, personality, and talent. We have responsible teachers, cooperation from parents, and a caring school. Therefore, we will also have good results. Nowadays, with the leadership of five teachers, Xia has made great progress in our studies, but it is still far from enough. We should take things one step further. I believe that with the diligent cultivation of school teachers and the cooperation of parents, we will definitely become excellent talents.

  I am very grateful to the school teachers and my homeroom teacher, Teacher Wang, as well as all the teachers who care and help me. I am even more grateful to my parents. Thank you for your constant care for me. Here, on behalf of all the students, let me say to the parents present that you have worked hard!

  Those who sow melons, those who sow beans, and those who sow sweat can all obtain pearls. Mom and Dad, please rest assured that we will repay the school, teachers, and your expectations with excellent grades, and we will definitely bring a complete end to our lives.










  感恩的英语书信 3

Dear Father and Mother:

  Hello everyone!

  Thank you for your love and concern for my past time. I always make you angry on weekdays, and now I say to you, "Im sorry!" Forgive me for being stubborn on weekdays, forgive me for often arguing with you, and now I think I shouldnt have done that at that time.

  When I was sick, it was you who took good care of me; When I made mistakes in the exam, it was you who comforted me with peace of mind. Father and mother, you are the people I love the most in my life.

  Mother, whenever I come home from school, I can always see the glass and floor shining brightly and smell the aroma of food on the table. Here I say to you, "Mother, you have worked hard

  Father, you are as important to me as my mother. You are always busy running around for this family. Whenever I see your tired appearance when you come home from work, I really want to say to Jin, "Father, take a break

  Father and mother, you have nurtured me with hard work. I will always remember your little care in my heart, turn it into hard work and repay you with excellent grades. Please believe in me!

  Dear father and mother, I sincerely say to you, "Thank you father and mother, you have worked hard

  Best wishes: Mother is young and never grows old, and father is in good health.














  感恩的英语书信 4

Dear Teacher Xuan:


  I thank you for taking care of me diligently over the past four years. In recent years, you have been like my mother, helping me overcome difficulties in school. You are my teacher, but in school, you are my mother. You not only need to take care of my studies, but also take care of our school life. If we didnt do well in one exam, you would be furious. I thought you were harming me, but now I realize that you were showing love for me.

  Teacher, I have always had a weakness, which is my poor handwriting. For this matter, you have given me thousands of advice, but I just cant write it well. You have put a lot of effort into this matter. Your teacher asked me to rewrite, but I still couldnt meet your requirements. At most, I only made a little progress in each rewrite, and still couldnt meet your requirements. Teacher Xuan, I assure you that from now on, I will definitely write well.

  Teacher Xuan, I also want to say sorry to you. In these four years, I have often caused trouble and made many mistakes. Every time I make a mistake, you will explain a reason to me. Sometimes when I dont stop, you will explain it very carefully again until I understand.

  Teacher Xuan, I am very grateful to you. I will definitely write correctly in the future and never cause trouble again.

  Wishing you good health!












  感恩的英语书信 5

Dear Mom:


  First of all, I want to sing a song: "A grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, giving me the courage to be myself..." I believe you are not unfamiliar.

  I remember once, when my mother didnt come home for dinner at night, my father and I went to your house. Arriving there, Dad explained his intention, but you complained, "Really, you didnt say it earlier. Ive already finished eating." However, despite the complaints, you still stir fry happily, and I feel a hint of guilt: bothering you so late. After finishing, my father and I rested for a while and then said goodbye to you.

  Every time Mom doesnt come back for dinner, Dad and I mostly go to your house. Whether its lunch or dinner, you always laugh and complain a few words, and then go cooking again. I know that you are not actually feeling bored, but happy, as Grandpa Ba Jin said: "I ponder, I pursue, and finally understand that the meaning of life lies in dedication rather than enjoyment

  Now that you are 65 years old, you are still making continuous contributions to our family. As a sixth grade student, I have to serve you. Your eyes are very bad, and the strength of your glasses is surprisingly large. I brought your glasses and almost fainted. So, every time you take a bus, I will keep an eye on the number of bus routes for you, and finally watch you get on the bus.

