再说定语从句 (人教版英语高一)


漳县一中 李振华

1. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _______,of course, made the others unhappy.(2000年高考题)

A. who. B. which. C. this. D. what.

2. There are altogather eleven books on the shelf, _________five are mine. (2007年高考题)

A. on which B. in which. C. of which. D. from which.

3. My friend showed me round the town, ________was very kind of him. (2009年高考题)

A. which. B. that. D. where. D. it.

4. ________I exliained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting. (2005年浙江高考题)

A. When. B. After. C. As. D. Since.

5. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from ________effects the people are still suffering.(2005年天津高考题)

A. that. B. whose. C. those. D. what.

6. We will be shown around the city: schools, museums, and other places, _______other visitors seldom go. (2002北京年高考题)

A. what. B. which. C. where. D. when.

7. I work in a business ________almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. (2004湖南年高考题)

A. how. B. which. C. where. D. that.

8. She was educated at Bei King University, ________she went on to have her advanced study abroad. (2006陕西年高考题)

A. after which. B. from which. C. from that. D. after that.

9. The way they did it was different ________we were used to. (2006年天津高考题)

A. in which. B. in what. C. from what. D. from which.

10.________is often the case , we have worked out the production plan. (2004年江苏高考题)

A. Which. B. When. C. What . D. As .

11.What surprised me was not what he said but _________he said it. (2004年湖北高考题)

A. the way. B. in the way that.C. in the way. D.the way which.

12.There was ____time ____I hated to go to school.(2004年湖北 )

A. a; that B. a; when. C. the; that. D. the; when.

参考答案:1-5 BCACB 6-10 CCADD AB

点评: 一. 定语从句最爱考查的介词+关系代词。如:2C, 5B, 8A,

第2题中,书架上总共有11本书,其中5本是我的,of which of eleven books.

第5题中,上个月,东南亚遭受洪捞,至今还深受其影响。From whose effects表示

The people are still suffering from the floods,effects.

第8题中,她毕业于北京大学,之后她继续去国外深造。After which表示after BeiJing University.总之由介词+关系代词引导的限定分句,这种用法的关系代词主要是which, whom ,whose .介词的选择受上下文的约束,或于先行词的搭配有关,或于后面的动词有关。

二. As 引导的非限定性定语从句同样很重要,4 C,10D.在第4题中,as 是关系代词,代替前面整个句子,在定语从句中做宾语,而which 在作此意义时不能放在句首,在第十题中,as 代替后面整个句子,在定语从句中做主语。

As 和which 的区别还在于,as只可代替整个句子,可翻译为“正如--- 一样”,而which 既可代替整个句子,如:第一题和第三题;又可代替一个词。如:

I like Bei Jing, which is ancient and beautiful.

三 .Way 作为先行词时,后面的关系词可以是in which或that或省略,第十一题是省略了in which.

四 .在关系代词和关系副词的选择上,起决于在定语从句中作主语,宾语还是状语。如:第六题选where,它在句子中作地点状语;第十二题中,when 在句子中作时间状语。