  From then on, I learned to be grateful and understood the importance of gratitude. British philosopher John Locke once said, "Gratitude is a treasure in the spirit." Thank you, Grandma, for letting me know how to be grateful and learn to be grateful!












  感恩的英语书信 6

Dear Mom and Dad:


  Dear Mom and Dad, have you been going well during this time? I am very well, I miss you all. I would like to write a letter to express my gratitude to you now.

  Firstly, I would like to thank you for making money for me in Shenyang, as well as for your daily concern for my studies and work in Shenyang. Mom and Dad, do you still remember? One night, you asked me to do a problem, but I didnt even memorize the formula. I couldnt write it down, and it was Dad who came up and said, "What problem cant you solve?" I lowered my head and said shyly, "I dont know any of them." I thought Dad would be angry, but I didnt expect Dad to hit me and slowly told me. At that time, Mom asked Dad to look at the kettle of water, and the water boiled, The water in the pot was pouring out, and Dad quickly took it down. A family of three returned to their desks and carefully finished the unit. When I miss you, I think of these scenes. Now that you are busy there, I really want to say to you: Mom and Dad, I love you and thank you for giving me this happy life.

  Mom and Dad, you have given me countless love, and I will definitely keep study hard and make progress every day in my heart, and never let down your earnest hopes for me!

  Wishing you good health and smooth work!












英语书信范文 1

Leaders, Members:

  My name is Liyuanyuan.Im a boy and I am 12 yeas old, there are 4 people in my family.My father is a Chemistry teacher.He teaches chemistry in Zhengxin senior high school.

  My mother is a Chinese teacher.She teaches Chinese in the university.I have an elder brother; he is a junior middle school student and is preparing for the entrance exam.

  Im tall and I have a pair of big eyes.Now, I am in Grade 5, my study is not very good, but I like English, so my English is better than others.

  I like singing, drawing, playing basketball.I like to read English story books in my free time.Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the English study materials.Because it also enlarges my vocabulary words.I think one day I can master English.Thank you.

  Truly yours







  英语书信范文 2

Dear my friend:

  I am here writing to your to express my gratitude to you for congratulation.

  You mentioned how to improve the translation ability.Now I would like to offer you some suggestions.

  The most important factor to be considered is that you must grasp a large.bank of vocabulary, which is the foundation for translation.Secondly, you can try to practice translation everyday.After your translation, you can compare your translation with the given answer.Last but not the least, you must pay very close attention to the difference between the two languages.Differences between laguges must be considered when you are translating.

  I am looking forward to meeting you in the near future.Then, we can have a talk face to face.I sincerely hope that my suggestions can be constructive to you.

  Truly yours







  英语书信范文 3

Dear Andrew,:

  How are you, my best friend Andrew? It is pleasured that you invited me to pay a visit to your home.But I am very sorry that I can’t accept your invitation because I have a very important competition which I must to take part in.

  It is a competition of English play, which is hold once two years and will need a month to practice, is very valuable for me.So,I must take part in which I don’t want to miss the opportunity.Sorry, I believe you can understand me right?

  Last, I want to give you a present that a CD about the hundredth anniversary of my school.It is too much fun in it and I hold you will be like.I promise you that I will accept your next invitation and bring some presents which you like.

  Good Luck From!

  Your Friend,Xiao xin







  英语书信范文 4

Dear Cindy:

  There are many rules at my home,but I like these rules.Because they are good for me.Every morning I have to get up at half past six.And I must do exercise before breakfast.Then I go to school.At5:40pm,I get home.I cant play with my friends becauseI must do my homework first.I can watch TV,but I must finish my homework.and I have to go to bed before 9:30om.Im busy.but very happy.

  Yours,Zhao Liang




  英语书信范文 5

Dear David:

  Im glad youll come to Beijing to learn Chinese.Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now.Its difficult for you because its quite different from English.You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible.Its also important to do some reading and writing.You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening.Do your best to talk with people in Chinese.You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you.If you have any questions, please ask me.Im sure youll learn Chinese well.

  Hope to see you soon in Beijing.

  Yours,Wang Ming





  英语书信范文 6


  I‘d like to share my experience of learning English with you.Ive just become a high school student and I am not good at English.So i had a really hard time learning it.In high school,i gradually recognized the importance of learning English and really want to learn it well.

  So i asked my teachers and classmates for help.I am so happy that they are all friendly and gave me some really helpful suggestions,for example,listening english program and reading english newspapers.I found that there are so many interesting ways to learn english and now i become more and more interested in it.i believe i can do well in english in high school now.




  英语书信范文 7

Dear Mary:

  I’d like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing homenext Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival.It is the day for the elderly inour culture.

  We’ll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there.We’llalso spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which wehope will make them happy.We should be back around 4 o’clock in the afternoon.If you are able to come with us, please let us know and we’ll wait for you atthe gate at 9 in the morning.

  Looking forward to your reply.





  英语书信范文 8

Dear Tony:

  I‘m li hua you invite me to read to the 4 great park.I am really excited, but there are some things I don’t know.I want to ask you some questions.

  When shall we go to the park in the morning or in the afternoon if you can I want to go to park or 8 oclock because of in the morning the else is fresh And the waiter is so cool,Do you want to enjoy with after friends I think it interesting like the play together after that on the long.I‘d like to have a picnic with your what about you.

  I look forward to your early reply.

  Yours sincerely,Li hua






  英语书信范文 9

Dear my friend:

  I am your classmate XXX.I heard that you stay, I specifically wrote a letter to condolences to you.Better condition you do? Very lonely staying in the hospital now! Read the letter I wrote you, I did want to go to the hospital to see you, I do not know which hospital you can tell me? These days you do not, we would like you, drop the class up as soon as possible, the sixth-grade class can not be charged.Would like you a speedy recovery and come back to school safely.

  I heard you have to do surgery, you cheer in this fuel, is ready to you as soon as possible and our operation is successful reunion.

  I wish you a speedy recovery and return as soon as possible.

  Truly yours






  英语书信范文 10

Leaders, Members:

  Hello, everyone.

  My name is XXX.You can call me Andy in English.Im from Tieling elementary school.Im in Grade 2 Class 1.Im seven years old.As you can see, I have big eyes and round face.I am not very tall but I am very strong and smart.

  I was selected by my classmates to be the monitor.Now I am in charge of the whole class to help my teacher.I like this position and I will do my best to make our class better.

  I know why my classmates selected me to be the monitor, because I am very caring and understanding, I am organized and responsible, additionally I am not selfish,not like lots of children do at present.I feel very happy when I help others.

  I learned all these virtues from my mom and dad.They both are very nice persons.I am proud of them, besides they are nice, my mum is beautiful and my dad is handsome.I love them very much.

  I like English.Sometimes I talk with my mom in English.My mom helped me a lot in learning English.I like singing, dancing and drawing.My favorite colors are blue and green.These two colors make me think of the sky, ocean and forest.I want to grow up to be a man with broad mind like the sky, to be a deep thinker like ocean and an active protector for others like forest.Thank you!

  Truly yours









  英语书信范文 11


  Disney movies always catch my attention.Recently, the animation movieBeauty and The Beast will be brought to the screen again, but this time, thereal actors play the classic movie.

  Though I have seen the animation, I am stilllook forward to the new one.The beautiful heroine Bell is my favoritecharacter.I love her kindness and she is a good girl.

  Truly yours





  英语书信范文 12


  How time flies! I have studied in my school for three years.And I willgraduate from middle school in a month.I am eager to share my happiness andsadness with you.

  I had so many memories in three years’ life.One of them impressed me verymuch.I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult.No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t do well in it and almost gave itup.As soon as my English teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me abouthow to learn English well.Since then, she has kept helping me.Little bylittle, I’ve become interested in English and I’m good at it.I think I am solucky to become one of her students.I’ve learned a lot from her.

  I will try to help others when they are in trouble.I think it is a happything to help others.

  Truly yours






  英语书信范文 13


  I have been good at school.I often think of you when I go to bed because we always go for a walk before go to bed at home.So I miss you everyday.

  Do you miss me? Why dont you call me? Ive got a lot of things to tell you.

  One of the things is about foreign teachers daughter.Her names Skyler.She lives in Canada.She comes to our class to learn Chinese and English with me in my class.

  This afternoon, when it was art and craft class, our class were cleaning the gymnasium.And she did it with us too.So I usually talk to her when she doesn’t know what to do? But when the class is over, I always havent got enough time to talk to her.And I usually cant find her.So we dont have time to introduce to each other.But it is the first time that I have a foreign student.So Im very happy!

  Mum, you often tell me, "If you are happy, Ill be happy, too."So you have to be happy, because Im happy! I like you when you are happy!

  In the end, I wish you everything is just fine!










  英语书信范文 14

Dear Laura:

  Hearing this news,I am also very happy for you.I know you are very satisfied with that village,and the environment is really good.

  The traffic is so convenient that you can save a lot of time.It isnear the school for children.I think it very good to live there.We will attend your party on time.






  英语书信范文 15


  How was I to know that you were watching me sleep? I awoke to see you laying there and just then, you smiled and said hi and that just melted me.I wish with all of my heart that I could wake to your beautiful eyes for the rest of my life.I hated to leave but as I have told you, I left a big part of me with you.

  It is yours now so, take care and tread lightly.I wish that I could be with you now as you face so many struggles, but know that I am there in spirit and am praying for everything to work out for you.

  No matter where this life takes us, together or not, know that you and your girls will always be in my heart and "my favorite."Love always.







  英语书信范文 16

Dear Lynn:

  I have good news to tell you.Bill and I had moved to ChaoyangDistrict,which I had told you last time.We liked it very much.We would like to invite all of our friends come to our new homefor a housewarming party.Please join us at 17:00 p.m.onSunday,March 28, 20XX.Directions are enclosed.

  We hope you and your wife will be able to attend on time.

  Yours truly,Laura





  英语书信范文 17


  Thank you for your letter of 26 January.I apologize for the delivery problems you had with us last month.I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handling your account.We know we made a mistake on your last order.

  Although we replaced it for you.we want to make sure it does not happen again.We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future order.It includes your firms particular specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions.I believe can service your company better and help you operations run more smoothly with this safeguard.Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.

  Truly yours





  英语书信范文 18

Dear David:

  Thank you for your concern to Chinese government encourages use environment-friendly shopping bags.From June 1,2008,according to a new ban ,shops and supermarkets are forbiddenfromoffering free plastic bags to customers.Since then when people go shopping,they can only plastic bagsfromshops or supermarkets or use environment-friendly shopping bags.In order to encourage people to use environment-friendly shopping bags,many shops present shopping bags to customers.

  As you know,people use plastic bags widely caused white pollution,which plastic shopping bags play an important role in our daily life.The ban of limit the use of plastic shopping bags will reduce the white pollution in China which is good to our living environment.

  Looking firward your reply letter.

  Yours,Li Hua






  英语书信范文 19

Dear Teacher Zhao:

  When we first met, I thought you were here for class, but I didnt expect you to be a teacher. However, I have a very good impression of you. I feel that you are very friendly, and it happens that my brothers name is Zhao Xinyu, which is only one word away from you. The first time I attended your class, you made me a class representative. I have never tried the taste of being a class representative. I had already lost interest in English, but it was you who reignited my hope. Every dictation, I thought as the class representative, I would do my best, but I couldnt compare to Yang Lingdan. I have English classes at school, and I would rather be here. The teachers at school dont put their minds on me, and there are very few opportunities for me to answer in class. I am not interested in class, so naturally I cannot learn well. But youre not like that, I really like you.

  I remember the first time you spoke English, your voice was very sharp, completely different from that of speaking Chinese. You had a loud voice, which sometimes scared me. To be honest, I have never noticed your other shortcomings because I never observe the strengths and weaknesses of others. Perhaps the shortcomings I mentioned are perceived as strengths by others.

  A month has passed really fast because I feel very happy here for tutoring. Time flies by without realizing it. When you say you wont read for three days, I really cant be happy. I like this place and the classes you have taken. I hope your tutoring class will last for a long time. I promise I will definitely report, but I actually hope you can teach me classes in our Caotatown, which is really worth being happy about.

  Wishing you always young and happy! All the best!



















